View Full Version : Monroeville Restaurant Bans Children.

13-Jul-2011, 05:44 PM
Next thing you know they will ban us zombie fans for "visiting their mall and causing them an inconvenience with our picture taking" :evil:

At McDain's Restaurant, in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, kids don't eat free. And starting next week, they don't get to eat at all. Mike Vuick, owner of the Pittsburgh area eatery has just announced a ban on children under 6 at his casual dining establishment.

After receiving noise complaints from customers about crying kids at neighboring tables, Vuick decided to institute the policy, which will go into effect July 16.

In an email to customers, Vuick explained: "We feel that McDain's is not a place for young children. Their volume can't be controlled and many, many times, they have disturbed other customers."

The owner of the "upscale, casual and quiet" restaurant explains to WTAE Local News, he's got nothing against kids in general, but their endless screams at public dinner tables are "the height of being impolite and selfish."

Last year, North Carolina's Olde Salty restaurant made a similar decision. Owner Brenda Armes posted a sign that read "Screaming children will not be tolerated", making it clear to parents when their kids scream, they'll be asked to take it outside. Armes said the move has boosted business, and Vuick is confident his ban will benefit McDain's as well.

But not everyone is on board. Some Monroeville locals are offended that they're being singled out for having young kids, and pointing fingers at noisy adults.

"If they're so concerned about noise, what do they plan to do about the loud people at the bar?" asks one local resident.

It's not illegal to ban kids from eating establishments, but some parents consider the move discriminatory, and potentially a violation of rights for certain special needs kids. What do you think: are kid-free restaurants a great idea or flat-out wrong?

Related links:
Message to parents: leave the screaming babies at home!
Hugs banned in schools?
Should establishments be allowed to ban kids?
You want to ban my kid from airline travel?


13-Jul-2011, 05:50 PM
Now if only movie theaters would do the same....

13-Jul-2011, 05:54 PM
I know, it gets bad sometimes at a theater. I take my nephews to the movies every once in a while and they are the kind of kids who are well behaved at the movies, but then we see all these other people with their kids misbehaving and it makes me want to smack them and tell them to parent their damn kids.

13-Jul-2011, 06:46 PM
I quite agree, nothing worse than having something to eat in a restaurant & trying to have a conversation with whoever you're with, and all you can hear is a screaming kid, kind of ruins it! Especially if its one of those badly behaved kids that the parents cant/daren't control :mad:
On my flight home from Greece the other week there was a screaming kid, the flight was at a stupid time in the morning anyway, and this brat was screaching for pretty much the entire 3.5 hour flight when most people were tired & wanting to sleep, hell I tells thee!

13-Jul-2011, 08:12 PM
Now if only movie theaters would do the same....

If only theaters wouldn't allow teenagers. And if only they'd do background checks on people to see if they've been theater disturbances in the past...

13-Jul-2011, 08:14 PM
Awww, can't find a pic of the Savini kids at the airport in Dawn, but that's the 1st thing this thread made me think of.

13-Jul-2011, 08:19 PM
"Children under the age of 6 will be accommodated in the lobby with bread & water until their parents are finished with their meals."

13-Jul-2011, 08:23 PM
Me too, Aces.
Say... Noisy kids... Yep, they're a bother. Stick 'em back in McDonald's, I say!
Y'know, I was one of those really quiet children. Only thing that would make me hyper and vocalize was my sister. She's quite the extrovert, I'll have you know.
I digress. Good idea on the business' part.

14-Jul-2011, 04:10 AM
Y'know, I was one of those really quiet children.
I remember we'd get the shit smacked out of us if/when we'd act out anywhere and embarrass our parents. Giant leather 70's belts wielded by my dad kept my little ass in check...

If only theaters wouldn't allow teenagers. And if only they'd do background checks on people to see if they've been theater disturbances in the past...
Maybe they should have a like/dislike button. A certain percentage of high over low and you give them rewards. The other way around, and they get suspended from public movie viewing for awhile...

14-Jul-2011, 10:44 AM
I'd ban Children too, given the chance. It was bad enough of Russo to defile Night, without making a SEQUEL to his abomination. Terrible, terrible film.

(narf narf)

darth los
14-Jul-2011, 02:59 PM
Now if only movie theaters would do the same....

Like I have said before, between People on their cell phones, obnoxious teens and screaming babies the theater is a no go for me now days. I'd rather wait for the blu ray and watch it on a 50 inch plasma screen.


19-Jul-2011, 03:51 PM
it's def kind of awesome! Wheres Mcdain's? Never heard of it. I know where Mcdade's is but thats a donut place. :p

21-Jul-2011, 01:27 AM
Lots of kids nowdays are out of control - and their parents are pretty much to blame.

I have had funeral services where children shout and run around and misbehave while the parents shrug and basically make not move to correct their behavior.

I know that there are well behaved children, but they are the exception and not the rule. I think that it's a great idea to make some places children-free.

23-Jul-2011, 12:40 PM
I read about this in an Aussie online newspaper but didn't realise it was in Monroeville! I totally agree with this as yes, most kids are well behaved, however some parents really don't give a shit about parenting & let their brats do what they want. It pisses me off. So, I would actually choose to go to this restaurant for this reason if I was in that area.