View Full Version : Zombie Apocalypse: Ving Rhames Rides Again (SyFy Premiere Oct. 29th)

18-Oct-2011, 04:14 AM
In this Syfy Original Movie, a zombie plague has wiped out 90 percent of the American population, but a small band of survivors fights its way cross-country to a rumored refuge on the island of Catalina.

This dude's really gone all-in on the zombie films.

IMDB info. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1876547/)

Obligatory Oh, Dear... (http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/007/cache/white-tailed-deer_756_600x450.jpg)for Neil.

18-Oct-2011, 01:45 PM
I'm always up for another schlocky zombie flick, and Ving brings a nice amount of blast-the-hell-outta-them to any zombie movie he's in. After all, don't see him cast as a glasses or tie-wearing researcher desperately trying to find a Cure before the "infection" wipes humanity out, agreed?

I'll give this a watch.

18-Oct-2011, 04:06 PM
I'm always up for another schlocky zombie flick, and Ving brings a nice amount of blast-the-hell-outta-them to any zombie movie he's in. After all, don't see him cast as a glasses or tie-wearing researcher desperately trying to find a Cure before the "infection" wipes humanity out, agreed?

I would actually love to see Ving cast as Michael Clarke Duncan's scrawny sidekick in a zombie smash up.

18-Oct-2011, 05:58 PM
I would actually love to see Ving cast as Michael Clarke Duncan's scrawny sidekick in a zombie smash up.

Hell, I'd just like to see Ving get to an island without running out of gas or being jumped by a crap load of zombies!

18-Oct-2011, 10:18 PM
I would actually love to see Ving cast as Michael Clarke Duncan's scrawny sidekick in a zombie smash up.
Wow, it'd be like a 'roided black version of Dr. Evil and Mini Me.
Ving and that guy who played the butcher in Land, he's in a few. Some peoples just love their flesh eating ghouls...

29-Oct-2011, 05:45 AM
"Zombie Apocalypse" starring Ving Rhames, tomorrow night (Saturday,10/29) @ 9pm EST-USA on SyFy Channel. Not sure when our Canadian and Brit brothers will get to see it, but hopefully it'll be soon. :)

29-Oct-2011, 09:15 AM
Let's have a review then when you've seen it...

But I predict lots of well dressed unlikely survivors, using daft weaponry to dispatch the dead, with mediocre, if not entirely questionable, goals for survival :)

29-Oct-2011, 03:08 PM
Let's have a review then when you've seen it...

But I predict lots of well dressed unlikely survivors, using daft weaponry to dispatch the dead, with mediocre, if not entirely questionable, goals for survival :)

lol well I'll post after the movie, but I'll do so in as much of a non-spoiling way as possible. But remember that no one, not even hordes of undead, can stop the well dressed, highly unlikely to survive, daft weaponry using Ving Rhames. His decisions in Dawn04 certainly blew beans.

Perhaps they'll release it under a different name like, "Dawn of the Daft."

29-Oct-2011, 04:09 PM
I'll try and remember to DVR it.

30-Oct-2011, 04:40 AM
Watching the end of the movie now... thank gawd. Never thought I'd make it. :(

Okay, without spoilers:

-"Syfy Originals" seem to use the same pool of grade-B actors for all of their flicks. These actors (excluding Ving & the other black guy with the hairdo) MUST be perfect homo sapiens. Each woman MUST be model perfect and each man MUST be GQ perfect. Most "real people" are not like this you see. Rumor has it average people might be over or under weight, have large noses or ears, or even wear glasses.

-Japanese katanas are not jedi lightsabers from Star Wars. Merely touching your katana to a zed would not sever or dismember any body part, especially when wielded by a beautiful model with noodle thin arms. Only an expert swordsman trained for many years with a REAL katana (made long ago and passed down for generations) would be able to sever heads and limbs with each stroke. The more likely outcome of the beautiful chick swinging a katana would be her wounding the zeds, her friends AND herself.

-"Meow, Bitch!" Yes, Ving actually says this at a certain point in the film. The screenplay writer should be attacked with a katana IMO for writing that line!

-If you have a compound bow or crossbow, you NEVER miss hitting zombies in the head, no matter how far away they are or how desperate the situation (so saith SyFy writers)

-Zombies actually "plan" their attacks you see. They hide completely out of sight, then BOOGA BOOGA! You're swarmed from every possible direction (so saith the SyFy writers).

Great seeing Ving in action again. Only sorry it had to be on SyFy and subject to their crappy screenplay and casting.

30-Oct-2011, 05:55 AM
Asylum is famous for making straight to video rip-off of new hollywood releases. Stuff like The Transmorphers, Titanic 2, Almighty Thor, Paranormal Entity, etc...

At least all of the zombys didn't run. They even called the slow ones "shamblers". There even was a reference to a guy named "Kirkman" that got eaten. So whoever wrote the script was familiar with current zombie stuff.

I liked how they had been on the road for weeks, but their clothes and gear were spotless. The chick with the sword and the guy with the bat should have been covered in splattered blood and gore. The guys even had fashionable 5 o'clock shadows.

Ok the movie just ended. It wasn't that bad after all. The zombie tigers reminded me of the zoo in Brian Keene's The Rising.

living dude
30-Oct-2011, 06:24 AM
"i don't want a new brush, i want my things!" - hot ninja


30-Oct-2011, 04:32 PM
not the worst thing i've ever seen.

the people using bows were members of an archery team (i guess the poster above missed that one).

i think the the approach that they were taking is one that could work. you keep moving, you stay quiet by not using firearms unless it is absolutely necessary, and you avoid the areas most likely to be filled with zombies.

i think the siege mentality would get most folks killed, unless you live out in the country where the population is thin. i live in a county that has over 825,000 people in it. if most of them turn into zombies there would be damn few places defensible by small numbers against what could be potentially thousands (or even hundreds of thousands just in one county) of the undead.

my plan stays the same: my kayak and the ohio river, which is less that 2 miles from my house and is a straight shot down one road to get to. there are small rivers and large creeks that feed into the ohio, i've explored most of them and a couple of them lead literally into the middle of nowhere. northern ky east of the cincinnati metro area doesn't have enough people in it to fill up a decent sized football stadium. the southern part of ohio is the same way.

30-Oct-2011, 10:49 PM
It had some really cool parts sprinkled in among a whole lotta bad.

It started off really strong with the small clips of civilization falling apart, then devolved into a typical syfy original: Lots of shots of the group walking, pointing, walking some more, a bunch of really bad acting during the quiet moments, more shots of the cast walking, really bad action choreography and laughable CGI.

I just don't get why so much of the splattergore was edited out? I mean, look at what the walking dead gets away with every single week. Maybe its a marketing scheme to get people to buy the DVD just to see the gore.

Still, I liked it better than Survival of the Dead.

30-Oct-2011, 11:07 PM
I didn't end up getting to see it, but it sounds...okayish.

Asylum is famous for making straight to video rip-off of new hollywood releases.

Awww! I didn't even notice it was an Asylum film! I usually make a note of their films and have even tried watching a few...something about their chutzpah I find intriguing and painful at the same time. I have yet to finish one of their films.

31-Oct-2011, 12:50 AM
not the worst thing i've ever seen.

the people using bows were members of an archery team (i guess the poster above missed that one).

Maybe they might have been a part of an archery team. I shoot a bow with the medieval reenactment group I'm involved with. This fact does not (and should not) imply that I can hit the bullseye at any given range 100% of the time. The characters in ZA never missed a zombie's forehead... not once.

I'm surprised ZA's screenplay writer didn't have the characters chow down on loads of beans & cabbage, load arrows into their respective arsses, then FART the arrows into the zombies that blocked their path. SyFy's ZA archers are amazing!

my plan stays the same: my kayak and the ohio river, which is less that 2 miles from my house and is a straight shot down one road to get to. there are small rivers and large creeks that feed into the ohio, i've explored most of them and a couple of them lead literally into the middle of nowhere. northern ky east of the cincinnati metro area doesn't have enough people in it to fill up a decent sized football stadium. the southern part of ohio is the same way.

Sounds like you have a good plan. Mine is similar; major river not too far away from my house; grab a boat and get to an area that is relatively devoid of people yet close enough to places that can be raided for supplies.

31-Oct-2011, 04:05 PM
Maybe they might have been a part of an archery team. I shoot a bow with the medieval reenactment group I'm involved with. This fact does not (and should not) imply that I can hit the bullseye at any given range 100% of the time. The characters in ZA never missed a zombie's forehead... not once.

Sounds like you have a good plan. Mine is similar; major river not too far away from my house; grab a boat and get to an area that is relatively devoid of people yet close enough to places that can be raided for supplies.

your first point is granted. you are right - they didn't miss a single shot, even the long range ones. then again, john wayne never missed with a revolver on horseback from 100yds. i think i may have just committed a sacrilige there by bringing the duke's name (and incredible on-screen marksmanship) into the discussion.

31-Oct-2011, 04:13 PM
They had a good introduction until they added in the part about the government bombing the United States with EMP devices to halt the spread of the virus. WTF? The zombie apocalypse isn't bad enough, so they nuke the entire country ON PURPOSE to destroy all of the electronic infrastructure? Not that it's going to make much difference in the long run, after all ... don't zombies travel by walking?

31-Oct-2011, 05:04 PM
your first point is granted. you are right - they didn't miss a single shot, even the long range ones. then again, john wayne never missed with a revolver on horseback from 100yds. i think i may have just committed a sacrilige there by bringing the duke's name (and incredible on-screen marksmanship) into the discussion.

No one can stop the Duke and his magical Hollywood revolver... well, except for perhaps a SyFy Original style crossbow, compound bow, or lightsaber-ish Japanese katana weilded by a thin but smoking hot model.

-- -------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 PM ----------

They had a good introduction until they added in the part about the government bombing the United States with EMP devices to halt the spread of the virus. WTF? The zombie apocalypse isn't bad enough, so they nuke the entire country ON PURPOSE to destroy all of the electronic infrastructure? Not that it's going to make much difference in the long run, after all ... don't zombies travel by walking?

Kind of makes the government more of a threat than the zombies, eh?

01-Nov-2011, 04:47 AM
Not that bad...but a lot of unanswered questions left....and bad continuity.....I saw the same female zombie in three scenes in different cities..and one zombie got shot...then appeared in the next scene!!!!

01-Nov-2011, 07:02 AM
Not that bad...but a lot of unanswered questions left....and bad continuity.....I saw the same female zombie in three scenes in different cities..and one zombie got shot...then appeared in the next scene!!!!

So general opinions?

01-Nov-2011, 03:16 PM
So general opinions?

my general opinion is that it is worth a look. simply that and nothing more. it isn't a horrible movie nor is it, by any stretch, a great one. the flick has some decent ideas (different kinds of zombies, safe zones, the infection spreading to animals) but most of them are left hanging out there in the breeze without much of an explaination.

ragnarr is right - the hot chick's katana cuts through things like it's a light saber and the archers never miss - in fact, no one ever misses a shot until a character needs killing off.

01-Nov-2011, 06:00 PM
So general opinions?

From me? Wel......(possible spoilers)...

I think that the EMP angle was actually a good way to explain why they were walking all the time.

What was the deal with the flaming object across the sky? ( aset up for an alien storyline?)

Out of nowhere the animals suddenly started to be infected?

At one point they start to talk about the zombies getting smarter ...then just drop it.

ANd I kind of think that the ending happened because they just ranout of ideas!!! LOL LOL

03-Nov-2011, 02:21 AM
hello all! number 1 im not new just couldnt remember my login info... previously shadowofthedead previously spydermanssc... number 2 i want your enfield mike70 and if evil ned is around you suck and guns are better than your blades!!! 3... i dont know i enjoyed the movie. i love every thing zombie even if its stupid like children of the living dead. so i dont anal-lize everything like some do. but hey whatever. hope to have many great conversations with old and new members alike...

03-Nov-2011, 02:29 AM
hello all! number 1 im not new just couldnt remember my login info... previously shadowofthedead previously spydermanssc... number 2 i want your enfield mike70 and if evil ned is around you suck and guns are better than your blades!!! 3... i dont know i enjoyed the movie. i love every thing zombie even if its stupid like children of the living dead. so i dont anal-lize everything like some do. but hey whatever. hope to have many great conversations with old and new members alike...

Welcome back not-new botc!

As far as ZA, I was hoping that Ving would finally (finally) get to some island during a zombie apocalypse without being killed, but noooOOOoooo!
"Meow bitch!" (sigh) geezus :(

03-Nov-2011, 02:56 AM
well yes and no. i could care less about that. its all about the zombies for me. now the walking dead... that is something close to my heart. but thats for another thread. i did like how they developed the dog... dog follows twice... dog comes back third time to try and eat the survivors. thought i was hoping for a crazy mutated super zombie at the end of the movie instead of the tiger zombies... i like how the movie reminded me of a video game... dog was a boss then there were a couple of runners... then that big giant zombie then the tigers of course. anyone else get this feeling?