View Full Version : The Mercenaries: Operation Mad Jackal (mini game)

16-May-2011, 03:19 PM
I'm not sure if many people know about this one, but it was a mini game featured in an old survival horror game called Resident Evil 3 Nemesis.

Like most mini games within a game it had nothing to do with the actual story of the game, but the concept behind it was pretty fun in my opinion. You played as three mercenaries working for the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (or UBCS for short): a young South American guy named Carlos and two old Russian guys named Mikhail and Nicholai. The point of the game was that an evil Umbrella agent plants a bomb in your chosen character's body, and the only way to disarm it is to go through the streets of Raccoon City and make it to the checkpoint. While going through the city you have to fight various zombies and monsters with the weapons your character is given, and hiding inside buildings are civilians that you have to rescue from zombies. Every time you rescue a civilian they will reward you with either ammo or a health item. When you reach the checkpoint you are congradulated by the mysterious Umbrella agent and his female assistant hands your character a suitcase full of money. The money you earn can be used to buy weapons for the main game.

The three characters each have their own difficulty. For example Mikhail is the easiest to play as because he starts with the best weapons, Carlos is kind of evenly balanced, and Nicholai is the hardest to play as because he only starts with a handgun and knife.

Here is a gameplay video of the mini game someone posted on YouTube if anybody wants to watch it to get an idea of what the game is like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH3xcgJCNIQ&feature=related

Anyways this is my favorite mini game in the Resident Evil series because I love how you get to rescue people from zombies, which is something I enjoy doing in video games. Here is a wiki page if anybody wants to read more about it.
