View Full Version : Question about on-the-job accident.

21-Jun-2011, 11:34 PM
Long story short: I was in a minor car accident while I was driving for work. Aside from some numbness in my left arm, I felt fine, but was strongly urged by the EMT's and police who were on the scene to go with them to the hospital. I just got the ambulance bill in the mail yesterday, which is over $800. Should my company's insurance cover it? If not, shouldn't the other driver's insurance pay for it, since he was cited for the accident? Thanks in advance.

22-Jun-2011, 03:32 AM
Yeah, if the other guy is at fault, his insurance company should/will cover whatever hospital bills you acquired from the accident.

22-Jun-2011, 09:22 AM
If you were on the job when the accident occurred, you're probably covered both by the other driver's insurance and by worker's compensation. It may be best to file claims with both. If you have health insurance, when my wife was injured in a car accident a few years back we filed a claim with our own medical insurance while the car insurance claim was pending. In such a case usually your own medical insurance will cover your medical bills as normal, and the other guy's car insurance will reimburse you for your out of pocket expenses and your medical insurance company for the medical bills it paid. I'm not sure how workers compensation changes that situation but depending on the state it may have priority over car insurance.

22-Jun-2011, 11:19 AM
Did u put in the accident report that you were working?
That could cause you a bunch of problems as far as your insurance goes
if you did not tell them you are using your car for work duties.
If they think you are just driving TO and FROM work but not using it as
a work vehicle they might flat out deny paying you anything cuz its not part of
your policy.

And I personally would avoid workmans comp unless you
missed days from work and lost wages.
Comp claims follow you around on your work history forever.

Speaking from experience from MANY MANY car accidents
it is best for you to go after the other guys insurance.
And if driving your car is part of your job then you need to notify
your insurance company.
If you HAVE done that and it is part of your policy then you can just
file a claim with them, they will pay your bills and then go after the
other guys insurance to get paid back.
Seeing how it sounds like you lost no time at work, I would NOT involve
Workmans Comp or a lawyer.

If you are covered to use your car as a work vehicle (like pizza delivery ppl)
and your insurance has it in ur policy then u can put in a claim with them,
but quite honest, if I was you, id contact the other persons insurance.
Seeing how you are not looking for lost wages, or property damages
just re-embursment on an ER bill they most likely will just pay it with no problems.

Glad you were not seriously injured.

23-Jun-2011, 06:44 AM
When you talk to the other guys insurance company keep in mind they will record the conversation. Make sure you stick to the facts, don't engage in any idle chat or unrelated friendly conversation with them on the phone. It is their job to do whatever they can to trick you into saying you were not injured in the accident. Don't be surprised when they try to deny your claim. Have the 800 number for an ambulance chasing attorney handy, just in case.

23-Jun-2011, 02:03 PM
Hey, I own a company in PA and I know we have to follow specific regulations with work related accidents. However, I say that no one here is an attorney and that no one should be offering legal advice.

With that being said, each state has its own rules and regulations for such accidents and you should check with your employer and/or an attorney on what to do next.

Good luck!

24-Jun-2011, 03:14 AM
I handed the bill over to my boss and he's gonna contact HR about it.

I'm sure as hell not paying $800 for an unnecessary ten-minute ambulance ride from an accident that wasn't even my fault, that's all I know.

24-Jun-2011, 04:23 PM
I would review your insurance policy to see what
it says about coverage on using it as a work vehicle.

This is not legal advise, it is simply checking the contract
to see if they will cover you in case of an accident while
you are 'on the clock' for your job.

I have seen ppl get denied payments cuz
they took jobs as pizza delivery ppl
and got into accidents and their insurance
refused to pay cuz they had not listed the
car as a "work vehicle"

Just dont want you to run into any trouble in
the future.
Handle it the way u feel is best,
contact ur insurance company, a lawyer,
whatever, but do find out what your policy
WILL and WILL NOT cover.

Good luck with everything.

25-Jun-2011, 10:35 PM
My boss told me that our company's insurance will cover it. Thanks for the replies.

26-Jun-2011, 05:57 AM
on the jerb? it is all up to them as far as paying. i jus saw ur reply and heck yeah. money, money...

26-Jun-2011, 10:07 PM
My boss told me that our company's insurance will cover it. Thanks for the replies.

"Suddenly, my back is hurting..."