View Full Version : jailed for internet trolling!

13-Sep-2011, 01:15 PM
Well, this one was bound to happen!


13-Sep-2011, 01:48 PM
What an a**hole. Serves him right, I suppose.

13-Sep-2011, 01:48 PM
What is there to say but...."LOL, pwned" :D

But seriously, do you guys have laws against a convict writing about or selling the rights to the story of their crime for profit? I hope so.

13-Sep-2011, 01:56 PM
What is there to say but...."LOL, pwned" :D

But seriously, do you guys have laws against a convict writing about or selling the rights to the story of their crime for profit? I hope so.

Yep, you can't do it! I'm sure it goes a bit deeper than that too, but it escapes me right now...I seem to remember something about not even being able to discuss one's crimes on the telly regardless of profit? Maybe I'm making that up...but I thought it has something to do with not gratifying a crime in any way, shape or form...but I could be wrong there.

13-Sep-2011, 07:26 PM
khardis would be serving 15 to life if this kind of stuff continues. imagine poor svengoolie. he'd be looking at the chair for sure. :lol:

13-Sep-2011, 08:28 PM
So the guy gets jail for posting nasty remarks online about some dead kids? I can see keeping his ass offline, but jail? That's a bit harsh. I'm not denying he is a complete douchenozzle, but imagine what else could eventually get you jailed over the internet.
Put that stuff online and you're bound to get whackos coming out of the woodwork to say dumb crap. What did you expect? Police your page, report offensive comments, and have them deleted, or delete them yourselves.
And keep your kids, especially unstable ones who kill themselves over bad comments, off the net and social networks.
Maybe I'll eventually get hard time for giving kids crap over Harry Potter. Geeeeeez.

13-Sep-2011, 09:02 PM
actual jailtime? for being a dickhead? hurm. I don't want to defend an asshole but that isn't right either, worse can happen to him behind bars than being a dick on a facebook page. They already banned him from social networking sites. is losing a year of his life inside going to make him a better person or a more bitter one?

13-Sep-2011, 11:57 PM
I'm with youz guyz - while I do not condone his actions, and would love to sneak him in the jaw then fart in his mouth while he's down, I don't think he deserves to be sent to prison and have the rest of his life ruined.

14-Sep-2011, 01:10 AM
I was going to say he shouldn't be sent to jail, he should be left free so he can keep working and the families can sue him for intentional infliction of emotional distress and collect every penny he has. But from what I've heard of the British welfare system, I realized he probably doesn't work anyways. Probably resides in a council flat and sits around collecting a welfare check.

14-Sep-2011, 02:25 AM
I was going to say he shouldn't be sent to jail, he should be left free so he can keep working and the families can sue him for intentional infliction of emotional distress and collect every penny he has. But from what I've heard of the British welfare system, I realized he probably doesn't work anyways. Probably resides in a council flat and sits around collecting a welfare check.
I dunno. While I also believe someone should punch him out, suing is also out for me. The only thing I can see any kind of punishment for is trying to entice underage kids into sex. That shit is not cool. That's why I think people need to keep a very close eye on their kids online and make them do other things. The net can be as much a turdhole as it can be an awesome place. Tough skin, or get off. Kids with issues need to be watched closer, as there are some nasty bastards out there. I have a 15 year old and I watch her stuff from time to time. The net is a privelege not a right for kiddies.

14-Sep-2011, 10:33 AM
I guess it's the old adage (that I made up, and isn't really old, nor an adage) "freedom of speech doesn't give you freedom to be a c**t".

so jail or not? I'm not sure...what the kid did WAS worthy of jail time, in a moral sense only - but at the same time, the bigger picture beckons and there's a place in his cell for a serial rapist or murderer, not an internet troll. What I mean is, he deserves punishment. The only real punishment we offer in the UK is jail, so this is a default thing. Really a bit of public humiliation would suffice.

It doesn't seem like he made any threatening gestures or made anyone feel unsafe - as people here have said, he was just being a massive, massive douche.

Is this an attack on free speech? I don't think so. I think we're all smart enough to know he crossed the line - and the line is a pretty thick one. Drawn very much before trolling a murdered kid's tribute page.

On a side note, having experienced a few deaths this year - people make facebook pages as a way of dealing with the grief. It keeps the loved ones busy in a terrible time, and gives a place where everyone can leave fitting tributes to their friend whilst also supporting and helping the family deal with the loss. I know for sure that one mate of mine who lost her husband recently, and was left with 5 kids (at age 25), couldn't have coped half as well without the ability to see a page where everyone is there, leaving positive thoughts. It was a place for her to express how much she missed Matty - I couldn't imagine how much harm would have been caused to her grieving process if this douchebag in the news item had trolled Matty's tribute page...I'd have wanted him jailed for that, but to be honest, I'd have wanted him tortured a bit first.

14-Sep-2011, 11:39 AM
This is ridiculous.

So, one can get jailtime now for being a gobshite? That's a REALLY bad turn of events and it sets a terrible precident. Fine the crap out of him, get him off the web, or whatever, But actual jailtime?

There's rapists walking free on parole, for fck sake.

14-Sep-2011, 07:17 PM
I just read somewhere, I think in Ireland(?), some father is suing FB because his kid got an account and posted pictures of herself all slutted up and guys were trying to hook it up. Like I said: POLICE YOUR OWN KIDS!!!
Take care of your own side of the street and the riffraff won't be able to cross over, and if they do...
They get smooshed before they can spend enough time to do any damage. I don't want to get sued either, just because someone gets overly butthurt or they kid can't take me razzing on Harry Potter.

14-Sep-2011, 07:20 PM
I guess it's the old adage (that I made up, and isn't really old, nor an adage) "freedom of speech doesn't give you freedom to be a c**t".

so jail or not? I'm not sure...what the kid did WAS worthy of jail time, in a moral sense only - but at the same time, the bigger picture beckons and there's a place in his cell for a serial rapist or murderer, not an internet troll. What I mean is, he deserves punishment. The only real punishment we offer in the UK is jail, so this is a default thing. Really a bit of public humiliation would suffice.

It doesn't seem like he made any threatening gestures or made anyone feel unsafe - as people here have said, he was just being a massive, massive douche.

Is this an attack on free speech? I don't think so. I think we're all smart enough to know he crossed the line - and the line is a pretty thick one. Drawn very much before trolling a murdered kid's tribute page.

On a side note, having experienced a few deaths this year - people make facebook pages as a way of dealing with the grief. It keeps the loved ones busy in a terrible time, and gives a place where everyone can leave fitting tributes to their friend whilst also supporting and helping the family deal with the loss. I know for sure that one mate of mine who lost her husband recently, and was left with 5 kids (at age 25), couldn't have coped half as well without the ability to see a page where everyone is there, leaving positive thoughts. It was a place for her to express how much she missed Matty - I couldn't imagine how much harm would have been caused to her grieving process if this douchebag in the news item had trolled Matty's tribute page...I'd have wanted him jailed for that, but to be honest, I'd have wanted him tortured a bit first.

I disagree the systems as strained enough as it is without putting douchebag kids inside for 18 months with pedophiles rapists and murderers. like i said before hes going to come out a much worse human being than he went in as.

20-Sep-2011, 01:44 PM
I disagree the systems as strained enough as it is without putting douchebag kids inside for 18 months with pedophiles rapists and murderers. like i said before hes going to come out a much worse human being than he went in as.

yeah I agree 100% hence why I think there should be an interim punishment - between prison and freedom....! Used to be called Community Service but that's as much deterrent as a keep off the grass sign to a pothead.

20-Sep-2011, 04:16 PM
yeah I agree 100% hence why I think there should be an interim punishment - between prison and freedom....! Used to be called Community Service but that's as much deterrent as a keep off the grass sign to a pothead.

well think about it from a truly outside perspective, like describing it to aliens or something: "well wether you steal a car or burtally rape, kill and eat a 6 year old in front of their family anyone in that bracket we call 'crime' will be forced to live in a building for an extended period of time after which they come out again" first response would be "so-so how does that stop them doing it again?"

for the yoof culture doing time is a merit of distinction, for the truly murderous its just a cage they count the days till they are free from to kill again. we dont attempt to change the person inside anymore. we cage them like a sick dog that we hope might get better with time at best and at worst just go 'out, smuggling marijuana. sentence: death"

Mr. Clean
21-Sep-2011, 12:52 AM
I disagree the systems as strained enough as it is without putting douchebag kids inside for 18 months with pedophiles rapists and murderers. like i said before hes going to come out a much worse human being than he went in as.

I couldn't agree more.