View Full Version : Ico & Shadow of the colossus HD

29-Sep-2011, 08:53 AM
If you haven't played these first time around they come heartily recommended.
Brilliant, poetic, beautiful games.


29-Sep-2011, 06:41 PM
after the reveal of silent hill hd colection im very fucking wary. In some of these collections to get around paying royalties to origional artists on the project they are replacing bits with shitty nock off versions done in house. in silent hill 2s case - a game you all know i consider one of the greatest examples of the medium as an art form- they removed all the voice acting by the original actors that also did motion capture in costume on sets- a first for videogames at the time- and worked damn hard on the original game.
Now they are replaced with D list anime engrish dubbers instead in the HD collection and apparently some 'patriotically questionable' material is being cut from US metal gear hd collections.

im eager to play shadow of the colossus as i never found a copy in stores but it might not be the same stellar experience it once was.

30-Sep-2011, 06:14 AM
No worries here. The conversions were handled by the same team. It's definitely not one of those quick cash-ins like the recent Resi re-re-releases of CV and R4.
Games run a lot smoother, which in Shadow of the colossus's case is good news. On the PS2 the framedrops while fighting the larger monsters were huge.