View Full Version : Vampires Are Amongst Us: Charles Krauthammer!

28-Jul-2011, 11:00 PM
I know I'm not the only person here who watches FOX News from time to time (though I'm certain many here watch it for mocking purposes as opposed to enjoyment like me), but every time I see Charles Krauthammer on one of the evening shows (he's on Hannity and O'Reilly and a few other programs quite regularly) I always think to myself: "This man is secretly a vampire!"

I know this is probably an irrational statement on my behalf as I have no evidence to back up my claim, but in listening to the man speak and just his complexion/appearance he seems to be perfect for a re-making of Dracula or one of the vamps outside of an Anne Rice novel (i.e. a real vampire as opposed to the "Twilight" bullshit).

Anyway, I just wanted to share this bit of personal trepidation I feel in looking upon him. If I saw Charles Krauthammer in an alley somewhere at night and I was the only person around I would start screaming like a little girl and take off running as fast as I could because I would have a fear he would attempt to attack me and drink my blood. Yeah, he just has that effect on me.

I thought you all would find this entertaining so wanted to share it here as the rest of you are just as messed up as I am. :D:p



You can skip over O'Reilly just to see Krauthammer look as if he's about to attack O'Reilly and drink his blood (of course that would be entertaining as even I think he's a pompous ass and I'm a Conservative!).


29-Jul-2011, 12:00 AM

29-Jul-2011, 01:54 AM
He has an oddly calming voice, Mr. Krauthammer does.

I liked this, though:


30-Jul-2011, 01:14 AM
I'm already one of his minions...

For a long time I didn't realize he was paralyzed, I just thought he had really good posture.