View Full Version : If the dead did come alive what about this......???????

25-Jun-2006, 04:32 AM
Okay if the dead did take over, and the world is roaming with zombies, Were are all the Military personal on Air Craft Carriers? Subs like the navy or Island Military Bases? I dont think the zombie would have made it to to a Aircraft carrier? IM sure the goverment would goverment would have notified the navy..........

general tbag
25-Jun-2006, 05:12 AM
Okay if the dead did take over, and the world is roaming with zombies, Were are all the Military personal on Air Craft Carriers? Subs like the navy or Island Military Bases? I dont think the zombie would have made it to to a Aircraft carrier? IM sure the goverment would goverment would have notified the navy..........

people still would die on a sub or a aircraft carrier. they would be zombies, also with subs and aircraft carriers they to rely on supplies. there supplies would only last so long before they would then have to return to some port. also the mental break down or personnel cant be measured. the military is only as good as the people who make it up .

25-Jun-2006, 08:51 AM
[QUOTE=general tbag]people still would die on a sub [QUOTE]

Yea, and from the way my grandpa described it, people on subs aren't very stable to begin with (all males trapped underwater for months at a time, you do that math.)

25-Jun-2006, 12:02 PM
This is true, but presumably most of the personnel on a sub are in reasonably good health, and I doubt that people die often on them. Subs too. Therefore, it is very likely that they would be made aware of the zombie problem on the mainland and would likely heave anyone who died overboard very quickly. Of course, once their supplies ran out, they would have to dock somewhere to get supplies, or at least take a smaller boat ashore. They could fish for food, but would have to get more fresh water at some point, unless equipped with a salt-to-fresh filter.

In any event, very good line of thought Gabe. Keep the good ideas coming, I have never heard or thought about this before!

25-Jun-2006, 02:17 PM
okay but lets say we were on a aircraft carrier, they could do what Fiddlers green was doing a send out raids to get food on Civilian land, and its not like fuel on a Nuclear air craft carrier is going to run out , it last for like 20 years or something like that, all they would have to do is Raid a costco's or some **** like that, I mean carrier travel in Battle groups, I.E a Sub, Re-supply ship etc...

25-Jun-2006, 02:31 PM
There are over 5500 people on the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) alone. Not to mention all the crew on the various cruisers, destroyers, and auxillary ships in a carrier battle group.

In a zombie situation many US Navy and Marine top brass and Washington politicians would be evacuated to these safe havens to continue the US government. The lucky few would bring their family along.

Overcrowding would be dangerous. An elderly politician dies from a normal heart ailment, bites someone else sleeping in the room. Zombie incidents in a stressful environment like that would occur on a near daily basis.

While it would be fairly easy to contain in a Romero universe, imagine the effect in a 28 Days Later or Dawn of the Dead (2004) scenario. Rabid hostile undead roaming the aircraft carrier while a group of trapped sailors below decks attempt to escape the doomed ship.

On the subject of islands, places like Samoa, Guam, Diego Garcia, the Azores, Malta would become last refuges from the undead. It's very likely approaching ships from the mainland would be discouraged from landing, perhaps even sunk for fear of bringing the infection to remote locations.

25-Jun-2006, 02:49 PM
So they wouldnt be zombie free Island....I was in Samoa for about 6 weeks once just to throw that in.

25-Jun-2006, 02:55 PM
Yea but in the all the dead movies the only way it spreads is from a bite, not from someone who just died, I.E the remake of dawn of the dead, were the nurse clearly makes the point you have to be bitten to be turned, so if the the old man just dies from a heart attack .... that would be it, he would just die, and the best thing about that is that you could throw their boddies over board...

and dont forget this they could make their own water on a aircraft carrier, so just turn the deck into a large piece of farmland with soil....

25-Jun-2006, 03:09 PM
Yea but in the all the dead movies the only way it spreads is from a bite, not from someone who just died, I.E the remake of dawn of the dead, were the nurse clearly makes the point you have to be bitten to be turned, so if the the old man just dies from a heart attack .... that would be it, he would just die, and the best thing about that is that you could throw their boddies over board...

and dont forget this they could make their own water on a aircraft carrier, so just turn the deck into a large piece of farmland with soil....

ummm...in romero universe, anyone that dies (no matter what reason) returns as a zombie. you should maybe watch them.

25-Jun-2006, 03:15 PM
Not true its only people who have been bitten, I have all the movies on Dvd..... Im quite familiar with the movies....

Dude all you would have to do is take over a Prison, and their si your fort right their...

25-Jun-2006, 04:40 PM
Not true its only people who have been bitten, I have all the movies on Dvd..... Im quite familiar with the movies....

Dude all you would have to do is take over a Prison, and their si your fort right their...

If you own them all, you may want to invest your time in watching them again. Let me name some specific instances.

Night of the Living Dead: Johnny got smashed into the ground at the beginning, was not bitten. The mother, her name escapes me right now, was stabbed to death by the girl, not bitten. Also, listening to the news you hear them say, "The bodies of the recently deceased are coming back to life".

Day of the Dead: That blonde guy (once again, the name escapes me) who was shot and killed when the zombie broke out of her collar, they find his head later in Logan's laboratory.

Land of the Dead: Here's an easy one, the old man hangs himself and the first thing Cholo says is, "You know what's going to happen" and the guy reanimates, and at that point there's no way he could have been bitten inside Fiddler's Green.

I'm quite sure I missed a few, but I think those should suffice

While it is true that bites are 100% fatal, that ISN'T the only way to turn.

25-Jun-2006, 05:12 PM
What about Tactical Nuclear Weapons? Small nukes or Chemical weapons? like nerve gas would melt the dead? dude and how in none of the dead movies you dont see tanks? dude and Abrams tank could run over allot of dead people...

25-Jun-2006, 06:07 PM
Navy, Army. Doesn't matter. We would all be eaten alive or starve to death. Plenty of Personal would probaly desert, or go rouge too.

If you had to be bitten to reanimate, how would the 1st zombie appear?
Only bites has no logic and is a chicken or the egg scenario

25-Jun-2006, 06:32 PM
dude if Fiddlers green could survive, surley a aircraft carrier could, all you need to do is raid a costco! and no zombie can get inside a tank...

26-Jun-2006, 07:38 AM
The standard solution in most zombie movies I have seen is to make the army guys more evil and dangerous than the zombies.

26-Jun-2006, 08:07 AM
With the possible excpetion of Dr. Logan in Day of the Dead. He was not headshot, not bitten, and he didn't rise.

ummm...in romero universe, anyone that dies (no matter what reason) returns as a zombie. you should maybe watch them.

26-Jun-2006, 09:04 AM
dude if Fiddlers green could survive, surley a aircraft carrier could, all you need to do is raid a costco! and no zombie can get inside a tank...

Ok, for one, they'd probably have orders to return to port and help out with the crisis, therefore making this irrelevant.

Raiding a costco will not feed over 5,000 people, and there's no possible way you could run the ship if your idea is to kill off a bunch of people.

If you suggest using jets? The fuel's very limited, and you can't exactly pick up as high of octane as jet fuel is at the local gas station.

Plus you have the lack of morale, and after a while, fresh foods, which in turn leads to many health problems and sicknesses which leads to zombies on the aircraft carrier, which leads to this entire situation being done with.

And about the tank, it isn't about them getting in, it's about you getting out. You stay in and you die. You get out and you die. Catch 22 right there.

26-Jun-2006, 03:40 PM
Not true its only people who have been bitten, I have all the movies on Dvd..... Im quite familiar with the movies....
Several people have already pointed out that you are incorrect with your statement, and suggested you need to become "more familiar" with them. You quote the Dawn remake in making your point...it is important for you to note that the Dawn remake is not part of the Romero universe, and should not be included in discussion of Romero lore.

I am curious Gabe, how many times have you watched, say, Dawn, for example?

On a different note, Eyebiter says that lucky politicians would be evacuated to navy ships. Somehow, I dont think that would happen. I am sure there are many underground bunkers and such that would be a much more likely haven for these people. And even if true, I am sure that the Navy guys, especially the Seals, would keep a close eye on any old/sick people, probably even quarantine them, to avoid further infection problems. As evidenced in the GAR movies, the military types are quick to lose their sense of....."moral obligation" such as burial rituals, etc. and would be quick to dispose of the dead, and not wait for a funeral.

26-Jun-2006, 05:45 PM
I think when watching the Romero dead films and how it treats the military one has to see it through the climate of the decade it was made in. The military at those times were seen as a bigger threat than the zombies themselves. But realisticly, the military would see a higher rate of survivability than civilian authorities and law enforcement. It's not just the weapons but the training.

There will undoubtedly be members of the military who will go AWOL to protect their families and even more who just can't handle the situation and end up going crazy. But all in all the military would probably remain a viable form of defense and security for any surviving groups trying to find refuge. Also, a carrier would make for an ideal base of operations to gather survivors and supplies. As for unreported deaths and such on a ship as large as a US Nimitz-class carrier, I think it will happen and cause panic, but I would put more faith in a measured and calculated response from the military to fix the problem and find a solution than I would with civilian authorities.

26-Jun-2006, 05:47 PM
dude if they could ride motorcycles, in land they could for sure get out of a tank, And a Costco's could feed allot of people, And Bunkers like Norad would be a good Idea! I think the safest place would be a Aircraft Carrier, their nuclear powered and they could produce their own clean water, I dont car how many zombies their are, no mutha f'ing zombie is going to crawl through shark infested waters, and lets say were limited on the jet fuel, toss some jets over keep a few choppers and maybe 2 or 3 attack jets for defense and you have a surplus of fuel, A tank would be the best situations!

26-Jun-2006, 05:52 PM
dude if they could ride motorcycles, in land they could for sure get out of a tank, And a Costco's could feed allot of people, And Bunkers like Norad would be a good Idea! I think the safest place would be a Aircraft Carrier, their nuclear powered and they could produce their own clean water, I dont car how many zombies their are, no mutha f'ing zombie is going to crawl through shark infested waters, and lets say were limited on the jet fuel, toss some jets over keep a few choppers and maybe 2 or 3 attack jets for defense and you have a surplus of fuel, A tank would be the best situations!

Ok, ideal situation you made. But now think about how the choppers will be fueled time and time again if supplies of jet fuel doesn't get resupplied. This is a major possibility since there's not enough military to safeguard every fuel depot in the nation. Same goes for weapons. Even if you limit it to just 2-3 gunships and/or attack jets, fuel will run out before they run out of zombies to bomb and strafe.

If the situation gets to the point that its not thousands, but hundreds of thousands and millions of zombies to fight against then even a convoy of armored vehicles will get bogged down if it tries to clean out a major city or town. Even 60 ton armored vehicles will have a hard time running over zombies hundreds deep. Then there's the problem of civilian militias who would see the military as much an enemy as the zombies.

26-Jun-2006, 07:35 PM
Okay well lets see, if their are millions of zombies, you get what ever people you can find move them on ships, then you send some chemical weapons in like nerve gas to melt them, or a tactical nuclear weapon, I mean come one pople their are so many things we could do to combat them. just use sky flowers to distract them.... and then kill themm all...

26-Jun-2006, 07:56 PM
Okay well lets see, if their are millions of zombies, you get what ever people you can find move them on ships, then you send some chemical weapons in like nerve gas to melt them, or a tactical nuclear weapon, I mean come one pople their are so many things we could do to combat them. just use sky flowers to distract them.... and then kill themm all...

Using tactical nukes would be the best option if things ever get to Doomsday level. Either way, humanity is will have to deal with alot of things before things get better. As the writer of the bible and he who is revered by all, Max Brooks, once wrote: "there's no such thing as some place safe...just safer'. In such an undead world people can only hope to survive one day to the next. Anything else would be just dreaming and self-delusions of happy pink elephants frolicking in neon yellow and green fields of heather.

I'm hungry.

26-Jun-2006, 07:59 PM
In fairness, its quite possible to argue that Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead don't take place "in the same universe" either.

1. In Night, zombies run and use tools (cemetary zombie). They also exhibit a fear of fire, which seems absent from the remainder of the films.
2. In Dawn the zombies are pretty retarded, with the exception of a few like Flyboy and the Hari Krishna zombie. Seriously, most of them seem to have a hard enough time walking. Just about every time someone gets chomped in Dawn its because they're acting even stupider than the zombies.
3. In Day we have examples of recently dead not reanimating -- Logan being the most obvious example. We also have Bub, the idiot-savant who can talk.

So we have a bunch of rules that seem inconsistently applied. Do all recently dead rise? Can zombies reason and use tools? Do zombies talk? Are zombies afraid of fire? Can zombies remember? Why do zombies ever stop feasting, by the way? Why, that is, are there more than a handful of zombies with four limbs? Is the rising due to radiation from that space probe (Night), "no more room in hell" (Dawn), or some sort of scientifically explainable infection (Day)?

For all of GAR's genius, his films are really only related to one another in a thematic sense.

... You quote the Dawn remake in making your point...it is important for you to note that the Dawn remake is not part of the Romero universe, and should not be included in discussion of Romero lore ...

26-Jun-2006, 08:22 PM
A zombie can swim.., and KILL a shark in a Fulci movie.
If you look at Katirna, Many Police abandoned their job (percentage I don't know), the rest were overwhelmed quickly. It;s a pretty good real world exmple of crisis. Soldirs can survive without sleep, lack of food etc.
Many people wander around costco is s stupor all day long. So manybe every saturday Costco would have 10,000 zombies swarming all over it (Ala Monroeville Mall).

When I think of what would happen, I don't ever think
"i'd just get an AK and start blasting"
Where? And do think Politions would care. We'd be own our own in a second. With a golf club, drinking urine.
I mean, I live in NYC, and contrary to it's image, I have yet to see any kind of firearm. Excepting some criminals and cops/Nat'l Guard, very few have any kind of gun or access to one.

A nuclear Sub could tool around for years, foraging etc. But that doen't help anyone but themselves.

26-Jun-2006, 08:28 PM
In fairness, its quite possible to argue that Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead don't take place "in the same universe" either.

Ok, that's a big negative, the characters may not have RELATED to each other and may not have met, but they are most definitely in the same universe, they just take place at different times and places.

1. In Night, zombies run and use tools (cemetary zombie). They also exhibit a fear of fire, which seems absent from the remainder of the films.

When do zombies run? If you mean the first one, then he is in no way running, just sort of shambling along. Not afraid of fire? That's wrong, because if you watch Dawn of the Dead when Flyboy runs out of the department store with Peter he has that torch that he holds to the zombies which they reel back from. I'll explain the tools part after the next post

2. In Dawn the zombies are pretty retarded, with the exception of a few like Flyboy and the Hari Krishna zombie. Seriously, most of them seem to have a hard enough time walking. Just about every time someone gets chomped in Dawn its because they're acting even stupider than the zombies.

A lot of them ALSO seem to have some sort of reasoning ability and use of tools (Notice the zombie that uses the tire iron to break the window of the truck while Roger's trying to hotwire it, as well as them figuring out how to use a ladder to get to the roof). Also notice Bub's use of a gun, although I will admit he was quite an advanced zombie.

3. In Day we have examples of recently dead not reanimating -- Logan being the most obvious example. We also have Bub, the idiot-savant who can talk.

Ok, about Logan, that's really inexplicable, my guess is that he hadn't reanimated yet, and it wouldn't have been as "emotional" I guess for Bub had he been. There really never was an actual definition of how long it takes to reanimate, it's always just depended on the person and situation. Perhaps it just hadn't happened yet. In response to the second part, I don't see how Bub relates to the recently dead not reanimating...

If you're trying to say his talking proved that this film wasn't related to the others, you are dead wrong, as what I think George was trying to portray was that they have a memory of their past life (shown in Dawn when Flyboy goes upstairs, and also in Day when Bub salutes, knows how to use a gun, razor, book, etc).

So we have a bunch of rules that seem inconsistently applied. Do all recently dead rise? Can zombies reason and use tools? Do zombies talk?

I wouldn't say they're inconsistently applied, the recently dead do all rise, my guess, like I said before, is that Logan just had not reanimated yet. Zombies can in fact reason and use tools, it's shown throughout all 4 films. As a matter of fact, I do think Zombies can talk, because I don't know if I was really tired, but watching Dawn of the Dead last night, about an hour and 13 minutes in, I could have sworn I heard a zombie say, "get em" while they were at the department store. I'm pretty sure I'm wrong on that one though. But in the very end, Bub was trained very well and was around humans a lot, so it's only natural that'd he'd begin to learn.

Are zombies afraid of fire? Can zombies remember? Why do zombies ever stop feasting, by the way? Why, that is, are there more than a handful of zombies with four limbs?

Well, obviously they are scared of fire, and can remember for reasons I posted above. Why do they stop feasting? Because they eat WARM flesh, and flesh doesn't stay warm after it's been dead for a while, and they prefer fresher meat. Zombies with four limbs? A bunch of people die naturally, they may have been bitten and escaped, who knows, there's many many ways to become a zombie!

Is the rising due to radiation from that space probe (Night), "no more room in hell" (Dawn), or some sort of scientifically explainable infection (Day)?

Ok, the space probe was media speculation. The "No more room in hell" idea was something that Peter's grandpa told him when he was younger. The infection wasn't a definitive cause in Day, that was just an avenue they were exploring, as they're scientists and that is their job.

For all of GAR's genius, his films are really only related to one another in a thematic sense.

Nay, I say!

26-Jun-2006, 09:30 PM
Ok, that's a big negative, the characters may not have RELATED to each other and may not have met, but they are most definitely in the same universe, they just take place at different times and places.


Nay, I say!

Exactly what time and place is that Maitreya? The 70's, 80's, or early 21st century? What exactly is the timeline? We go from afro's and handlebar mustache's in Dawn to cellphones in Land. People have tried to jury rig a timeline, and the results are really incongruent -- search the old forums for plenty of threads relating to this. Its pretty clear that the films don't share a continuum timewise -- in that sense they're more like the James Bond films which share some characters and a theme, but the details of the world vary from film to film. SPECTRE, anyone?

Regarding the running bit, there are a couple of other places where the zombies move pretty fast. The zombie kids that attack Peter when they're refueling the chopper early on in Dawn come to mind.

As far as zombies only eating very fresh flesh, that's clearly not true. Consider the feasting scene in the basement in Dawn. They may prefer warm/fresh meals, but they're not really that picky. As far as how fast bodies cool -- it actually takes a bit of time. Enough so coroners use temperatures over the first 24 hours to determine time of death. So they're plenty warm for the zombies for quite some time. The real reason why they don't eat everyone to the bone is so that there remain masses of zombies to threaten our main characters -- its dramatic license.

As far as tool use, skill, and coordination the evidence from the three films is all over the place. Zombies can use tools occasionally, but very sporadically... They can't seem to turn doorknobs or push elevator buttons but they can climb ladders. Again it comes down to dramatic license -- they seem to be able to do things that are required to move the plot along in a given situation.

26-Jun-2006, 09:38 PM
Exactly what time and place is that Maitreya? The 70's, 80's, or early 21st century? What exactly is the timeline? We go from afro's and handlebar mustache's in Dawn to cellphones in Land. People have tried to jury rig a timeline, and the results are really incongruent -- search the old forums for plenty of threads relating to this. Its pretty clear that the films don't share a continuum timewise -- in that sense they're more like the James Bond films which share some characters and a theme, but the details of the world vary from film to film. SPECTRE, anyone?

Regarding the running bit, there are a couple of other places where the zombies move pretty fast. The zombie kids that attack Peter when they're refueling the chopper early on in Dawn come to mind.

As far as zombies only eating warm flesh, that's clearly not true. Consider the feasting scene in the basement in Dawn. They may prefer warm/fresh meals, but they're not really that picky. As far as how fast bodies cool -- it actually takes a bit of time. Enough so coroners use temperatures over the first 24 hours to determine time of death. So they're plenty warm for the zombies for quite some time. The real reason why they don't eat everyone to the bone is so that there remain masses of zombies to threaten our main characters -- its dramatic license.

As far as tool use, skill, and coordination the evidence from the three films is all over the place. Zombies can use tools occasionally, but very sporadically... They can't seem to turn doorknobs or push elevator buttons but they can climb ladders. Again it comes down to dramatic license -- they seem to be able to do things that are required to move the plot along in a given situation.

You've hit it partially on the nose. Yes, alot of what is done is for dramatic license and as an artist, Romero is welcome to do it. But you also seem to somewhat dismiss the basic rules that he's set-up and they're simple rules really. Any recently dead comes back to life to hunt and feed on the living. Only way to kill them is a gunshot to the head or massive blunt trauma to said head.

As to why there's not as many zombies missing more body mass than shown, part of it could be explained that it would be difficult to create FX prosthetics to create a horde of such zombies. The other would be more speculative and Maitreya mentioned some of it already. In the early going of the crisis not everyone killed by a zombie would be fully devoured since the kills may be one or two zombies attacking the victim. Also, in Day of the Dead you see some zombies who seem to have died through massive bloodloss from bites to the neck. Maybe they had time to escape from being fully devoured, but still succumbed to bloodloss or bite infection.

Really, people who would've been devoured wholesale would probably have been more common as the numbers of zombies in groups grew to hundreds. I do believe that in the first couple of weeks, singular unreported deaths and deaths through bite wounds were the cause of the rise in zombie numbers.

26-Jun-2006, 10:41 PM
Exactly what time and place is that Maitreya? The 70's, 80's, or early 21st century? What exactly is the timeline? We go from afro's and handlebar mustache's in Dawn to cellphones in Land. People have tried to jury rig a timeline, and the results are really incongruent -- search the old forums for plenty of threads relating to this. Its pretty clear that the films don't share a continuum timewise -- in that sense they're more like the James Bond films which share some characters and a theme, but the details of the world vary from film to film. SPECTRE, anyone?

You see... That's an unfortunate problem with the films being made 10, 7, and then 20 years apart. The times are different, so naturally they have to update the technology and style to be more modern. Although Night of the Living Dead was made in 68 and Dawn in 78, they refer to the plague starting merely weeks ago.

In Day they refer to being underground for several months.

In Land they refer to it being several years.

I will give it to you, the way they're dressed and the technology they have does change drastically from movie to movie, but that's only because it wouldn't make much sense to make a movie in 2005 and still have them dressing like they're in the 70's.

It's an unfortunate downfall of movies set in real time that have sequels made.

26-Jun-2006, 11:41 PM
All I'm really trying to say is that GARs "rules" are more like guidelines, which he's of course free to ignore. If you look at it over the arc of the films its seems that there's some evolution to the rules. GAR himself, has never, to my knowledge stated "the rules." They've merely been inferred by the fans.

I'd posit that "the rules" go something like this:

1. Almost all recently dead rise to become zombies (exceptions noted).
2. Anyone who gets bitten dies and becomes a zombie.
3. Some/most/all zomibes are afraid of fire?
4. Zombies are for the most part slow, stupid, and dumb.
5. Some zombies are quite a bit faster.
6. Some zombies are quite a bit smarter.
7. Some zombies can talk.
8. A few zombies use tools (related to #6 but different enough).

It becomes pretty mushy after that, but you get the idea. Anyway, this whole thing started when I observed that when you look at all the variation in GAR's 3 (unfortunately, now 4) films, its much easier to place the Dawn Remake and the Night Remake in the overall context of "the universe" that GAR created.

27-Jun-2006, 12:51 AM
Another example of fear of fire is Fran and the Krisshna Zombie (one of the coolest Zombies).

It's true about artistic liscence and bugetary limitations and the nature of Sequels spread over decades. This aint Star Wars in a total fantasy world. I just suspend my disbelief and use my imagination.

27-Jun-2006, 05:08 PM
All you need is Ash from the Army of darkness to kill the zombies, or just get a terminator to destory them! come on guys, thats a good point the time difference between the movies is to great, 10 to 20 years at a time! so the tech changes with the times, next thing you know it the zombies are going to be using and ipod to hear their favorite music...

27-Jun-2006, 06:21 PM
I mean, I live in NYC, and contrary to it's image, I have yet to see any kind of firearm. Excepting some criminals and cops/Nat'l Guard, very few have any kind of gun or access to one.

While it may be difficult to obtain a permit to carry a licensed pistol in NYC it's not difficult at all to obtain a rifle permit. I had one for years & only let it lapse because of monitary concerns. I used to own a Marlin lever-action 30/30 Winchester similar to this:

http://img333.imageshack.us/img333/6115/zoom336c6qt.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

I'm probably going to get my rifle permit again soon. I'm also looking into getting a target pistol permit which is infinately easier then getting a carry permit. If I get my target pistop permit I'm looking to pick up one of these (Walther P99):

http://img392.imageshack.us/img392/696/waltherp9914dk.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

It's not as difficult as it may seem to get a licensed firearm in NYC. You just have to be willing to go through the process.

27-Jun-2006, 09:15 PM
I was refering to handguns. My fault. Getting a carry is alost impossible. Target is probably the best bet. Honestly I don't know much about guns. Fired Shotguns alot. And various handguns a few times and thats it.
I would probably have to take a class so I don't blow my boys off.

Thanks for the info. But you are in the minority of people you know in BK, aren't you? I mean you don't have any or few friends also with (legal)guns?

so the tech changes with the times, next thing you know it the zombies are going to be using and ipod to hear their favorite music...

Bub on Techno:lol:

27-Jun-2006, 09:49 PM
dude get a mini and a crane and theyll never get you...

27-Jun-2006, 11:25 PM
I was refering to handguns. My fault. Getting a carry is alost impossible. Target is probably the best bet. Honestly I don't know much about guns. Fired Shotguns alot. And various handguns a few times and thats it.
I would probably have to take a class so I don't blow my boys off.

Thanks for the info. But you are in the minority of people you know in BK, aren't you? I mean you don't have any or few friends also with (legal)guns?

You are right about handguns. It is basically impossible unless you own a buisiness which deals in alot of cash deposits or are in some kind of law enforcement or security business.

I may be in the minority but I do know a fair number of people with rifle permits in Brooklyn. A group of friends & I applied at the same time while we were in college & were all approved. Lucky us I guess :).

24-Aug-2006, 04:40 PM
Interesting question.

If anyone is interested in the psychology of straggling survivors after the onset of the apocalypse, I wanted to recommend the movie "On the Beach" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053137/) (1959).

A U.S. submarine survives the initial nuclear exchange between the super powers during the Cold War…

Slight spoilers follow:

In 1964, nuclear war wipes out humanity in the northern hemisphere; one American submarine finds temporary safe haven in Australia, where life-as-usual covers growing despair. However, the approaching radiation cloud will likely destroy all the survivors in a matter of months...

The plight of the parents of children as the cloud slowly approaches is extremely unsettling.

Slowly-paced drama, but one of my favorites on the subject.

The mini-series of the same name from Showtime covers much the same ground. Also worth a watch if you’re into this stuff.

24-Aug-2006, 10:02 PM

Armies thoughout history, and espeically now, depend on their logistical trail. Armies travel, fight and survive on their ability to get food, water, fuel, ammunition, replacement troops, mail etc to the front lines, and evacuate the wounded, dead, broken equipment, intelligence reports, and POWs back to their rear.

How long do you think a rescue station will hold out when the supplies of everything but zombies, casualties, and hopelessness run low, then out?

It's even worse for civilians. How many people do you know who have anything more than a box or two of ammo, a few days of food, and more than a few bottles of water in their home?

Tanks might be great zombie squishers, but they are fuel and maintence hogs. Without fuel or spare parts, they become giant roadblocks. Same without a crew, and attrition will be high, especially among the people who keep civilization running, like healthcare providers, emergency services personel, law enforcement and military troops.

How long can a civilization go when the people who keep it running die or desert their posts? Think about the stories that came out of New Orleans after Katrina about some of the hospitals and nursing homes once the power went out, and drugs ran low, or the staff just up and left.

Aircraft carriers might be a great base in theory, but look at the real picture-it's a warship. They have space what they need to conduct operations for only so long before being resupplied. Maybe a week to 10 days. They do not have room for thousands of civilian refugees on board, nor do they have the supplies for them. How long would those gunships or fighter bombers be of any use once the jet fuel and ordanace runs out?

Nuclear and chemical weapons? Are you serious? First, The US is destroying what stocks of chemical weapons it still had. Disarmament. I don't think we have any small nuclear devices anymore. Part of our disarmament talks with the Russians. Besides all that, chemical weapons only work on living tissue, they are not like an industrial acid that'll dissolve a zombie into quivering mush.

Nuclear weapons work great for destroying buildings and killing people, but I doubt the living dead will care much about radiation, glass shards, and massive burns. The only way a nuke would be of much use is to get a bunch of them concentrated together, so the massive heat could incinerate them, and drop it on them then, but if you are going to do that, might as well just use regular old convential weapons, blow them to chunks and then you can still retake and occupy the city from the dead.

Any plan that involves taking over a store is automatically one to discard. You really think you'd be the first person to have the idea about taking over your own Costco or Wal-Mart?

Have you ever seen news footage of stores before or after a hurricane or other foul weather? People literally strip the shelves bare and fight over supplies. Supplies that had they thought ahead, they would have had before the emergency started, and they wouldn't need to risk getting stabbed by another desperate shumck over the last jug of water.

There will simply be nothing left to loot or salvage in any store post-event. Between panic buyers, and looters, and possibly the government aquiring supplies, I doubt you'd find more than the shelves left in any box store in America.

27-Aug-2006, 04:22 PM
Okay if the dead did take over, and the world is roaming with zombies, Were are all the Military personal on Air Craft Carriers? Subs like the navy or Island Military Bases? I dont think the zombie would have made it to to a Aircraft carrier? IM sure the goverment would goverment would have notified the navy..........

A few thoughts:

1. Whether you are on land or at sea, a good percentage of any military branch is made up of 18-24 year olds who enlisted in the last few years. I don't think a lot of them have the experience or know-how to turn the tide or even "ride it out" for awhile. I don't care what the Resident Evil video games suggest, with their 20-21 year old characters who outlast everyone else. Watching the original Dawn, a lot of the SWAT casaulties were their younger members. Peter and Roger weren't young punks, which is probably why they had the instincts to abandon post first. It seemed to me like they abandoned before most of their team thought about doing so. Watching Day, most of those soldiers seemed to be seasoned vets. Rhodes, Steele and Rickles, for example. The various military types that popped up in Land didn't seem to be troops that were fresh-out-of-high school recruits when the outbreak occured, regardless of the possible age of the actors who portrayed them. Point being, the younger some of the military members are, the less likely they would survive for an extended period of time.

2. Members of the Army are a little more adept at hand-to-hand combat, or firing guns, than your average Navy (or Air Force) member who is at sea. Excuse me for being naive, but I tend to think that you'd be hard pressed to find a lot of people on an aircraft carrier or submarine who are real pros at handling a rifle, handgun or machine gun. Navy Seals aside, who is there? I never enlisted, or served, so I don't know. That is just the impression I get.

3. In any given group of military or law enforcement personnel, there are always a certain number that are a cut above the rest and these people might be the only ones to survive months or years into things. They are better shots, mentally stronger, physically stronger, quicker on their feet, more resourceful, move faster, conserve energy better, whatever attributes you might need to "make it." Not everybody has equal "ability", just because they are in the Army, Navy, etc. How many other guys in that Dawn SWAT team would really have been as good of a shot as Roger or could move like him?

4. In truth, the only military/law enforcement members that have a good chance to survive would be snipers, "assassins" or sharpshooters who can make the necessary head shots and would make more than 30-40% of those headshots that need to be made. Roger obviously was one of those guys, in Dawn. Their training often consists of shooting anywhere between one to a dozen people to a time, though, so there is nothing to suggest they could always handle 25-30 (or more) zombies, no matter how slow they move.

The guys we talk about in the Romero movies who spray machine gun fire into the bodies of zombies are typical of the ground troops who ARE TRAINED to spray machine gun fire, because where they serve it is ok to shoot someone in the chest, stomach, leg, shoulder, arm, whatever. They don't always have to make head shots. Those guys have to fire at multiple (often times fast moving) targets and are encouraged to take them down, whether they hit them in the head or not. Doesn't quite work the same with zombies. GAR does a great job of portraying them accurately, if you ask me.

5. I'm sure most of the "good ones" would have been hired/enlisted by the likes of Kaufman, Gasparilla (nice reference), etc. to protect isolated groups of people in outposts, anyway. Everybody else would be either protecting the surviving members of the government or eaten. Notice that a few zombies that swarmed the complex in Day were clearly wearing military uniforms? Peter and Rhodes both say they saw numerous men who served with them get bitten, Rhodes many more than Peter (since it happened later in the game and he probably served with a lot more people).

28-Aug-2006, 06:23 AM
Even though real world millitary would not be as evil as shown in the movies they would still have some hard choices to make, the breakdown of society will make it impossible to feed all civillians who show up at their doorstep expecting protection.

28-Aug-2006, 07:48 PM
Interesting question.

If anyone is interested in the psychology of straggling survivors after the onset of the apocalypse, I wanted to recommend the movie "On the Beach" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053137/) (1959).

A U.S. submarine survives the initial nuclear exchange between the super powers during the Cold War…

Slight spoilers follow:

In 1964, nuclear war wipes out humanity in the northern hemisphere; one American submarine finds temporary safe haven in Australia, where life-as-usual covers growing despair. However, the approaching radiation cloud will likely destroy all the survivors in a matter of months...

The plight of the parents of children as the cloud slowly approaches is extremely unsettling.

Slowly-paced drama, but one of my favorites on the subject.

The mini-series of the same name from Showtime covers much the same ground. Also worth a watch if you’re into this stuff.

that sounds pretty cool ,and if you liked that ill recommend somethin' for you, david moodys first book (the guy who did the autumn zombie novels) his firts book called 'straight to you' begins with the sun begginning to die just as some lowly office worker falls in love with the woman of his dreams she heads to the north to visit her grandma as they discover the worlds going to end in less than 48 hours what follows is a story of one guy trying to reach the woman he love in the short time hes got left.
its easily my favourite moody novel and the hardback out now for a limited time so i suggest checking it out it seems in the same vein as that film and youll like it i think.

heres a link to download a sample of the first 100 and odd pages.


30-Aug-2006, 05:23 AM
Okay well lets see, if their are millions of zombies, you get what ever people you can find move them on ships, then you send some chemical weapons in like nerve gas...

Chemical weapons would be completely and utterly useless against zombies. First of all zombies don't breath, therefore they wouldn't inhale nerve gas. The only way to kill a Romero-zombie is to inflict massive trauma to the brain. Oh and the US military doesn't have chemical weapons in it's arsenal. And nuclear weapons might not be as effect against zombies as they seem. Sure the fireball will destroy any zombies (and anything useful), but what effect would the radiation have on zombies? You could end up with a large area filled with zombies, but off limits to humans with an enviromental suit.

30-Aug-2006, 05:37 AM
Just to throw my two cents in about the remark about only bitten people came back. It was clearly stated in the original that it was radiation from the space probe that was causeing the dead to come back to life. So anyone that died not just from bites would be reanimated.

30-Aug-2006, 05:52 AM
Night of the Living Dead did have reporters and scientists speculating that radiation from a Venus probe was what was causing the dead to rise, but radiation isn't mentioned in Dawn, Day, or Land. It's reasonable to assume that it was just a theory thought up in the early hours of the outbreak and was later disproven.

30-Aug-2006, 10:07 AM
Night of the Living Dead did have reporters and scientists speculating that radiation from a Venus probe was what was causing the dead to rise, but radiation isn't mentioned in Dawn, Day, or Land. It's reasonable to assume that it was just a theory thought up in the early hours of the outbreak and was later disproven.

Agreed! The venus probe was JUST a theory ... a theory which was most likely dismissed not long after the initial outbreaks.

19-Apr-2007, 02:49 PM
A zombie can swim.., and KILL a shark in a Fulci movie.
If you look at Katirna, Many Police abandoned their job (percentage I don't know), the rest were overwhelmed quickly. It;s a pretty good real world exmple of crisis. Soldirs can survive without sleep, lack of food etc.
Many people wander around costco is s stupor all day long. So manybe every saturday Costco would have 10,000 zombies swarming all over it (Ala Monroeville Mall).

When I think of what would happen, I don't ever think
"i'd just get an AK and start blasting"
Where? And do think Politions would care. We'd be own our own in a second. With a golf club, drinking urine.
I mean, I live in NYC, and contrary to it's image, I have yet to see any kind of firearm. Excepting some criminals and cops/Nat'l Guard, very few have any kind of gun or access to one.

A nuclear Sub could tool around for years, foraging etc. But that doen't help anyone but themselves.
I found this response you posted back in August '06 .Coma you have turned a light on in my head for a great Zed undead film ...Think about this , center the story about a squid(young man or woman in the Navy), they are serving on a Nuke sub .Slowly the communications with routine drills , surveilance and normal patrols North Atlantic(?) are getting very strange ... During communication in the command deck ,we would hear an officer at Norfolk base over the speaker, giving info to the captain of the sub , and hear him get attacked ...the body of the movie would be that the sub goes to a series of places around a hemisphere , looking for survivors .
You know its bad enough on an 8 month tour w/ no women around for the normal guy .The characters have great possibility . SEALs could be some of the crew , one cool and of course the gung ho ...
What do you think Coma ? Captknut ? Hellsing? Anybody have thoughts on this idea ? Or do I need to take more zanax .

28-Apr-2007, 04:25 AM
Not true its only people who have been bitten, I have all the movies on Dvd..... Im quite familiar with the movies....

Dude all you would have to do is take over a Prison, and their si your fort right their...

Sorry Gabe, you are quite incorrect about all bites causing zombification. In the Romero universe it is everybody who dies becomes one of them. They get up and kill and the people they kill get up and kill. This was a point of contention among many GAR fans when DAWN 04 came out with the "bites being the only path to becoming a zombie" thing. Other movies may have also had this rule (bites only) but certainly not all of the movies and certainly not the Romero films.

28-Apr-2007, 02:31 PM
it was heavily hintd on in day of the dead ,i think thats what it stems from, but yeah ive allways liked the idea of all the dead coming back, cus why would the numbers increase if onyl the ones zombies ate came back.

as waht?, zombie-zombie ****?

29-Apr-2007, 03:51 AM
The thing that remains unclear is how would the zombies start? Does some mad scientist defy the laws of death or is it space related or some kind of all over the world all of a sudden dead people begin to walk...?

I suppose at some point if no zombies were on board they would still get infected people onto the carrier. Maybe there's some air force guys who got infected back on shore and perhaps fled to what they think is safety on their carrier. Ultimately I imagine our country (the states) would demand the carriers return to mainland for a variety of reasons. To let people on the ship get off and defend our turf from flesh eaters and for two they want to get rid of lesser ranking personnel to make way for the important people who will ultimately be responsible for what happens after all the madness is over like congesspeople and senators and the president and such and so on and so forth. I just dont see them staying asea the whole time and even still I can't see them as being unaffected by the atrocities. Additionally I dont feel they would get rid of any zombies, rather I believe they would keep them for study purposes so somehow there will be flesh eaters on that carrier.

29-Apr-2007, 04:12 AM
I found this response you posted back in August '06 .Coma you have turned a light on in my head for a great Zed undead film ...Think about this , center the story about a squid(young man or woman in the Navy), they are serving on a Nuke sub .Slowly the communications with routine drills , surveilance and normal patrols North Atlantic(?) are getting very strange ... During communication in the command deck ,we would hear an officer at Norfolk base over the speaker, giving info to the captain of the sub , and hear him get attacked ...the body of the movie would be that the sub goes to a series of places around a hemisphere , looking for survivors .
You know its bad enough on an 8 month tour w/ no women around for the normal guy .The characters have great possibility . SEALs could be some of the crew , one cool and of course the gung ho ...
What do you think Coma ? Captknut ? Hellsing? Anybody have thoughts on this idea ? Or do I need to take more zanax .

Sounds like an excellent idea for a story. But remember that women are prohibited from serving on submarines in the U.S. Navy.

Chemical weapons would be completely and utterly useless against zombies. First of all zombies don't breath, therefore they wouldn't inhale nerve gas. The only way to kill a Romero-zombie is to inflict massive trauma to the brain. Oh and the US military doesn't have chemical weapons in it's arsenal. And nuclear weapons might not be as effect against zombies as they seem. Sure the fireball will destroy any zombies (and anything useful), but what effect would the radiation have on zombies? You could end up with a large area filled with zombies, but off limits to humans with an enviromental suit.

The U.S. still has chemical weapons in its inventory, they have to be completely destroyed by 2012 to be in compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention.

29-Apr-2007, 04:35 AM

Aircraft carriers might be a great base in theory, but look at the real picture-it's a warship. They have space what they need to conduct operations for only so long before being resupplied. Maybe a week to 10 days. They do not have room for thousands of civilian refugees on board, nor do they have the supplies for them.

I agree with most of your argument, logistics would be a nightmare, especially once those stockpiles of materials begin running out.

The aircraft carrier, however, would be able to hold out a little longer than the average bear. Supplies should be able to last to the tune of around 190 days (except for ammo/aviation fuel) for the newest carriers, and its reactors can go for 20 years without needing fuel. I'd link to some data on modern aircraft carriers, but it seems I need to post a little more so everyone knows I'm not a spam bot.

You're right about not having a lot of room for civilians though, there's no way they'd be able to take on many more people and keep things safe.

A few thoughts:

1. Whether you are on land or at sea, a good percentage of any military branch is made up of 18-24 year olds who enlisted in the last few years. I don't think a lot of them have the experience or know-how to turn the tide or even "ride it out" for awhile. I don't care what the Resident Evil video games suggest, with their 20-21 year old characters who outlast everyone else. Watching the original Dawn, a lot of the SWAT casaulties were their younger members. Peter and Roger weren't young punks, which is probably why they had the instincts to abandon post first. It seemed to me like they abandoned before most of their team thought about doing so. Watching Day, most of those soldiers seemed to be seasoned vets. Rhodes, Steele and Rickles, for example. The various military types that popped up in Land didn't seem to be troops that were fresh-out-of-high school recruits when the outbreak occured, regardless of the possible age of the actors who portrayed them. Point being, the younger some of the military members are, the less likely they would survive for an extended period of time.

The younger ones might not have the experience, but they'll have access to a lot of experience through their sargeants or other NCOs (non commissioned officers). Hell, they might even have a decent officer to turn to, but the real backbone of any branch of the military is going to be the NCO.

2. Members of the Army are a little more adept at hand-to-hand combat, or firing guns, than your average Navy (or Air Force) member who is at sea. Excuse me for being naive, but I tend to think that you'd be hard pressed to find a lot of people on an aircraft carrier or submarine who are real pros at handling a rifle, handgun or machine gun. Navy Seals aside, who is there? I never enlisted, or served, so I don't know. That is just the impression I get.

I've got one word for you: Marines. Consider them as naval infantry, and besides submarines, you'll find some marines on any U.S. Navy ship. All branches of the service have some weapons/marksmanship training, and each branch actually has its own "special combat forces". I'm speaking strictly about the U.S. military organization here obviously.

29-Apr-2007, 08:19 PM
Nay, I say!

I didn't bother to quote your whole post, but what a great refutation!

30-Apr-2007, 02:07 AM
If you own them all, you may want to invest your time in watching them again. Let me name some specific instances.

Night of the Living Dead: Johnny got smashed into the ground at the beginning, was not bitten. The mother, her name escapes me right now, was stabbed to death by the girl, not bitten. Also, listening to the news you hear them say, "The bodies of the recently deceased are coming back to life".

Day of the Dead: That blonde guy (once again, the name escapes me) who was shot and killed when the zombie broke out of her collar, they find his head later in Logan's laboratory.

Land of the Dead: Here's an easy one, the old man hangs himself and the first thing Cholo says is, "You know what's going to happen" and the guy reanimates, and at that point there's no way he could have been bitten inside Fiddler's Green.

I'm quite sure I missed a few, but I think those should suffice

While it is true that bites are 100% fatal, that ISN'T the only way to turn.

Night of the Living Dead '90: Ben freaking comes back in the end and he was only shot by Cooper!

You're right, in Romero's movies, the dead will return no matter what kills them. But in Dawn '04', only if bit which I thought was stupid.

:dead: Dawg

30-Apr-2007, 02:17 AM
The thing that remains unclear is how would the zombies start? Does some mad scientist defy the laws of death or is it space related or some kind of all over the world all of a sudden dead people begin to walk...?

i think from most of the things that try to explain it, ala resident evil, autumn, ect. The romero type of zombie (ghouls) are either killed by a virus or recently dead and the virus kinda ravages the system, whilst leaving the core, the primordial jelly, of the brain intact, basically hunger and violence, nothing more, whilst on the outside however, they still rot as there cells break down, they eat humans to get more protien in the system for the virus in the cells to attack to slow down the degredation of the own....sort of, theres so many zombie mythos' around but thats the basic jist of it.
hence the shooting in the head thing.

30-Apr-2007, 03:17 AM
The standard solution in most zombie movies I have seen is to make the army guys more evil and dangerous than the zombies.
that's why they have the marines. "first to go, last to leave."

01-May-2007, 03:05 AM
that's why they have the marines. "first to go, last to leave."

More like...."First to go, Last to know"!

01-May-2007, 05:29 PM
i think from most of the things that try to explain it, ala resident evil, autumn, ect. The romero type of zombie (ghouls) are either killed by a virus or recently dead and the virus kinda ravages the system, whilst leaving the core, the primordial jelly, of the brain intact, basically hunger and violence, nothing more, whilst on the outside however, they still rot as there cells break down, they eat humans to get more protien in the system for the virus in the cells to attack to slow down the degredation of the own....sort of, theres so many zombie mythos' around but thats the basic jist of it.
hence the shooting in the head thing.
Seems any human that has died in the near past comes back, according to Mr Romero in his commentary of (I think) Day ... He mentions that they are capable of auto motive function. The steady inclination to use tools and such.
Suppose they start to become deceptive to capture warm people:
A squad is inserted on top of a building , and the stinks that are on the floors below can sense or hear them at the top of an entrance stairway. A female zed screams like someone in trouble, making the soldiers come down the stairs faster, unprepared to find no living needing help...
Dr Logan was crazy, but had the right idea.
Reason: "We were getting too big for our britches."
It could be caused by a natural eliminating selective viral. Our treatment of the planet,& chemicals (created by humans) that are inclusive of sub-atomic half life, nano technology ... Human caused: microscopic robots that reanimate the dead, at the central nerve system...Radiation breaks down cells, not rebuild to function.
But with a few to several combinations of events there could be something plausible in theoretical science.

01-May-2007, 11:45 PM
i think if land was an example, big daddy was sort of a tribe cheiftan or alpha male type zombie adn they were more like apes than people, wereas bub was more human than zombie in a few respects.
if they ever made a sequel to land maybe it would be the human-like zombies like bub against the tribal savage ones like big daddy?

01-May-2007, 11:48 PM
But what I dont get is how it was that Bub was so docile and Big Daddums was so different. Though I felt like at the end when the survivors looked at Big Daddy before going on their way they had in a way reached a standoff where each side was basically aware of the other but not after the other so much.

02-May-2007, 12:09 AM
i think the biggest diffeence we see is when bub see's logan dead, even though hes a zombie you still get the impression that hes a sentient being greiveing, yet when big daddy tries to save the zombies from being shot at the start of ladn and doesnt save the dad in that zombie family he looks at the sky and roars, botha re epxresssing pain but big daddy is like a savage animal and bub was like a person.

02-May-2007, 12:25 AM
I like that he made the zombies progressive like when it started off in NOTLD and Dawn they were all the same but when Day came about he investigated the possibilty of them adapting or changing by introducing us to bub. Bub killing Docs killer showed us the human side of zombies which was awesome. While I liked the script for the origional Day and how they tried to re-humanize zombies in that I felt the movie went a bit overboard with the whole Spider sub-plot and ending. But then as we go into Land of the Dead you see that the zombies in a way adapt and band together it seems not just for survival but also for the companionship of it all. Which you see when BDaddy is outraged by the slaughter of the other zombies. It didn't seem so much like they were attacking the city for food but for vengeance.

I like that he made the zombies progressive like when it started off in NOTLD and Dawn they were all the same but when Day came about he investigated the possibilty of them adapting or changing by introducing us to bub. Bub killing Docs killer showed us the human side of zombies which was awesome. While I liked the script for the origional Day and how they tried to re-humanize zombies in that I felt the movie went a bit overboard with the whole Spider sub-plot and ending. But then as we go into Land of the Dead you see that the zombies in a way adapt and band together it seems not just for survival but also for the companionship of it all. Which you see when BDaddy is outraged by the slaughter of the other zombies. It didn't seem so much like they were attacking the city for food but for vengeance.

02-May-2007, 10:55 PM
I was never a fan of Bub's and even less of a fan of Big Daddies. I would have liked to see the films continue with the dead as they were in Dawn and in Day minus Bub. Possibly even seeing the dead become even more savage and brutal as their 'food' supply becomes even rarer. Is there any reason they wouldn't turn on themselves? Starving humans can resort to cannabalism, why not starving walking dead? I just think Romero made a big mistake taking the direction he is headed. Intelligent zombies are 'less' scary to me, by a longshot.

03-May-2007, 12:25 AM
I get exactly what you mean, im always reading these forums and i dont say much but you hit the nail on the head and i had to agree with u, Romero ruined his films with the idea of smart zombies. It made them so much less scary.

03-May-2007, 12:30 AM
i think it was a great move myself, otherwise he would have been stuck in a stupor of repetitive plots, "oh no zombies, there slow and cant use doors or guns, lets walk away from them briskly":bored:

03-May-2007, 12:44 AM
The best thing about slow zombies is how unhuman and sleepwalker like they seem. making running zombies... (faster, with better reflexes) gives them more human qualities, i think thats why quite a lot of people dont like them. As for the zombies in Day... well they seemed more caveman like. Giving the zombies human characteristics just didnt cut it for me. Romero couldve tried a few different directions, if not, then he just shouldve stopped after Dawn. I dont know if any of you guys feel the same way, but i enjoyed Dawn a lot more before i saw Day.

03-May-2007, 01:09 AM
[QUOTE=MissJacksonCA;83777]But what I dont get is how it was that Bub was so docile and Big Daddums was so different. [QUOTE]

I noticed that too, but I wonder if Bub may have had a little fiddling around done with his brain by Dr. Logan, something in the way of a lobotomy or other procedure that would make him less reactive and more calm. I haven't seen Day in a little while (and will review my copy at home) but I think some brain tinkering on Bub was alluded to, possibly in the scene after Bub had been first introduced at which time Sara (talking about how docile Bub was) says something about it being a result of "fancy surgery" that only a handful of people know how to do anymore. I venture that this may be why Big Daddy (who I am still convinced would have been less comical with all that "arrrrgh" screaming and the like had the studio execs let George truly have free reign) was more aggressive-- because he had not had a zombie-lobotomy like Bub.

Still, Bub was pretty brutal and seemed rather agressive when he capped Rhodes, so maybe my point is moot!

03-May-2007, 02:16 PM
i think it was a great move myself, otherwise he would have been stuck in a stupor of repetitive plots, "oh no zombies, there slow and cant use doors or guns, lets walk away from them brisk":bored:\

LOL...wouldn't work. You know some dumb broad always twists here ankle, or they will stop to take a shower and then get eaten', or their brand new car will not start for absolutly no reason, or they will start having sex and...oh wait.....this belongs on the slasher flick board..sorry :p

03-May-2007, 03:44 PM
no, thats the entire plot to vampires vs zombies, the worst zombie film ever.:barf:

03-May-2007, 06:07 PM
no, thats the entire plot to vampires vs zombies, the worst zombie film ever.:barf:

Have not had the displeasure of watching that one...I taKe it it was one of my few good decisions in life when I passed it by?

03-May-2007, 09:44 PM
*takes deep breath, the regulars who know whats coming take cover*

let me set the scene for you:

This girl and this witch girl...thing are running from green zombies that look like jello and playdoes obscene incest made love child and ehad in a hopsital or something. all the windows are open and so are the doors and suddenly...

*que 90's porn music "bum-bum-chi..bum-bum-chi..."*

"oh hey "GENERIC LESBIAN NAME", its getting so hot in here"


"yeah, its ...like...sooooo hawt, lets lez up!"

and then the zombies get in cus every possible opening is open.

and thaats just one example, another is some woman going to a gas station,a sking a guy to fill the tank with gas, he turns around then turns back adn goes , "weres the car?" and she goes (....:rolleyes: ) "what car?" and then kills him.


*struggles to regain breath and type on now broken keyboard*

......i haaaaate that movie so bad, "ew" boll has more integrity than th guy that made that piece of ****.

04-May-2007, 01:05 AM
Look bro, you seem to take such pride in knocking the film that I actually think you might be a closet GHEAY for it. Think about it, <Chasing Amy moment> it's the step that you obviously need to take, I can see it - we can all see it!

<awaits the Hellz level 10 bitch-fry spell> :D

04-May-2007, 01:06 AM
yknow thats the 5th time today someones said something refeenceing d and d type rpg's to me today, wiieerd:confused:

04-May-2007, 12:46 PM
hmmm.....carebears......kinda like smurfs...remember that smurfs episode where one got infected, turned purple and went around biting the others turning them into 28 days later type smurfs?? Come to think of it that may very well have been the cartoon that shaped/warped my life......gotta love those 80's toons....

04-May-2007, 01:38 PM
Hellsing has crossed the fence and is now a fan of "sprinters".

04-May-2007, 03:45 PM
im just sayin' if the dead did come back to life as romero zombies, i think every on here , and pretty much anyone who can move over 4 miles an hour would be cool. just get out your shovel when one gets in the garden, WHACK!- ugh!...*twitch*...WHACK!...WHACK-WHACK-WHACK-WHACK.....whack....

fastbuggers on the other hand would be way mroe troublesome.

04-May-2007, 08:05 PM


05-May-2007, 01:12 AM
its being shown on the uk horror channel lately, it was on tonigh in fact, and i dare ya cap'n to watch it, then tell these fine people if im right or if im right.;)

05-May-2007, 06:47 PM
What Vampires vs Zombies? I saw it a while back, the movie sucks (no pun) beyond belief! :dead:

05-May-2007, 08:41 PM
daaaamn right.