View Full Version : Deadliest Warrior - Zombies vs. Vampires

15-Sep-2011, 03:42 AM
Did anyone catch the season finale of Deadliest Warrior tonight?

It was vampires vs. zombies!

On the vampires team was Steven Niles, creator of 30 Days of Night. And in the zombies' corner was Max Brooks, author of World War Z.

The simulation was intense! 189 zombies vs. 3 vampires!

15-Sep-2011, 03:56 AM
I feel like that show needs to end...if its resorting to things like that.

15-Sep-2011, 03:58 AM
Oh, c'mon. Don't be such a stick in the mud. It was a fun episode. The best episode since the IRA schooled the Taliban.

The simulation was awesome. I like the fact that the vampires were trapped inside the building because the sun was out, and that allowed the zombies to storm in and attempt to overwhelm them.

15-Sep-2011, 12:44 PM
Sounds cool! I miss that show... Zombies won of course, yes?

15-Sep-2011, 01:35 PM
I feel like that show needs to end...if its resorting to things like that.

This show took the barest glimmer of a good idea and beat it to death before the first episode aired. Another desperate grasping attempt for viewers, much like their terrorist v. terrorist gambit.

Rancid Carcass
16-Sep-2011, 07:23 PM
Wow, you and your crazy American shows! Maybe they should do a Dawn of the Dead Christmas Special: shamblers'78 Vs. runners'04, lol. Now that would be epic, and wouldn't even remotely divide opinions...


17-Sep-2011, 12:27 AM
The show was "okay" at best IMO during the first season (spartan vs. ninja being a personal fav). But the show gradually devolved into any who vs. who they can dream up. The thing that pisses me off most about the series is their so-called experts. I know way way way waaaay more about ancient warriors and soldiers than their experts. As they spew their "knowledge", I'm sitting on my couch with my palm to my forehead yelling "WTF did he just say or WTF is he saying about that weapon?!?!" Trust me, they find their experts at their local bar.

17-Sep-2011, 10:19 AM
Oh, c'mon. Don't be such a stick in the mud. It was a fun episode. The best episode since the IRA schooled the Taliban.

The simulation was awesome. I like the fact that the vampires were trapped inside the building because the sun was out, and that allowed the zombies to storm in and attempt to overwhelm them.

So with both zombies and vampires being undead, why where they attacking each other again?

19-Sep-2011, 02:41 PM
Not only that, but if vampires feed on blood, they're not going to be able to get anything useful out of a zombie. If the world ends and it's just zombies & vampires left, the vampires are DOOMED. :lol:

19-Sep-2011, 10:25 PM
So with both zombies and vampires being undead, why where they attacking each other again?

Ah, very good point!

Having said that, there was mention somewhere during the episode that it was a battle to see who gets to claim the title KING of the UNDEAD.

19-Sep-2011, 11:13 PM
fave episode was the pirate and the knight. pirate just raised the knights visor and shot him LOL

20-Sep-2011, 12:27 AM
Well just watched the zombie vs. vampire Deadliest Warrior episode. First thing that confused me; neither vampires nor zombies are "warriors", just as ballerinas are not warriors, nor are Burger King managers. Secondly, how could any of the expert panel BE an expert with regards to zombies or vampires? No matter. Then one of the expert dweebs states that vampires are exactly like 6 times stronger than a human (not 5 or 7, but 6 times). He knows for sure you see, because he is an expert. Then of course, vampires have claws. Really? I would guess that some might if they didn't have time to skip down to their local Walgreen's Drug store to pick up a nail clipper. That show has finally jumper the shark I'm afraid.

Mr. Clean
21-Sep-2011, 01:32 AM
This....episode.....pissed....me......off......:ma d:

For the record, I understand it is ALL imaginary....but when doing something like this...you CAN NOT make up crap that's not supported by books, movies, comics, video games, ect....

What they "claimed" vampires brung to the table was just sooo bullshitted.....From their strength.....to their claws as weapons...to the power of their bite....to how smart they were???

I was already disappointed in the show when they decided to go with this episode but how they carried it out made me done with it. The show has pissed me off for the last time.

21-Sep-2011, 01:38 AM
*watches the episode with the Shaolin monks* Mm. Good.
*watches any other episode* Ehh...

21-Sep-2011, 04:15 AM
I haven't seen it yet, but I'd have to go with vampires winning. They could snap zombie necks like twigs without ever tiring. Sure, zombies might get some bites in, but the point of the bite is to get you over time. That sort of thangie is of no nevermind to a vampire. I'd say the only way they'd beat one is if they got ahold of him in the daytime during slumber, and somehow managed to accidentally get him into some sunlight, as they aren't bright enough to think of actually doing it on purpose. So the speed, intelligence, and sheer strength of just one vamp would be too much for a horde of zombies. Once he clears out some initial space, then it's time to go to town on them.
Vampires by a landslide.
Sorry, zombies.