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View Full Version : Zone of the Dead Starring Ken Foree

12-Oct-2011, 02:01 PM

I did not see this in my search, but thought some might enjoy a look, especially since Ken is involved. If it was posted already forgive me.

12-Oct-2011, 02:02 PM
I recall some brief discussions about this during production...shot in the former Soviet bloc somewhere, iirc.

Ah, Serbia! And according to wikipedia (however much stock you want to put in that): "Zone of the Dead 2 is currently planned for release in two years." :shifty:

12-Oct-2011, 02:16 PM
Oddly enough the production value seems pretty high...

12-Oct-2011, 02:26 PM
Oddly enough the production value seems pretty high...

Hey, nothing's out of the question. I'd be psyched if it's even a passable film, zombie movies above horrible grade being a catch-as-catch-can sort of thing.

12-Oct-2011, 02:48 PM
I could not agree more, actually.

19-Oct-2011, 02:52 AM
Watched it tonight, was quite enjoyable tbh.

Did think that poor old Ken might have to use the Steven Segal skill of using a stunt double on any scene that involves running lol.

Plus some of the Acting was so wooden that in some scenes it was hard to tell who was alive and who was a zombie.

But some of the nightime lighting effects were rather good and the make up and gore was very good.

Watchable disjointed nonsense with some sort of Terminator holy man killing zombies what's not to like.

Edit, think I might have made the film out to be better than it really is lol, its pretty awful tbh, but I'm bit of a sucker for cheesy zombie movies.