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04-Oct-2011, 09:07 PM
At last :D


04-Oct-2011, 09:47 PM
That's cool, but it kinda sucks they're only doing a handful of episodes. They know the demand is there, so why not start with the first season?

04-Oct-2011, 09:55 PM
eh, 3 episode set aint exactly getting me excited. glad its happening, i was watching a season 6 box set yesterday and its very early 90's in terms of grain and pastel blur. So its good its finally getting a decent picture.

That said, personally. TNG was a bit too "freak of the week followed by a reset" each episode. I much preferred Deep space nine for its ongoing multi seasonal story arcs and much richer character development.

Which im sure is blasphemy to most trekkies but sisko's single dad on the frontier during a ceasefire thats tenuous was much more engrossing for me than TNG's flimsy narrative structure.

-that and encounter at farpoint blows. motherfuck the battlebridge :lol:

-- -------- Post added at 10:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 PM ----------

That's cool, but it kinda sucks they're only doing a handful of episodes. They know the demand is there, so why not start with the first season?

"star trek tax" remember? they will drip feed you the stuff and when they release box sets they will always be 20% more expensive than all other tv box sets.

04-Oct-2011, 11:18 PM
"star trek tax" remember? they will drip feed you the stuff and when they release box sets they will always be 20% more expensive than all other tv box sets.

True, but it's more than Trek tax. Every company wants to milk with the double dip, but just a few episodes? TNG ran for years and years. They could at least tap into a few more episodes. Considering the amount of information on BR discs, they could do a bit better.

Slightly off topic, but I saw every BR Trek film for 5 bucks at Walmart earlier today. Seems like a decent price...

05-Oct-2011, 02:02 PM
This approach seems very half-assed...they're only getting the initial paltry offering out now? I'd think they'd be well on their way to releasing the full series, or at least release by season.

Oh, well...never was that impressed with the work done on TNG. As far as I'm concerned, Danny's dead on about their approach to storytelling and how it doesn't hold up against the continuity of story and character development of DS9.

25-Feb-2012, 11:23 AM
I've got this sampler now and its incredible what they have done with it. Like TOS they have upgraded the special effects and they compliment the presentation very well. Image is very very sharp and gives the show a more cinematic feel because you can see the detail and design that has gone into the show far better.
I tried to do a TNG rewatch a few years ago and gave up because, as sad as it sounds, im firmly entrenched in the HD world and a video quality image to me is very distracting if its not upto what im used to.
Season 1 is going to be a day 1 purchase for me after watching this sampler. They've definately got my money.

25-Feb-2012, 03:17 PM
I love TNG and Star Trek, and while I definetly won't be buying THIS release, it pleases me to know that a BR release of the Trek might not be far off.

DS9 is superior to TNG, also. But Voyager is probably the dullest of the lot.

26-Feb-2012, 03:50 PM
I love TNG and Star Trek, and while I definetly won't be buying THIS release, it pleases me to know that a BR release of the Trek might not be far off.

DS9 is superior to TNG, also. But Voyager is probably the dullest of the lot.
I never really got into DS9. I really enjoyed Voyager, once it found its footing a series or so in. Enterprise IMHO was generally the weakest.

27-Feb-2012, 01:56 PM
Enterprise was terrible. I watched it out of habit but Bakula was never convincing for me. Bad casting choice and my god, that title song/theme. Ughhh

27-Feb-2012, 03:41 PM
Enterprise was terrible. I watched it out of habit but Bakula was never convincing for me. Bad casting choice and my god, that title song/theme. Ughhh

Oh come on! It had its moments!?


..and this deserves a caption competitions!


27-Feb-2012, 04:08 PM
I liked Enterprise a lot more than Voyager, actually. I liked the way Enterprise strayed back into storytelling mode, which I felt Voyager had drifted away from somewhat. Also, I liked most if not all of the characters, whereas I disliked most of Voyagers. I mean, Harry Kim? Neelix? Kes? And Chakotay? Somehow, in the Star Trek universe all racial stereotypes have been abolished except for the native americans, who still communicate with their spirit snakes and what not.

27-Feb-2012, 09:21 PM
I love TNG and Star Trek, and while I definetly won't be buying THIS release, it pleases me to know that a BR release of the Trek might not be far off.

DS9 is superior to TNG, also. But Voyager is probably the dullest of the lot.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE DS9. That was must watch TV for me. The Dominion War was GREAT!

01-May-2012, 06:17 PM
Some details of the extras revealed


The special features accompanying the set have also been divulged.

Disc 1

Episodic Promos

Energized! Taking The Next Generation to the Next Level (HD)

Star Trek: The Next Generation Archives: The Launch

Introduction to the Series (1987)

Promo #1

Promo #2

Promo #3

Season One Promo

Disc 2 - 5

Episodic Promos

Disc 6

Episodic Promos

Stardate Revisited: The Origin of Star Trek: The Next Generation (HD)

Part 1: Inception

Part 2: Launch

Part 3: The Continuing Mission

Gag Reel

Archival Mission Logs

The Beginning

Selected Crew Analysis

The Making of a Legend

Memorable Missions