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22-Jun-2006, 06:05 PM
:) :)

22-Jun-2006, 06:35 PM
Right behind ya!:elol:

22-Jun-2006, 10:07 PM
Demo is incredible. I really wasn't expecting much considering I dont really like the Doom III engine, but Prey is a completely different game. The interactivity, portals, gravity switching, awesome weapons, etc. Definetly gonna be picking it up for 360 when it comes out. And finally, children dieing in a game, and violently too!:p

23-Jun-2006, 06:21 AM
Runs pretty well doesn't it!

23-Jun-2006, 07:34 PM
Quite a sweet game, like the whole portal thing. The walking on walls is nothing to be exited about, unless you can do it without the walkways.

I laughed when 'Fear the Reaper' came on the jukebox, when the sh*t hit the fan. :lol: Reminded me of the 'The Stand' Movie.

"This is fu*ked up!"
"No.....this is ****ed up!":lol:

And finally, children dieing in a game, and violently too!:p

Is that in the demo? I haven't finished it yet but I'm at the bit just after returning from the spirit world.

23-Jun-2006, 09:42 PM
The miniaturization bit is fab!

23-Jun-2006, 10:14 PM
I nabbed the demo myself today too, and it's fudging awesome. It also ran quite well on my rig - I was in 800x600 with Medium settings - not the greatest, but it still looked quite nice and it ran nice and smooth. That's what I like - compatibility!

As for the demo - excellent, I'm going to get my hands on this game - also it was a meaty demo (without being a particularly meaty download), which is rare these days. "Completely interactive bathroom" - well I didn't see the chance to make your character take a whizz or drop trow, haha! Still, I spent about five minutes flushing the toilets and running the sinks, turning lights on and off and trying to get condoms out of the machine - guess they were all out.

The jukebox - impressive selection of moozik - games in the arcade area, fit barmaid, a brawl and then - "Don't Fear The Reaper" - and then poopy hits the fan - very nice and very impressive, very awe inspiring, nice use of radio reports - the TV in the corner, weird, but cool. I love interactivity in level design.

Then you turn up on the ship itself - very damn cool, excellent level design, really fudging gory too - I was shocked to see they actually had a possessed spirit of the girl impale the little boy on a spike. That's quite something to see in a game - no doubt Jack Thompson will get his panties up in a bunch about that.

The teleporting, the enemies, the actual story, the fact your character is Cherokee (rather than the default white tough guy we see all the time), the Duke Nukem style lines that are dropped in now and then (enter the female toilets in the bar, haha), the weapons, the level design, it's all great stuff.

If you haven't checked it out, check it out people, it'll play on mid-range, and probably even alright low-ish range PCs (well, maybe...ish). I'm just chuffed I could play it with almost a constant and smooth frame per second rate.

Prey - great stuff and an idea use of the Doom 3 engine ... and ever so gory!

23-Jun-2006, 11:01 PM
Finished the demo, I can retract some of what I said above.

The gravity changing is cool, there will be some interesting puzzles and hidden treasures with them me guesses, my precious. :sneaky:

The demo was pretty long, but I don't see that as a good thing. When you get the real game you are going to have to slog through all those levels again. Unless you can transfer the saves from the demo that is, then it is a good thing. :)

Minion, give it a go on High with 800x600. My computer is getting old but it did well with those settings. You might have to go into advanced to tweak the settings for your taste. Probably best to wait for the final game to come out first though, they might change something.

24-Jun-2006, 09:16 AM
Aye I'll give it a go in High settings. I run Doom 3 on High with 1024x768 resolution and that runs fine, but of course the likes of Quake 4 and Prey have larger outdoor areas, I'll give it a go, I simply must see the bar get abducted again, that was excellent.

Damn, not released until mid July, darn. £26.99 ... a tad on the pricey side fer me, but I might say fudge it and stretch ... unless a good torrent comes out, ha! :D