View Full Version : F**kin' US team...

23-Jun-2006, 04:04 PM
Couldn't beat Ghana?

What a disappointment. Donavan is a punk and Arena is a $hitball coach. Beasely sucks too.

The only players that showed up to play were Dempsey and McBride. To bad McBride is getting too damn old.

I hope Australia takes it.

Germany, Brazil and Argentina look good. England didn't look so hot during the Sweden game. They made too many pi$$ poor mistakes.

Once again, our team is the laughing stock of the world cup. I thought we would have atleast made it out of group play.

23-Jun-2006, 04:41 PM
I'm not bothered the US team losing and all since I didn't expect much from them. Now that they're out, I can concetrate on getting ready for the real football: NFL!

23-Jun-2006, 05:09 PM
maybe the USA can start a World NFL Cup, that'll show 'em :D