View Full Version : George on the BBC - YouTube link

25-Jun-2006, 07:27 PM
Watch George Romero on the BBC talk about Dawn of the Dead. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnCWKc8e9Js)

25-Jun-2006, 09:05 PM
Awesome interview!

When was this interview shot? Anyone know for certain??? Some interesting bits about where Land of the Dead came from and a retrospective commentary on Dawn.

Also, GAR looked very healthy in it and something about his look reminded me of Lucas ca. 2020, after his 5th bypass and some serious lipo. I don't know why...

25-Jun-2006, 09:42 PM
This is weird, the video does not play for me. I have all the divx and driver stuff that I need, i can view anything else online. Any thoughts?

25-Jun-2006, 11:34 PM
This is weird, the video does not play for me. I have all the divx and driver stuff that I need, i can view anything else online. Any thoughts?

Try this (http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/about/)

25-Jun-2006, 11:40 PM
Thanks twistbud, but alas, I already have that.

Well, it just started working for some reason. Guess it was a temporary glitch. Cool interview. Does anyone know how to save it?

general tbag
26-Jun-2006, 12:12 AM
Thanks twistbud, but alas, I already have that.

Well, it just started working for some reason. Guess it was a temporary glitch. Cool interview. Does anyone know how to save it?

check ur temp files if not do a file search for the extension, should pop up as a temp file somewhere.

26-Jun-2006, 01:50 AM
Does anyone know how to save it?

Try this (http://www.tian.cc/2005/11/how-to-save-flash-videos-from-youtube.html) :elol:

26-Jun-2006, 11:09 AM
For those who cannot watch this i think Neil has this up on the original site in the Dawn section