View Full Version : Zombie Diaries 2: World Of The Dead

23-May-2011, 12:49 AM
Hadn't even heard about this one being in production. Remember being a bit *meh* on the first, but I probably need at least one more viewing as I don't remember it very well. Looks like the "recorded footage" angle persists, but at least this one appears to focus on one group/story line, which was one of the failings of the 1st (interesting idea, but the execution was a bit muddled). I'd be willing to give this one a shot.

Three months have passed since a viral outbreak wiped out 99.9% of the world's population, turning its victims into flesh-eating living dead. In the UK, a surviving band of soldiers and civilians have taken refuge at a rural military barracks. Life in this new world is tough and brutal, but hope appears when a high level communication is received from a military base on the coast, telling of sanctuary elsewhere in Europe... But just as salvation appears to be in reach, the base suffers an overwhelming defeat at the hands of the living dead! The surviving handful of troops and civilians must now make their way to the coast to uncover the truth behind the message. Their perilous journey takes them across a now treacherous, death-ravaged landscape, where the living dead are vast in number and wandering bandits impose their own malicious sense of law and order. What follows is a journey into hell and a desperate battle against all odds for the very survival of the human race



23-May-2011, 01:20 AM

The first one made "Diary of the Dead" look like an Academy Award winning film by comparison. Fool me into watching the first "Zombie Diaries", shame on you, fool me into watching "Zombie Diaries 2"...


23-May-2011, 02:13 AM
I actually liked Zombie Diaries, felt it was quite a bit better than most zed films of recent years and a pretty good independent effort. The story was a little unwieldy and felt a tad disjointed, but I really want to see what can be brought to the table in another outing. Bonus points because it's not another zomedy.

23-May-2011, 02:21 AM
I actually liked Zombie Diaries, felt it was quite a bit better than most zed films of recent years and a pretty good independent effort. The story was a little unwieldy and felt a tad disjointed, but I really want to see what can be brought to the table in another outing. Bonus points because it's not another zomedy.

Nice summation of my thoughts exactly. Both on the first & a sequel. :) :thumbsup:

24-May-2011, 12:01 PM
I actually liked Zombie Diaries, felt it was quite a bit better than most zed films of recent years and a pretty good independent effort. The story was a little unwieldy and felt a tad disjointed, but I really want to see what can be brought to the table in another outing. Bonus points because it's not another zomedy.

Agree with above poster about this post, it's spot on

24-May-2011, 03:15 PM
Hmm looks like it is at least worth a watch to me.

24-May-2011, 07:12 PM
Looks better than the first. It was okay, but some plot parts were really not that interesting or exciting. Such as the whole part about whatshisface killing everyone.

24-May-2011, 08:57 PM
That trailers looks quite exciting tbh, I will give it a try.

24-May-2011, 09:50 PM
I'll at least watch it and give it a chance. the first one was ok, this one.... i'll reserve judgement.

28-May-2011, 10:47 AM
I liked the first one and will be watching this one, it looks good with more zombies in it.

14-Jun-2011, 11:44 AM
I enjoyed the first one, I'll give this one a spin as well.

And as a Brit, it's just nice to see zombiegeddon from a British perspective.

Tom Price
17-Jun-2011, 07:20 PM
Survivors armed with UK weapons is a change of pace.

30-Jun-2011, 05:15 PM
righty ho people, I have just watched this film and I beg all of you to give it a chance. I know the first one was very low budget and pretty lame, but you gotta put that to bed and pretend it didn't happen, think of it as a drunken mistake. This one is MUCH better, looks like someone found a better budget to play with, more action more zombies and a much better storyline.

06-Jul-2011, 09:21 AM
I think the first movie was a bit better than the sequel, which was more predictable & a bit boring. I would have liked a bit more of a plot, & it could have been better. The torture porn route really gets OLD. I know people do bad things in different situations, but it should be more about the zombies.

06-Jul-2011, 10:52 PM
i have it downloaded on my computer and it's ok. starts out with a family video taping their daughters birthay then something happens after that, a soldier has the camera

Rancid Carcass
07-Jul-2011, 01:47 AM
something happens

Damn, now you've gone and blown it for the rest of us - should have used spoiler tags!


08-Jul-2011, 12:56 PM
I watched it this morning and it was ok, nothing special, but watchable.

Thing I'm getting a little tired of though is filming supposedly done 1st person through a Camcorder, most of the film the guy with the camera stands and films everything around him without raising a finger to help.

Plus after the giant Guinea pig episode on south park, I spent most of the film waiting for the camera man to say "I'm so startled"

31-Jul-2011, 08:13 PM
Get this, the film starts with a family of three, husband, wife and little girl, holding a birthday party which the wife is filming. The girly wanders off and the parents talk about how they can't hide the zombie situation from her forever and then papa smurf investigates a noise he heard from outside in the pitch black. He wanders off and the wife waits a bit before deciding to follow him, she's halfway across the patio and then looks back to see the little girl standing in the doorway so she tells her to go inside - leaving the door wide open - and then looks for her hubby.
The wife comes across a stream, she calls for her man but doesn't hear from him so decides to go home. She is drawn their in haste by her daughter screaming and she goes upstairs to find her daughter hiding under her bed, they hear movement in the house, shuffling and breaking objects. The mother leaves the bedroom door wide open and for a whole minute looks at the terrified girl, the door, the girl the door, the girl, the zombie entering the door and that's it for them and that's it for me spoiling any more of it.
The movie does get better though it feels too much like the recent Romero offerings.

31-Jul-2011, 08:20 PM
The movie does get better though it feels too much like the recent Romero offerings.

Recent Romero offerings were better than the first "Zombie Diaries" though and that's saying a great deal about how much it sucked. I have absolutely zero interest in this and to those who say I should at least give it a shot I ask: Why? Would you want to take the time to watch "Return of the Living Dead 2" if you didn't like the first one or "Scream 2" if you didn't like the first one?

The first "Zombie Diaries" was just so awful it really baffles me that there would be people interested n seeing a sequel to this to begin with, then again there was a sequel to "Pink Panther" with Steve Martin so taste apparently has very little to do with anything.


31-Jul-2011, 08:28 PM
Meh, I liked the Zombie Diaries better that Diary of the Dead by quite a lot. I watched this sequel last week. Not bad. . . .it's an improvement over the first, but I found it very annoying how people would just all of a sudden be surrounded by zombies. . . .and never shut a single freakin' door in front or behind them.