View Full Version : Kelis, ever heard the phrase, 'actions speak louder than words?'

16-Sep-2011, 08:37 AM
So Kelis is kicking off declaring, 'racial issues in the UK are disgusting.'

She judges this from a run in with one person...

The star was flying from London to Spain after performing at Bestival on the Isle of Wight.

She wrote on Twitter that she had been criticised by a "50-year-old man" after she jumped the queue while going through passport control.

She said the man had called her a "slave" and a "disgusting Nigerian".

Kelis said she was also called "Kunta Kinte" - a black character from Alex Haley's slavery novel Roots.

The 32-year-old singer continued: "I didn't say anything at the time of the riots in London for a lot of reasons.

"It's [the UK] racially decades behind progression because everything is swept under the rug. People don't talk about it.

"People don't fight about it. Not mentioning a problem doesn't make it go away."

Officials from the Home Office say they won't be investigating the claims as they believe the abuser was a member of the public and they haven't received a complaint from her.

Of course, no mention of the cause of the whole matter, her queue jumping. IMHO this of course is comparible to her in effect spitting in everyone else face in the queue... I hate queue jumpers! Very rude and ignorant! Actions speaker louder than words in my book!

16-Sep-2011, 09:40 AM

You don't Cut in line!!!

16-Sep-2011, 01:10 PM
I wonder, if it was REALLY "Kunta Kinte", or was it just "Kunt...".

16-Sep-2011, 03:02 PM
I wasn't sure who this was, but quickly googled her and a couple things to note:

1) Celebrity and free publicity is always great
2) From the US where race is a prevalent, hot button issue and an easy card to throw
3) Seems like a big mouth who has had run-ins with the law (for using racial slurs herself, purportedly).

She got called a name by someone who percieved she was cutting in line? Boo hoo :| Not right if it was racial in nature, but I'm quite certain it's hardly indicative of the whole of the complex social issues relating to race in the UK.

16-Sep-2011, 03:06 PM
Not right if it was racial in nature, but I'm quite certain it's hardly indicative of the whole of the complex social issues relating to race in the UK.
Where as jumping a queue seems to make a fairly clear statement about her! :)

16-Sep-2011, 04:04 PM
She's a 'sleb so naturally whatever she says is 100% fact and couldn't possibly be exaggerated or blown up into something it probably wasn't!

16-Sep-2011, 07:10 PM
Where as jumping a queue seems to make a fairly clear statement about her! :)

Well we Brits do form an orderly que, and take our que forming very seriously - even rioters last month were seen to form orderly ques going into the likes of JJB Sports to loot apparently!

Daft bint shouldn't have jumped the que - that's no excuse for someone to, allegedly, call her a racial slur ... however if he did just call her a general name then fair play. Don't be skipping forward in a que, especially not in the UK. :D

I wouldn't have said that race is a spectacularly hot button issue - I mean, I don't think a Prime Minister being black (or half black half white) would be such a big deal here. I mean the Americans have never had a female President, but we had a female leader of the Opposition by the mid 70s who became a female Conservative Party PM by 1979 - back when women's place in society was very different to what it is today. The problem we have in the UK is immigration - it's been mishandled and treated inappropriately by different sides in different ways, and really if there is any rumbling problem - in certain sectors of society - it's xenophobia, not racism.

Isn't Kelis the one that did that shockingly shit song that went something like "I hate you so much right now, I hate you so much right now, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!" ... christ that track sucked balls.

Anyway - no excuse to call anyone a racial slur, if that's indeed what happened, but Kelis can fuck off tarring an entire nation as a bunch of racists in a wildly OTT fashion.

What does seem to be a fact though is that she jumped the que - and you don't jump ques in the UK, lady. :evil::sneaky::p

16-Sep-2011, 10:44 PM