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View Full Version : WOW, not much buzz on here!

25-Oct-2011, 03:59 AM
Well I can tell by the little responses of episode 2 on the forum here, guess I wasnt the only one who felt it blew! ;(

Except for the last few minutes of course, made me notice something.

Am I the only one who noticed that they did that in season 1 as well?

Meaning they make 1 action packed episode followed by an over dramatic dragging 1?

Thoughts? Talk to me peep one must know! lol

25-Oct-2011, 12:38 PM
I prefer the "over dramatic dragging", as you call it. It's what makes the show better than recent zombie efforts. Episode 202 was better than 201, imo. Can't go into details as this isn't the spoiler thread, but the relationships between characters were fantastic.

As I mention, there are "official" threads to discuss these things so that our UK friends won't have them spoiled.

25-Oct-2011, 01:36 PM
I actually liked episode 2 better than episode 1. I liked the intensity towards the end, especially.

I think more reaction will trickle in. Hell, some people are still discussing episode 1 and some of the UKers have only just gotten to see it in the last few days and not gotten to see the latest installment.

25-Oct-2011, 02:01 PM
Lot's of reaction on here, actually and I did not feel the episode drug at all. You had lot's of human drama and emotion. You had a lot of character building. Was it wall to wall zombie slaying with ninja swords and tanks?

No but it is not that kind of a show and I want that I will play L4D or Dead Island.

It still had action, drama, intrigue, and promises galore of things to come.

26-Oct-2011, 02:07 AM
Well, still excited to see whats next though! The preview from the episode 3 looks dam promising, in particular the scene in the gym...that looks classic! ;)

26-Oct-2011, 08:12 AM
It's gettin great! I agree with everything you guys said about it. I'd probly hate it if it was all about slaying zombies with ninja swords and tanks! Stuff like that would only be fun to DO not watch, unless you were watching it in person. That's why it works in games. But imagine how bored you'd get with a show that looked just like game footage from a 1st person shooter like L4D. After a few episodes the thrill would be totally gone.
How far could you actually go with a series "about" zombies? That would've gotten old after the 3rd or 4th episode. That's why I don't understand what people are complaining about when it comes to the drama in this show. That's what the whole thing has always been about, the comics were like that. It's about the characters and the situation they've found themselves in, it's not about how many zombies they kill per episode or if the zombies run or walk.
I also don't see the character development as being merely to make you care about the characters in order to provoke an emotional reaction to their death.

26-Oct-2011, 05:02 PM
I guess that's the tricky part of doing a zombie series as opposed to a 90 minute movie. The series has lots of elbow room for character developement between action sequences than movies do. The result is that the movies seem to be more action oriented due to the shortened overall length. I admitt however that whenever I watch recorded episodes of TWD a second or third time, I tend to fast forward over the chatty bits to get to the kool action scenes.