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13-Aug-2011, 09:42 PM
One of the better/more interesting videos I've seen...


Mr. Clean
13-Aug-2011, 09:55 PM
Didn't work...I'm still Chirstian.

14-Aug-2011, 12:48 AM
As an intelligent college educated person this video irked me because it's juvenile and stupid. No offense to you, Neil, as it's interesting and not offensive it's just a childish video. However, this video was not directed at "educated" Christians but rather at idiots in any religion or lack of religion to buy into the tongue-in-cheek questions posed as being "serious theological questions" (yawn).

Question 1: Why Won't God Heal Amputees?

Wow, if this is the degree of questioning you put out there this should be easy! For one, this is an f'ing stupid question. Might as well ask why God didn't make the sky purple or make dogs meow and cats bark. He doesn't heal amputees because He chooses not to. And who the hell are you (plural) to question Him?

"It's a simple question isn't it?" -- No, you dumb ass, it's an asinine and stupid question.

"Amputees get no miracles from God." -- Really, you wouldn't consider something simple like, "Hey, I'm still alive and not dead when I could have lost my life instead of just my arm!" to be a miracle you apparently wanted to die.

Question 2: Why Are There So Many Starving People In The World?

Simple. Too many people have sex and have children which is greater than the supply of food and nutrition as well as clean water supplies available in their area. People are immature and have children when they can't provide for them. Plus, we can get into a whole diatribe on greedy companies and organizations as well as corrupt governments who can provide for these people and simply refuse to do so. The hell does God have to do with this?

Question 3: Why Does God Demand The Death Of So Many Innocent People In The Bible?

Easy one. I'm not a biblical inerrancy literalist by any measure. They are mostly stories in the Old Testament and justifications for the atrocious crimes the Hebrews did in the name of "God". In the Torah it's mentioned many times over: "God ordered all of them to be destroyed, men, women, and children." Really? How does that frame up with the God of the New Testament? Well, either one of two ways: 1.) The God of the New Testament is a different God, 2.) The ancient Hebrews claimed God told them to do something when they were writing about it hundreds of years later as a justification for the action. I choose to accept # 2. Most of what was written in the Old Testament about God "ordering" the slaughtering of thousands by the Hebrews was, to put it simply, justification writers centuries later gave for the actions. Then again, I'm not a fundamentalist literalist. So, to answer this question: He did not.

Question 4: Why Does The Bible Contain So Much Anti-Scientific Nonsense?

- "God did not create the world in 6 days 6,000 years ago." -- Fundamentalist inerrancy interpretation of Scripture aside, the other 75% of us Christians don't take this literally.

- "There was never a worldwide flood..." -- Nope, but there was a major flood in the region and to the people living at that time the entire world WAS their region. So, if the region flood, the world floods to them. It doesn't take the entire world to flood for the world to flood to people living at this time.

So, why is this guy focusing solely on fundamentalists who follow biblical inerrancy in content as opposed to expressing an important moral/meaning?

Question 5: Why Is God Such A Huge Proponent of Slavery In The Bible:

See my answer to question 3. Moving on now...

Question 6: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

Oh please, I'm laughing too hard right now to even pretend to give a silly answer to this silly question. Are we back in elementary school again sitting around in Kindergarten class? This is the last time I heard this question seriously posed!

Question 7: Why Didn't Any of Jesus Miracles In The Bible Leave Behind Any Evidence?

The question doesn't make rational sense. People who choose to not believe will not believe no matter what. If God were to walk into a room today and heal everyone of being blind (or have them magically have amputees grow arms back!) then those who choose not to believe will find some reasoning to dismiss God having a hand in it in any way. So, the question is a moot question.

Question 8: How Do We Explain The Fact That Jesus Has Never Appeared To You?

Wow, I must be arrogant to presume I'm worthy of a visit from Christ! Yes, indeed, I'm so important as a person that if God can't take time out of His day (which certainly ain't busy at all!) to come have a beer with me then certainly He doesn't exist!

"If you pray for Jesus to appear nothing happens." -- Right, just like if I pray for God to give me a third leg or add two inches to my penis it doesn't happen. I'm not an expert, but I don't think God would favor people asking stupid questions.

Question 9: Why Would Jesus Want You To Eat His Body And Drink His Blood?

Wow, this is actually a somewhat intelligent question, I'm genuinely shocked after the first 8 questions! The Eucharist is intended as the individual going forward to sacrifice him/herself in the alter to God and thus receive the true body and blood of Christ through the Eucharistic feast made manifest in the transubstantiation to become the body and blood of Christ. For those who don't accept that Christ is God, the questioning would be invalid anyway. And my response would be invalid to those who don't believe. So, why pose the question?

Question 10: Why Do Christians Get Divorced At the Same Rate As Non-Christians?

It was hard for me to not roll my eyes at this question. Actually, I did. The answer is that secular marriage isn't the same as sacred marriage (i.e. Holy Matrimony). Someone can be married by the State but not married in the eyes of the Church. So, it's really an invalid question because a good portion of these "marriages" by the State aren't real marriages anyway. And for those who are married through the sacrament of marriage who divorce -- they apparently didn't take it seriously enough (generally speaking, it depends on circumstances of course).

Anyway, overall I had a great laugh at this video because it attempted to be "serious" on the subject when it was merely posing mostly silly questions to begin with that just about any "college educated person using critical thinking skills learned in college" would just shrug off as being nonsense as it is.

Ultimately, those who choose to accept will choose to accept and those who don't won't. It doesn't matter what I say or any other person says on the other side of the fence, justifications and rationalizations will be made from both sides and we''ll argue until we're blue in the face on the subject from both sides and it won't change a person.

So, I certainly don't intend to have a debate on the subject with anyone as it would be pointless entirely. It's just a matter of I felt I *had* to respond to this nonsensical video.


14-Aug-2011, 06:56 AM

14-Aug-2011, 08:04 AM
As an intelligent college educated person this video irked me because it's juvenile and stupid. No offense to you, Neil, as it's interesting and not offensive it's just a childish video. However, this video was not directed at "educated" Christians but rather at idiots in any religion or lack of religion to buy into the tongue-in-cheek questions posed as being "serious theological questions" (yawn).

Question 1: Why Won't God Heal Amputees?

Wow, if this is the degree of questioning you put out there this should be easy! For one, this is an f'ing stupid question. Might as well ask why God didn't make the sky purple or make dogs meow and cats bark. He doesn't heal amputees because He chooses not to. And who the hell are you (plural) to question Him?

"It's a simple question isn't it?" -- No, you dumb ass, it's an asinine and stupid question.

"Amputees get no miracles from God." -- Really, you wouldn't consider something simple like, "Hey, I'm still alive and not dead when I could have lost my life instead of just my arm!" to be a miracle you apparently wanted to die.

Question 2: Why Are There So Many Starving People In The World?

Simple. Too many people have sex and have children which is greater than the supply of food and nutrition as well as clean water supplies available in their area. People are immature and have children when they can't provide for them. Plus, we can get into a whole diatribe on greedy companies and organizations as well as corrupt governments who can provide for these people and simply refuse to do so. The hell does God have to do with this?

Question 3: Why Does God Demand The Death Of So Many Innocent People In The Bible?

Easy one. I'm not a biblical inerrancy literalist by any measure. They are mostly stories in the Old Testament and justifications for the atrocious crimes the Hebrews did in the name of "God". In the Torah it's mentioned many times over: "God ordered all of them to be destroyed, men, women, and children." Really? How does that frame up with the God of the New Testament? Well, either one of two ways: 1.) The God of the New Testament is a different God, 2.) The ancient Hebrews claimed God told them to do something when they were writing about it hundreds of years later as a justification for the action. I choose to accept # 2. Most of what was written in the Old Testament about God "ordering" the slaughtering of thousands by the Hebrews was, to put it simply, justification writers centuries later gave for the actions. Then again, I'm not a fundamentalist literalist. So, to answer this question: He did not.

Question 4: Why Does The Bible Contain So Much Anti-Scientific Nonsense?

- "God did not create the world in 6 days 6,000 years ago." -- Fundamentalist inerrancy interpretation of Scripture aside, the other 75% of us Christians don't take this literally.

- "There was never a worldwide flood..." -- Nope, but there was a major flood in the region and to the people living at that time the entire world WAS their region. So, if the region flood, the world floods to them. It doesn't take the entire world to flood for the world to flood to people living at this time.

So, why is this guy focusing solely on fundamentalists who follow biblical inerrancy in content as opposed to expressing an important moral/meaning?

Question 5: Why Is God Such A Huge Proponent of Slavery In The Bible:

See my answer to question 3. Moving on now...

Question 6: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

Oh please, I'm laughing too hard right now to even pretend to give a silly answer to this silly question. Are we back in elementary school again sitting around in Kindergarten class? This is the last time I heard this question seriously posed!

Question 7: Why Didn't Any of Jesus Miracles In The Bible Leave Behind Any Evidence?

The question doesn't make rational sense. People who choose to not believe will not believe no matter what. If God were to walk into a room today and heal everyone of being blind (or have them magically have amputees grow arms back!) then those who choose not to believe will find some reasoning to dismiss God having a hand in it in any way. So, the question is a moot question.

Question 8: How Do We Explain The Fact That Jesus Has Never Appeared To You?

Wow, I must be arrogant to presume I'm worthy of a visit from Christ! Yes, indeed, I'm so important as a person that if God can't take time out of His day (which certainly ain't busy at all!) to come have a beer with me then certainly He doesn't exist!

"If you pray for Jesus to appear nothing happens." -- Right, just like if I pray for God to give me a third leg or add two inches to my penis it doesn't happen. I'm not an expert, but I don't think God would favor people asking stupid questions.

Question 9: Why Would Jesus Want You To Eat His Body And Drink His Blood?

Wow, this is actually a somewhat intelligent question, I'm genuinely shocked after the first 8 questions! The Eucharist is intended as the individual going forward to sacrifice him/herself in the alter to God and thus receive the true body and blood of Christ through the Eucharistic feast made manifest in the transubstantiation to become the body and blood of Christ. For those who don't accept that Christ is God, the questioning would be invalid anyway. And my response would be invalid to those who don't believe. So, why pose the question?

Question 10: Why Do Christians Get Divorced At the Same Rate As Non-Christians?

It was hard for me to not roll my eyes at this question. Actually, I did. The answer is that secular marriage isn't the same as sacred marriage (i.e. Holy Matrimony). Someone can be married by the State but not married in the eyes of the Church. So, it's really an invalid question because a good portion of these "marriages" by the State aren't real marriages anyway. And for those who are married through the sacrament of marriage who divorce -- they apparently didn't take it seriously enough (generally speaking, it depends on circumstances of course).

Anyway, overall I had a great laugh at this video because it attempted to be "serious" on the subject when it was merely posing mostly silly questions to begin with that just about any "college educated person using critical thinking skills learned in college" would just shrug off as being nonsense as it is.

Ultimately, those who choose to accept will choose to accept and those who don't won't. It doesn't matter what I say or any other person says on the other side of the fence, justifications and rationalizations will be made from both sides and we''ll argue until we're blue in the face on the subject from both sides and it won't change a person.

So, I certainly don't intend to have a debate on the subject with anyone as it would be pointless entirely. It's just a matter of I felt I *had* to respond to this nonsensical video.


I fully understand your take on it, and appreciate/understand your answers! And even agree with some...

But I have to say one or more of your answers, especially 8, demonstrate the entire purpose of the video. ie: An attempt to make excuses. Why doesn't Christ appear to everyone? It would certainly make the world a better place? Would certainly make 'the test' fairer..? So why doesn't he appear to anyone? There's of course two answers to why:-
1) He doesn't exist - By far the simplest answer, and the answer that fits all the facts most solidly.
2) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <-- insert made up/contrived answer here (and of course there's a good number, because different people will contrive different answers)

I understand the video can of course come across juvenille, but at the end of the day (IMHO) look at what's it's attempting to do - Disprove an invisible thing with super magical powers, that no can show any proof of, at all... It's doesn't stand much of a chance of not sounding juvenille at times given the material involved?

I see the suggestion a God created the Universe flawed for two reasons:-
1) It's an unecessary step. If God created the Universe, when who created God? Let's just miss out an unecessary step... There seems to reason to make the solution more complicated. There is no hint of any reason to do so.
2) If God did create the Universe, why go to such extreme lengths to hide his existance? Why plant evidence to suggest he doesn't exist? Why not show any evidence of his existance? I'm always facinated that people assume some a God intends us well, when he behaves in such an unnecessarily malevolent way.

And please don't take my comments as disrepectful, but I do see religion as a bit of a blite on humanity. I think the sooner we can come to terms with the situation we as a species find ourselves in, the better. ie: WE are responsible for us. If WE don't sort ourselves out, no ones else will! There is no magical alternative reality we can pin our hopes on, or a super being who is looking out for us. WE need to grow up and run the house!

14-Aug-2011, 03:35 PM
Bumblebees. Their wings are too small to support their bodies, and yet they fly. God.
Anyway, whatever. Just don't be an asshole, and try to help out with stuff wherever you can. That's my golden rule. Whether you believe in a deity or not, that's all you need to think about. Are my actions helpful, hurtful, or neutral?
I think God exists. But not in the way people think he does.
I also believe in ghosts.
The universe is mysterious. It should remain so. If we all knew God automatically, that would disspell the whole need for faith and free will.
Which is why Jesus doesn't show himself to everyone.
'Who created God'? What a silly question. He's eternal. He was around before anything else, the whole fucking universe. In fact, we shouldn't call God 'He'. We don't know if God is male really, except that the Bible tells us so.
I choose to be delusional, but y'all already know this.
But something created this planet with its perfect conditions to support life and varied ecosystems.
I don't really feel comfortable with the notion that it happened at random.
Anyway, what do I know? I like cartoon ponies and bands that haven't been around for decades.

14-Aug-2011, 04:03 PM
But something created this planet with its perfect conditions to support life and varied ecosystems.
Yes, a billion times a billion throws of a dice!

Why assume the less likely chance of a super duper supernatural being came into existance in preference to the more obvious explanation, which of course all the facts back up too!

14-Aug-2011, 06:00 PM
Why assume the less likely chance of a super duper supernatural being came into existance in preference to the more obvious explanation, which of course all the facts back up too!

Because it comforts people.

That being said - Hail Satan.

14-Aug-2011, 06:10 PM
Because it comforts people.
This is the crux of it isn't it... It comforts me that I think I'll win the lottery. Doesn't affect the odds of that being the case though!

"I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But as much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking." — Carl Sagan

"For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." — Carl Sagan

14-Aug-2011, 06:23 PM
Excellent post, Neil, your comments were better than this silly video regarding issues with God. I'll get back to it eventually.

As far as real Christianity, it's not about "comforting people" -- that's a 5 year old's approach to Christianity of which unfortunately too many people never grow out of (and Atheists love to hark on as if all Christians wanted to follow a Kindergarten approach to faith). Christ didn't come along to "comfort people" but to bring a sword that would divide families and brothers against brothers. It's not about "comforting". It's about sacrifice.


14-Aug-2011, 09:25 PM
Excellent post, Neil, your comments were better than this silly video regarding issues with God. I'll get back to it eventually.

As far as real Christianity, it's not about "comforting people" -- that's a 5 year old's approach to Christianity of which unfortunately too many people never grow out of (and Atheists love to hark on as if all Christians wanted to follow a Kindergarten approach to faith). Christ didn't come along to "comfort people" but to bring a sword that would divide families and brothers against brothers. It's not about "comforting". It's about sacrifice.


Why is it about sacrifice? Why should any super being require sacrifice from what he's created? Seems a bit unecessary and ultimately sycophantic!?

What about comforting? If I new everything I was, everything I will be, won't end with the failing of a heart beat, I'd be pretty comforted! If I new everyone I new and loved, wouldn't just turn to dust with the passing of years, I'd be pretty comforted? It would be the ultimate definition of comforting for me! And I suspect is the top reason for why man needs a God. That and as a God of any void in their knowlegde/understanding of nature...

14-Aug-2011, 10:37 PM
Bumblebees. Their wings are too small to support their bodies, and yet they fly. God.

But...their bodies do have the ability to flap their wings at a sufficient speed, thereby creating the necessary airflow to allow their bodies to maintain lft.

Science...not god.

15-Aug-2011, 01:13 AM
What about comforting? If I new everything I was, everything I will be, won't end with the failing of a heart beat, I'd be pretty comforted! If I new everyone I new and loved, wouldn't just turn to dust with the passing of years, I'd be pretty comforted? It would be the ultimate definition of comforting for me! And I suspect is the top reason for why man needs a God. That and as a God of any void in their knowlegde/understanding of nature...

I've never understood so many folks strange (and almost obsessive in some cases) dependence upon what either does or doesn't happen after death. As a Christian, the thought of what happens to me after death never comes into my mind -- it shouldn't be a factor at all. Sure, fundamentalists will go on and on regarding the issue of Hell and if you don't repent then blah blah... all as a scare tactic to win people over the issue of emotionalism and fear as opposed to the true reasons why someone should be following faith. I find all that fundamentalist nonsense to be disgusting honestly. If you focus on living here and now each day in doing as much good as you can in the lives of others this is all that matters. I find it almost disturbing in thinking about some hypothetical after life or not, it just doesn't matter. I don't care if I go to some hypothetical Heaven or not -- my memory will live on here and that's all that matters. I find the concept of life after death to be either an interesting potential fantasy or hypothetical "could be" -- but I just don't see how it matters one way or another.

As far as the top reason why man needs a God, I'd find that to be a little childish though and don't buy that. It's exactly what fundamentalists rely on though. "Oh, I'm scared of dying! I'm scared I won't exist anymore! So I'll believe in God so if I'm good He'll be like Santa Claus and let me go to a Heaven and I won't go to the bad place that is Hell!". This whole concept seems very childish to me and when I hear other 'Christians' talking about this being in any way a primary focus of faith in following what Christ taught I feel very un-Christian like and want to slap them up beside the head and remind them -- hey, there are people dying every day and pain and suffering all around us, get your damn heads out of the clouds! This is not the Christianity I follow.

Unfortunately, as a Christian, I'll be the first to admit there are entirely too many immature uneducated "Christians" out there claiming to be followers of Christ. Me personally? I don't claim to be a great Christian by any means, I cuss too much, smoke too much, drink almost daily too much, enjoy the company of attractive women and have lustful thoughts too much, wish bad things on other people when I'm pissed, and don't do nearly as much for other people as I should in this world. I don't claim to be a model or even necessarily good Christian by a long-shot, but I do try to follow what Christ actually taught as often as possible and get extremely pissed when people try to "sell" God on fear (i.e. believe or you'll go to Hell!) of a 'potential afterlife' or cheapen Christ's teachings for their own justifications.


fulci fan
15-Aug-2011, 02:47 AM
I've got a great idea, let's talk about politics next....:)

Here is a nice video. One of the only videos were ol' richy ain't rubbing it in your face.

15-Aug-2011, 08:58 AM
I've never understood so many folks strange (and almost obsessive in some cases) dependence upon what either does or doesn't happen after death. As a Christian, the thought of what happens to me after death never comes into my mind -- it shouldn't be a factor at all. Sure, fundamentalists will go on and on regarding the issue of Hell and if you don't repent then blah blah... all as a scare tactic to win people over the issue of emotionalism and fear as opposed to the true reasons why someone should be following faith. I find all that fundamentalist nonsense to be disgusting honestly. If you focus on living here and now each day in doing as much good as you can in the lives of others this is all that matters. I find it almost disturbing in thinking about some hypothetical after life or not, it just doesn't matter. I don't care if I go to some hypothetical Heaven or not -- my memory will live on here and that's all that matters. I find the concept of life after death to be either an interesting potential fantasy or hypothetical "could be" -- but I just don't see how it matters one way or another.

As far as the top reason why man needs a God, I'd find that to be a little childish though and don't buy that. It's exactly what fundamentalists rely on though. "Oh, I'm scared of dying! I'm scared I won't exist anymore! So I'll believe in God so if I'm good He'll be like Santa Claus and let me go to a Heaven and I won't go to the bad place that is Hell!". This whole concept seems very childish to me and when I hear other 'Christians' talking about this being in any way a primary focus of faith in following what Christ taught I feel very un-Christian like and want to slap them up beside the head and remind them -- hey, there are people dying every day and pain and suffering all around us, get your damn heads out of the clouds! This is not the Christianity I follow.

Unfortunately, as a Christian, I'll be the first to admit there are entirely too many immature uneducated "Christians" out there claiming to be followers of Christ. Me personally? I don't claim to be a great Christian by any means, I cuss too much, smoke too much, drink almost daily too much, enjoy the company of attractive women and have lustful thoughts too much, wish bad things on other people when I'm pissed, and don't do nearly as much for other people as I should in this world. I don't claim to be a model or even necessarily good Christian by a long-shot, but I do try to follow what Christ actually taught as often as possible and get extremely pissed when people try to "sell" God on fear (i.e. believe or you'll go to Hell!) of a 'potential afterlife' or cheapen Christ's teachings for their own justifications.


I'd have to disagree...

I think an individual's mortality, and the mortality of their loved ones, is probably one of the most profound issues people must come to terms with in their life? One only has to look at the Great Piramids or Qin Shi Huang to realise this has been the case for as long as man has been self-aware.

A couple if times my four year daughter has become extremely upset when talking about death. Already she has rationalised that some finality exists to her and other peoples lives. It's incredibly humbling and very sad to watch a four year olds mind come to grasp with such a large concept.

So again, I'd suggest the worry about mortality is one of the top reasons for why man felt the need to create a God, and that people certainly take solice in a belief that suggest mortality is not final.

15-Aug-2011, 12:40 PM
I'd have to disagree...

I think an individual's mortality, and the mortality of their loved ones, is probably one of the most profound issues people must come to terms with in their life? One only has to look at the Great Piramids or Qin Shi Huang to realise this has been the case for as long as man has been self-aware.

A couple if times my four year daughter has become extremely upset when talking about death. Already she has rationalised that some finality exists to her and other peoples lives. It's incredibly humbling and very sad to watch a four year olds mind come to grasp with such a large concept.

So again, I'd suggest the worry about mortality is one of the top reasons for why man felt the need to create a God, and that people certainly take solice in a belief that suggest mortality is not final.

I can certainly understand and appreciate your opinion and I even agree to an extent. The issue of mortality is paramount to MANY people. It's just personally I've never seen a point in concerning myself regarding the question.

Then again, I'm a writer and I am arrogant in believing that my words will live on long after I'm gone. So, the issue just doesn't trouble me because long after I'm dead my work will live onward and I'll hopefully be remembered positively for it.

When it comes to my faith though, and I'm just speaking personally, a concept of an after-life just doesn't enter into the equation. That doesn't matter to me.

I think you're right that it is central of importance to many people, I just don't think it should be at all.


15-Aug-2011, 12:54 PM
I can certainly understand and appreciate your opinion and I even agree to an extent. The issue of mortality is paramount to MANY people. It's just personally I've never seen a point in concerning myself regarding the question.

Then again, I'm a writer and I am arrogant in believing that my words will live on long after I'm gone. So, the issue just doesn't trouble me because long after I'm dead my work will live onward and I'll hopefully be remembered positively for it.

When it comes to my faith though, and I'm just speaking personally, a concept of an after-life just doesn't enter into the equation. That doesn't matter to me.

I think you're right that it is central of importance to many people, I just don't think it should be at all.


Maybe as you get older, or have kids (assuming you don't already), that freight-train of mortality coming down the tracks towards you will look a little more ominous :)

15-Aug-2011, 12:55 PM
People still like to believe in fairy tales because they cant come to terms with their own mortality and that there is more than likely just nothing after you die, or because believing in god was ingrained into them from being a very small child and is hardwired into their brain. I was sent to a church of England school as a toddler up until I was 11 and from day one we had to pray and listen to daily stories about god & jesus & the saints etc and that we must do this or must not do that, and I just blindly believed in it all then as I was essentially brainwashed into it at an impressionable age. Once into my teens though I just decided that it was all a load of cobblers!

15-Aug-2011, 01:01 PM
People still like to believe in fairy tales because they cant come to terms with their own mortality and that there is more than likely just nothing after you die, or because believing in god was ingrained into them from being a very small child and is hardwired into their brain. I was sent to a church of England school as a toddler up until I was 11 and from day one we had to pray and listen to daily stories about god & jesus & the saints etc and that we must do this or must not do that, and I just blindly believed in it all then as I was essentially brainwashed into it at an impressionable age. Once into my teens though I just decided that it was all a load of cobblers!
Indeed, cultural influences must play a huge part in peoples beliefs.

15-Aug-2011, 02:20 PM
People still like to believe in fairy tales because they cant come to terms with their own mortality and that there is more than likely just nothing after you die, or because believing in god was ingrained into them from being a very small child and is hardwired into their brain. I was sent to a church of England school as a toddler up until I was 11 and from day one we had to pray and listen to daily stories about god & jesus & the saints etc and that we must do this or must not do that, and I just blindly believed in it all then as I was essentially brainwashed into it at an impressionable age. Once into my teens though I just decided that it was all a load of cobblers!

"I was born and raised a Catholic....until I reached the age of reason"
-George Carlin


15-Aug-2011, 06:44 PM
I was also in church every Sunday as a kid. As I got older I started to believe people were taking it too far. Imo, christianity is simply a fable to help people go through their life in a morally responsible and caring way. People have taken the simple message and clung to every word rather than live by it's overall message.

Is there an afterlife? Nobody knows and nobody will ever know until they die. There's no way to prove it. If there is an afterlife....cool! Who wouldn't want one? Personally, I don't think there is. I want to try to be a good person and enjoy my time on this plane of existence rather than counting on something better after i'm gone. No point in wasting what i've got.

"Is this not enough?, this blessed sip of life, is it not enough staring down at the ground?, oh then complain and pray more from above like a greedy little pig, stop just watch your world trickle away, oh it's your problem now, it'll all be dead and gone in a few short years, just love will open our eyes, just love will put the hope in our minds, much more than we could ever know, don't burn the day away" - Pig by DMB

18-Aug-2011, 01:11 PM
Where is your god now?!
Oh... Don't have one? Here.
*gives you the link for following Pinkamina Diane Pie on Tumblr*

18-Aug-2011, 03:44 PM
Don't know about god but don't believe in any that pick favourites or care about what we eat Friday.

What god can't do

Fine tuned universe

18-Aug-2011, 05:31 PM
^^ lol!

18-Aug-2011, 06:38 PM
Neil's signature with Carl Sagan's 'The Dot' is gold, the film Contact, written by Sagan, featured this opening that blew me away and it would be awesome to place that narration over it.

18-Aug-2011, 06:45 PM
the film Contact, written by Sagan, featured this opening that blew me away.

Love the film and the opening is incredibly well done.

19-Aug-2011, 04:31 PM
People who don't agree with athiests should just start believing that athiests don't exist.


*scrathes his head for a minute*

Wait, what?!


19-Aug-2011, 05:01 PM
Haha! *high fives Lou*

25-Aug-2011, 09:54 PM
What do you think of this Reasonable Faith tour for Christian apologist William Lane Craig and a few Atheists like Dawkins refusing to debate him and Polly Toynbee pulling out?

01-Nov-2011, 03:19 PM
As simple as this:

Atheism= freedom of Action, Thought and Emotion.
Religion = A system of rules and a higher power to be led by.

01-Nov-2011, 05:18 PM

01-Nov-2011, 05:25 PM
Lou, not sure if you meant to post a link/linked image etc., but nothing is popping up in your above post.

01-Nov-2011, 06:02 PM
Lou, not sure if you meant to post a link/linked image etc., but nothing is popping up in your above post.

no, that's lou doing some deep thinking on this issue.

i'm an atheist (a nasty one about it too) and proud of it. religion, to me, is a mental disorder. i'm less afraid of psychopaths than i am of fundamentalists (though in reality they are the same thing).

when one uses logic and reason to explain the world, the need for gods/goddesses, messiahs, ghosts, spirits, or bugganes evaporates.

i'm done on this subject. if you are an atheist, congratulations. if you are religious, then i absolutely could not care less what you think.

01-Nov-2011, 07:08 PM

01-Nov-2011, 11:17 PM
I agree with that billboard, I must say.

02-Nov-2011, 06:08 AM


I do have trouble understanding how anyone can believe in any 'tradition religion'. They just make no sense and seem so improbable...

02-Nov-2011, 06:16 AM

I do have trouble understanding how anyone can believe in any 'tradition religion'. They just make no sense and seem so improbable...

To each their own, I've expressed my opinion, as others here have, and don't really have anything else to say on the matter. I'm proud of my faith and being able to have my faith in this great nation here without persecution, and others are entitled to have their say on the matter of their personal opinions as well.


02-Nov-2011, 02:04 PM
Yeah....it's not religion, it's people.

A person sneering and acting like an ass because others don't believe in what they do is just as annoying if he's a Christian, as he is if he's an atheist.

Give me good, considerate people who think somewhat critically any day, over people who just want to drop shit on other people's parade or persecute people not partaking in their particular brand of groupthink, and I won't care much what their specific religion is.

Provisos on Above Statements:

1) Okay....except maybe for fashionable or posturing religions (ie. "I'm a Satanist and yes, my parent's are pissed, and I'm a special snowflake")
2) No, I don't think it's cool to believe the Bible or any theological set of parables as a word for word literal truth.
3) Yes, pin pricking with humor is all in good fun and helps keep things in persepctive...to an extent

02-Nov-2011, 06:39 PM
Lou, not sure if you meant to post a link/linked image etc., but nothing is popping up in your above post.

Sorry 'bout that, that's what I get for deep-linking. Guess I pissed off a supreme being somewhere, eh? :p

Here's what I meant to post:


02-Nov-2011, 07:31 PM
Sorry 'bout that, that's what I get for deep-linking.

Deep-linking? Sounds dirty, Lou :D

Funny thing is, it was working in your earlier post this morning. I had looked at the link info yesterday and couldn't figure out what was causing the issue, unless it was being 'hotlink' blocked at the source.

03-Nov-2011, 01:43 PM
Deep-linking? Sounds dirty, Lou :D

Well, you know me.. I'm dirty like that. *snicker* :D

Funny thing is, it was working in your earlier post this morning. I had looked at the link info yesterday and couldn't figure out what was causing the issue, unless it was being 'hotlink' blocked at the source.

Yeah, it was fine when I initially posted it, then taken down from the original link, then put back up with some watermark on it that covered the entire saying at the bottom of the pic. Go figure. From now on, I'll just slap pics in my photobucket acct and link to 'em from there. "NOBODY PUTS LOU IN A CORNER!" :lol: