View Full Version : Language request... Can we tone it down a little please...

12-May-2011, 11:33 AM
We're a friendly bunch here on this forum, but sometimes the language can suggest otherwise. There seems to be a lot of unecessary swearing going on, which I fear could be intimidating to new members...

So can we please try and cut down on the f bombs and such? Or at least try and self bleep your self? eg: Is that f***ing clear?


12-May-2011, 11:34 AM
hasn't seemed too harsh compared to, well, every single other website i visit really.

That said there is a default option to censor swearing on this board is there not? Just saying zombie movies are 18 rated content by and large, if the viewer likes films involving dismemberment and gore then use of the words shit and fuck- the only swear words used on here- should not be a intimidating factor for new members. Think of it from an advertising stand point. Who is this overly sensitive prospective new user who sought this website out after liking the content that inspired it but dislikes swear words they can censor in the settings?

12-May-2011, 11:51 AM
Haven't noticed any surge in swearing on HPOTD, personally. Certainly not in an angry tone. :confused:

12-May-2011, 01:00 PM




*Ahem*...This is just IMO, &I it could be just me, but I think there have been a lot of things that have gone on that would be a lot more offputting to new members than just mere foul language...:confused:

12-May-2011, 01:08 PM
Haven't noticed any surge in swearing on HPOTD, personally. Certainly not in an angry tone. :confused:

It's certainly not angry! And it's certainly not a surge!

Just trying to make people aware of it :)

12-May-2011, 01:28 PM
Hell yeah I can do my part! :D


12-May-2011, 02:05 PM
I'll do my best, however censoring myself may very well make me less apt to be, or seem, friendly. :confused:

12-May-2011, 03:35 PM
*Ahem*...This is just IMO, &I it could be just me, but I think there have been a lot of things that have gone on that would be a lot more offputting to new members than just mere foul language...:confused:

*nods head in agreement*

Language is the least concern of things that are "offputting" to new (and old) members. :shifty:

12-May-2011, 03:54 PM
Language? On a site dedicated to films with such tasteful dialogue?



12-May-2011, 05:28 PM
*Ahem*...This is just IMO, &I it could be just me, but I think there have been a lot of things that have gone on that would be a lot more offputting to new members than just mere foul language...:confused:

Well, if you don't think my simple request is fair, or it's too hard to follow, fair enough...

Didn't think such a simple polite request would be such a problem to folks...

12-May-2011, 06:01 PM
Well, if you don't think my simple request is fair, or it's too hard to follow, fair enough...

Didn't think such a simple polite request would be such a problem to folks...

Didn't say I couldn't, or wouldn't. Just pointing out that, in my honest opinion, if there is a reason new folks feel intimidated, that I honestly have a hard time beliving that a little foul language is it.

But it's your house. I'm just a guest.

12-May-2011, 06:14 PM
Others here have pointed out that it's not the language that's being a contributing factor in 'turning off' new members. So, to those who say this (just for my own edification and curiosity): What is the primary problem here in general and with new members?

I mean, jeez, I did start wearing deodorant again for you people...


12-May-2011, 06:36 PM
FFS! <--- See what I did there? I censored myself :)

What a bunch of moaning minnies! I make one simple polite request and people kick up a fuss. I didn't declare it to the mother of all issues, but it is one that can be easy addresses - I was hoping it could at least...

I'll be frank, I'm not a fan of swearing! If it's used in everyday speach, where it's really not needed, then I think it's lazy and unecessary. There's times where I go through some threads and literally every other post has F this and F that, which I find very grating, and actually takes something away from the comment(s) at hand.

Now I'm sure other's find it fine, and liberally sprinkle there speech with colourful swearing. Fine, so be it...

All I ask, is if possible consider poor folks like me who find it an uber turn off... :(

12-May-2011, 06:43 PM
Language? On a site dedicated to films with such tasteful dialogue?



:lol: That's my favourite quote in any of GAR's flicks. :D

Didn't say I couldn't, or wouldn't. Just pointing out that, in my honest opinion, if there is a reason new folks feel intimidated, that I honestly have a hard time beliving that a little foul language is it.

I'd say any times when we're too demanding of newbies - like posting a thread that's been gone over already (sometimes several times), or not using the search function (;)) ... equally as a newbie you have to not make a prat out of yourself, but I'd wager any moments of intimidating nitpicking over general practice of newbs by existing members is more off-putting than any effin' & jeffin'.

Neil - have you received any complaints from newbies or lurkers about language?

I'll do my best, however censoring myself may very well make me less apt to be, or seem, friendly. :confused:

I gotta be honest, I was so glad when that damned swear censor was taken down.

Furthermore, I used to swear constantly online - however I'm much more sparing these days, and have been for some time. So really, if anything, there's less swearing on HPOTD than there used to be! :D

12-May-2011, 07:20 PM
Well, @#$%.

12-May-2011, 07:30 PM
Language? On a site dedicated to films with such tasteful dialogue?



i was gonna mention this flick seeing as it has the most swearing of all romero films. and i love it. are there kids on this forum?

12-May-2011, 08:05 PM
Neil - have you received any complaints from newbies or lurkers about language?

Nope, not at all... Just going on my own prim and proper, and over sensitive instincts... :)

As I said, this is just a polite reminder/request, nothing more :dead:

---------- Post added at 09:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 PM ----------

Language? On a site dedicated to films with such tasteful dialogue?



And to think, some people dis' Day... I love it!

---------- Post added at 09:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 PM ----------

are there kids on this forum?
Not to do with kids... Personally for example, I find too much unecessary swearing grating... Just comes across as tacky sometimes TBH. And especially so when spoken!

12-May-2011, 08:14 PM
All joking aside, I'll try to cut back. It's kinda funny you bring this up because the little lady and I were just having a discussion about this the other night. Been slipping up and cursing in front of the kid, so we're trying harder to cut back on it.

I'm not even a big fan of it, but it finds a way to get into your everyday routine. Being around friends or employees that curse like sailors kinda makes you pick it up even if you don't mean to.

12-May-2011, 09:46 PM
I keep on thinking the guy in the youtube link is Kevin James everytime I see it.

Anyways I'm new here, and I don't find anyone to be rude, although I wish you would respond to my request of my thread in the fiction discussion to be deleted! :P

ahaha at least this forum appears to lack the presence of trolls ;)

12-May-2011, 09:53 PM
although I wish you would respond to my request of my thread in the fiction discussion to be deleted!
Oops! Done!

ahaha at least this forum appears to lack the presence of trolls ;)
Yeh! Andy put in a pretty good plugin to the forum to catch them all! We had times in the past when we'd have a couple a day on average! Painful!

12-May-2011, 10:04 PM
Thank you!

Another thing I'm curious about, is why I have a random flag in my profile? Why is mine not changing to the Canadian flag?

Sorry if this not the appropiate place to ask this, but I thought this was a good chance, but to keep it in on topic, I used to be on a forum where they had like censors on the f*ck and also it changed the word shit to poop and asshole to bumhole and stuff like that...it was actually ridiculous and hard to take seriously considering it was a site where you have to be 13 or 14 years and above of age to use! Is that the censoring you guys are talking about above? ahahaha

12-May-2011, 10:35 PM
Others here have pointed out that it's not the language that's being a contributing factor in 'turning off' new members. So, to those who say this (just for my own edification and curiosity): What is the primary problem here in general and with new members?

Meh. Things are pretty calm right now, so I'm not gonna muck rake & stir anything up by airing dirty laundry in public. If you're really super-insanely curious we can discuss in PM.

I mean, jeez, I did start wearing deodorant again for you people...


Yeah but you changed your avatar & that I can never forgive. ;)

ahaha at least this forum appears to lack the presence of trolls ;)



12-May-2011, 11:30 PM
WTF? So now I am asked to not curse... oh FFS, we're F***ing adults man. I didn't know we were hoping to pussify HPotD. :elol:

Sorry I couldn't resist.

13-May-2011, 12:20 AM
WTF? So now I am asked to not curse... oh FFS, we're F***ing adults man. I didn't know we were hoping to pussify HPotD. :elol:

Sorry I couldn't resist.


13-May-2011, 12:28 AM
Anyone else find it ironic with a great big grin that on a thread in which we're asked not to use cussing so much we've probably cussed more in this thread than most others? :D:p

Where the frack is Los anyway? I haven't seen that delinquent in months...


13-May-2011, 12:50 AM
Dod gamn fother mucking bon of a sitch!

13-May-2011, 08:00 AM
Yippee ki yay muddy funksters! :p

13-May-2011, 09:43 AM
Betcha Neil is regretting bringing it up now eh?

Yeah Biz-nitchy... this is how we effin roll, muther-effer.

13-May-2011, 10:43 AM
Anyone else find it ironic with a great big grin that on a thread in which we're asked not to use cussing so much we've probably cussed more in this thread than most others? :D:p

Betcha Neil is regretting bringing it up now eh?

Yeah Biz-nitchy... this is how we effin roll, muther-effer.


13-May-2011, 10:48 AM
lol, I'm one of the most profane people in this world.

And I have no control over it...!

I'm screwed! (or is that f**ked?)

So many times I'm giving a speech to a group of people or doing a presentation and I'll accidentally drop an F bomb in there, I'm not joking. I was doing one yesterday - I can remember using the word "shit".


Can we talk about context please? Moonsylver's jpeg about two posts above this one perfectly sums it up. Swearing can be positive, when used in the correct context:

"this coffee is fucking great"

The exclaimation of "fuck" adds that gravitas to it, that extra level of communication which tells the reader than this coffee wasn't just good, it was really, really good. Beyond the words "really".

However you can't use the C word in a positive context:

"her c**t was tasty" - it doesn't work....it's vulgar, it's nasty....this is the issue Ofcom have with the C word - it can't be used positively.

Even shit can be used positively:

"this coffee was so good I nearly shit myself!"

I think context is the key in this discussion - If I say someone's argument is "fucking stupid" - it's a bit unfair. If I say their argument needs work, it is obviously fairer. If someone tells me they've just bought a great coffee, I might say "you lucky fucking bastard" - and that's totally different.

*may have just earnt myself a ban with this post* lol

13-May-2011, 01:39 PM
lol, I'm one of the most profane people in this world.

You just need a little conditioning.


On a personal note, I request we start redacting people's posts at once! I expect we will be able to boil down all MZ's posts about Dawn '04 to a simple: "It just isn't very cricket, if you ask me." :lol:

13-May-2011, 03:18 PM
You just need a little conditioning.


Meh, why bother, he STILL won't know how to use the three seashells.

13-May-2011, 03:48 PM
Meh, why bother, he STILL won't know how to use the three seashells.

It's actually pretty gross. There are instructions out there...

13-May-2011, 04:51 PM
On a personal note, I request we start redacting people's posts at once! I expect we will be able to boil down all MZ's posts about Dawn '04 to a simple: "It just isn't very cricket, if you ask me." :lol:

Haha! :lol::D:lol:

14-May-2011, 05:44 AM
I think we should just try to use the bizarrest and most colorful swear word substitutes and award points when warranted.
Could actually make nonswearing fun and educational.
I personally cuss like a sailor and I'm sure it spills over onto my keyboard from time to time. At my work, they are all a bunch of super bible thumping holy rollers who freak out when I say nothing more than damn.
By the time I get home, I've already hit all of Carlin's 7 words more than a few times.
But galldawg it, I'm shore as poop ready to give 'er a go.
Maybe I could bring back Shazbot back into the vocabulary.
Buncha melonlovers...

14-May-2011, 06:03 PM
I think we should just try to use the bizarrest and most colorful swear word substitutes and award points when warranted.

Before you started posting here, the forum used to auto-censor profanity. This caused me to use the words "farking" and "shiv" a lot.

14-May-2011, 06:19 PM
just set the censor as default again, allowing us to turn it off. problem solved all round.

15-May-2011, 10:35 AM
just set the censor as default again, allowing us to turn it off. problem solved all round.

It's pretty much just "on or off", I think - and the swear censor should definitely stay off. We're all grown ups for crying out loud. We've been through this fuss before already. It's babying to have an auto-censor on. End of.

17-May-2011, 02:25 PM
It's pretty much just "on or off", I think - and the swear censor should definitely stay off. We're all grown ups for crying out loud. We've been through this fuss before already. It's babying to have an auto-censor on. End of.
