View Full Version : Indiana Jones 5

08-Jun-2011, 11:12 AM
Shia LaBeouf says it's on its way...


08-Jun-2011, 12:25 PM
As always.....I'll keep fighting the good fight that says Indy 4 was a worthy sequel and will gain wider acceptance as time goes on. So with that being said, I'm very much in for further adventures from Jones Jr and Jones III.

08-Jun-2011, 01:32 PM
I don't know, Bass. Devotion has it's place, but the last Indy was pretty damned awful.

That said, could the next be worse? Probably not, so if they won't let the franchise slip silently into movie history, then let's hope they turn it around on this next one.

08-Jun-2011, 01:38 PM
As always.....I'll keep fighting the good fight that says Indy 4 was a worthy sequel and will gain wider acceptance as time goes on. So with that being said, I'm very much in for further adventures from Jones Jr and Jones III.

ditto, crystal skull was a worthy addition to a series thats a homage to the 30's/40's b movies. Though indys aged something fierce in the last 5 or years in real life so i wonder when there setting this to compensate.

08-Jun-2011, 01:39 PM
I don't know, Bass. Devotion has it's place, but the last Indy was pretty damned awful.


08-Jun-2011, 01:41 PM

ditto, crystal skull was a worthy addition to a series thats a homage to the 30's/40's b movies. Though indys aged something fierce in the last 5 or years in real life so i wonder when there setting this to compensate.

I'd still go with the old height of the cold war angle. But what adventure/artifact/mystery will be involved? I gotta read that article and see if they hint at all.

08-Jun-2011, 01:53 PM
Though indys aged something fierce in the last 5 or years in real life so i wonder when there setting this to compensate.

Anything famously supernatural happen in the 60's? Although it still could be set in the 50's....

08-Jun-2011, 05:36 PM
"Indiana Jones and the Attack of the CGI 'Things'". Oh wait, after the last film they'll have to call it "Indiana Jones and the Attack of the CGI 'Things' 2".

No thanks...


08-Jun-2011, 06:19 PM
While I agree that some of the CGI effects in Kingdom were pretty weak, to expect a film of this genre to be produced today WITHOUT CGI is just a pipe dream. It's time to face the facts that CGI is cheaper, quicker, and more available to films that require special effects. They're going to go with the fastest and easiest solution. That doesn't change the fact that some of the effects were weak, on that I agree, but CGI is here to stay. Has been for a long time. It's just a matter of how they use it.

17-Jun-2011, 03:49 AM
I'm down. I thought Crystal Skull was the bomb, yo.
Bring it!!!

17-Jun-2011, 04:56 AM
I have it on good authority that Lucas has said he's going to have Indy ride out a volcanic eruption in a bathtub just to see how many more of you he can piss off. :lol: :nana:

17-Jun-2011, 09:40 AM
Hey, the '60s featured the space race. I think Lucas will have Indy get launched into space, then escape from orbit by re-entering the atmosphere in an airsick bag. :p

17-Jun-2011, 09:59 AM
As always.....I'll keep fighting the good fight that says Indy 4 was a worthy sequel and will gain wider acceptance as time goes on. So with that being said, I'm very much in for further adventures from Jones Jr and Jones III.


ditto, crystal skull was a worthy addition to a series thats a homage to the 30's/40's b movies. Though indys aged something fierce in the last 5 or years in real life so i wonder when there setting this to compensate.


I have it on good authority that Lucas has said he's going to have Indy ride out a volcanic eruption in a bathtub just to see how many more of you he can piss off. :lol: :nana:

No crazier than jumping out of a plane in an inflating raft, slapping down onto a snowy mountain, surfing it down the side of a mountain, off a cliff edge, and crash landing into a river ... ... and then going over a waterfall ... and surviving. *Cough* Temple of Doom *Ahem* ;)

I watched the four Indy movies in succession last year and #4 totally fits like a glove. Shit, Raiders had a Nazi Monkey in it, and Crusade had Sean "Penitent Man" Connery taking down a fighter plane with an umbrella and a flock of seabirds. :sneaky:

I for one enjoyed the batshit crazy Nuked Fridge ... methinks those who protest too much are blinded to the content of the original three, and indeed the sort of stuff that would happen in the serials that inspired the franchise in the first place. :shifty:

18-Jun-2011, 02:02 AM
Temple of Doom is still my favorite (since the first is taken by my uncle, and the third by my mom). Plus, hey, chilled monkey brains, Asia, and Short Round.

01-Dec-2011, 11:20 AM
Filming next year? http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/film/2011/11/29/indiana-jones-to-return-to-big-screen-for-fifth-film-played-by-a-70-year-old-harrison-ford-115875-23595836/

Spielberg said using an alien – which they referred to as MacGuffin – in the plot led to fights in production.

He said: “I sympathise with people who didn’t like the MacGuffin because I never liked the MacGuffin. George and I had big arguments.”

01-Dec-2011, 12:08 PM
Guys, have you seen Tintin yet? There's more pulpy 30ies serial/indy -fun in that film than in Crystal Skull.
A fifth Indy? I'll believe it when I see it. It might work if Ford does a 'Sean Connery' to Shia's 'Harrison Ford' ala The holy grail. Indy as a grumpy, know-it-all agravating his son as junior does all the stunts could be funny, but I would rather have me some more Tintin. All you Indyfans should definitely check it out!

01-Dec-2011, 04:38 PM
Spielberg said using an alien – which they referred to as MacGuffin – in the plot led to fights in production.

He said: “I sympathise with people who didn’t like the MacGuffin because I never liked the MacGuffin. George and I had big arguments.”

Flash to a late night in the editing bay at Skywalker Ranch

Spielberg: I just don't know, George. This Alien MacGuffin thing is killing me, but the movie is basically in the can and ready to go now.

Lucas (playing with a toy X-wing): Arooma-zoom-zoom-ZOOOOOM!

Spielberg: George, did you hear me?

Lucas (now counting a wad of thousand dollar bills): I'm sorry, Stevie, I wasn't paying attention.

Spielberg: George, this Alien angle is a bit much, don't you think?

Lucas (stops midcount): Stevie, I make movies for the people who appreciate them.

Spielberg: ...

Lucas (happily back to counting his cash): Bill Moyers said I reinterpreted the tales of yesteryear for the audiences of today. He told JC, himself, that.

Spielberg (clears throat and presses onward): You know, it's just that my gut told me it was too out there and then we were unnecessarily heavy-handed with the use and treatment of the Aliens. Now this is one of the parts not scoring too well with the test audiences.

Lucas: I make film gold. Who are you going to listen to? Your gut and a few lame audineces or me?

Spielberg: You're right, George. My gut told me you'd have died by coronary thrombosis, by now. What size necktie do you have to wear, by the way?

02-Dec-2011, 03:05 PM
I have it on good authority that Lucas has said he's going to have Indy ride out a volcanic eruption in a bathtub just to see how many more of you he can piss off. There was an Japanese vulcanologist who wanted to do that before he died. In the film the scientist would walk right up to fresh lava flows wearing a reflective thermal suit. Wish I could remember the name of that volcano documentary.

07-Dec-2011, 05:10 PM
Shit, Raiders had a Nazi Monkey in it, and Crusade had Sean "Penitent Man" Connery taking down a fighter plane with an umbrella and a flock of seabirds.

HAH! Penitent Man! :lol: "My son is a fucking idiot! I'm out here dying and he won't fucking kneel!" (long story, sorry for the completely inside joke everyone)

I still cannot understand the whole fridge bitch with everyone considering the insanity that happens in the other movies.

Regardless, while I didn't like the ending of Crystal Skull (aliens?!), I did dig the movie overall and would gladly sit through another Indy flick any day of the week.

Let me rephrase that: I'd only sit through another Indy flick if Harrison Ford is involved and in the movie.

07-Dec-2011, 05:14 PM
I'd only sit through another Indy flick if Harrison Ford is involved and in the movie.

Let's do this thing! Indiana Jones and the Can of Lost Prune Juice?

07-Dec-2011, 06:56 PM
Let's do this thing! Indiana Jones and the Can of Lost Prune Juice?

Hey, if it means that Shia LaBeouf isn't in it, I'm all for the Lost Can of Prune Juice!!!! lmfao!

***edited to add: how is Indy's father less decripit than Indy himself?! Isn't that a little bass-ackwards?! :D Also, to be perfectly honest, I'd rather see "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the LOST BACON" :lol:

07-Dec-2011, 07:05 PM
how is Indy's father less decripit than Indy himself?! Isn't that a little bass-ackwards?!

It's not the years, Honey, it's the mileage.

07-Dec-2011, 07:11 PM
It's not the years, Honey, it's the mileage.

Touché, Aces.... :D

07-Dec-2011, 07:34 PM
I wanted to like Indy 4 so much..I really wanted to..Shia Lebouf is just the dingleberry on top of the shite sundae for me though..can't stand him in any movie he's ever been in, though it's pretty much been Transformers which yeah, didn't like..*braces for impact*

Anyway, regarding Lucas' tie size, I guffawed..especially since he had breast cancer..(yes, cancer sucks, believe me, I've lost people to it, it's just..george lucas sucks so bad his balls can't even get cancer, it's gotta be his tits)

08-Dec-2011, 10:48 PM
I wanted to like Indy 4 so much..I really wanted to..Shia Lebouf is just the dingleberry on top of the shite sundae for me though..can't stand him in any movie he's ever been in, though it's pretty much been Transformers which yeah, didn't like..*braces for impact*

Shia was the only thing I didn't like. Otherwise I'm lost on all the whining over it. I'm also not a fan of Transformers...

09-Dec-2011, 09:03 AM
Hey everyone, I'm Shia Lebouf and I like to provoke people into fights then whine about it! And get arrested for not leaving pharmacies! I'm so great! All my directors tell me I'm the greatest actor of this or any generation! Michael Bay tells me I'm like his little Jewish printing press, but I don't know what that means! I don't think it's racist though, because he's a talented director and he only hires people with talent and integrity! It's fun riding the coattails of movies that I know will be blockbusters, irregardless of any artistic merit! Excuse me now, I need some cough syrup! It's fun being a star in modern Hollywood, charisma and talent AREN'T required! Strong mouth muscles are though! Michael tells me I'm the best!

09-Dec-2011, 12:27 PM
Ah yes. The typical "I hate the hollywood actor because all the girls like him" routine.

Watch something outside of his action adventure blockbusters and you can see he's got some chops.

09-Dec-2011, 01:08 PM
Ah yes. The typical "I hate the hollywood actor because all the girls like him" routine.

Watch something outside of his action adventure blockbusters and you can see he's got some chops.

Meh... I, personally, don't hate him 'cause all the girls like him, I hate him because he's a pompous dick.

If that was the case, I'd hate Justin Timberlake, but I don't. :D

09-Dec-2011, 01:16 PM
I agree with Bass on this one. Of all the things that bothered me about Indy IV, Shia (sp?) wasn't one of them. I can't say his personal life bothers me either, because I don't follow it, and have not heard about anything he's been involved in outside of his film rolls.


09-Dec-2011, 01:44 PM
Watch something outside of his action adventure blockbusters and you can see he's got some chops.

Aaah yes. A guide to recognising your saints was a great film.

And I cant stress enough how much more fun that new tintin film is when compared to Indy4. But that's a different story ...

09-Dec-2011, 01:50 PM
And I cant stress enough how much more fun that new tintin film is when compared to Indy4.

It's definitely on my list of films to see soon(ish).