View Full Version : Ever see the movie Solent Green?

25-Jun-2006, 02:28 AM
Charlton Heston played in it! It was a 70's movie...it was a futuristic society and the food was all processed...ends up Heston finds out the food people were eating was the people that had died. Does it ring a bell for anyone?

25-Jun-2006, 02:58 AM
I've seen Soylent Green. And it was a great movie.

25-Jun-2006, 03:14 AM
of course it's a classic, and it's odd given the fact that it was made in 1973 and it's still depicts the future that hasn't yet come and gone, it could still happen! :eek:

tho' will have video games much better then what they had...Pong in 2022? :lol:

25-Jun-2006, 03:33 AM
Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!!


25-Jun-2006, 06:48 AM
I love watching it with Omega Man. There's something about those "Heston in a goofy 70s vision of the future" films that makes them fun to watch.

25-Jun-2006, 07:48 AM
soylant means people?! No wonder his wife didn't attend dinner! SHE WAS THE MAIN COURSE!!!!:barf:

25-Jun-2006, 07:49 AM
whats soylent red then? or soylent blue?

25-Jun-2006, 08:03 AM
"With strawberries going for $150 a jar and meat a rare luxury even for the upper crust, the basic nutritional needs of most Americans are met by the products of the Soylent Corporation.

Soylent Yellow, the oldest of the company’s three flagship foodstuffs, is an unpalatable paste made from soybean concentrate; it’s high in protein and a diet based on it will keep you alive and more or less healthy, but it isn’t something you’d eat if you had much choice in the matter.

Soylent Red is rather less nasty. Another soy product, it is versatile enough that it can be made into passable approximations of most grain-based foods, and unlike Soylent Yellow, it can be described with a straight face as having a flavor.

But the masses’ current favorite is the new Soylent Green. With Green, the Soylent Corporation has branched out a bit, turning, according to its advertising literature, to the vastness of the oceans for its raw materials— whereas Soylents Yellow and Red are soybean derivatives, Soylent Green is made from oceanic plankton, the closest thing to an infinite nutritional resource that the hard-pressed Earth still has to offer. Unfortunately, the very newness of Soylent Green means that it is in chronically short supply, despite the nearly limitless quantities in which it should theoretically be available; Soylent’s factories simply aren’t yet able to match the supply of Soylent Green to the public’s insatiable demand."


25-Jun-2006, 12:39 PM
The brand name Soylent is a combination of Soy and Lentils. Much like anything advertized nowadays it promotes the two things that generally only have trace amounts (soy beans, lentils) and fills the product with other crap like plankton and people.

25-Jun-2006, 02:30 PM
So i guess that Soylent Pink must be mashed up poofters?

25-Jun-2006, 04:20 PM
I prefer soylent orange.

Thats a great movie. Saw it on TV a million times. On th 4.30 movie (ABC NY) in the 70s. Charlton Heston Week. Tommorow,. OMEGA MAN!

25-Jun-2006, 04:56 PM
So i guess that Soylent Pink must be mashed up poofters?I really do like you guys lol I mention a movie and you really expand on it... I thought I would stump you on Soylent Green...I will go on and keep trying ROFLMAO.

25-Jun-2006, 05:38 PM
I thought I would stump you on Soylent Green...I will go on and keep trying ROFLMAO.

You can't. We're Nerds.

25-Jun-2006, 05:49 PM
You can't. We're Nerds.
WE CAN"T BE STOPPED:elol:Don't bet on it!!! I am an old feisty fart that has been around for a long time....and I have seen many many movies in my day! I will find one yet you all dont know! heh heh

25-Jun-2006, 06:18 PM
Great movie.

A few years ago I was going crazy looking for a soylent green tshirt, if anyone knows a good place where I might find one, let me know...

25-Jun-2006, 06:23 PM
Great movie.

A few years ago I was going crazy looking for a soylent green tshirt, if anyone knows a good place where I might find one, let me know...




25-Jun-2006, 06:37 PM
An awesome movie!!!

When all the new movies are seen. I always return to the classics.:)

25-Jun-2006, 07:04 PM
I love you, MapMan! I am ordering 2 shirts today.


25-Jun-2006, 07:06 PM
"Hey, you want some Soylent Green?"



25-Jun-2006, 07:54 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: