View Full Version : Japanese Retailers Phasing Xbox 360 Off The Country

21-Aug-2011, 10:23 PM
Microsoft’s Xbox 360 might be hitting a stride in USA and Europe, but it is almost dying in Japan.

In June 2011 Microsoft celebrated reaching the 1.5 million Xbox 360 consoles sold in Japan. This milestone was reached more than five years after the console’s launch in 2005. Even more, the console sold less than 73,000 units in 2011 (compared to the PlayStation 3 selling more than 735,000 units in the same period).

Knowing that, and witnessing an increasing decline in demand, a lot of Japanese videogame retailers decided to phase the Xbox 360 out.

Both Geo and Yamada Denki, the nation’s largest retailers, confirmed that they have started removing Xbox 360 hardware and software from the majority of their branches and selling any remaining units at a heavy discount.

In the meanwhile, Xbox 360 consoles and games are starting to show up in bargain bins in most stores, with game prices starting from as low as ¥100 ($1.30), with one store selling the Halo: Reach hardware bundle for ¥9,980 ($130).

Source (http://www.megagames.com/news/japanese-retailers-phasing-xbox-360-country)

21-Aug-2011, 10:29 PM
Hrm. No speculation as to why the 360 is suffering in the area? I imagine the lack of a Blu Ray player might have something to do with it, but not that large of a drop.

Having both a PS3 and a 360 I find the 360 to be the more enjoyable of the two. Maybe the Wii has a strong grip on the area?

21-Aug-2011, 10:36 PM
I Think the japanesse have never warmed to microsoft, if i remember correctly the original xbox struggled over there too. Your talking deep sony and nintendo country there :)

21-Aug-2011, 11:14 PM
"barbarian white pig gaijin machine" not surprised. its not the japanese one. See any japanese gamer comment about the 360 online and its all the same. stupid foreign made cheap shit trying to steal hardworking japanese companies money.

22-Aug-2011, 12:00 AM
See any japanese gamer comment about the 360 online and its all the same. stupid foreign made cheap shit trying to steal hardworking japanese companies money.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_MFz0z7jVEKU/TEEK4rKRu7I/AAAAAAAAA9k/paggv9Bqkmo/s1600/shyamalan.jpg What a twist!

22-Aug-2011, 01:55 AM
While they tried gaining ground in Japan with exclusives like Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, Microsoft is probably best off focusing just on the Americas and Europe for their next console.

Makes me wonder where CAVE shoot-em-ups will end up, though. 360 has been home to their best games in the past, even publishing the Japan-only "Deathsmiles 2X" for Games on Demand in the US/Europe.

22-Aug-2011, 05:30 AM
Hrm. No speculation as to why the 360 is suffering in the area? I imagine the lack of a Blu Ray player might have something to do with it, but not that large of a drop.

Having both a PS3 and a 360 I find the 360 to be the more enjoyable of the two. Maybe the Wii has a strong grip on the area?

I'm with you on this. While the PS3 is a great ENTERTAINMENT device, I love my 360 for it being a great GAMING device. I dunno what it is, but I'm on my XBOX at least 8 times more than my PS3. Maybe because XBL is far superior to PSN?

Here is the most important question at hand: Will JP games play on our US consoles?!?!

22-Aug-2011, 01:00 PM
While they tried gaining ground in Japan with exclusives like Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, Microsoft is probably best off focusing just on the Americas and Europe for their next console.

Makes me wonder where CAVE shoot-em-ups will end up, though. 360 has been home to their best games in the past, even publishing the Japan-only "Deathsmiles 2X" for Games on Demand in the US/Europe.

Definately agree, and maybe now they will stop flogging this dead horse.