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View Full Version : Walking Dead Limited Edition MASK

24-Jul-2011, 12:10 AM
Just wondering and wishing if anyone has a photo of the included KNB made zombie mask that comes with this Limited Edition TWD Tin? If so, please post a pic so we can see. Likewise, I'll keep scouring the net to see what turns up.


25-Sep-2011, 01:32 PM
Here it is


25-Sep-2011, 01:48 PM
Not that I expected very much, but that kinda sucks....

26-Sep-2011, 02:09 PM
Not that I expected very much, but that kinda sucks....

It's gotta fit in the packaging, what did you expect, Bass? It's just an add-in to get you to buy it and pay a ludicrous price for the whole package-deal.

26-Sep-2011, 02:21 PM
It's gotta fit in the packaging, what did you expect, Bass?

Not that I expected very much, but that kinda sucks....


I guess the worst thing is the string. They could've made it a full mask. Not that it bothers me any. I decided at the beginning that I wouldn't be getting the Limited Edition.

26-Sep-2011, 02:28 PM
I get it, but packaging a full-cowl mask is a bit more difficult, I think...unless they went soft rubber and designed it so squashing it into a box wouldn't ruin, which I guess is an option, but seems way too over the top for such a gimmick.

That would also interfere with their Halloween line of mask products...they are doing one of those, right? I'd think they almost have to, but who knows.

29-Sep-2011, 04:08 AM
Yeah, somebody's gotta take a picture with that mask on because it is lame-O.
Today I was at some Halloween shop and saw the Rick Grimes costume. I didn't have my phone or I would've taken a picture of it. I think the gun was orange. I'm sure they'll have a bunch so I will come back right after the big day and try to pick it up for alot less, which I think is around $60 at the mo-mo.

That and a bunch of wigs and fake 'staches... I love fake 'staches.

29-Sep-2011, 01:03 PM
I received a magazine in the mail yesterday advertising for the local costume and party shop. What was on the cover? TWD costumes. What was weird about it? They were children's costumes. :rockbrow:

As ron mentioned, there was Rick, the little girl from the first episode, and a random zombie. All kids that couldn't have been over ten years old......

29-Sep-2011, 08:18 PM
I received a magazine in the mail yesterday advertising for the local costume and party shop. What was on the cover? TWD costumes. What was weird about it? They were children's costumes. :rockbrow:

As ron mentioned, there was Rick, the little girl from the first episode, and a random zombie. All kids that couldn't have been over ten years old......
The Rick ones I saw were for adults. I didn't see any others, nor for kids. I'd buy one for a kid if I saw one. I don't see any problem with that. Better than some of the whorish crap they are selling...
I'd much rather my kid be a flesh eater than a flesh peddler, lol, even though they both walk the streets in their own different ways.