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21-Jun-2011, 04:02 PM

Sources are saying the game is actually pretty far along and could see a release as early as next year. Rumors of the voice actors casting call also point to it being a Los Angeles-type city and they say the size is massive. San Andreas, maybe?

Of course everyone could have guessed they were working on a new GTA game, but it's surprising to hear it may be released next year. And San Andreas? Oh yeah, baby.:cool:

21-Jun-2011, 04:15 PM
..eeh after gta 4 i was kinda done with the criminal in the sandbox city stuff. Red dead- which i only played recently was a breath of fresh air only because of the start change in contrast and setting.

Personally i would rather see them tackle something other than criminals and gangsters again. like it would be interesting to see what they could have done post red dead with the fallout licensing for example. I just think they should have given GTA a long rest after 4. I'm really not ready for another.

21-Jun-2011, 04:21 PM
If it were Liberty City again I would agree with you, but the thought of San Andreas on the current systems makes my mouth water. San Andreas was amazing on Xbox, so applying that massive and diverse landscape to the new technology just sounds awesome. Plus i'm sure they learned a few things from RDR.

21-Jun-2011, 04:47 PM
To be honest, while I could have done with a longer wait, if they were going to go back to any locale, I'll take the sprawling counties of San Andreas (they'd better make it as immense or more so than the original). I just hope they bring something new to the plate as far as gameplay is concerned :|

21-Jun-2011, 04:51 PM
Hopefully there'll be no problems with the expanse of the game in terms of running it, mind - like framerates.

RDR had the odd framerate issue, and L.A. Noire had numerous drops in framerate (but nothing stupid or long lasting, but it was definitely an uneven framerate) ... just been playing Undead Nightmare recently, and it reminded me all over again just how beautiful-looking RDR and its presented world were/are. I'd hope that GTA V gives us more to look at (and do) within a more varied environment (compared to GTA IV) ... I'd also really dig a period setting - particularly the 1970s.

They could easily trim down the main campaign/story mode compared to GTA IV (which took me 50 hours both times) in favour of a tighter pace with less repetition (nearing the end of the game, the mafia dude in their version of New Jersey was all a bit "meh"). RDR took me 30 hours both times, and that was a pretty ideal play time. It didn't over-do things, but it also didn't short-change you ... and the world felt alive ... as such, even more interactive random world events would be most welcome.

Plus - make money have a purpose - it was damn near useless in GTA IV. I want to customise my safe houses inside and out ... and bring in regenerating health - constantly buying armour after every goddamned mission-or-two got real old, real fast, and searching out a hotdog vendor to snack myself back to fitness just seems more retarded than regenerating health, which is a bit daft in a way, but it's the least daft option ... and I think the best way to go in terms of health systems. It's there to kill you if you fuck up, but it's also not there to get in the way and be really annoying (e.g. Battlefield Bad Company's piss-annoying adrenaline syringes ... which were unlimited anyway).

Also - improve the cover system, particularly during battles, and the movement system (for one thing, allow the player a much tighter turning circle) ... ... and boobs, lots and lots of boobs, naked ones, and some bottoms (front and back), and some shagging, that'd be nice too - it's supposed to be an adult game after all, put some ruddy sex in it! :D:sneaky:;)


San Andreas was good, but I much preferred Vice City ... plus I didn't connect with CJ one iota, he was just a killing machine to me, whereas I did actually get connected to Niko Bellic (although nowhere near as much as the superb job they did with John Marston). I'd dearly hope they're giving us a period setting (come on 1970s, please, please!) ... anyway, I look forward to seeing what's to come in due course. 2012 will be four years since GTA IV was released, so it'd make a lot of sense to be the case.

22-Jun-2011, 03:36 AM
Fuck yes. San Andreas is definitely up there as one of my all-time favs. I must've easily spent over 30 hours simply exploring the lands of San Andreas for fun (and hunting for legends/myths when the game was first released).

Also, just today I picked up the GTA IV Complete Collection. Ready to immerse myself in Liberty City, in prep for a return to S.A.!

22-Jun-2011, 01:11 PM
Yeah, I have to go back and play more of GTAIV, I feel like I played a lot of that game, but barely have any achievements for it!

22-Jun-2011, 01:24 PM
Fuck yes. San Andreas is definitely up there as one of my all-time favs. I must've easily spent over 30 hours simply exploring the lands of San Andreas for fun (and hunting for legends/myths when the game was first released).

Exactly. The environment of San Andreas was diverse and massive. Apply that to their newer technology, hopefully a good story/characters, and we should have an awesome game. Better than GTAIV.

I wouldn't complain too much if they went with Vice City, but that just doesn't seem like it would work now. Vice City in that eighties setting was just so perfect at the time it was released, I can't see a new game working in the present day. Maybe they could go with a different lead character and have it in the 80's again, but c'mon....nobody can top Liotta.

I think they're giving up the "era" ideas for GTA and applying them to different franchises. RDR, LA Noire, etc. So now I think they're going to stick with modern GTA games, only set in different locations. And after GTAIV and RDR's BEAUTIFUL design, that should be interesting enough..

darth los
22-Jun-2011, 02:53 PM
Imo, San Andreas was the best in the series. I've played the far technically superior GTA 4 and it's no contest. I'd choose san adreas every time. I don't know if it's because i can relate to the ghetto aspect of it more but it just sucked me right in.

However, I do think they struck gold with the RDR format and don't think we'll be seeing future GTA's made the way they used to be.


22-Jun-2011, 05:58 PM
Although is it officially "GTA V"? If it is, then it must be a present day entry (which would be a tad disappointing, being that GTA IV was circa 2008 - and not an awful lot has changed since then) ... as I've said before, I'd much prefer a 1970s setting, and I think that could work really well for GTA.

darth los
22-Jun-2011, 06:59 PM
Although is it officially "GTA V"? If it is, then it must be a present day entry (which would be a tad disappointing, being that GTA IV was circa 2008 - and not an awful lot has changed since then) ... as I've said before, I'd much prefer a 1970s setting, and I think that could work really well for GTA.

Perhaps that's what was wrong with GTA 4. Too "in the now", ya know? I agree. A Set piece game is the way to go.


22-Jun-2011, 07:12 PM
How many more set piece games could they possibly have left? They had the old west with RDR, the forties in LA Noire, the eighties in Vice City, the nineties in San Andreas, and the others have been modern day. How many more radically different time frames can there be? They've almost run out of options. The set pieces were a nice marketing gimmick for a while, but I think now if they want to continue the GTA series in particular, they're going to have to keep them modern day and find something new to bring to the table.

That's the way I see it, anyway. They're going to stay with modern day storylines, but try branching the series out in other directions. Although the US is a big part of Rockstar's games, maybe we'll see them branching out to contries around the world at some point? Changing the gameplay and missions will go a long way, as well. Continuing to write stories like John Marston's will also be a big boost...

Rancid Carcass
22-Jun-2011, 07:12 PM
Imo, San Andreas was the best in the series.

Yeah, I'd agree. There's just something about SA in that you could just punt around for hours and not really do anything but still find something to amuse yourself with, if that makes sense? I never got that with IV, it was lovely to look at but damn, that springy camera did my head in.

Hope to gaaaaawd they bring back that jet pack, it was too much fun! :cool:

23-Jun-2011, 10:12 AM
1970s! 1970s! 1970s! :)

Another country perhaps, if continuing with a modern setting (although I'd much prefer a period setting - did I mention the 1970s? :D) then bung it in another country to do something to set it apart from GTA IV. A variety of landscapes is also a must, and agreed, if they can provide a story - and main character - as compelling as that found in Red Dead Redemption and John Marston, then that'll be a big plus.

23-Jun-2011, 10:59 AM
I wouldn't mind the 70's being the time frame. However, I'd also be cool with it being modern day. A return to the 80's wouldn't be a bad thing, either. My main yearning is for them to bring back bicycles and ATV's (wouldn't mind the jetpack, either)! There was just something about cruising around the country side on a bike. Also, riding off the top of the mountain on a bike, then parachuting to the forest below, was really fun. Especially the rare instances when a plane would intervene.

darth los
23-Jun-2011, 02:26 PM
1970s! 1970s! 1970s! :)

Another country perhaps, if continuing with a modern setting (although I'd much prefer a period setting - did I mention the 1970s? :D) then bung it in another country to do something to set it apart from GTA IV. A variety of landscapes is also a must, and agreed, if they can provide a story - and main character - as compelling as that found in Red Dead Redemption and John Marston, then that'll be a big plus.

I was thinking 1960's in the UK. Can't be many more wilder scenes than that one !

How many more set piece games could they possibly have left? They had the old west with RDR, the forties in LA Noire, the eighties in Vice City, the nineties in San Andreas, and the others have been modern day. How many more radically different time frames can there be? They've almost run out of options. The set pieces were a nice marketing gimmick for a while, but I think now if they want to continue the GTA series in particular, they're going to have to keep them modern day and find something new to bring to the table.

That's the way I see it, anyway. They're going to stay with modern day storylines, but try branching the series out in other directions. Although the US is a big part of Rockstar's games, maybe we'll see them branching out to contries around the world at some point? Changing the gameplay and missions will go a long way, as well. Continuing to write stories like John Marston's will also be a big boost...

Modern day or set piece. Were you really gonna drop 60 bucks on it anyway? J/K :p


Rancid Carcass
23-Jun-2011, 03:24 PM
I was thinking 1960's in the UK. Can't be many more wilder scenes than that one!

They do have form on that front:



23-Jun-2011, 03:30 PM
i think i'd rather see them do a futuristic one, like part firefly, part blade runner part total recall or something.

23-Jun-2011, 04:04 PM
I would like to see the end results of a future game but it just doesn't seem like a gamble that would work out in their favor. I dunno.....I just don't see people coming out in large numbers to get a GTA game set in the future. Not unless there are aliens, monsters, super powers, or the usual stuff in future games...

23-Jun-2011, 05:45 PM
I don't know - so much of GTA's lure is basing itself on real world events and characters/character types - in a future setting you'd have to make everything up, and then it loses that edge that connects it to our actual world. Plus, why bother, we've already got two Crackdown games - and so many titles are set in future worlds as it is - GTA is better in modern times or period times - *ahem* - have I mentioned the 1970s being a good idea? :sneaky:

23-Jun-2011, 05:50 PM
I was thinking 1960's in the UK. Can't be many more wilder scenes than that one !

That could be cool, too. Playing the Crays, or the Piranna Bros!


02-Nov-2011, 04:02 PM
Trailer (http://www.rockstargames.com/)


02-Nov-2011, 05:53 PM
Trailer (http://www.rockstargames.com/)


Those be some bloody big mountains! I hope you can get all the way to the top ... hmmm ... methinks I'll be donning a hockey mask and going stalking in those woods for hitch hikers. :elol:

Speaking of which, you know what I'd like out of these sort of games - if you commit a crime and nobody sees it, you shouldn't get a cop on your arse in-game ... and if someone tries to get away or contact the cops, you can snuff them out too ... and even if they call on you, I think you should be able to blend back into the world, get out of the area, change your appearance on-the-hoof, and be able to get out of the area - for the cops to know exactly where you are just like that is kind of silly, when I think about it.

Anyway, good looking trailer - hopefully we won't be playing as some gangbanger or whatever in this game. I didn't connect at all to CJ and his crew - plus that's been done already - by the sounds of this, the protagonist is a family man, or was, or wants to be ... methinks it might be the guy in the dark suit who was overlooking the buildings in the distances - what say you guys?

Hopefully there'll be plenty of opportunities for customisation, spending your cash on actual in-game things like buildings and so on, and a good story with characters to match (up to the standard of RDR would be ideal). I'm rather looking forward to it, and it'll no doubt be a Day One purchase/pre-order for me ... let's hope it's not too long before we get more footage, and importantly, details about the gameplay and the plot.

02-Nov-2011, 06:51 PM
Looks pretty cool! I've just got back into the GTA games with GTA4 as it was £4 on steam last weekend (3 years after everyone else was playing it lol) and I'm impressed by how good it is! The city is a real living, breathing place, I just keep going off exploring much like I did with GTA3 when it first came out all those years ago, parking up and watching the sun rise etc. The humour is still very much there too, sometimes when walking down the street I'll hear someone shout "Cheesy vaginas!!"
So yeah, I'm looking forward to this new one, my issues with San Andreas were that it was too big, there was lots of places with nothing there and the plot got more stupid as the game went along, I think in a lot of ways it was too ambitious for the technology available at the time, hopefully this time they'll make it a bit more realistic & obviously the technology will allow them to make a much more detailed game world

02-Nov-2011, 06:56 PM
This looks AWESOME. So pumped. Super happy the series is going back there and I hope they expand on all of the locations the "world" had before (as you can see they did with Mt Chiliad).

Also, Nick, when I commit crimes in GTA IV and there aren't any cops/witnesses around, I don't get any wanted stars.

03-Nov-2011, 01:16 AM
was waiting all day to get off work and check this trailer out. looks damn good. glad to return to san andreas, and hoping that there's as much variety in scenery and locations as san andreas on the ps2/xbox. it'd also be cool to have some of those amazing customizations (weight, haircut, clothing, plus car mods) from the older san andreas game, too. while i also wasn't the biggest fan of the story, the gameplay, secrets, mini-games, distractions, etc in that game were awesome.

it appears that aircraft are back, and jet ski's, so maybe this one will be more fun and have more to do than GTAIV. while i enjoyed that game, there was little replay value at all in it after the main story was over. the multiplayer was incredibly lacking, too. hopefully they use some of the great mp features from RDR on GTAV.

either way, i'm in. i love me some GTA, and will likely being pre-ordering this baby.

oh, and i've already read some rabid internet speculation that the character is none other than tommy vercetti from vice city. while this is likely bullshit, i can't deny the fact that i'd love it to death if it was true and we got to catch up to our long-lost hero.

03-Nov-2011, 01:51 AM
oh, and i've already read some rabid internet speculation that the character is none other than tommy vercetti from vice city. while this is likely bullshit, i can't deny the fact that i'd love it to death if it was true and we got to catch up to our long-lost hero.

I've heard that too but if it is indeed Vercetti's voiceover in the trailer, it really doesn't sound like Ray Liotta at all.

EDIT: Liotta's reps confirm that he's not involved with GTAV (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/121/1211384p1.html).

And as you mention, I was thrilled to see the final shot of the plane. I really missed the flying/parachutes/jetpacks/etc in GTAIV. Hopefully that fun stuff will be back for this entry. I can't wait to spend hours riding dirtbikes off of cliffs in the mountains...

03-Nov-2011, 02:41 AM
technically looks great, but not feeling it. I think 4 kind of finished the 'crime em up' idea for me. That and red dead was such a breath of fresh air.

That said im never the sort who can get into the 'rampage' aspect of these games. I play games for a story as much as gameplay- in some cases even more so and im asking myself why i would play another grand theft auto and im thinking of the modern action/crime motif and just thinking 'yeah, id rather just go play red dead again'.

Still looks awesome. Just need to see more plot to get enthused about it yknow? 4 was good when it came to the little scenes, but as a whole? kind of a weak plot. This is really gonna be what sells me on it.

03-Nov-2011, 11:13 AM
Mike - hmmm, that's strange ... anytime I use a gun (it's incredible that GTA IV had not a single silencer in the entire damn game!) the cops get on me pretty darn quick, even if I flee the scene. Now, running people over isn't so much an issue, you're long gone before anyone really notices ... however if you go on a rampage the cops get on you too easily, and they're on you like friggin' glue. It's kind of silly that, as you're trying to escape the blue/red cop zone, you'll pass a randomly spawning rozzer who knows exactly what you look like - even though nobody should know what you look like, and your car is the same as three others around it.

It was much harder in GTA IV to have rampage fun.

Now, GTA IV, the story was a big improvement over San Andreas - which, I agree, had a rubbish plot - I didn't connect to any of the gang members, and it just got sillier and sillier (but not the good kind of silly, sadly) as the game went on. All that shit with the CIA guy or whoever he was (played by James Woods) ... and also, lest we forget, that goddamned pilot's license! :mad: I was so utterly stuck at that I had to download a save game that set you immediately after getting the license in order for me to continue the game (and that was on PC, so you'd be screwed if such a silly thing happened in GTA V on consoles).

I also agree with bassman regarding how some of the wide open areas just had nothing in them - yes it's great to have wide open areas, but if there's sod all to do in them, then what's the point - it can become tedious to traverse such distances if there's nothing to do or see. We also need to be able to enter more buildings, we need more random events, and the world has to have a life of it's own seemingly independent of our actions.

Now, RDR set a great example of how things could be improved - and I hope that the folks behind GTA V have taken RDR on board and expanded upon what was established with that great game, and modelled it to suit GTA's Los Santos.

03-Nov-2011, 04:37 PM
...and your car is the same as three others around it.

damn, that is irritating. i really hope they fix that, but it's been like that in most GTA games: you spend twenty minutes dicking around trying to find a sweet ride, then finally get it, and within 5 minutes, everyone else has the same car....really takes you out of the experience.

03-Nov-2011, 05:24 PM
damn, that is irritating. i really hope they fix that, but it's been like that in most GTA games: you spend twenty minutes dicking around trying to find a sweet ride, then finally get it, and within 5 minutes, everyone else has the same car....really takes you out of the experience.

lol, it is rather silly isn't it ... certain cars are very frequent, but others are rarer than gold-dust until you eventually find one ... then all of a sudden everybody's goddamned Rockerfeller. :p

I watched IGN's "rewind theatre" about this trailer - and good god it's retarded - two idiots escalating the wildest suggestions from the silliest explanations which don't make any sense anyway ... anyway, the trailer looks good ... there should be some nifty vehicles in there too. I've spotted versions of convertible Jeeps, Porsche/Aston Martins, Audi R8s, and the Bentley Continental GT.

03-Nov-2011, 06:31 PM
I watched IGN's "rewind theatre" about this trailer - and good god it's retarded - two idiots escalating the wildest suggestions from the silliest explanations which don't make any sense anyway ... anyway, the trailer looks good ... there should be some nifty vehicles in there too. I've spotted versions of convertible Jeeps, Porsche/Aston Martins, Audi R8s, and the Bentley Continental GT.

Yesterday I was looking over a popular GTA forum and it's crazy how these people are looking over every tiny detail of the trailers. They're like us and the dead movies! :lol:

Seriously though....they have pieced together about six different possible release dates from deciphering numbers shown throughout the trailer.

04-Nov-2011, 10:49 AM
Yesterday I was looking over a popular GTA forum and it's crazy how these people are looking over every tiny detail of the trailers. They're like us and the dead movies! :lol:

Seriously though....they have pieced together about six different possible release dates from deciphering numbers shown throughout the trailer.

hehe, yeah, even in the comments on the video they're going wild - 24th of May they're saying ... and then Gamestop or some place you guys have over there apparently had it dated as September 2012 ... who knows eh?

Mind you, I'd hope that it'd come out around May 2012 ... which would also make sense ... the April/May slot is kind of Rockstar's thing now. GTA IV was April 2008, Red Dead Redemption was May 2010, L.A. Noire was May 2011 ... and particularly with the last two, they didn't really show or say anything about the games until 5 or 6 months prior to release, when they began showing a series of featurette videos that explored different aspects of the game. Wishful thinking, perhaps, but it also makes a little sense too.

What made me laugh most was the IGN folk surmising that it was Tommy Vercetti thusly - 'it isn't, but it is, so deal with it' ... well no, I won't 'deal with it', you have ZERO evidence to support that bizarre theory. Not only is it not Ray Liotta's voice (it's been confirmed he's not involved), but GTA games don't feature the same protagonist as a previous game; it's always somebody new.

They were also theorising that you'd play as multiple characters - Tommy Vercetti and CJ being the ones they guessed - the latter purely being because of the shot of that black guy being chased by cops down an alleyway! :lol: They even used a shot where a red car, chased by the cops, passes from left to right and hits a blue car - claiming it was the same 'character' - when in fact it wasn't at all, it was the same 'character' (i.e. NPC) from an earlier shot (in the same vehicle) where the convertible roof goes down as a girl walks by.

The silliest suggestion from them was the shot of the hobo holding a cardboard sign - they claimed it was Niko Bellic fallen on hard times. :stunned: Not only does the hobo looking NOTHING like Niko Bellic, but it's just a random NPC used to help create a sense of the society in Los Santos - what are these guys smoking? :rolleyes:

04-Nov-2011, 10:50 PM
...what are these guys smoking? :rolleyes:

maybe they're on "the dust"? i swear, axl rose's gig as tommy "nightmare" smith was probably one of the best dj's in GTA history. probably one of my favorite stations in any of the games, hands down. here's a sample of his work:


"you're on the dust....try not to shit your pants.":lol::lol::lol: (that line's not in the clip above, and IIRC, i've only heard it on the ps2 version, but it was an instant classic that my friends and i laughed our collective asses off the first time we heard it). i'm gonna have to "dust" off my copy of GTA:SA before too long in order to get ready for my glorious return....can't wait. i honestly think that GTA:SA is my favorite of the series, silly storyline aside. there was just so much to do, so many ways to customize your character, great soundtrack, etc. i spent a ton of time on that game, got the strategy guide, 100% all missions, side missions, hidden items, girlfriends, had a tank and fighter jet at my house in the grove, like 20 safe-houses all over the state with tons of sweet cars, all that jazz....sucks that i don't have my ps2 and that memory card....now i only have a digital copy on my xbox HDD and i've barely even scratched the surface of the first city.

EDIT: and damn, does rockstar know how to make a great trailer. after going out for a few drinks earlier this evening, i turned my xbox on and rewatched the trailer, and the alcohol caused the GTA-fanboy in me to start to twitch. i'd be willing to bet that rockstar put those shots of the tommy vercetti, cj, and (sorta) nico look-alikes in the trailer on purpose to build major hype. i almost started to allow myself to imagine how epic it would be if they did bring them back with some story that united them, similar to the DLC's for IV....because damned if the voice-over doesn't sound like tommy vercetti (or at least very close), and i can see the resemblance with him and cj. the nico could be just a jab at the voice actor. what caught my eye about the pic of that particular hobo was the words "need money" being at the top of his sign, which is something nico said quite often in GTAIV....and see, now i'm getting all worked up and thinking "what if..." :lol:rockstar, you bastards....

all reminiscing and speculating aside, if they can fix the crap things about GTAIV (lack of safe-houses, limited car and clothing options, stupid obligations to go bowling and play darts with your cousin) and bring back some of the elements of GTA:SA, along with the amazing RDR mp-experience, it could be their best game yet, RDR included.

really interested in the next official word from R*, hopefully with a release date. i'd have to agree with MZ that may sounds right on the money.

07-Nov-2011, 03:08 PM
News/rumours... http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Rumor-GTA-V-Four-Times-Bigger-Than-GTA-IV-Has-Dogs-36731.html

1: The game world is absolutely massive and will push both xbox and PS3 to the very limit in terms of what it has accomplished. Yes, the main city is simply Los Santos however is it AT LEAST 4 times bigger than Liberty City in GTA 4 and that is just Los Santos. The surrounding country side, beaches, etc are massive. For instance, we saw the main character ( an African/American, early 30's) travel by car from the center of Los Santos into the wildnerness and it took over 15 minutes. The views were incredible from farmhouses with cattle, huge wind farms, an oil refinery which appeared to be living and breathing with nearly 100 NPCs working on machinery, operating vehicles, lifting and loaded, etc, unlike the gas works in GTA 4 which seemed to only house a few NPC at a time. The forests are more beautiful than those in RDR and featured people camping, young NPC drinking and dancing around campfires, people riding dirt bikes and jumping over logs, streams, etc. The water effects, forna, plants, trees all looked beautiful.

2: The shooting mechanics have been greatly improved with animations for diving, climbing, rolling and crawling all added for better realism. The re-loading animations for new ammo also look cooler, less static.

3: There is much more climbable elements in the world such as ladders, overhand climbing, etc.

4: There are animals in the game from dogs to cattle but at this time it is not confirmed if you will be able to harm the animals. Rockstar were able to get away with it in RDR as it was a true depiction of the world in which the game was set. Allowing dogs/cattle to die in a game sent in current times may cause headaches with PETA. Its unclear if Rockstar were joking here.

5: There are planes to pilot and they can be crashed into buildings if you choose to do so....

6: Rockstar have included many, many more interior locations such as a shopping mall, college campus, police station, a huge hospital and there is also a vast underground sewer network which one mission later in the game involves a jet ski chase that culminates in a Fugitive-esque waterfall jump ( there are nods to the ridiculous but awesome Ballad Of Gay Tony missions)

7: The city is full of NPCs jogging, weight-lifting, hitting on women, being chased on foot by cops, shopping, washing cars, fixing fences, moving home, filling up their cars, etc.


1: Cars can be upgraded/repaired and it has been considered to have a car have fuel forcing the player to fill her up.

2: The dating aspect of the game is gone. You still have a cell-phone but only people you will meet in the game will call you to ask you to do a mission or to ask you to do something else before the mission.

3: Weapons include the usual arsenal you'd aspect but the flamethrowers, remote mines, laxer trip mines and claymores are included. It is possible now to pick up random objects in a street/buidling to use as a weapon. There is also a museam where it is possible to steal old age swords, axes, etc.

4: it is possible to rupture a fuel line and if you shot at the trail of gasoline it will lead straight back to the car blowing it up.

5: mini games such as bowling, darts, etc have all gone. You can play basketball, weight train, arm wrestle, gamble and cage fight, enter triatholons, water races, cannoing, ab-saling, rock climbing, base jumping, ski diving. More to be confirmed.

6: Character customisation is back but only in terms of clothing, body weight, etc. The player you start off which, much like CJ, can't be altered by race, age, height, etc.

7: Rockstar said burglary missions may return but only as part of missions and not on neigbourhood houses.

8: No children NPC at all. Ever.

9: There is now an ability to grab people and use as sheilds or in "hostage" situations.

10: The cops are much, much, much more realistic. If you kill somebody when you know there are no cops around you will not run the risk of a one star as often as you would in GTA4. The cops will use smoke and tear gas, dogs, riot gear and rams to knock down the doors of buildings you are hiding in.

11: You can enter some buildings and lock doors, push objects in the way to barricade.

12: You become better at things as the game progresses. If you only ride motorbikes then you will increase your skills, same as individual weapons.

13: Certain weapons can be customisable and some even home-made.

14: One mission involves breaking out a very familiar GTA icon from a previous game...

15: Torrential rain fall and sunshine and even tremors will appear in the game.

08-Nov-2011, 12:18 PM
News/rumours... http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Rumor-GTA-V-Four-Times-Bigger-Than-GTA-IV-Has-Dogs-36731.html

Sounds pretty good to me.

I'm glad that you're less likely to get the cops on you if you kill someone with no rozzers around - it was daft how they'd just lock on to you no matter what. I hope they're not too realistic though - it's GTA - I want to have rampage fun when I'm not doing missions etc.

Glad that the open world will be populated with lots of people doing different things ... time to pick up a machete and a hockey mask. :elol:

The scale of the game sounds pretty massive - and I'd figured it'd just be Los Santos and surrounding country. It's a huge task to make these games anyway, so trebling the amount of work to create three fully realised cities would just be impossible. My one concern is how it'll run on the 360 - GTA IV had continual problems with loading data fast enough, especially when driving fast cars ... and it wasn't always the smoothest engine - I sincerely hope they've made the engine lovely and efficient at handling all that streaming data.

Oh yes, and I'm glad they've improved the shooting/movement mechanics. They'd been improved in RDR and LA Noire, but I recently went back to Episodes From Liberty City and I couldn't believe how bad the controls were. How on earth I put up with such faff-inducing controls for 200+ hours is beyond me...

A college campus sounds like it could be fun. ;)

-- -------- Post added 08-Nov-2011 at 01:18 PM ---------- Previous post was 07-Nov-2011 at 05:33 PM ----------

Been thinking more about that list - they mention a black protagonist on that list travelling 15 minutes to get from the city to somewhere in the sticks ... for one thing, I hope they have fast travel options, because driving all that distance all the time will get boring, and if you're hard up at some point in the game, paying for taxis all the way out there will cost a shedload.

The other thing though is the voice over in the trailer - to me anyway it sounds like a white guy - I could be wrong, but that's how it struck me.

Also, thinking about it even more, is the city going to be four times the size? Is that even technically possible? The entire gaming area (countryside included) as four times the size maybe, but who knows - and what about the 360's disc storage problem. Not all of us have 360 hard-drives (I certainly don't), and L.A. Noire was on 3 DVDs ... hmmm ... much to ponder, and much to discover in due course.

Some people have been saying on that site - pondering anyway - that could 2012 see the release of a new Xbox - who knows, who knows ... rumours and speculation all.

08-Nov-2011, 01:21 PM
that could 2012 see the release of a new Xbox - who knows, who knows ... rumours and speculation all.

I think the new Wii is schedule for 2012, but the new Xbox and PS are not until year(s) after that!

08-Nov-2011, 04:27 PM
I think the new Wii is schedule for 2012, but the new Xbox and PS are not until year(s) after that!

I don't know about years ... 2013 maybe? The Xbox has been around since Xmas 2005 and limitations are being met more regularly now - especially with disc capacity ... although apparently there's some update so now 360s can handle layered discs with more on them or something, or maybe that's not true, I just read some comment about that on that page...

08-Nov-2011, 11:52 PM
that list has already been confirmed as bullshit. i'm dying to know more, but until we have a second trailer and an accompanying press release from R* north, i'm not believing anything i hear/read.

09-Nov-2011, 10:43 AM
that list has already been confirmed as bullshit. i'm dying to know more, but until we have a second trailer and an accompanying press release from R* north, i'm not believing anything i hear/read.

The list I quoted above?

09-Nov-2011, 11:15 AM
yeah. in fact, when i click on the link, the first sentence says "update" and goes on to say that this list and the report it came from are both false.

28-Sep-2012, 04:31 PM
Some pretty sweet looking action screens:





I've just finished replaying GTAIV and moved on to RDR, so hopefully it won't be long before we get a release date and new trailer. I need a new GTA fix....

28-Sep-2012, 04:46 PM

Aye, saw these pics a little while ago. I'm quite excited, but would love to see more footage. I can't wait to see the video blogs they'll no doubt put out (like they did for RDR and MP3).

As for open world chaos in the mean time, I'm going to head back in to Saints Row 3 and cause more havoc. Annoyingly though, you can't maintain your character stats (or look) when you start a new game. If only they had the option to replay missions individually. I can't be arsed to take over the entire city all over again, let alone upgrade my character from scratch. Still though, just running around causing total havoc is fun in itself, so I've got SR3 there a stop-gap as I wait for GTA V - which I should be able to get some good playtime out of. GTA IV alone I got over 200 hours out of (chuck on another 25 to 40 hours out of Episodes From Liberty City).

28-Sep-2012, 05:08 PM
Those screenshots do look amazing!

28-Sep-2012, 07:00 PM
Those screenshots do look amazing!

There'll certainly be some lovely scenery to look at as gamers around the globe drive their prostitutes to the peak of Mount Chiliad and have their sordid ways with them, that's for sure. :lol:

28-Sep-2012, 08:38 PM
There'll certainly be some lovely scenery to look at as gamers around the globe drive their prostitutes to the peak of Mount Chiliad and have their sordid ways with them, that's for sure. :lol:

Easy tiger!

29-Sep-2012, 12:10 PM
Easy tiger!

Just sayin' what everyone's thinkin' ... and simultaneously lowering the tone, MZ style. :D

09-Nov-2012, 11:38 AM
A whole bunch of new details have emerged regarding gameplay etc:


GTA V "evolves nearly every mechanic, features the biggest world in series history and introduces a new technology that radically changes the way players control the game."
The game's three main characters are called Michael, Trevor and Franklin
Michael is retired, early 40s, a highly successful former bank robber. He retired in luxury after making a deal with the FIB. He's in the witness protection program, he hates his wife who spends his money and hates him too. He doesn't understand his two teenage kids Tracy and Jimmy, and is forced back into the game as his money is about to run out.
Trevor is a career criminal, early 40s, drug user governed by his desires, prone to violent outbursts and destructive rampages, a loose cannon, former military pilot, used to work a bank job with Michael back in the day, always up for a heist.
Franklin, repo man, mid 20s, a young and ambitious hustler, works for an Armenian luxury car dealership that sells cars to those who can't afford them, and when they can't pay up he plays repo man. He stumbles into Michael while looking for a hustle.
A quick menu can be called up to switch characters, the camera pulls away into a Google Earth-style vantage point and then drops into wherever the chosen character is.
Trevor is described as having a "maniacal personality"
Trevor is in Blaine County, a barren, rundown desert region filled with bikers, meth heads and other people from the fringes of society.
Characters can "flick off" people and people react differently depending on the area. In a rough-and-tumble neighborhood the reaction will be different from someone in a posh boutique store.
Rockstar's playtester pours a trail of gas away from a vehicle and drops a zippo lighter on it, the flame travels back and causes a huge explosion.
Franklin is seen on Vespucci Beach looking for a car he's to reposess.
Waterfront activities include a muscle beach gym.
Ammu-Nation is back.
Each character has his own personality motivation and skillset.
The three characters go about their daily business when you're not in control, so you might find them in surprising situations when you take control of them again.
Each character has a fleshed out story arc.
Complicated, multitiered heist missions inspired by GTA IV's Three Leaf Clover are "peppered" into the game. Heists are a big theme.
Rockstar is addressing mission diversity in pairing characters. It showed off a mission involving all three characters. The trio need to perform a snatch-and-grab to get the FIB off their backs. Trevor berates the security agent guarding a chopper, Michael urges him to calm down but he keeps running his mouth. He only agreed to do the mission in exchange for help springing his friend Brad out of jail. Franklin isn't to comfortable with Trevor.
The three change outfits and rapell down the side of a skyscraper. When they arrive players take control of Michael rapelling down, the mechanic is reminiscent of Rainbow Six Vegas.
The musical score seems to react to the action.
They extract the target by holding him hostage with one arm while pointing a gun at interrogators with the other, at that point an icon appears giving the player the option to switch character.
You can stay as Michael and try and pick off the enemies or select franklin, switch to his perspective and snipe them from afar. Transition is smooth and camera angle helps you adjust
During the chase through Los Santos the player can switch to Trevor to pilot the getaway, snipe the other pilots as Franklin, or fire an assault rifle out the back of a chopper as Michael.
Rockstar is leveraging cinematic tricks learned from Max Payne 3.
Rockstar thinks GTA V is its strongest plotted game yet.
Most of the gameplay mechanics have been built from the ground up.
Cars "hold better to the ground".Rockstar thought they were a bit "boat like" in GTA 4. It "feels more like a racing game".
Shooting has evolved "a long way" in terms of feel and mechanics.
Melee is better; "it's never going to be as big a deal as shooting" but Rockstar "wants to make it feel really fun and strong."
Sam Houser and lead artist Aaron Garbut were both really interested in doing a proper LA, which R* felt it didn't do with San Andreas.
The world is described as "the largest open-world playground in Rockstar history."
R* chose one large city over three small ones to create the best possible experience and realise its proper version of LA. The world is 'bigger than RDR, San Andreas and GTA4 combined'.
The ocean floor is fully detailed and can be explored
Confirmed vehicles include BMX, mountain bikes, road bikes, dirt bikes, huge variety of cars and trucks, helicopters, planes, ATVs, Jet Skis, planes, helis.
R* has big plans for side-activities, with sophisticated minigames in the vein of RDR's poker planned.
Each character will have unique hobbies only they can do.
No RPG-style customisation as the three characters have specific skills and traits.
No weight loss and gain as they pose a technical challenge pertaining to scale of the character. It was easer in San Andreas becasue standard def visuals were forgiving.
Entertainment inside intertainment is back in GTAV, so expect more cartoons and other forms of in-game media.
Outdoor activites mentioned include yoga, triathlons, Jet Skiing, base jumping, tennis, and a full golf game on a full golf course.
Houser doesn't think there will be romances as 'it wouldn't work'.
Each protagonist has a set of friends to interact with.
Lamar: Franklin's friend, a good sort of crazy. He's very funny.
Jimmy: Michael's friend, lazy pot smoking 20 year old, they have a confused father-son relationship.
Ron: Trevor's best friend, paranoiac conspiracy theorist living in a trailer.
Amanda: Michael's wife, he's been awful to her, she's a strong personality, bound to him but they can't stand each other
Familiar faces from GTAIV and Episodes from Liberty City may resurface, just not major ones like Niko or anyone from PS2 era. PS2 era characters are in their own universe, GTAV takes place in a 'HD universe', they don't co-exist.
CJ and Tommy are more like mythical characters in the GTAV world
R* is learning from criticisms about its economy system and will have a fun, vibrant system. No properties, but lots of other stuff.
Mobile phone concept is back, but you won't be getting calls all the time, it's mainly used for activities.
Random encounters with citizens are coming back in a big way.
The dynamic mission system is similar to that of RDR, examples given include helping broken down motorists, figuring out the cause of a pile of dead bodies, being opportunistic and ripping off cash vans, or being a nice guy and catching muggers.
Multiplayer reveal is coming later.
There won't be any "major" celebrity names cast as main protagonists.


09-Nov-2012, 12:11 PM
A whole bunch of new details have emerged regarding gameplay etc:



"Outdoor activites mentioned include yoga, triathlons, Jet Skiing, base jumping, tennis, and a full golf game on a full golf course." - LOL! Nice!

09-Nov-2012, 10:28 PM
pretty interesting sounding. honestly, though, i'm very curious about the MP modes...i seriously think that RDR's MP was probably one of the best experiences i've had on xboxlive.

either way, really looking forward to next week's new trailer....trailer 2 drops nov 14th.

14-Nov-2012, 03:16 PM

Looking good.

14-Nov-2012, 03:37 PM
Looking good.

Yes it does! This is what I've been missing in the GTA games, lately...room to move, varied terrain, all things that San Andreas had in spades.

14-Nov-2012, 04:59 PM

Looking good.

Excuse me while I take a damp cloth to mop up my soggy boxers. :lol:

Now that you've all finished wretching, that looks tip-bloody-top!

Still no idea how they're going to cram all that onto the Xbox ... although I suppose L.A. Noire was 3-discs on Xbox360 because of all the face-capture data (and a rather large world), so here they don't have that same sort of thing, so there's more room for content rather than impressive-but-a-bit-imperfected facial capture tech. So it'll probably be something like that - the entire world on each disc, but the story missions and time-specific side stuff split across the discs.

Looks like there's going to be a lot of set piece moments - they spoke of making heists (plural) central to the game.

Yes it does! This is what I've been missing in the GTA games, lately...room to move, varied terrain, all things that San Andreas had in spades.

I did enjoy the variety of land in San Andreas, but I didn't care for the story at all (whereas I enjoyed the plot of GTA IV far more), nor the main character and his friends. This looks like a really cool answer to that though - particularly with three characters - hopefully we won't get a watered down investment in each character (Red Dead Redemption really got me to connect with John Marston), but if they pace it right, it'll work out nicely and provide lots of variety.

I do like the idea of catching your next guy (whoever you choose to switch to) being in the middle of doing something when you 'warp' to him.

Looks like they're going for bigger and better in this game, while injecting some overt blockbusting. Less the OTT craziness of Saints Row, and more the explosive epic-ness of early Michael Bay movies (rather than his more recent dreck) ... but with a good plot to go along with it.

Already got my copy pre-ordered. :D

14-Nov-2012, 09:51 PM
*lights cigarette*

damn that was good....i was waiting all day at work, counting the hours till i could get home and watch this...and it didn't disappoint. the gents at rockstar sure know how to make a compelling trailer. can't wait for this game to rock my face off.

having 3 characters to choose from, each with their own lives that continue whether or not you're controlling them sounds pretty sweet. some awesome looking action sequences in there, should be quite the game....i can't imagine they'll cram it all on to one disc, but perhaps as MZ said, they'll have the entire map on each disc with the main story and its quests on split discs.

i really hope they start releasing the "gameplay series" videos they've done with recent releases (max payne 3, l.a. noire, red dead redemption) soon....i'm pretty damn excited about the prospects of a MP in a giant open world with tons of vehicles and different scenery....gta4 MP was decent, but running around the same damn city all the time got stale after a bit.

spring 2013....they'll most likely push it till late march, i'm guessing. either way, count me the fuck in.

15-Nov-2012, 10:07 AM
GTA IV came out in, IIRC, April 2008, so my guess is April 2013 so it'd be five years since the previous game ... although a bit earlier would suit me just fine! :D

As for those gameplay videos, yeah, I hope we get a load of those too - I'd imagine they'd kick off in January and continue with one every couple of weeks or thereabouts. RDR was barely on my radar, then I saw the first such video and immediately pre-ordered it (that was in the January before it came out in May), and of course I was all over L.A. Noire from the very first teaser trailer years ago. Still haven't played Max Payne 3 ... it's looking less likely as time goes by, to be honest.

GTA V though - oh hell yes please. :hyper:

15-Nov-2012, 10:11 AM
I have the weirdest boner right now....

15-Nov-2012, 10:30 AM
I have the weirdest boner right now....

Don't we all? :lol:

Here's fifteen sweet-arse new screenshots:


Such as:





15-Nov-2012, 11:28 AM
Has there been any confirmation with the voice actors? A couple voices in the trailer sounded familiar to me, but I couldn't place them. I do think I hear Thomas Noonan(Heat, preacher in Hell on Wheels).

No voice actors have topped Ray Liotta in Vice City, so I was hoping GTAV would do something similar.

15-Nov-2012, 12:59 PM
Rockstar's Dan Houser actually spoke recently about the lack of "big name" voice actors in GTA V:


"The good thing about most famous actors is they can actually act very well or they can do their shtick really well. Sometimes it's one, sometimes it's the other. I think it was really useful on the PS2-era games for bringing these somewhat simplistic characters to life."

Nowadays though, Houser revealed that using lesser-known actors actually facilitates the character building process.

"When we went to PS3 and 360 I think it would become a distraction if you were like, 'Well, that's a famous person.' Suddenly these characters start to feel like they were alive a lot more and you need that to sell them," he said.

"As long as you have good actors, not knowing them actually is an advantage in terms of bringing the game to life. I can't see us moving past that for major parts in the game".

15-Nov-2012, 01:38 PM
Don't we all? :lol:

Here's fifteen sweet-arse new screenshots:

Looks very pretty!

15-Nov-2012, 06:11 PM
Has there been any confirmation with the voice actors? A couple voices in the trailer sounded familiar to me, but I couldn't place them. I do think I hear Thomas Noonan(Heat, preacher in Hell on Wheels).

No voice actors have topped Ray Liotta in Vice City, so I was hoping GTAV would do something similar.

As Coin pointed out ... indeed RDR didn't have any 'name' voices behind it from what I recall, and that worked very well indeed, particularly in regards to John Marston (great voice acting, but not a known voice, so the voice become the voice of John Marston) ... in San Andreas I kept thinking "oh that's James Woods, and that's Sam Jackson, and that's so-and-so..."

Their new approach regarding voices sounds very good to me. Let something more popcorny (like the spiffing Saints Row 3) be the place for more named voices (although it didn't have too many names in it, but SR4 will probably up-the-ante), but when trying to tell an intricate story that you want to emotionally invest in (when you're not busy running over peds and shagging prozzies off the top of Mount Chilead), then minor/unknown names is definitely the way to go. Character actors, you know.

Now - L.A. Noire had loads of familiar faces in it - mostly/entirely character actors, but being familiar with Mad Men, it was like a cast reunion. :D Made it feel more like an interactive movie in a way, but the tech was equally distracting/involving. Then again, I can't look at Ken Cosgrove and not think in my head "Cole Phelps, LAPD!" :D

Looks very pretty!

Downright sexy, so it is. ;)

15-Nov-2012, 10:42 PM

that shot is drool-worthy....

16-Nov-2012, 02:22 AM
One more shot:


16-Nov-2012, 10:07 AM
Ooh, I can't wait to wreak havoc upon this city! MUAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!! :elol:

31-Jan-2013, 10:23 PM
Well, looks like we won't be romping and stomping through gta5 as soon as originally expected. they're saying 9-17-2013 now.

Not really all that surprised by this; rockstar did the same damn thing with gta4. oh well, i've already pre-ordered it and was planning on getting it ASAP anywho, but it's just kinda irritating that we were getting so close and now this.


01-Feb-2013, 09:33 AM
Aye, it's annoying, but as long as it means a solid game with no game breaking bugs or freezes, then that's fine by me. I'd rather have a longer wait for something solid, than get it when I'd prefer to have it, but have the darn thing break on me. There's a frustrating lack of attention to game breaking bugs and general glitches in some games these days - they get rushed out and they just say they'll patch it after the fact (never mind that folks like me, who don't have an Xbox hard drive, nor their console online can never benefit from said downloadable fixes that should have already been in the game in the first place).

So yeah, bummer that we have to wait a bit longer, but Rockstar games have always been solid in my experience, and when you're investing hours and hours and hours into the sandbox environment, the last thing you want is a corrupted save file! :eek:

04-Mar-2013, 12:58 PM
A bit of gameplay:



04-Mar-2013, 01:04 PM
Wow! And they've caught your typical US car suspension with all the characteristics of runny blancmange perfectly too!

04-Mar-2013, 01:13 PM
I admit it.....I had to google blancmange. I think I get what you're saying. :p

04-Mar-2013, 06:28 PM
Are you sure that's legit footage? It doesn't seem right that Rockstar would just release a random bit of footage like that ... and I think it could be a fake, or from another game, as I remember seeing one of the videos linked to it beforehand and it was revealed to be a fake.

If it is real though, then yeah, it looks sexy - but the character that jumps out of the car and into the chopper doesn't resemble any of the three protagonists from GTA V. If it's a fake it's a really amazing fake, or indeed a video for a different game, who knows.

Rancid Carcass
04-Mar-2013, 10:31 PM
or from another game

Looking at the terrain I'm thinking (hoping!), that it could be from a totally badass open world Tremors game - that sure looks like Perfection Valley to me! :D

05-Mar-2013, 07:41 AM
^ All we need now are some flocks of walkers wondering around in the depths of those canyons :)

06-Mar-2013, 12:46 AM
bah, i'm thinking that footage is fake.

27-Mar-2013, 06:51 PM
Sexy new screens here:

Some choice glimpses...

I can't wait to go to the pier and watch a storm unfold on the horizon!

Underwater fun to be had!

MiniGun! Tree on fire!

Natural beauty!

Looking forward to September. :cool:

27-Mar-2013, 08:39 PM
O M F G ! Just looks too amazin!

28-Mar-2013, 10:59 AM
O M F G ! Just looks too amazin!

Set fangasm to Randy Marsh mode... :D

30-Apr-2013, 04:59 PM
Three new trailers - one for each of the main characters that you'll get to play in the game - apparently you can freely switch between characters in-game, but when you do you'll find yourself in the midst of whatever they were doing while you were away ... so you could be in the middle of a car chase, or shagging a hooker, or in a gunfight, or falling out of a plane, or one of any number of possibilities. :D

On with the trailers...

Michael Trailer:

Trevor Trailer:

Franklin Trailer:

30-Apr-2013, 05:59 PM
Trevor's cool. :lol: It is a buy for me.

30-Apr-2013, 06:06 PM
A good range of characters there ... you've got one who is kinda like Tommy Vercetti in retirement, another who will go down well with fans of San Andreas in a CJ-like way, and Rockstar's own specialty - whacked out nutjobs you love to hang out with. :D

It's looking pretty epic, and I dig how each character will sort of populate different areas of the world - the rich Hollywood/Vinewood area where it's all flashy, the down-at-heel tough ganglands, and the sun-fried meth-headed wilds of the countryside.

I've had this pre-ordered for months already. I cannot ruddy wait to play it!

30-Apr-2013, 08:52 PM
man, some of those chase/action sequences looked incredible. best GTA thus far, calling it now.

01-May-2013, 12:31 PM
^^ Looks epic!

04-May-2013, 11:21 AM
Some brand new screenshots:


Some choice ones:







When this finally launches in September, my jeans are gonna be nothing but cream. :lol::lol::lol:

08-May-2013, 05:56 PM
Even more screenshots:

Some choice cuts...





The L.A. (San Andreas) River?! Sweet - I can see myself having hours of fun yomping around in there - and with some big long straight roads like that out in the sticks, I can see good potential for high speed chases and generally merriment. I read an article on Kotaku - albeit one that was written in an ever-so-long-winded, lead-burying fashion - that put some interesting bits out there, such as:

Heists are a big part of the game, and there'll be several missions each - lead-up missions will do certain things like making sure you have a getaway car stashed in just the right place, or getting blue prints, or getting certain clothing from a certain place etc ... you should also have choice over how you take on the heist - so you can go in all guns blazing, or be a stealthy weasel.

One of the mini games is, apparently, interactive yoga. :lol:

There's an underwater world to explore - and there's sharks in the waters - and you do have to be weary of them.

Like in Red Dead Redemption, there are side missions and events that will occur almost at random, although certain ones only happen to certain characters, and they can lead to further missions possibly - e.g. rescuing a starlet who is being hounded by the press (by getting her safely home) might lead to further missions.

The cars can be customised.

And so on ... there was more in that Kotaku article, but it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bloody long that I might have skim-read past a few things (or forgotten them).

Damn I can't wait for this game! :hyper:

08-May-2013, 09:21 PM
o m f g !

The level of detail is astounding! How much disk space is this thing going to eat?


09-May-2013, 09:59 AM
Aye, that is a concern of mine - although GTA V won't be coming to PC just yet - just consoles first of all (like with GTA IV). I do hope for PC gamers out there though that GTA V gets a better port than GTA IV did.

Anyway - as for it on consoles, the PS3 will be sorted, but the 360 will certainly have multiple discs I'd say. L.A. Noire had three DVDs (because of all that facial capture data, and a rather large chunk of LA being in there) ... even Max Payne 3 was two discs on the 360, so GTA V absolutely has to be multiple - 2 at least, probably 3, perhaps even 4 ... who knows? It'd have to be a case of being able to have the entire game world on each disc, but at certain points in the story/missions you'd have to swap discs ... now, that could potentially be an issue with side missions/random encounters - you'd want to make sure you'd prioritise those as-and-when they came along so you didn't accidentally forget them once you'd swapped discs (unless, if you encountered one, it told you to swap discs temporarily). Hmmm...

Hopefully there won't be some requirement to install it onto a HDD - I don't have a HDD as I bought the Core 360 back in '07 (I'm still rocking two memory cards :D) - but I can't image they would do that as it wasn't necessary for LA Noire or Max Payne 3. Just a random thought/worry, but one I don't give too much credence to ... just hoping that such a requirement is indeed merely a figment of my imagination.

And yes ... the game officially looks the absolute tits. :cool::thumbsup::cool:

17-May-2013, 04:46 PM
Four more screens:


For example:


I can definitely see myself recreating this scene in the game - that's one of my favourite GTA cars - growly muscle, good for power slides, looks cracking ... yeah, slam one of those about on a desert road or the PCH with a full police chase behind you - yes. :D


17-May-2013, 04:52 PM
^^ Amazing!

28-May-2013, 11:06 PM
just pre-ordered the collector's edition. comes with a blueprint map of los santos, a los santos hat, gtav safety-deposit bag, steelbook case, plus loads of digital content in the form of vehicles, weapons, special ability boosts, and the ability to use classic gta characters for your customized online character.

never really splurged for a collector's edition like this, but this game is gonna be beyond epic and has been on my radar for quite a while, and will quite possibly be one of the only games i play for quite a while after it comes out....

like the shitty green day song goes, wake me up when september (16th) ends....

29-May-2013, 09:22 AM
Don't think I could order without reading a review first... When's it due out?

29-May-2013, 10:12 AM
Don't think I could order without reading a review first... When's it due out?

Some games you can trust what you're going to get. Rockstar are one of those companies who you can trust to put out a quality title.

Even in terms of stability and functionality - you can't trust Ubisoft (look at Assassin's Creed III's day one patch of 1gb!!!), whereas Rockstars games are always solid as a rock in my experience (it was delayed to make sure the game was better - and Rockstar have the power to do that and not give a stuff about their launch window), and they always live up to my expectation ... so it's a personal thing as well, but there are some companies that you can trust to deliver quality games worth waiting for. Another such company would by Remedy.

And reviews aren't necessarily reliable - look at some of the great reviews Aliens: Colonial Marines got! :lol: Besides, I can forsee a slew of 9's and 10's out of 10 for this when the reviews hit the web. Guaranteed.

I've had mine pre-ordered for months. Just the normal edition for me - I'm not made out of money :D - besides it'd all be wasted on me as I don't have online access (I still use memory cards too).

29-May-2013, 11:07 AM
It's still over three months away isn't it?

29-May-2013, 11:55 AM
It's still over three months away isn't it?

It comes out on September 17th. :hyper:

Originally it would have been out already, but there was a six month delay to give the game some further polish - I'd rather wait and get a solid product, than have some rushed-out-the-door, bugged-as-all-get-out disappointment. Rockstar haven't let me down yet, so fingers confidently crossed for GTA V.

29-May-2013, 05:12 PM
hopefully they'll make a decent port to the PC this time, cos IV was an absolute bucket of sh*te!

I fear that the current gen xbox is just too weak for GTA as it stands now. IV didn't look the best at all. Too much bloom and blur.

13-Jun-2013, 10:38 AM
And even more screenshots:

Such as:




13-Jun-2013, 10:44 AM

18-Jun-2013, 03:18 AM
3 calendar months from today, gents, or a little over 91 days.

really looking forward to some gameplay vids sometime soon. shouldn't be too long now.

18-Jun-2013, 10:05 AM
3 calendar months from today, gents, or a little over 91 days.

really looking forward to some gameplay vids sometime soon. shouldn't be too long now.

Me too! I'm hoping for something like they did with RDR or LA Noire or Max Payne 3 and give us a weekly dose of preview goodness covering major aspects of the game and the tech.

I'm still quite struck by the apparent size of the game world though. It'll have to be multiple discs on the 360, no doubt about that. I just hope to GAR that it doesn't require installing to a Hard Drive (I don't have a 360 HDD, just two ickle memory units) to play ... but why should it, really - LA Noire was 3 discs and a sandboxer and it streamed from the discs themselves, so I'm expecting the same thing here.

Anyway - blimey, just three months away now!!! :hyper::hyper::hyper:

18-Jun-2013, 12:42 PM
Couldn't face this game on the XBox... Will have to be PC for me...

Bet those screenshots & videos are from the PC version, not the XBox :)

18-Jun-2013, 05:53 PM
Couldn't face this game on the XBox... Will have to be PC for me...

Bet those screenshots & videos are from the PC version, not the XBox :)

Hmmm ... I don't know, I wouldn't be so quick to judge. I doubt they'd want to essentially lie to the market and get bad press - plus, look at RDR - that game is achingly beautiful, and all on current gen ... and we don't have any confirmation of a PC port, which they've probably not done much work on at this point in order to get GTA V out on consoles and working as solidly as any other Rockstar title on launch day ... you'd not want to be using screenshots from an unfinished (or perhaps not even started) PC port of the game to sell the console edition.

There'll be a few photoshopped elements (e.g. depth of field effects, the odd light effect etc), but I remember seeing screenshots for GTA IV and RDR and thinking "wow, how is this possible?" - but possible it was. Also - Max Payne 3 - that game looks incredible on consoles.

I have faith. :D

When a PC port is available, the graphics will no doubt be superior (although fancier graphics isn't much use if the game plays like arse a la GTA IV's port), but you'd also be opening yourself up to legal action if you were putting out decidedly different non-console screenshots to promote the console edition. Ergo, I'm calling legit. :)

18-Jun-2013, 08:43 PM
^^ Mmmmkay! I suspect you're right!

02-Jul-2013, 05:49 PM
What was I speculating a mere two weeks ago?


Rockstar Games has conformed that both PS3 and Xbox 360 editions of their hugely anticipated game, Grand Theft Auto 5, will come on two discs. However, gamers won't be required to swap the discs during a playthrough. When you insert the first disc, there will be a mandatory 8GB installation and subsequently you'll use the second disc to play the game. That's how it will go for 360 users.

Rockstar had this to say in Q&A blog post: "This initial install will require an Xbox 360 Hard Drive or an external 16GB USB flash drive with at least 8 GB of free space. If using a USB flash drive it must be at least USB 2.0 with a minimum 15mb/s read speed and formatted for Xbox 360 use. A new USB flash drive is recommended to ensure optimum performance."

PS3 owners are going to have the usual Blu-ray disc variant, but will also have to undergo the 8GB installation process.

GTA V requires hard-drive installation on both consoles ... so I'm either going to have to buy a silly, overpriced, over-large MS HDD, or as they say here, just get a 16gb USB 2.0 stick with at least 15mb/s transfer rate for a fraction of the cost.

I had hoped it'd just run off the disc like all other Rockstar releases prior to this, but perhaps it's just a case of not being able to stream the data fast enough from the disc drive - so you've got 8gb worth installed, and then you use Disc 2 in conjunction with that. Well, as long as it makes for smooth loading and it doesn't prove a hassle for me to figure out ... speaking of which:

Can anyone recommend such a stick to use as extra 360 storage space? I don't have a 360 HDD, just two memory units ... and does anyone know how you go about formatting a new USB stick for 360 use?

02-Jul-2013, 06:26 PM
The size limit used to be 16GB, but isn't it 32BG now? http://kotaku.com/5959364/xbox-360-supports-32gb-usb-drives-after-latest-update

Infact I think you can get 64GB, make two 32GB partitions and get the XBox to format them both? But sounds like a faff!

Sandisk used to do sticks pre-formatted for the XBox too!

03-Jul-2013, 09:38 AM
The size limit used to be 16GB, but isn't it 32BG now? http://kotaku.com/5959364/xbox-360-supports-32gb-usb-drives-after-latest-update

Infact I think you can get 64GB, make two 32GB partitions and get the XBox to format them both? But sounds like a faff!

Sandisk used to do sticks pre-formatted for the XBox too!

Interesting. If the price is the same I'd go for the 32gb, but I'm only going to get one specifically because GTA V requires installation, and there's no way I'm not going to play GTA V. :D As such 16gb will be plenty for my needs - but if the price was right 32gb would be fine too, but a lot of unused space really.

Sandisk drive here:
http://www.amazon.co.uk/SanDisk-SDCZGXB-016G-B46-16GB-Flash-Drive/dp/B003K1I256/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1372844350&sr=8-1&keywords=sandisk+xbox360+usb+drive#productDescript ion

Don't know what the transfer rate for it is though, it doesn't say in the info from what I can see - needs to be 15mb/s - a couple of users said their 360s said it was "too slow", so there's no point wasting money on something that won't cut it. It's a start anyway.

09-Jul-2013, 12:45 PM
By the way - the first gameplay footage drops today! :hyper:

10am EST ... so that's what, 3pm in the UK?

09-Jul-2013, 01:50 PM
^^ 4pm?

09-Jul-2013, 03:40 PM

09-Jul-2013, 04:35 PM
Randy Marsh ... that is all.

I'm gonna have to go over this video a few times to pick out some choice things, but generally - wow - that looks fantastic! :hyper:

I spent more than 200 hours in Liberty City, and there wasn't much variety to the place ... so I can easily see myself having another 200 hours out of this!

Annnnd ... Randy Marsh all over again! ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Okay ... going through the video, here's some things that stand out to me:

* Underwater exploration - looks cool as shit. :) I imagine there'll be plenty of things to go hunting around for in those areas - is that a sunken oil rig in the beginning there?

* 3/4 View map/GPS system - but what are those three colours of different sized segments all about? Health/Armour/Annnnnd???

* Bugger me that mountain looks HIGH! :stunned:

* "Ponsonbys" :lol:

* Range of locations and feels - pricey Hollywood, dusty and dirty desert, the LS underworld, and more...

* Severed leg down the toilet ... :lol::lol::lol:

* Cutting between characters during missions looks really cool - I imagine you'll be able to get all the choice opportunities without much of the dull in-between stuff - hence you can do the flying, do the rappel/capture, do the sniping, and so on - rather than just be trapped in one role, so that's very cool.

* Stats - looks like each character has different strengths, and that you can build up your stats to improve your characters. :)

* Shooting mechanics look like, as I was expecting, a further step up from the last Rockstar game, which was Max Payne 3 (and the shooting mechanics were rather good in that game). So a vast improvement over GTA IV.

* Massive billboard with "Gusset" underwear on it. :lol: And I'm assuming that's their version of the Chateau Marmont in the same shot? Hopefully we'll get to play in there.

* Medical Marijuana - health recovery? ;)

* Switching of characters in free roam looks cool too - notice also the 'day counter'.

* Hunting - nifty.

* Yep, green bar is health - there's also a 'line of sight' indicator when Franklin's shooting, so I'd imagine that will lend itself to being sneaky during fights and being able to surprise enemies by changing position unseen.

* Night-time Los Santos looks lovely - all neon-drenched - very "Drive", baby.

* The tow-truck take-down of the armoured car - very Michael Mann. ;)

* Custom heists - very cool - go quiet, or go loud - so that's better replayability too. I imagine first time through I'll try and do it the best way, and then on a second run-through do it the ballsy way. :D

* Property and Stock investments - interesting...

10-Jul-2013, 03:17 AM
re: gameplay video


words escape me right now. i thought i was pumped for this game before, but holy shit.....

13-Aug-2013, 10:38 AM
Elders react to GTA V:



The eldest lady in that video just cracks me up - she's totally up for playing some GTA V. :D

15-Aug-2013, 05:03 PM

A look at the online component of GTA V - those who play online should be in for a treat by the looks of things!

I'm not an onliner player, but this video gives even the singler player folks a further glimpse at things they'll be able to do in-game, sights to see, vehicles to play with and so on. Looks appropriately epic. :)

15-Aug-2013, 07:26 PM

I so can't wait for this to come out. So much awesomeness in these previews. I just hope the game lives up to what we're seeing. :D

15-Aug-2013, 08:29 PM
^^ This thing is looking insane!

15-Aug-2013, 08:52 PM
I think the xbox or PS3 is going to expolde with all the stuff that's packed into this game.

Rancid Carcass
15-Aug-2013, 11:35 PM
I think the xbox or PS3 is going to expolde with all the stuff that's packed into this game.

That's why the PS4 and Xbox One are just around the corner - They've decided that it's probably cheaper to launch the next generation than to foot the repair bill for all those broken consoles... :lol:

16-Aug-2013, 04:41 PM
That's why the PS4 and Xbox One are just around the corner - They've decided that it's probably cheaper to launch the next generation than to foot the repair bill for all those broken consoles... :lol:


I don't care who you are, that was funny right there. :D

16-Aug-2013, 05:08 PM
Looking at Max Payne 3 - which looks gorgeous on Xbox360 - GTA V really isn't much of a stretch in terms of being possible, although clearly they're pushing themselves as they require an install (hence why I had to buy one of those USB drives for the 8gb worth of content to be installed to play in conjunction with the inserted disc).

Although if you look at the skin, or clothing, or even landscapes in the distance, I do wonder if they've had to scale down/simplify with certain textures ... not in a shitty way, but just in a slightly simpler way, to keep everything in balance. Although I suppose great big open areas can be achieved when you're not having to construct a really dense city (like in GTA IV), so there's more data 'spread out' by comparison, so you've got a larger landscape to explore.

Either way though, it does look stellar - and Rockstar did delay it by six months to polish the game. I've never had a bad experience with a Rockstar game, they're always solid when I've played them. Maybe the odd little clipping glitch, or a character getting stuck momentarily, or some silly thing, but never anything game-breaking ... Ubisoft would do well to pay attention, but they're on a yearly release schedule so they're pinching off Assassin's Creed games on two-year cycles so it seems ... Rockstar have been beavering away on this for like five years.

That all said - hopefully GTA V isn't a console breaker! :lol::lol::lol:

*fingers crossed* ;)

18-Aug-2013, 01:46 AM
damn, i may be more excited for the online aspect than i am for the regular game now.

i just really hope that i can use my custom character without having to go online, say if my gold was to expire, internet would be down, etc. either way, i know i'm gonna be having a total blast with this game, particularly online with my friends.

i'm already feeling pity on some of my games that are currently on my to-play list, as they are gonna be pushed even further back on the list once this gem is released.

18-Aug-2013, 09:51 AM
i'm already feeling pity on some of my games that are currently on my to-play list, as they are gonna be pushed even further back on the list once this gem is released.


Aye - I've still not played BioShock Infinite, and Saints Row 4 is being shafted back to Xmas sales in my view. Should be able to get a great deal on both once I'm done unloading all over Los Santos. :sneaky::p

18-Aug-2013, 02:25 PM
...once I'm done unloading all over Los Santos.

Ahem...you forgot the "Randy Marsh covered in his own muck" jpg

18-Aug-2013, 03:56 PM
Ahem...you forgot the "Randy Marsh covered in his own muck" jpg


Scroll down and I'm sure I've used it in this thread once or twice already. :sneaky::p:lol:

Oh lawdy yes, though ... I'm anticipating a total spoodge-fest over this game ... oh, mercy! :D

19-Aug-2013, 04:56 PM


I'm hoping that some silly little nuisance won't occur and delay me from playing it - e.g. the Post Man not delivering it on time, that USB drive I had to buy so I could do the mandatory install thing not working (or not being fast enough, even though it's the recommended default go-to stick), or there'll be a power cut, or my Xbox will explode, or something daft ... but hopefully it'll all be just normal, in which case expect a million RandyMarsh.jpg pics to flood the thread. :sneaky: ;) :p :lol:

19-Aug-2013, 07:02 PM
"Clean-up in aisle 4!"

Someone get MZ a towel. :lol: :D

19-Aug-2013, 11:42 PM

20-Aug-2013, 10:37 AM
"Clean-up in aisle 4!"

Someone get MZ a towel. :lol: :D

You're gonna need some hefty materials - you ain't gonna clean this up with some bits of pipe and old golf balls. :sneaky::lol::sneaky::lol:

21-Aug-2013, 12:39 PM
You're gonna need some hefty materials - you ain't gonna clean this up with some bits of pipe and old golf balls. :sneaky::lol::sneaky::lol:

:lol: :lol:

21-Aug-2013, 05:49 PM
It's looking good but it's got so many features and I've got so many other games I haven't even completed yet (including GTA4) that I don't think I have enough life to dedicate to it! I'd love to roll back 15 years when I had all the time in the world to game!

23-Aug-2013, 05:53 PM
Pure and absolute filth:





It's essentially pornography. :D

Less than a month, folks! :hyper:

23-Aug-2013, 09:16 PM
^^ How is that possible!

24-Aug-2013, 03:21 PM
^^ How is that possible!

Technical wizardry - just look at how beautiful Red Dead Redemption was - I'd often find myself riding up to a cliff edge to watch the sun set over the vast landscape ahead because it just looked so damn good.


Then Max Payne 3 just looked incredibly good - so it's just a step-up with each title. It's pretty cool that Rockstar develop their engine and tech over different titles - e.g. the shooting mechanics from GTA IV to RDR to Max Payne 3 to GTA V have evolved a hell of a lot (and they were pretty much spot-on in MP3).

Of course, preview shots always look rather impressive - we've not been into the world yet, and you're not moving about in that world. It's two different experiences. I'm sure there'll be certain textures that look a bit rough here and there, but yeah - it does look damn impressive. :)

- - - Updated - - -

Some soundtrack info has been leaked:


24-Aug-2013, 06:01 PM
^^ Wish Red Dead would come to the PC!

24-Aug-2013, 07:07 PM
^^ Wish Red Dead would come to the PC!

I'm really surprised that it didn't get ported to PC - even L.A. Noire made it to PC, and Max Payne 3 hopped onto PC sharpish ... and yet not RDR. Utterly barmy - it's a crackin' game.

28-Aug-2013, 12:57 AM

The Official Trailer for Grand Theft Auto V will debut here at the Rockstar Newswire and on the GTAV site this Thursday, August 29th. Details on exact timing forthcoming...

All aboard the hype train. WOO WOO!:hyper:

28-Aug-2013, 09:40 AM

All aboard the hype train. WOO WOO!:hyper:

*hops aboard*


I can't wait to dive into the world Rockstar have created and go exploring - that sense of wonder at all the new sights, new things to do, and random funny things you see along the way. Hopefully there'll be a lot of "did you guys see this bit over here?" / "not yet, where is it? I did see this crazy place over there, though" etc. :)

29-Aug-2013, 04:55 PM


I was reading a Rolling Stone article about the soundtrack - it has it's own score, as well as something like 240 licensed songs of various genres, and Pam Grier is the host of the Soul music radio station. I'm not really much at all into soul music myself, but I'll certainly tune in to hear her chit chat.

I've checked the USB drive thingymajig that Rockstar recommended those without a 360 HDD get, and it all seems to be good - so I'm ready baby, I am ready. :cool:

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna have to go and mop myself clean... ;)


30-Aug-2013, 02:54 PM
*hands MZ a towel*

Dude, I think you're going to need that. :lol:

This game looks flat-out AWESOME. I cannot wait to get it into my greedy little hands.... :hyper:

30-Aug-2013, 03:37 PM
*hands MZ a towel*

Dude, I think you're going to need that. :lol:

This game looks flat-out AWESOME. I cannot wait to get it into my greedy little hands.... :hyper:

I might need a few towels more ... it still sounds all squelchy, like a pair of wellies getting sucked out of a muddy bog. :lol:

*allows everyone time enough to vomit their guts out*


Good lord ... the sheer anticipation ... the nerdgasm around the globe shall be a tidal wave. :p

Alright ... calm down, calm down ... a good trailer, funky music, and it looks like it'll be a lot of fun and a lot of awe inspiring sights to see. I'm looking forward to seeing people finding weird little sights around the place and sharing them online, and even the odd rumour to circulate like an urban myth - remember the one about seeing Bigfoot in GTA San Andreas? Good fun. :)

30-Aug-2013, 06:21 PM
I do hope those cut scenes don't dominate. Max Payne 3 got a bit tiresome at times for example have to sit through those long cut scenes.

30-Aug-2013, 07:03 PM
I do hope those cut scenes don't dominate. Max Payne 3 got a bit tiresome at times for example have to sit through those long cut scenes.

I'd imagine they'd be as much as they were in GTA IV or RDR. On occasion they could be a tad long, but being that it was an open world game, they felt not too much of an obstruction. The thing with Max Payne 3 was that most of those cutscenes (not all, but most) were required so that the game could load the following content. I do agree that there were too many of them, but on the other hand they're better than just a static loading screen. I'd very much like to see a Max Payne 4, but with a better balance of cutscenes so they don't get in the way quite as much as they did - I was really into the story of the game, and really enjoyed the game in general, but at times I was getting a bit itchy to start the action rather than waiting to be allowed to dive in (loading depending).

So yeah, with GTA such cutscenes are always attached to just missions, so that's fair enough ... objectively Rockstar could trim the pace of such scenes a little bit (e.g. certain gaps in dialogue that almost feel like, if it was a stage play, someone had forgotten their line), but quite often you could skip those scenes if you wanted to ... so yeah, probably similar to GTA IV in thar regard, I'd imagine.

05-Sep-2013, 09:39 AM
12 DAYS, BITCHES! :hyper::hyper::hyper:

I was having a read on IGN about their playtest with the game, and there was a few nifty little tidbits in there - it seems that you'll have access to any weapon you've picked up at any point using the weapon wheel. So not like in GTA V where you only have one pistol slot, for example, from what I read it makes it sound like you could potentially have every single pistol at your disposal via the weapon wheel, which if the case, is a nice change up.

Something that will likely be cropping up a lot is petrol trails - you can burn the vehicles you use in heists using a tank of fuel, splashing the vehicle with it, and then leave a trail - you light it and it burns, then explodes. Likewise, from what I read, in a firefight a car can leak petrol and you can set that on fire too.

Just a tiny detail, yes, but a kinda cool one. Also, there's apparently much more variety in pedestrians over GTA IV, as well as more in general - e.g. walking the streets of Venice Beach etc.

I've also read that the vehicles handle better. Now, I eventually got used to the vehicle handling in GTA IV, but it was definitely a tricky thing to get, and even with many, many, many hours practice, you'd still easily bugger up a turn or a handbrake turn etc ... now the vehicles grip better and handle better, but also have a better sense of what they might physically feel like - and bikes will also have a better sense of weight, as I do think they felt a bit light and hollow in GTA IV. Another thing that's welcome is an improvement to helicopter handling - it was a touchy and sensitive thing to, for instance, land a chopper, but now it's apparently much more forgiving - same goes for landing a plane - I do remember in San Andreas that I basically never landed a plane, I always abandoned it mid-air and parachuted to the ground. :p

There's also a sense of the world going on around you when you're not looking - e.g. after a heist mission you'll be Michael, say, and Trevor will fly away in a chopper - mission accomplished - but if you then switch to Trevor, he'll still be flying that chopper from the mission, back to wherever he was heading. Likewise, so I've read, if you follow a single pedestrian you can watch them go about their day - go to work, go shopping, drive home etc ... we'll see how that plays out in the actual game, but apparently it's something called a 'state engine' or something like that, which helps bring more realistic behaviour to pedestrians in-game.

If you wear a mask (used for robberies) out in the street, people will get scared and run or call the cops. If you pull out your phone and photograph peds, some of them might pose for you, and you can talk to strangers and even get missions from them (building on the random events and side missions of RDR).

It all sounds rather nifty. :)

05-Sep-2013, 01:09 PM
Just enough time to finish off Mass Effect and then get ready for some GTA mayhem.

07-Sep-2013, 11:36 AM
A handful of interesting tidbits here:


You can manipulate the in-game stock market - e.g. buy a car dealership, sell the stock, blow up the dealership, and watch mayhem unfold as you count your money.

You can't kill the other two main characters, but if you did accidentally get them with a poorly-thrown grenade, you have to pay their medical bills (i.e. as if you yourself had died and come back at the hospital).

There's a rumour that all three can go and see a movie together at the cinema, and they'll take the piss out of it Mystery Science Theatre style. I hope that rumour is true. :)

And so on...

There's apparently new info (and videos) on the official website too, so I'm off to check that out.


- - - Updated - - -

A glimpse at what sort of TV you'll be able to watch in-game:






07-Sep-2013, 04:14 PM
I don't know if you other guys are picking up on this as well... but I recon MZ might be interested in this game :)

I'm just worried (like Rome 2) it can't live up to the hype!

07-Sep-2013, 07:25 PM
I don't know if you other guys are picking up on this as well... but I reckon MZ might be interested in this game :)



I'm just worried (like Rome 2) it can't live up to the hype!



God I can't wait to play this game! I forsee a total head-first dive into the world of Los Santos ... I predict gawping, drooling, eyebrows skirting my hairline, and a full blown Randy Marsh awaits. :D

It sounds like they've put a lot of work into the small details to make the world around you more and more believable, as if it's living and breathing of its own accord, so it moves closer to a simulation and further from 'just a game'. I wonder where GTA will be at in another decade, because when you think how far it's come in the last 10 years ... blimey!

- - - Updated - - -

Another interesting tidbit I heard today was that, instead of hidden packages and pigeons etc, you get mini missions and quests such as - you could be listening to the radio and there'll be a report about a 30 year-old homicide that is still unsolved which police are re-investigating, and using information from the radio report you can go to the location of the crime and figure out what actually happened.

Obviously that's not how solving decades-old murder cases works in real life, heh, but I thought that was a pretty cool idea, and certainly more interesting than just a bunch of hidden packages. :)

There's a "radio wheel" too, much like the weapon wheel - so no longer do you have to scroll through the stations in a linear fashion, which is a welcome little tweak. You can customise your weapons too - including silencers (something that I thought was stupidly missing from GTA IV), and the police awareness mechanic has changed from the red & blue orb of doom in which the rozzers magically know exactly where you are most of the time, to a 'line of sight' system ... so, in theory, you could make a sneaky escape from the cops, or hide out somewhere until the heat dies down. I've also heard that they might put out an APB for your appearance (e.g. clothing) and/or vehicle, so you'd do well to ditch your motor and/or get new threads ... but a 'line of sight' approach is most welcome. There should be some opportunity for approaching things stealthily, therefore. :cool:

Rancid Carcass
07-Sep-2013, 07:32 PM
I wonder where GTA will be at in another decade, because when you think how far it's come in the last 10 years ... blimey!

It'll be like the Matrix where you just plug yourself in and away you go - the Oculus Rift Total Immersion Suite: Tasty Wheat Edition! :cool:

08-Sep-2013, 05:30 AM
I have to say. .the more I read about the features of this game. . . the More excited I become. GTA4 was kinda disappointing to me. . just not enough to do really. . . but this really seems like San andreas on mega steroids. . . and I freaking loved San Andreas. . . .so. . .I think I might have to pick this one up as soon as I can.

08-Sep-2013, 09:50 AM
I really enjoyed GTA IV - I must have done as I got more than 200 hours out of it, heh - but objectively looking back on it, yes, there wasn't an awful lot to do in general in the world itself, and with the landscape not being that varied there was less to see ... but at the same time, it was probably a major undertaking going from the engine they'd long-since rinsed the last drops out of, to the current engine ... with GTA V they've been able to gradually chip away at various things with RDR and Max Payne 3 (particularly in shooting and movement mechanics), so there's more time to spruce up the world in general.

At the time I didn't mind the controlling of Niko in-game - but RDR made massive improvements, and Max Payne 3 really refined the experience, making GTA IV feel rather clunky and awkward to move Niko around the world (same with the shooting mechanics). Clearly though they've learned a lot and changed a lot to improve the overall experience - it's pretty neat how they've been able to link up each new game, but also employ the improved mechanics from one into the next. :)

9 days left!!! :hyper:

I can't wait to dive into this and discover all the little treats its got to offer.

09-Sep-2013, 12:44 PM
$265 million to develop and market - WOW! - http://www.cinemablend.com/games/GTA-5-Cost-265-Million-Develop-Market-58922.html

09-Sep-2013, 05:55 PM
$265 million to develop and market - WOW! - http://www.cinemablend.com/games/GTA-5-Cost-265-Million-Develop-Market-58922.html

"moderately budgeted Hollywood blockbuster"

EH?! :stunned::rockbrow::p

A 'moderately budgeted blockbuster' would really be more like $100m ... silly buggers. :p

the original GTA IV

There was a remake of GTA IV? :p;)

Just for reference, Gears of War cost $10 million to produce; Naughty Dog's Uncharted 3 cost about $25 million to produce and Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain cost $20 million to produce and another $20 million to market, bringing the total budget to $40 million.

To be fair, as an example, Gears of War takes about 8-or-so hours to complete and has specific levels with confined play spaces ... whereas GTA V is an open world sandboxer with a vast area filled with options and possibilities of gameplay for the player, plus a lengthy story (both times I played through GTA IV it took me 50 hours a-piece, then I got more than 100 extra hours out of it just messing about). There's a seriously huge amount of work involved in a game like GTA V compared to a GoW or Unchartered, although they have plenty of work attached to them too, but the sheer scale is totally different. Also, GTA V's been in development for five years, so it's no surprise it's this expensive, really.

you might be hard pressed to find anyone who watches television, streams content or reads the news and hasn't heard of Grand Theft Auto.

Funnily enough I met such a person this morning - went to get a haircut at the barbers and the girl hadn't heard of it (she asked me if I was a gamer as she is, or at least dabbles in gaming), and I mentioned GTA V and she didn't recognise the name. I was kinda surprised by that as even my folks have heard of GTA. :)

Anyway, I guess they can afford to spend that much cash on a sure thing like GTA V, and especially when it's such a huge project.

09-Sep-2013, 09:24 PM
Ok, I give up. I'm in. I am going to probably order from Rockstar Warehouse and receive a free shirt.

10-Sep-2013, 06:34 PM
IGN report on GTA Online play:


On liquor store robberies - you get to divide the cash up as you see fit, but those on your team could kill you for the whole take if they want. Also, if you're using a custom car of your own and it gets stolen, you can have 'in-game car insurance' so your thousands of in-game dollars aren't wasted. :lol:

You can invite your buddies to your apartment – bought with persistent in-game cash – and they can hang out, sit on your couch, and take hits off of your bong. You can even get high, which will have screen-altering effects. Your pals are also able to look through your telescope – it won’t look into space, but will instead magnify what’s in the distance of the game world (trust me, I asked!) – or watch the in-game TV. For instance, a hilarious new episode of Republican Space Rangers. And if other folks in your crew are out causing trouble, you can turn on Weasel News on your apartment TV and actually follow their shenanigans live, as covered by the San Andreas news channel. Or watch them hover creepily near your apartment on your home’s closed-circuit security television monitors. Of course, if come home from a hard day of murdering and just want to relax with a shower to wash the dried blood off your body, you can do that too.

There will be full-blown multiplayer missions for between 2 and 16 players, and the community gets to vote on which they like best. If one's unpopular, Rockstar will get rid of it and put something else in eventually.

Yes, there are movies to watch in Grand Theft Auto V, and in Online you can watch them with your friends. Maybe you’ll just laugh together, or perhaps you’ll go the Rifftrax route and crack jokes at what’s happening on the screen. Sadly, I wasn’t able to visit a theater during my hands-on time, nor would Rockstar provide any additional details, besides confirming that 16 of you can pack the theater.

While you’re out robbing liquor stores, winning races, and completing missions, you’ll be accruing cash. All of it will go into your wallet. The catch is that, as you’ve already read, almost anything can happen while you’re out and about in San Andreas. If something bad happens and you’re killed, your wallet will just be lying there, on your corpse, ripe for anyone to come along and pluck it out of the pool of your blood. You’ll need to stop at one of the many ATMs scattered around the city in order to deposit – and thus secure – your earnings. Fortunately, places like Ammu-Nation and real-estate brokers accept debit cards, so you won’t need to extract massive stacks of cash from the ATM in order to make big purchases.

[Editor's Note: Rockstar contacted IGN to add that you can also do your banking from your "iFruit" cell phone as well.]

Go to a strip club in-game with your chums:

Because who goes to strip clubs alone? And yes, there is a “Make it Rain” button to use while your friends look on. You’re also able to touch the girls during private dances, but wait for the bouncer to look away before you do. Get caught being touchy-feely three times and you’ll be tossed out on the street.


11-Sep-2013, 12:41 AM
God. I wish I still had a pto day left so I could call out of work on Tuesday!!

11-Sep-2013, 12:38 PM
Prepare to let your jizz spill ... the GTA V map has been revealed via a leaked picture of the inside of the GTA V game guide book:


Tagged it incase anyone didn't want to see the map until they got in-game.

Now, apparently, the GTA IV map fits inside half of that big chunk of city layout at the bottom ... the RDR map fits very easily inside the middle third of the map with lots of room to spare. :stunned::eek::stunned:

They show you how in this video:



11-Sep-2013, 04:09 PM
MZ... Have you actually got any "man fluids" left in your body now?

11-Sep-2013, 04:24 PM
MZ... Have you actually got any "man fluids" left in your body now?

Why do you ask?



I'm still quite blown away by how vast that map is ... good lord, Rockstar! I can't wait to go rummaging around in that wilderness to see what crazy antics I can get up to. :elol:

11-Sep-2013, 06:24 PM
I'm still quite blown away by how vast that map is ... good lord, Rockstar! I can't wait to go rummaging around in that wilderness to see what crazy antics I can get up to. :elol:
You've got to wonder how much stuff is tucked away :)

12-Sep-2013, 05:33 PM
You've got to wonder how much stuff is tucked away :)

In his "Man Fluids?!?!" :hurl:

12-Sep-2013, 05:49 PM
In his "Man Fluids?!?!" :hurl:


But yeah Neil, I can't wait to go rummaging around in the nether regions of Blaine County and Los Santos to see what's going on underneath the surface ... little hidden treasures and easter eggs dotted around. :hyper:

Get your love spuds slapped around by these:







12-Sep-2013, 10:33 PM
just got an email from rockstar notifying me that my card has been charged and my order is being prepared to ship...just a damn shame i will be out of town training for my new job next week. i told the gf to get that shit installed on my hdd while i'm gone so i can play thtat shit as soon as i get in next friday!

13-Sep-2013, 12:03 AM
Looking at those screens, I am wondering if current gen consoles will be able to run those graphics acceptably. TBH, I wasn't that impressed with GTAIV on the xBox and felt that the bloom was way OTT. GTAIV got away with a lot, because things were hidden behind the buildings of Liberty City, but when in the open, there was a huge amount of "pop in". The actual graphics, themselves, were nothing to write home about, despite the game being very entertaining, as most 3D GTA games have been.

I seriously think that there are going to be some struggles on the 360 and the PS3 with this one, or some severe optimisation that show those "screenshots" up in a real time game.

I hope I'm wrong.

13-Sep-2013, 09:40 AM
From what I've heard in Q&A's with folks who have had hands-on experience with the game, there's no problems with the game lagging or whatever. At most there's instances of details in the far distance popping up once they're 'near enough' to appear on the horizon ('near enough' still being from a bloody long way away), but other than that - and when asked directly - from what I've seen/heard, those who have had hands-on time with the game say it runs well on current gen. Indeed, those trailers - like all Rockstar games - are made with in-game footage.

Now, I think if they'd released it six months ago as originally planned, there might very well have been such issues, but they delayed the game to improve the experience - and I'd imagine getting it to feel smooth was one of those priorities.

Generally speaking about graphics and 'the look', I think Rockstar have learned a lot as the games have continued - Red Dead Redemption was a big step up in crafting the visuals to make beautful vistas and not get too carried away with certain effects. Have faith, brother shoot, this is Rockstar, not Ubisoft. :p

I think I'll be up bright and early on Tuesday with my hands poised at the letterbox waiting for the game to slide into my hands. :lol::D:lol:

Psst - 4 days to go.

13-Sep-2013, 10:27 AM
Still no release date for the PC?

13-Sep-2013, 11:55 AM
Still no release date for the PC?

Steady on chap, they've got to get the major console release out the door yet.

I'd wager around about spring 2014 for a PC release. They'd have to optimise it and make some tweaks first, and you're gonna concentrate on the first release first of all rather than split your resources. One thing at a time, like. For example, GTA San Andreas came out around about this time in 2004, and the PC release was June 2005.

I'm sure there will be a PC release though - it'd be daft not to, plus GTA IV, LA Noire, and Max Payne 3 were all released on PC ... no idea why RDR never got a PC port though, that was weird. GTA V will definitely make it to PC, mind.

13-Sep-2013, 05:06 PM
I think I will wait, until Black Friday to get this. It will be cheaper and I already have too many unopened games to play as it is. Have fun.

14-Sep-2013, 10:13 AM

A taste of Blaine County, where you can make gravity your bitch. :D

3 days ... 3 days ... 3 days...

14-Sep-2013, 01:04 PM
I'm sure there will be a PC release though - it'd be daft not to, plus GTA IV, LA Noire, and Max Payne 3 were all released on PC ... no idea why RDR never got a PC port though, that was weird. GTA V will definitely make it to PC, mind.

Rockstar had better up their game though, because the PC release of GTA IV was bloody pitiful. No way I'm touching this game on a PC.

14-Sep-2013, 04:40 PM
Rockstar had better up their game though, because the PC release of GTA IV was bloody pitiful. No way I'm touching this game on a PC.

So I've heard, but it got patched to work properly eventually, right? Even still, it was surprising to hear at the time - I remember the PC port of San Andreas being perfectly fine and dandy (I played GTA III, Vice City, and SA all on PC).

Neil - did you play Max Payne 3 on PC? How did that port feel and play, any problems? I'd imagine Rockstar learned a lesson from GTA IV's dodgy launch on PC ... although it's weird, because I've read a few conflicting reports on it with some people saying it played fine for them from day one. Strange. :confused:

I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas Day to arrive ... the year's gone by so insanely fast, until yesterday ... and now time's stretching and slowing. :lol::D:lol:

14-Sep-2013, 05:00 PM
A taste of Blaine County, where you can make gravity your bitch. :D

3 days ... 3 days ... 3 days...

There is just no way a game can look this good!?

And I'm worried - The gameplay videos from Rome 2 from a year ago showed amazing stuff... and then on release it just wasn't in there; The graphics are worse, and features shown (crumbling walls etc) just don't exist. GTA 5 just looks toooo good to be true!

Rancid Carcass
14-Sep-2013, 07:33 PM
GTA 5 just looks toooo good to be true!

Ha ha - it's all been a big ruse by Rockstar - it's secretly gone back to it's top-down roots, all these videos are just cut-scenes! :elol:

14-Sep-2013, 08:59 PM
^^ Can you image MZ if that were the case?


14-Sep-2013, 09:02 PM
Was that Danny McBride doing the voiceover for that commercial?

15-Sep-2013, 10:18 AM
Was that Danny McBride doing the voiceover for that commercial?

I think it was, yes ... certainly captures the sardonic tone of Rockstar.

Neil - it wouldn't do Rockstar any good whatsoever to tell a big porky regarding their biggest and most hotly anticipated release. They trade on their reliability with fans, and always show trailers that are made with in-game footage - GTA IV, RDR, LA Noire, Max Payne 3 - all looked as good in-game as they did in the trailers and screenshots (although, yes, they do add some motion blur/depth of field effects to some of the screenshots ... probably to give them a sense of motion/action).

Probably when we finally get our own hands on it and you explore the world in your own way, you'd probably notice the odd iffy texture here and there close-up, as is usually the case with games in general (e.g. standing right up-close to a poster pasted to a wall, or a plaque mounted on a building) - but I remember thinking "wow, how can Max Payne 3 look that great?!", and well, it did look that great.

Obviously this game is building on all the technical advancements that have come before in previous Rockstar titles, as well as its own developments specific to its own needs, and a key difference with GTA V is the requirement to install 8gb worth of data onto a hard drive or flash drive (hence why I had to buy a flash drive for my 360), rather than being able to exclusively run off-disc like the aforementioned titles (although MP3 was a 2-discer on 360, and LA Noire was a 3-discer). That crucial install will be there to help with the loading of assets in-game, and that six month delay was clearly to improve the experience ... if it was Ubisoft they'd just chuck it out broken and fix it in a patch (even though not everyone has their console online - which was why I never got Assassin's Creed 3, which was broken out of the box and required a 1gb day one patch to work).

Point being, with past titles we've gone "wow, how can this look so good?", and it's always been so. I'm a believer, Neil. :lol:

Oh, and my copy has been dispatched! :hyper: Lets hope Royal Mail don't lose it, because they've lost several parcels of mine in the past 12 months!

15-Sep-2013, 06:35 PM
So I've heard, but it got patched to work properly eventually, right? Even still, it was surprising to hear at the time - I remember the PC port of San Andreas being perfectly fine and dandy (I played GTA III, Vice City, and SA all on PC).

Me too and the PC is always my first choice of platform. But GTA IV was probably the worst port of any game that I'd ever seen. As you say, it was surprising after SA. Rockstar had some real cheek putting that crap out.

16-Sep-2013, 08:56 AM

That is all. :cool:

16-Sep-2013, 09:26 AM
^^ You need to read the news mate! Been delayed two weeks!

Rancid Carcass
16-Sep-2013, 11:31 AM
^^ You need to read the news mate! Been delayed two weeks!

According to kickinthespuds.co.uk they're having trouble the mandatory Kinect control scheme...

16-Sep-2013, 11:53 AM
^^ You need to read the news mate! Been delayed two weeks!


Nice try. My copy was dispatched Saturday night. ;)

16-Sep-2013, 12:19 PM

Nice try. My copy was dispatched Saturday night. ;)

There's a postal strike on for three weeks!

16-Sep-2013, 12:26 PM
Reading a couple of teeny weeny responses to it on ActionTrip - the framerate etc is good and solid apparently, and the graphics are good. There is, possibly, slightly less damage that can happen to vehicles - in that you can't dent them quite as much as you could in GTA IV - although I'm not sure if that's just a rumour or really anything solid. Not sure why that'd be ... maybe a very small sacrifice to get some other stuff in there. They'll still get bashed up of course.

- - - Updated - - -

There's a postal strike on for three weeks!

Give it up, Neil, I had post delivered this morning. :rolleyes::lol::D

Cheeky fecker. :sneaky::lol:

16-Sep-2013, 12:28 PM
Hey MZ, I am playing GTA 5 now. I received it early. You have to love mom & pop stores.

16-Sep-2013, 12:29 PM
Review at 3pm UK time - http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/09/12/grand-theft-auto-v-review

Rancid Carcass
16-Sep-2013, 01:11 PM
I'm calling it now, 6/10.


16-Sep-2013, 01:17 PM
There's a postal strike on for three weeks!

Jesus, don't be doing that to the poor fella. You'll give him a heart attack.

16-Sep-2013, 04:05 PM
I'm calling it now, 6/10.


10/10 - Masterpiece - http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/09/12/grand-theft-auto-v-review

5/5 - http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/technology-science/technology/gta-5-review-satire-parody-2277607

5/5 - http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/review/a515705/gta-5-review-xbox-360-an-open-world-environment-like-no-other.html

- - - Updated - - -

Hmmmm! MZ is quiet... Wonder why!

16-Sep-2013, 04:41 PM
Hey MZ, I am playing GTA 5 now. I received it early. You have to love mom & pop stores.

Really? Lucky bugger.

Jesus, don't be doing that to the poor fella. You'll give him a heart attack.


Oh, I'm not falling for any of Neil's silly bugger antics. :D

Hmmmm! MZ is quiet... Wonder why!

I was busy writing this afternoon, so I was away from the rabbit hole that is the interwebtubes. :)

IGN Video Review:

Machinima Video Review:

By the sounds of it then, it's a 30 hour playthrough for the story - now, to be fair, the reviewers are probably crunching their time a bit more, but I think Rockstar have also probably taken out some unnecessary filler missions. GTA IV did have a number of such missions - so better to focus on just the good stuff - wise move. Each play-through of mine on GTA IV was 50 hours a-piece, and I did think that that was a bit over-long ... interestingly I was talking about my 30 hour campaign playthrough in RDR in the early days of this very thread, so it's neat to see how some predictions/expectations/hopes/considerations came true. :cool:

GTA IV and RDR both had moments of framerate drop, but never anything serious, so reports of a little bit of that happening in GTA V is to be expected, and I'm not worried about it.

Something I quite liked in the video reviews there is that it showed just how wide the view is when flying/parachuting/etc - they're showing off that world of their's grand style, and quite right. Talk of controversial scenes of sex, drugs, and violence? COUNT. ME. IN. :elol:

Blimey ... it's a matter of hours now. :hyper:

What's the bet that Royal Mail have lost my parcel? :lol:

16-Sep-2013, 05:09 PM
Edge: 10/10


No one makes worlds like Rockstar, but at last it has produced one without compromise. Everything works. It has mechanics good enough to anchor games of their own, and a story that is not only what GTA has always wanted to tell but also fits the way people have always played it. It’s a remarkable achievement, a peerless marriage of world design, storytelling and mechanics that pushes these ageing consoles to the limit and makes it all look easy. As we stand on the brink of a new generation, GTAV sends an intimidating message to the rest of the industry. Beat that.

I can't wait until tonight! Considering I'm going digital-only for all my purchases next gen, this will probably be the last midnight launch I attend. Avoiding spoilery gameplay these past few days has been rough, but the wait is almost over.

16-Sep-2013, 06:24 PM
Really? Lucky bugger.


Oh, I'm not falling for any of Neil's silly bugger antics. :D

No, but you fell for my antics.

16-Sep-2013, 06:50 PM
No, but you fell for my antics.

Well, yours was more conceivable - I've received pre-ordered games a day early a few times in the past, and have heard of cases of people successfully buying big name releases a day early in shops - particularly indie stores ... still, only one-out-of-three - I think I did quite well. :lol::o:lol:

16-Sep-2013, 07:18 PM
Mine should be waiting for me when I get home from work tomorrow. The antici. . . . . . . . .pation!

Also, Adam Sessler gives it a 5/5 as well. . . .


16-Sep-2013, 08:27 PM
Well, yours was more conceivable - I've received pre-ordered games a day early a few times in the past, and have heard of cases of people successfully buying big name releases a day early in shops - particularly indie stores ... still, only one-out-of-three - I think I did quite well. :lol::o:lol:

I will probably wait, until Black Friday. The game may be cheaper and with less bugs. I have a lot of games to play and bills to pay, first.

16-Sep-2013, 10:53 PM
And some tips from Sessler. . .


Rancid Carcass
17-Sep-2013, 12:21 AM
This might be worth taking note of for 360 users:

Rockstar recommends that you shouldn't install the GTA5 play disc on Xbox 360

Based on what we're seeing on the Xbox 360 version, perhaps running both DVD and HDD assets from just the one source slows down access times, impacting streaming performance. It's not game-breaking stuff, but it does take you out of the moment when it does manifest and for that reason we can't recommend installing the play disc


17-Sep-2013, 08:49 AM
Recommendation on the XBox is to NOT do a full install.

Today they specified that while the game offers an option to install both discs, they are advising gamers not to install the 'play' disc (that the second disc).

"For optimal performance, we recommend not installing the play disc," Rockstar said via their the company's Twitter support page.

From what I understand, that way the game runs smoother as it can load from the harddrive and dvd drive at the same time, so can load quicker!

17-Sep-2013, 09:33 AM
heh, now this bit of news did actually give me a brief fright - but fortunately it wouldn't have been something that would have affected me as I was always going to use the play disc in the DVD drive (i.e. the recommended way). I had to buy a flash drive to install it onto, so hopefully that all goes well today - I'm sitting here looking at the game and I'll get cracking into it this afternoon. :cool:

I was figuring to myself 'working off two different drives probably gives them better streaming capabilities' - and indeed that's the case. I do recall with GTA IV (which was purely on-disc) that if I was going flat out through the city I'd eventually go too fast for the data to stream, but clearing the cache helped with that, but even still that was somewhat of a problem with GTA IV from time-to-time. Hopefully with GTA V's two-streams approach it'll be smoother.

I'll report back later on - hopefully everything goes smoothly after all this build up, eh?! :D

17-Sep-2013, 11:09 AM
Recommendation on the XBox is to NOT do a full install.

From what I understand, that way the game runs smoother as it can load from the harddrive and dvd drive at the same time, so can load quicker!

That's going to mean a hell of a lot of noise. My xbox is like a flippin plane taking off when it runs a game from the disk. PS3 might be the way to go.

17-Sep-2013, 11:48 AM
PC might be the way to go.
Fixed :)

That or PS4 :)

17-Sep-2013, 12:53 PM
Tsk, ya think ya own the place.

Rancid Carcass
17-Sep-2013, 01:19 PM
Some rambling first impressions:

Just had my first session - done first couple of intro missions and spent most of my time just walking around and soaking up the sights. So far it's a F**king amazing! The reviews are spot on. There's just so much detail crammed into every nook and cranny just walking down the road is joy in itself, feels like they've take all the best ideas/mechanics from their last few games and dumped it all into one mega-bundle of awesome! The next gen had better have something incredible up its sleeve. It's nice to see GTA get its sense of fun back too - much missed from IV. One thing I didn't pick up on in the reviews was the return of the stat system from San-Andreas - the more you do stuff the better at it you get, it's just simple but feels like you've got something to work towards with your guys. Also love the new cop cone of vision mechanic, now you can properly lose them by driving up side streets and back alleys and staying off the main roads. Very cool. Shame it tries to explain it while being chased though - missed loads of info! Does that few times too, minor quibble though.
I'm also running it on a 360, doing the disc thing, it's a bit of a pain having it whirling away like an aircraft carrier, but just crank up the volume a bit and you won't even notice it - you'll be having far too much fun! Still, hope it gets a patch or something at some point. Performance is great so far, not had any fame rate drops and texture pop is minimal. All in all, well worth my earlier 6/10 prediction!! :D

Okay cold turkey's kicking in and I'm getting the shakes - time for another Los Santos fix...

17-Sep-2013, 04:34 PM
Picking mine up after work. Gonna try a full install, just for bollox.

- - - Updated - - -

...ha ha...not a hope.

First time I've ever seen a new release sell out in Ireland. Rockstar are going to make a crap load of money on this one.

17-Sep-2013, 05:11 PM
I'm glad I had mine pre-ordered.

I've spent the afternoon roaming around, and I've just unlocked the second character. I've helped a paparazzo gets pictures of a faded starlet, did a spot of impromptu getaway driving (conveniently enough in a black Audi-a-like), availed myself of the services of some ladies of the night, took a ride on a rollercoaster and a ferris wheel, creeped out strangers by staring at them/following them, done a few intro missions, laughed my arse off several times, and spent entirely too much time in Vanilla Unicorn ... the mention of the raunch factor being increased for this game is certainly true. ;)

Looks wonderful, runs smooth as silk, feels great, handles great, is definitely funnier and lighter than GTA IV (Lamar alone is hilarious - his complaint about not being employee of the month cracked me up), and just generally this is going to be a real time sink - in the best way possible.

Lots of controls to get used to, as is always the case with these kinds of games ... I can't wait to explore everything on offer. I'm doing a little bit to beef up my stats on things like shooting and stamina at the moment, and yes, the new 'line of sight' on the cops is a welcome change. The same applies to, for example, killing a ped down a dark alley - if nobody's there you can gun them down and get away clean.

Hmmm ... I think talking about this game makes me sound like a sociopath. :lol::lol::lol:

17-Sep-2013, 05:33 PM
After looking at both in comparison, I've ordered from Amazon, the PS3 version.

17-Sep-2013, 08:20 PM
I've got the game in my hands but haven't had a chance to dive into it yet. The anticipation is killing me....

17-Sep-2013, 08:42 PM
I'm impressed they didn't make the world about half the size and release the other half as a chargable DLC!!

Rancid Carcass
18-Sep-2013, 12:36 AM
BMX bikes FTW! Even more so in a police chase - (just needs an E.T. basket unlock and we are at gaming perfection!).


18-Sep-2013, 09:30 AM
Some bits and pieces I did t'other night:

* Took a Taxi fare up to the observatory through the winding roads of Vinewood Hills.
* Watched a foreign art house movie at the cinema (it was at least 5 minutes long).
* Watched some telly - my favourite show thus far as "The Underbelly of Paradise", which is like a candid expose of the seedy side of Los Santos - but I have to say that, even though I try, I can't put up the volume on the TV. It's too quiet.
* Went back to the Vanilla Unicorn, got Juliette to "like" me enough, went home with her (you get a day/night cycle time lapse and noises from outside the building), and then after each time she sends you a 'sext' with a saucy picture. :lol:
* Put a flashlight on a shotgun - it's good how they're gradually introducing you to the various mechanics and abilities in the game via missions, but in a way that the mission guides the tutorial aspect, not the other way around as it was in previous GTA games.
* Had my first 3 star wanted rating and there's definitely a more visceral thrill to the police chases now due to the 'line of sight' mechanic. You're desperately trying to find an alleyway to nick through, and overpasses and parking garages to hide under to lose the police choppers - very cool.

I seem to remember reading a while back that the system was going to involve 24/48/72 hour searches for you and APBs going out - clearly, if that ever was the case, they've removed that, and quite right too. I think it would have tipped the balance too far from fun and more into a chore.

I got to do the mission where you have to chase after a stolen boat as Michael - that was a good, fun car chase on the LS freeway - and it also introduced car customisation. I gave my wife's car a new paint job, exhaust, and snazzy number plate.

I've not been able to get anyone to pose for a camera phone photo yet, despite trying ... so perhaps that was just a rumour.


Rancid Carcass
18-Sep-2013, 07:50 PM

Grand Theft Auto 5 sold over 1.57 million units in the UK alone in one day

Grand Theft Auto 5's worldwide day one sales have exceeded $800 million


19-Sep-2013, 10:03 AM
Top banana! Bonkers sales figures - so the gauntlet has been thrown down to Call of Duty. Year-after-year they've been getting the biggest sales figures (last year CODBO2 did $500m in the same timeframe as GTA V's $800m) ... but I'm not convinced that COD:Ghosts can beat this new record.

Wow, I was expecting a billion dollery-doos within a month, or by the end of September, but they'll have a billion inside a week no problem.

Had another cracking sesh last night - did my first heist. The music during the drive to the target was great - really simple and stripped back, but it just had this tension to it ... you could feel a little bit of an influence from "Heat", and then a thrilling escape from the rozzers.

I also had a go at the tennis minigame (on a date with Michael's wife Amanda, after a couple of bars), and after sucking big style during the first two games, I got the feel of it and promptly trounced her. :D It's a well designed minigame and it doesn't get bogged down in making itself over-important - it's only a minigame after all - so the controls are simple and easy to get the hang of, and it's fun.

I've also been reading up on the in-game 'net about Leonora Johnson, which is the murder mystery that you can solve. I jotted down all the pertinent information so I have it to-hand ... getting the clues lined up. I must say, the crime scene and autopsy photos on the website for the case were rather grim. Obviously it's inspired by the Black Dahlia case, and it even gave me a hint of LA Noire's homicide desk portion.


I've heard that, once you finish the game and after the credits have rolled, you - the player - are given a 'psych report'. So it takes what you've done in the game and gives you a psychological evaluation. :lol:

19-Sep-2013, 03:01 PM
After looking at both in comparison, I've ordered from Amazon, the PS3 version.

Seemingly problems with the digital version?

Is this the same issue on the XBox, so if you buy the retail version the version the game performs better bacause it can load from the hard drive AND bluray at the same time?



19-Sep-2013, 05:01 PM
@Neil - yeah, that's basically it. The game streams the data better when you're running it from a flash drive and the disc drive at the same time - two streams from two sources, rather than everything coming down a single pipe from one source.

I'm on the 360 with a flash drive/disc drive combo and it streams great, even during long two hour sessions. It streams waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than GTA IV did, particularly when it comes to fast speed. In GTA IV I'd often go faster down a straight street than the game could load the data, so you'd end up with an invisible road and plain-coloured blocks instead of buildings ... here in GTA V it's smooth like butter and it loads everything lickity-split. I was just on it, absolutely blasting down the Los Santos version of the PCH in an electric super car (and it's ruddy fast) and there was no issue at all with loading.

There's the odd moment of 'pop in' scattered about at certain times, but whenever that does happen it's only small details, and only rarely. The game looks fantastic - I've now unlocked Trevor and I was trundling down a desert road, at night, in a storm and it looked fantastic - there was moonlight behind Mount Chilead lighting it up ever-so-slightly against the night sky, and big bolts of lightning were striking in the distance - the colours, too, looked great. It had a sort of painterly quality to them. :)

There's some random things you come across in this world - I yomped down the PCH-alike, turned off onto a dirt side road and found two trucks parked up and a rabble of grubby blokes standing around taking pictures of a flirting plus-size woman. A prelude to a dogging session, I presume (although I'd assume that they don't go into the actual dogging part in the game, you just see this impromptu photoshoot with a randy amateur) ... anyway, I ended up insulting one of them and got into a fist fight, one of them called the cops (as the girl and a photographer took off running down the beach, past a beach party), so I go tear-arsing away from the cops and lose them. :lol:

There's a reference to the GTA IV: Lost & Damned characters and story when you're introduced to Trevor, and it's a bit of an eye-opener, but also quite crazy. I think I'll go hunting with Cletus soon (got me a sweet silenced rifle with advanced scope).

Oh, and this other bit ... man, it was the creepiest thing I've experienced in a GTA game thus far:

Random Event spoiler and how I chose to resolve it:
So I've come out of a 24/7 convenience store and there's this drunk and randy couple who are too wasted to get back to their motel, so I drive them, but as Trevor you can take people to this hidden cult that lives in a fortified area mid-way up a mountain. It was the dead of night, I'm driving their car, they're in the back and I drive past the turn off to their motel ... they don't notice as they're shagging each other in the back seat, and we keep driving ... and keep driving ... and keep driving. They're getting semi-suspicious of the distance we're going, but Trevor calms them down. We wind our way up a dirt trail, as it rains, still in the dead of night, up the side of this mountain, and we come to the gates of a wooden fort structure - the couple are taken in by a real hillbilly type with a shotgun and massive beard and he gives me $2000.

Back down the mountain I go, and I drive the car to a secluded spot, pour petrol over the car and leave a trail - then with my silenced pistol I shoot the fuel and destroy their car. :elol:

Oh, and I think the cult are cannibals, too. :eek:

Pretty darn creepy, but also kinda cool.

This world is vast, too - you go yomping up a mountain side in a dune buggy and then look out over creation and it's huge - just land, land, land (with oceans, lakes, etc) dotted about - vast. :cool:

19-Sep-2013, 05:25 PM
Seemingly problems with the digital version?

Is this the same issue on the XBox, so if you buy the retail version the version the game performs better bacause it can load from the hard drive AND bluray at the same time?


You and me both. Why the hell would the digital version be worse than the disc? Don't you download the entire data to the disc with the digital version?

When did games get so difficult to bleedin buy!!!!

21-Sep-2013, 10:34 AM

$1billion in 3 days.

Blimey! :stunned:



Rancid Carcass
22-Sep-2013, 01:02 PM
I can't be the only one playing this, looking at the world and thinking, GTA:Undead Nightmare... :shifty: :D

22-Sep-2013, 03:45 PM
I can't be the only one playing this, looking at the world and thinking, GTA:Undead Nightmare... :shifty: :D

I bet we'll see that shortly...

I'm currently stuck with Trevor when he goes to the inbred brothers' farm to kill them all and burn it down. They keep coming from every direction and killing me. Anyone have any pointers for this?

22-Sep-2013, 04:25 PM
I bet we'll see that shortly...

I'm currently stuck with Trevor when he goes to the inbred brothers' farm to kill them all and burn it down. They keep coming from every direction and killing me. Anyone have any pointers for this?

It's best to pick off the guys outside using a silenced sniper rifle, and usually a couple more will drive away in a van. Then approach the farm and go in from the back - be sure to use cover AND Trevor's special ability to dish out the pain. It's also good to have a good bit of body armour on.

A couple of niggles with the game:

1) Instructions popping up in the top left AS YOU'RE DOING THE TASK/EVENT/ACTION FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME - it's always been a silly thing. The game needs to pause and show you the instructions clearly in the centre of the screen, then allow the player to 'press continue' to do it. It's like juggling and riding a unicycle at the same time the way it currently is (and has been for a very long time with the series).

2) Constantly having to buy body armour. Same thing in GTA IV, same thing here. At the very least we've got the bottom 50% of health to be replenishable, but still ... I feel some of the enemies have very accurate aim, which is a bit annoying.

I just had a glitch-out - going into the menu it just stuck on the spinning circle, so I had to just exit, so hopefully my save game slot is alright (if not, it'll be frustrating, but it'd only be like 3% lost if so ... but I shouldn't think so, so we'll see).

I got a video guide off YouTube which shows the locations for the letter scraps - why does it need to be fifty of the damn things? There's only 10 'alien ship parts', so why FIFTY letter scraps? Anyway, the person who did the video did it well from making it clear where to go etc, but what they messed up on was ordering the scraps - the way it is in the video it has you crossing all over Blaine County for each scrap, rather than organising them into quadrants of the map to make things quicker ... good to have the guide anyway, though.

I got annoyed earlier when I'd spent thousands customising a car for Trevor, left it in the golf club car park for a side-mission, and came back to find it gone and not in my garage - however, there's a Car Impound on the map - I went there and it was in there. The club must have had it towed (I parked it rather poorly, lol) - although not knowing the names of the cars, they really should have done it so you could SEE the car that the cops had, as they had two for Trevor. You get a text when they've impounded one of your cars - so keep an eye out for that. ;)

And GTA: Undead Nightmare? Yeah, I'd go for that. :D

24-Sep-2013, 12:20 AM
such a great game, worthy of the hype in every sense so far. the mission variety is so much better, as are the graphics, characters, plot, etc compared to all the prior gta games. that first heist job was so incredible. and as franklin, i went out afterwards and celebrated by banging a stripper after a crappy conversation with my ex.

just now getting around to meeting trevor, been doing some gun-running missions with him and just causing a lot of collateral damage. looking forward to his reunion with michael. and i'm taking my time with this baby, but i really can't wait to find the "fuck off" vehicles such as the fighter jet and the tanks.

and what i'm really jazzed about is the gta online mode, that it's gonna be bonkers. 1 week from tomorrow!

24-Sep-2013, 09:52 AM
As Trevor, I was wandering about the wilderness collecting letter scraps (up to 15 out of 50 so far), and had to pinch a ruddy golf cart in the middle of nowhere (I was fed up of waiting for taxis to arrive) ... anyway, there was a hitch-hiker out and about so I picked her up and good lord, what a nutjob. :lol: She lived at the place by the lighthouse and she's now a contact in my phone - I'm not sure for what purpose as yet - but it was just another one of the random moments in GTA V that bring a smile to my face.

It's also hilarious any time someone brings up Trevor's slight Canadian accent and he gets mad. :lol: He really is a character and a half - intimidating, psychotic, hilarious, surprising.

Although I do think they missed a trick by not having one of the three characters be female.

24-Sep-2013, 10:22 AM
Haven't got the game yet. Was supposed to be here yesterday.

However, am I the only one who isn't that crazy about the idea of having to control three separate characters? Not from a concentration POV, but just cos it takes you out, as it were. I prefer handling just one character in these type of games.

Really doesn't fill me with much "wow".

Rancid Carcass
24-Sep-2013, 11:42 AM
Really doesn't fill me with much "wow".

It will do!

Actually the three character thing works really well, it's not like you have to juggle between them when on missions, they've worked it so that it transitions from one to the other in a very natural, organic way without tripping you up. Not sure how I ever got on without it now!

24-Sep-2013, 01:34 PM
Aye, I've heard that's what it does. But, I much prefer the idea of focusing on one player than spreading across three. I know GTA is not really an RPG, but to me, if I am switching out of a player in a game it takes from it somehow.

'The Last of Us' was a prime example of that. You play Joe (or whatever his name was) all game and then all of a sudden switch to Ellie. Didn't really work for me.

24-Sep-2013, 02:50 PM
I much prefer the idea of focusing on one player than spreading across three. I know GTA is not really an RPG, but to me, if I am switching out of a player in a game it takes from it somehow.

Yeah, this is what pretty much has me noncommittal and unexcited about the game. I like character progression and building in a sandbox game.

25-Sep-2013, 10:03 AM
I rather like this 3-character mechanic. You can have instant variety - you're not playing just one single personality, you get to try out three different guys living in very different worlds with very different friends. I've not felt that the characterisation has suffered at all - it's very efficiently done. We get who they are, why they are (more is revealed as the game progresses), what they're up to, and so on very swiftly - we don't have a lot of filler - we get right to the point (without ever feeling short-changed), and it's cool to see these three guys both alone and as part of a group/team. They've got different styles, different attitudes, and different strengths.

When I get a bit bored of Michael's Vinewood life (my favourite character of the three), I hop over to Trevor and usually find him chasing someone or eating garbage in the street, and off I go on a chaotic adventure. Then if I want a taste of GTA: San Andreas I hop over to Franklin - and even have a jaunt down to Grove Street, which is looked fairly similar, but not entirely (indeed there's a mission that takes place there).

You first get to play Franklin, then we move into Michael, and then Trevor - but it's always via a mission that makes for a smooth hand-off, and with two or three of them taking part in certain missions you get to know them a little more as the plot moves forward. I've still got a lot left to play, but trust me, the three character thing isn't a distraction, it isn't a problem, it's easy to use, and it adds variety and spice to matters - particularly in missions where you get to play all the best parts of a particular heist or job.

Each of them have stats that can be built up, but each of them have strengths and weaknesses that are different from the others (e.g. Franklin can't fly for shit, while Trevor is already fairly well versed). I've also found that the three characters encourages me to have different lifestyles for them - with Michael, for instance, I've made him be quite the ladies man down at the Vanilla Unicorn. His phone is full of 'sext' messages and he's got a bevy of strippers on-call for a good time.

It's also just really entertaining to find out what each character is doing when you hop over to them - I went over to Trevor today and he was chasing someone through the storm drains screaming 'I promise not to get my dick out again!' - the guy I was chasing crashed his car and ran away in terror. :lol: Michael on the other hand might be dropping off his kids - e.g. his daughter at a nightclub in a slutty outfit, or he might just be found head-on-the-steering-wheel ruing his life decisions.

I've really enjoyed the paparazzi missions, as well as the Nigel missions, which are all to do with the world of celebrity - from stealing someone's clothes from their own back garden, to filming a sex tape, to chasing a starlet as she's pursued by the cops in a thrilling chase that takes you all through the Vinewood Hills. :cool:

As Franklin I held up a convenience store, and to escape the cops I jumped my car off a hillside way down into the storm drains and lost the cops in a run-off tunnel. :D

- - - Updated - - -

Garage bug:

This has happened to me with Trevor - I modded out a sweet ride, parked it in the garage under my Verspucci Beach pad, and when I came back it was gone - I then found it in the Car Impound for no good reason, paid the $500 to get it back, parked it there again, saved, and when I came back it was bloody gone again. :|

On the other hand, Michael's car is fully tricked out ... although I temporarily don't have access to it because of a mission-related event ... but I do have a tricked out Mustang-alike parked safely in his garage. Likewise with Franklin I've not had a problem when it comes to cars - if anything I can't get rid of the damn things. :lol: For some reason at his Aunt's house I had two copies of the same Franklin car ... maybe because I put one in the garage, not knowing that I didn't need to (just have it on the driveway).

So really, I've only had this problem with Trevor at Verspucci Beach. A recommendation, from a comment on the article, is to only use stolen or default cars when doing a mission. That might explain why I've never lost Michael's Audi-alike, which I've fully modded-out.

Thankfully not a game-ending bug, and not a properly serious bug, but it's still an annoying bug that seems rather inconsistent. Just a heads up.

To be fair, if this was another company like Ubisoft, it'd be kicked out the door filled with bugs, some of them game-ending or save-corrupting, so an inconsistent garage bug in a game this vast is pretty good going.

Otherwise, I had a fun time last night because of this:
I drove Jimmy to the burger joint to pick up his drugs, and he gave me a sip of his drink - everything goes weird as it's spiked, he boots me out of the car, and I'm then hallucinating about an alien abduction and that I've flying above the city with music playing and all the lights blurring and such like a Max Payne 3 cutscene - when I finally hit the ground, after flying around for minutes chuckling my nuts off, Michael wakes up in just his boxers on a grass verge and pukes his guts up - an event that some "Bleets" about online. :lol:

Also - Trevor's encounter with the 'legalize marijuana' guy was hilarious - much like Michael wigging out over invading aliens, Trevor's fear of clowns comes to the fore and it's damn funny ... and damn creepy.

While my favourite character is Michael, Trevor never fails to make me laugh ... good lord, just what he's done to his borrowed pad in Verspucci Beach is shocking - the toilet's blocked with a horrendous arse explosion, there's graffiti all over the place, and poor old Mr. Raspberry Jam has had an awful time of it (you can interact with the teddy bear and Trevor says a bunch of things to it).



28-Sep-2013, 05:00 PM
I'm doing a lot of side things in the game at the moment, I started out going hard and heavy on the main missions, but for a while now I've been spreading out into other areas of the game, including just pissing about and looking at locations, visiting some sights, and yomping around the Los Santos river. I've been doing a bunch of store robberies too - and interestingly, I went back to one I'd recently done over, and the clerk recognised me, began to cower behind the counter, and the tills had barely any money in them. One thing though, it is annoying when you shoot the second register that the money bag always pops out on the other side - it's never on the side of the counter you're standing, which costs valuable seconds for making your getaway.

Oh yeah, and I figured out that "Ursula", the nutjob hitchhiker that you pick up as Trevor, is in your contacts list for him. You can pick her up, take her back to her gaff near the lighthouse in Blaine County, and roger that nutter. :lol:

I must remember to take another unsuspecting victim over to the Altruist Cult in the mountains as I think that thread goes somewhere if you do it enough times. :elol:

Currently just shy of 60% progression in just over 40 hours of gameplay.

01-Oct-2013, 09:56 AM
I'm somewhere around 45 hours of gameplay now, and the game is still throwing out new and unseen things - random events, strangers & freaks, that I've not encountered before - in previous GTA games I would have seen everything new it had to offer (aside from main story missions) by this point, but GTA V is still tossing out little surprises.

While Michael is definitely my favourite character (played by Ned Luke - who was in episode 4x04 "All In" of Boardwalk Empire, by the way - I knew I recognised his voice!), Trevor is the most surprising. I walked into Trevor's trailer one day and he was right there in front of me, in the bathroom, with the door open, heaving out a massive shit. :lol:

01-Oct-2013, 02:06 PM
Played a fairly long session on this yesterday. Didn't really bother with the actual missions, I'm just 3% in. But I spent most of my time just dicking about. Getting chased by muscle-bound idiots on Venice beach and crashing through the barriers of an army base and a sinister chemical plant.

Getting chased by the cops is great. I usually have a mini. Very zippy.

The mission involving LifeInvader is gas. I actually LOL'd.

01-Oct-2013, 04:18 PM
Finally got your copy, eh?

I'm at about 67%, but then I have been playing it hard and heavy since the 17th of September. :p

Yeah, I rather enjoyed the Life Invader mission with the porn pop ups and what not. :D

This game has brought a smile to my face numerous times.

01-Oct-2013, 05:47 PM
Got it last Thursday, but I only fired it up yesterday. Funny old game.

02-Oct-2013, 10:11 AM
There's been a lot of talk in some quarters about certain shocking moments - such as a torture sequence, however, something that I found rather jaw dropping was this:

Trevor's return to Verspucci Beach later in the game:
When Trevor returns to Verspucci Beach after being exiled to the desert, there's a fight in the apartment with the lady who owns it and her dock worker boyfriend (with whom Trevor did some work earlier in the game). Voices get raised, it cuts to black ... then we see Trevor exiting the apartment covered in blood.

I've not heard anything on the radio yet, but I'm assuming that he did indeed just murder them both. Now sure, it didn't have the same level of discomfort and active participation that the torture sequence had, but it still dropped my jaw. After the mission completed I saved and exited as it was getting late, so we'll see what's said of it afterwards.

There are some dark and twisted undertones and subtexts throughout the game - little things mentioned in passing etc, e.g. a conversation relating to how Trevor and Wade met.

02-Oct-2013, 10:58 PM
damn the launch of the online is such a bumble-f*ck fail right now. hope they sort this shit out pronto....

03-Oct-2013, 10:35 AM
Have to say, I've been very underwhelmed with the soundtrack. :(

It's not floating my boat at all.

03-Oct-2013, 11:26 AM
Have to say, I've been very underwhelmed with the soundtrack. :(

It's not floating my boat at all.


Perhaps it's something you just have to get into the vibe of. There's a lot of music in there, so you'll probably find something you like.

Sure, there's tracks - and even entire stations - that I don't listen to, but there's also stuff I really enjoy. The best stuff are the talk shows though, they're well worth listening to. I was quite pleased to see a track by The Black Angels on there, as they're one of my favourite bands of recent times. The track featured is "Black Grease", and IIRC it's on the Vinewood Boulevard channel.

Make sure to check out the TV channels in the game, too. There's some rather good content on there. :)

03-Oct-2013, 11:53 AM
Um...nothing is standing out for me.

They really should have had k-dst back. That suited San Andreas completely, especially when driving around hicksville. And Radio X was gas.

Although none of GTA's radio stations, in 5, play music that I am really into anyhow. It's just the vibe that's missing in this one. Whoever picked the sound track for Vice City should have been hired, cos everything in that suited the game down to a tee. But I spose VC would have been easier since it was the 80's and limited to that tyoe of music.

But, the classic rock stuff in 5 just isn't as good as it was in SA.

A lot of people hated 4's soundtrack, but I thought is was good. No musc in 5 is doing it for me. Might try the yap stations.

I'm up to Trevor at the moment, ha ha what a right bollocks.

I still think the game should have focused on just the one player character and that should have been Michael. The middle aged bank robber back in the game is a great angle for GTA. But the character switching isn't as bad as I though it would have been. I still find myself focusing on Michael.

It's all enjoyable though and I am deliberately taking my time with it. It's even more enjoyable now I got an xbox style controller for the PS3. Those Playstation controllers are awful.

Rancid Carcass
03-Oct-2013, 12:07 PM
Yeah I've noticed the radio stations don't cover quite as many bases as they used to, I don't mind chugging along the coast to Radio Ga Ga though, and there's something so awesomely sleazy about banging hookers to Baker Street! Would have been nice to have had a hard rock/metal station in there, but I just roll with it adds to the colour of the place I suppose.

05-Oct-2013, 06:15 PM
So last night I was having a sesh on the game, I switch to Trevor, and he's just waking up after an epic bender, but he's up a mountain wearing a dress. :lol:

Similarly, another time I switched to him he was on a small beach out in the sticks in nothing but his pants (underwear, for our American chums), again waking up from a booze binge, surrounded by dead bodies. :lol:

My favourite time switching to Trevor in-game though would be him on a scooter wailing "SCOOOOOTER BROTHERRRRRS!" at another bloke riding a Scooter. :D

- - - Updated - - -

Today in GTA V, I was at the airport and needed to escape from the rozzers quicksmart, so I nabbed a plane and took off in a frenzy of gunfire ... of course, I then realised I didn't have anywhere to land it safely, and I didn't have a parachute on me either (why isn't that just always in your inventory, Rockstar?!), so I flew to the nearest patch of police-free ocean, took it right down to just a few feet above the waves and bailed out safely ... ... however, it is ruddy stupid that everytime you ditch a plane you get the cops on to you - so I had to put my lungs to good use and evade the cops underwater (I've done this a few times throughout the game). :D

Speaking of being underwater - the controls for swimming underwater can be a right old pain in the arse at times. I was collecting submarine parts, rummaging around impressive sunken ships and crashed planes etc, but so often I found myself with my head stuck against something, or my character swimming in the completely wrong direction - I want to go left, he goes right, I want to go forward, he goes backward, or certain areas that are quite frustrating to get close enough to in order to pick up the thing you're after ... that needed finessing. It ain't broken, but it could be nicer to control.

Also - the cone vision 'line of sight' thing is good, but at the same time the cops are too agressive. I was on three starts and I was trying to evade them, but the chopper kept spotting me, and eventually I had an army of squad cars following me (why isn't there a limit? I had a dozen of them after turning back on my tracks several times), and then ruddy tyre spikes as well. It was part of a side quest and it was literally impossible to lose the bastards - I'm not sure if I'd just encountered a random glitch by chance, but I do feel the cops are too harsh on you - this is supposed to be a game that's fun afterall. :|

Annnnnnnd - enemy gunfire - it finds you way too easily. They're accurate like Dirty Harry - I was outrunning rival gunrunners and they were a spec down the road behind me - and yet their shots consistently struck either me or my vehicle!

It's still a great game, most certainly, and it's overwhelmingly good in almost all regards, but there are certain annoying little things that should have been tweaked here and there (such as the above).

Anyway - do folks have any cool stories of how they evaded capture or mad things they encountered etc?

07-Oct-2013, 12:27 AM
Watching Jack Howitzer is Jack Howizter in Jack Howitzer.

Feckin gas.

07-Oct-2013, 04:23 PM
Watching Jack Howitzer is Jack Howizter in Jack Howitzer.

Feckin gas.


That was a top class in-game show. :D

- - - Updated - - -

Franklin's shitty vacation, as narrated by Morgan Freeman (not literally Morgan Freeman):



08-Oct-2013, 10:32 AM
Biggest digital release of all time, and in just 3 weeks GTA V has out-sold the lifetime sales of GTA IV in the UK (including the PC release of IV).

08-Oct-2013, 10:30 PM
Franklin's shitty vacation, as narrated by Morgan Freeman (not literally Morgan Freeman):


Jesus...that was bleedin brilliant Mini. Maybe I'm just a little drunk though.

I've lost count at the number of times I've laughed out loud at this game. Best 30 quid I've spent in ages.

- - - Updated - - -

Biggest digital release of all time, and in just 3 weeks GTA V has out-sold the lifetime sales of GTA IV in the UK (including the PC release of IV).

It's weird, the popularity of this game, because it really isn't THAT much better than GTA IV, even though it IS great. It just seems to have caught onto some sort of zeitgeist (if you'll forgive me for using that awful term) this time around. My wife went out with the girls the other night and it turned into a GTA widows convention. It was like so and so's husband/boyfriend hasn't been seen for a week cos he bought GTA V. Fellas I know in their mid 40's at home on their kids xboxes playing GTA and then not letting the kids play. It's all a bit mad.

09-Oct-2013, 10:31 AM
Indeed, I've guffawed and gurned with joy at this game so many times. There's so many little surprises along the way, even just moments of wonder at the detail - lots of "ooh" and "ahh" moments, e.g. scuba diving to get submarine parts and seeing entire container ships and aeroplanes that have sunk/crashed, and swimming about the wreckage, sometimes hiding from a shark that's happened by overhead.

:lol: @ "GTA widows".

I'd say it's a fair bit better than GTA IV - the tone is less dour, the range of characters is better (although they still missed a trick by not having one of the main three be a woman - just imagine a female Trevor! :stunned:), the shooting, driving, and movement mechanics are all far superior, the game world is infinitely better - far bigger and with a big variety of landscapes with the chance to gain innumerable views that inspire awe, a better range of random events, more depth to the in-game world (including the in-game internet - Bleetr is damn funny), far less filler missions, more 'big events' during missions to make them interesting and exciting and unique, etc.

I did love playing GTA IV, but GTA V improves on it in almost every way - there's very few downsides to it.

However, the cops can be too aggressive when they are onto you, you can die too easily in this game (in IV you could jump out of a chopper and crash land in the sea without getting hurt - do that now and you'll die instantly ... laaaaaame, but even taking a tumble down a hillside can snuff you out, I've also had cars explode instantly when spinning and hitting an object at the wrong angle, e.g. their version of an R8 with the exposed engine on the back) ... the in-game stock market isn't as developed as it could have been because outside of missions you have no real way to use it to your advantage (stock tip offs, or understanding the flow of the market) let alone influence it (e.g. buy stock in Cluckin' Bell, and then blow up a load of Burger Shot vans to drop their stock - rumours are out there that you can do that, but others like IGN have found that to be false), there's a range of people you can use in your heist crews, but there were some I never used once (a tip would be to use the shittest ones early on with low percentages to try and increase their stats, and their percentage will never change - I always went for the best but most expensive) ... there's also moments of less than joined-up thinking - you pilot a plane as Trevor before Flight School is unlocked - tutorials are just boxes of text in the top left as you're doing whatever task you're being taught for the very first time.


When getting a vehicle from the impound lot, you don't get to preview it - you just have to splash the cash and see what it is you get (and it'll usually be some car you deliberately abandoned a while back anyway) - the stunt jumps are oddly difficult this time around (I've passed a couple, but failed so many times more) - you take too much damage from bullets (so, yet again, you spend so much time and money going to buy new body armour ... if you can pick up ammo and weapons in battle, why not body armour inserts? ... the most expensive armour doesn't seem to be all that effective) ... likewise, enemies are too accurate (being really far away, yet still hitting you/your vehicle with ease and consistent accuracy) and cover is inconsistently effective (when you pop up to shoot someone you'll often get shot, not a near-miss, but shot). There's also some side characters who get not much of a look in (e.g. Nervous Ron, and Wade), but perhaps they're saving those (and some awesome, but unused, locations) for expansion packs? There's a version of the Playboy mansion in there, but it's just there ... maybe in an expansion pack there'll be missions relating to it (and other) cool places?


In spite of those numerous annoyances, the game is decidedly superior to GTA IV in my view - it gets so much more right than wrong. :)

I finished the main story last night (for those in-the-know, I chose Option C, the best and most elaborate of the bunch) and clocked in at just shy of 70 hours (obsessed, much?), and I've still got side missions and collectibles to get, and there's even areas of the map that are still covered up.

At the end of the credits you do indeed get a Psych Report from Dr Friedlander regarding your personality (how you played the game and what you did) ... but you're in for a long wait ... I'm not sure if you can skip the credits to get there, so I didn't want to chance it, and ended up sitting through the credits (lots of nice landscape shots though) - the credits rolled for 35 MINUTES! :stunned:

09-Oct-2013, 10:34 AM
At the end of the credits you do indeed get a Psych Report from Dr Friedlander regarding your personality (how you played the game and what you did) ... but you're in for a long wait ... I'm not sure if you can skip the credits to get there, so I didn't want to chance it, and ended up sitting through the credits (lots of nice landscape shots though) - the credits rolled for 35 MINUTES! :stunned:
That's a bit needlessly wanky isn't it?

09-Oct-2013, 11:48 AM
That's a bit needlessly wanky isn't it?

There's just so many people involved in the game, that's why. Numerous Rockstar Games institutions around the globe and their respective staff involved in the game, all the programmers for all the different types of tasks, heck, the radio stations alone take up a good chunk with each song listed with licensing info etc, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I've seen long end credits before - but this one took the biscuit by far! They could have sped it up a bit and shaved off 5-10 minutes though.

09-Oct-2013, 12:18 PM
^^ Or allowed a key depression to skip?

10-Oct-2013, 11:59 AM
^^ Or allowed a key depression to skip?

True. Maybe there is the option in there, but I didn't want to try it and miss out on my psych report (you just don't know) ... I think in one game there actually was an achievement for sitting through all the credits (forget which game though).

- - - Updated - - -

GTA V now holds SEVEN Guiness World Records - as relayed by Steven Ogg (Trevor) on IGN:



Also, 41 little details:


10-Oct-2013, 03:31 PM
PC version early 2014... So 4-6 months off :(


10-Oct-2013, 05:47 PM
PC version early 2014... So 4-6 months off :(


*ahem* 2014.

Also, time-scale wise, that's in-keeping with GTA IV and GTA San Andreas' PC ports.

Today I finished collecting the nuclear waste barrels under-the-sea in my slow-as-shit submarine ... I wish you could turbo charge that bastard! :lol: Still, on my travels I did see a crashed alien space ship in the briny deep. :cool:

10-Oct-2013, 07:52 PM

Just seems to long :(

Hopefully they use the time to add some more frills to maybe entice people with an XBox to buy again :)

12-Oct-2013, 12:43 PM
An interview with Steven Ogg (Trevor), Shawn 'Solo' Fonteno (Franklin), and Ned Luke (Michael):


Pretty cool that they're actually friends in real life now because of this game.

21-Oct-2013, 08:42 AM

25-Oct-2013, 04:21 PM
I must go and track down the zombie cosplay guy. I've seen other such individuals - there's Impotent Rage man somewhere about who I stumbled into the other day.

For anyone doing the Epsilon programme in the game, don't save and reload/exit after doing the mission where you deliver the cars, because there's a glitch and you won't be able to progress ... unless you download the patch for the game.

I was wondering why the next stage in my enlightenment hadn't turned up on the map ... so, for the first time EVER, I hooked my Xbox up to the net ... using a massive long Ethernet cable that ran all the way downstairs to the other side of the house, hehe. More than an hour later - after the slowest download in history - the console itself was up-to-date and I was able to proceed onto updated GTA V (although there's no obvious "update the game" button), but I managed to do it somehow, and I have resumed my path to the glory of Kifflom, lol.

The patch also fixes the garage bug where modified cars would go missing randomly - so I've been modding the shit out of some vehicles.

One thing though - I had no idea how to 'sign in' to Xbox Live ... I had a hotmail account I could use for it, but then it said something like that the account was linked up to another thing, so I don't know what that's about. I think I did try - years ago - to sign up to Xbox Live via the Internet and a normal computer using that email account, and there was something about my username on the console already being taken, so I had to tweak it, so maybe that's what's up with that ... I was going to try and redeem the Blimp code for GTA V, but couldn't even figure out how to get signed into XBL, so I gave up having achieved what I actually went on to do. :p

I'm currently wearing my Epsilon robes for 10 cumulative days. :lol:

24-Dec-2013, 08:20 AM
Rumour is... PC March 12th..


Mr. Clean
24-Dec-2013, 07:18 PM
Heard ya'll have a hacking problem with GTA Online....guess someone has hacked the money system and is giving out loads of cash to everyone at random. People are scared that they will get banned cause they have $19,000,000 in cash all because some random dude just walked up to them and gave them loads of cash.

COD:Ghosts has a horrible hacking problem too. If people decide to cheat, you would think they wouldn't make it so obvious. My team got merc'd on Search and Destroy in literally 6 seconds. The other team wall glitched to our spawn. Pissed me off. It's not very widespread yet that I know of. Only run into them every now and then.

24-Dec-2013, 09:48 PM
yeah, the other day i was playing and somebody randomly gave me 53 million dollars, then i was playing the other day and somebody else put a bounty of 2 billion dollars on me and i survived....so in the last 3 or so days, i have had this happen to me twice....if i get banned for something like this, i'd be beyond pissed, since there was literally nothing i did to cause this to happen other than play in a public lobby.