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View Full Version : Daryl Dixon: The Unstoppable Super Ninja

27-Oct-2011, 05:22 PM
Going forward I will put down my thoughts, facts and figures in an attempt to prove that the character Darryl Dixon, portrayed in brooding fashion by actor Norman Reedus, is either a super unstoppable ninja zombie hunting machine, maybe a reprogrammed terminator or possibly a drow.


First bullet-points on the subject to give you an idea of where I coming from with this:

-He's stealthy
-He's cutthroat & pragmatic
-He can ragdoll a zombie
-Look how sneaky he is when he uses the dead zombie for cover
-Fear touching a zombie? I think not!
-Fear of zombie fluids? Pffft.
-He communicates in hand signals when necessary
-He never: gets the shakes, never looks like he might sh*t himself, never looks more than slightly fearful or surprised. Basically never acts human in matters where 99.9% of people would be overcome with fear.
-Darryl doesn't miss with his crossbow...EVER (doubtless if he lasts long enough he will, but only as the plot absolutely demands).

This ends my preliminary thoughts, but undoubtedly there will be more to follow.


27-Oct-2011, 05:34 PM

Agreed on all points. Daryl is a badass. Kinda like the TV Series' early, but male, Michonne. I wasn't so sure at first, but now I totally love the character. Not only is he a badass, but he's also a very important part of the group's survival. Hell....Rick and Shane went from putting him in a choke hold to putting him in charge of very important tasks.

27-Oct-2011, 05:37 PM
I like the character myself, but I wish we'd see a little more humanity in the character. I mean, he should have been pretty terrified at some of the situations he's found himself in. I like the action, I just want to keep it gritty and somewhat realistic and I see a tendency developing that I hope the writers don't fall deeper into.

As far as that character from the comic series...
Michonne definitely had good reason for being how she was and, even being a hardcore, badass survivor through and through, it was always apparent how damaged she was from the process that led her there, and ultimately how human her character was.

27-Oct-2011, 06:14 PM
Agreed! Daryl Dixon is as awesome as his brother Merl Dixon is a douche. It's a case of genetic balancing I suppose.

Mr. Clean
28-Oct-2011, 12:39 AM
Agreed! Daryl Dixon is as awesome as his brother Merl Dixon is a douche. It's a case of genetic balancing I suppose.

Merle is just misunderstood....He's a good guy. I can tell. :clown:

28-Oct-2011, 11:19 PM
I like the character myself, but I wish we'd see a little more humanity in the character. I mean, he should have been pretty terrified at some of the situations he's found himself in. I like the action, I just want to keep it gritty and somewhat realistic and I see a tendency developing that I hope the writers don't fall deeper into. I think being the backwoods, loner, disfunctianal family, redneck type, this may be all the emotion Daryl is capable of, for now. I compare Daryl to many kids in the school that I work who are absolute damaged good. School is their home, their safe place, their normalcy. We always have kids who need extra attention and intervention before big breaks because the most terrifying thought to them is spending two weeks at home. No lie. I picture Daryl like THAT. I predict Daryl will begin to treat this group of survivors like his family and will ultimately come to love and trust them, and likely, will die giving his life for one or more of them. I think we have seen twinges of Daryl's humanity already. My favorite such moment would be when Carol is pick-axing her dead husbands brains all over the ground and Daryl is seen looking on in a manner that would indicate THAT was the most fucked up thing he's seen and somehow stirs some emotion in him. Totally agree with everything else you said about Daryl though man. He. Is. The. BOMB!!

29-Oct-2011, 12:14 AM
I think we can see Daryl starting to treat the survivors as his new "family" in that last episode. He takes charge of the group to keep them moing back to the RV after Lori hears the gunshot in the distance. He also protests when Lori is about to ride off with the farmer's daughter. Season 1's Daryl wouldn't have gave a crap I think. Wondering when (not having read the series) his brother Meryl will show up looking for revenge.

29-Oct-2011, 12:48 AM
Wondering when (not having read the series) his brother Meryl will show up looking for revenge.

The Dixon Brothers aren't in the comic series, so your guess is as good as anyone...

29-Oct-2011, 12:49 AM
I compare Daryl to many kids in the school that I work who are absolute damaged good. School is their home, their safe place, their normalcy. We always have kids who need extra attention and intervention before big breaks because the most terrifying thought to them is spending two weeks at home. No lie. I picture Daryl like THAT.

Now that's a thought! Now that you mention it, Ghoulman, I've heard teachers describe sort of kid you're likening Daryl to and that would make good sense.

29-Oct-2011, 01:32 AM
I think we can see Daryl starting to treat the survivors as his new "family" in that last episode. He takes charge of the group to keep them moing back to the RV after Lori hears the gunshot in the distance. He also protests when Lori is about to ride off with the farmer's daughter. Season 1's Daryl wouldn't have gave a crap I think. Wondering when (not having read the series) his brother Meryl will show up looking for revenge.

I think a likely thing is that they are showing Daryl evolving and treating the survivors as family in order to set up a later confrontation for when Meryl does show back up. He will be forced to choose between his brother who will be out for revenge and his adopted family he has come to trust and even love.

Moon Knight
29-Oct-2011, 01:51 AM
Daryl is a great character and proof that adding things to the show that weren't in the comic aint such a bad thing as long as it works.

29-Oct-2011, 06:19 AM
...or possibly a drow.

He'd take on all of them and win, not even making a sound...
I'd be wayyyy more worried about a drow invasion than a zombie one. You think zombies are unfeeling. Imagine a foe that'd want to bring you down...

03-Nov-2011, 03:20 AM
He'd take on all of them and win, not even making a sound...
I'd be wayyyy more worried about a drow invasion than a zombie one. You think zombies are unfeeling. Imagine a foe that'd want to bring you down...

Aren't Drow those evil elves from Dungeons & Dragons? Because if we were ever invaded by evil elves, that would be my clue to give up drinking!

03-Nov-2011, 05:28 AM
Too pale to be a drow though... ;) The rest I'll buy... for a dollar.

03-Nov-2011, 04:52 PM
Daryl is a great character and proof that adding things to the show that weren't in the comic aint such a bad thing as long as it works.

Damn right. I think if they killed him off, I might just lose interest in the show - which is weird, 'cause the first few episodes he was in, I could've cared less about him. :D

03-Nov-2011, 07:44 PM
Damn right. I think if they killed him off, I might just lose interest in the show - which is weird, 'cause the first few episodes he was in, I could've cared less about him. :D

I think you're right about Daryl rounding out the surivivor group. Sort of like the "Chewbacca" of the group visually distinguished by the use of his crossbow.

Hmm... that would make Dale "Obi Wan Kenobi", Lori "Princess Leia", Shane "Han Solo", Rick "Luke Skywalker", T-Dog "Lando", Andrea "C-3P0", Glenn "R2D2", Meryl "Darth Vader", and all of the walkers "Imperial Stormtroopers." Even the RV could be the "Millenium Falcon" that is always breaking down. How creepily odd. Get out of my head George Lucas!!!

Mr. Blue
03-Nov-2011, 08:51 PM
I think you're right about Daryl rounding out the surivivor group. Sort of like the "Chewbacca" of the group visually distinguished by the use of his crossbow.

Hmm... that would make Dale "Obi Wan Kenobi", Lori "Princess Leia", Shane "Han Solo", Rick "Luke Skywalker", T-Dog "Lando", Andrea "3CP0", Glenn "R2D2", Meryl "Darth Vader", and the walkers "Imperial Stormtroopers." Even the RV would be the "Millenium Falcon" that is always breaking down. How creepily odd. Get out of my head George Lucas!!!

I think you could have made a serious connection here...

Also, I think Daryl could be the glue that holds these characters together on TV.

03-Nov-2011, 09:08 PM
I think you could have made a serious connection here...

Also, I think Daryl could be the glue that holds these characters together on TV.

Daryl says, "RrRr ROAR rRrrrRR!"

Zombie Snack
04-Nov-2011, 12:16 AM
you mess with the bull....you get the horn!

04-Nov-2011, 12:24 AM
Also, I think Daryl could be the glue that holds these characters together on TV.

If they include him as part of the group in the original story, he can help hold the characters together for sure, but his future is uncertain.

I love this TV series as much as the next guy, but no one is safe...

04-Nov-2011, 05:18 PM
I think you're right about Daryl rounding out the surivivor group. Sort of like the "Chewbacca" of the group visually distinguished by the use of his crossbow.

Hmm... that would make Dale "Obi Wan Kenobi", Lori "Princess Leia", Shane "Han Solo", Rick "Luke Skywalker", T-Dog "Lando", Andrea "C-3P0", Glenn "R2D2", Meryl "Darth Vader", and all of the walkers "Imperial Stormtroopers." Even the RV could be the "Millenium Falcon" that is always breaking down. How creepily odd. Get out of my head George Lucas!!!

For some reason, this reminded me of Mewes in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back....

Jay: I feel like I'm Han Solo, and you're Chewie, and she's Ben Kenobi, and we're in that fucked-up bar!

:lol: :lol:

Mr. Blue
06-Nov-2011, 03:15 PM
If they include him as part of the group in the original story, he can help hold the characters together for sure, but his future is uncertain.

I love this TV series as much as the next guy, but no one is safe...

I'm not familiar with the comic book at all. It sounds like the TV show is a whole other universe type thing which is cool. If it follows the comic totally what is the point in my opinion. I could see him getting offed though... this might turn out to be a Lost type of thing were one episode this dude is here and the next he is dead. I don't want to do much comparing, but Lost really pissed me off with the last season. I hope this show doesn't follow the same type of thread or trend.

07-Nov-2011, 07:16 PM
Daryl is not a ninja, he is a hunter a very good hunter with a professional hunter's mannerisms and outlook. He is a great character and the actor is doing a good job as well.

07-Nov-2011, 08:05 PM
Watching E4, it looks like he is down to his last crossbow bolt now - Hope he finds some more, the bow is part of his cool ninja image.

Use spoilers when talking about episodes which have not aired in all territories - Andy

07-Nov-2011, 08:20 PM
Daryl is not a ninja...

Which is just what a ninja would try and lead you to believe! http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/DougOBrien/ninja.gif

07-Nov-2011, 08:21 PM
Sorry folks.

07-Nov-2011, 08:58 PM
Which is just what a ninja would try and lead you to believe! http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/DougOBrien/ninja.gif

He should wear a real ninja outfit then like this..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY9Xqzr5gGQ&list=FL8fS7jdqVHej4ZT45GnbGzA&index=104&feature=plpp_video ;)

08-Nov-2011, 10:46 AM
If Daryl has to reuse old crossbow bolts, he should keep them out of his mouth.

Secondary Infection risk and all...

08-Nov-2011, 02:12 PM
If Daryl has to reuse old crossbow bolts, he should keep them out of his mouth.

Secondary Infection risk and all...

Watch him every time he kills a zombie - Yank out out bolt, wipe on leg. Ick! :rockbrow:

Daryls pants must be "infected zombie brain central", he should have given them to the doc at the CDC!

10-Nov-2011, 03:39 PM




11-Nov-2011, 06:33 PM
...and the Daryl Dixon memes begin... :lol:

Those are good ones, bass, especially the church sign. :D


11-Nov-2011, 09:47 PM

Gold! :lol:

Mr. Blue
14-Nov-2011, 01:49 AM
I think you could have made a serious connection here...

Also, I think Daryl could be the glue that holds these characters together on TV.

Looks like my theory might be gone with Daryl ...

14-Nov-2011, 01:52 AM
Spoiler from Season 2 episode 5:

And he just survived getting shot in the head...that's a point for reprogrammed terminator, though maybe he turned just in time, which'd be a point for ninja!

20-Nov-2011, 11:24 AM
I love your church sign .gif bassman, may I use it?

20-Nov-2011, 12:41 PM
I've been avoiding this thread for fear of spoilers (what with the 5 day delay for us Brits in seeing the newest episode), but I'll just avoid this thread for those five days - hopped in to have a look and saw those memes - hilarious! :D

20-Nov-2011, 01:20 PM
I love your church sign .gif bassman, may I use it?

I didn't make it. Just found it on google.

11-Jan-2012, 06:13 PM
http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/3949/tweeti.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/808/tweeti.png/)

Norman approves of the super ninja title you gave Daryl in this thread Aces :p (I linked him it on Twitter)

I wasnt going to post this, but I couldnt help it, I thought you guys would find it cool :p

11-Jan-2012, 07:39 PM
Wait.....so Reedus saw this thread? Awesome, man. Just awesome. :thumbsup:

11-Jan-2012, 07:42 PM
Wait.....so Reedus saw this thread? Awesome, man. Just awesome. :thumbsup:

Yeah! I posted the link to it on his Twitter page, I wasnt expecting any kind of response & I assume he gets swamped with fan mail and the like, but he sent me that message & he follows me too now, really cool of him I thought, nice guy! :cool:

12-Jan-2012, 01:47 PM
Yeah! I posted the link to it on his Twitter page, I wasnt expecting any kind of response & I assume he gets swamped with fan mail and the like, but he sent me that message & he follows me too now, really cool of him I thought, nice guy! :cool:

I am so proud *sniff, sniff*

Very cool of him to respond back to you, Tricky!

12-Jan-2012, 01:58 PM
He obviously gets sent a lot of fan art as well as most of what he posts on Twitter is peoples paintings and sketches of Daryl that he has been sent, as well as photos of the Daryl action figure in various locations and poses ha!

12-Jan-2012, 07:43 PM



20-Jan-2012, 08:14 PM
Another nugget from Norman himself! :cool:
http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/7742/daryla.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/96/daryla.png/)

21-Jan-2012, 10:46 AM
Another nugget from Norman himself! :cool:
http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/7742/daryla.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/96/daryla.png/)

Cool. :)

It's funny to think back to when we were all first introduced to Daryl, most or all of us wrote the character off as a stereotypical redneck hot-head - but then he showed off some mad skills (the super ninja was born! :D) and then well, season two really blew the doors off and now he's indispensible to most or all of us now. :)

23-Jan-2012, 02:23 PM
Cool. :)

It's funny to think back to when we were all first introduced to Daryl, most or all of us wrote the character off as a stereotypical redneck hot-head - but then he showed off some mad skills (the super ninja was born! :D) and then well, season two really blew the doors off and now he's indispensable to most or all of us now. :)

I like the guy as a person, at least as much as I can in that I don't really know the guy. His public appearances, and his art all interest me. His acting is getting better in that I feel he is more comfortable in the role because in truth it seems such a departure from his actual "self". I love his willingness to interact with fans like you, and his feedback on our own twisted little corner of the net.

I really did not much care for him at first on the show but I think that was meant to be, and I like that he has become a part of the band.

23-Jan-2012, 05:02 PM
Yeah he seems like a pretty decent dude - like when you see him mucking around with Chandler Riggs at the end of the table during panel discussions like at Comic-Con while Kirkman and the producers give serious answers at the other end. :D

23-Jan-2012, 05:51 PM
Yeah he seems like a pretty decent dude - like when you see him mucking around with Chandler Riggs at the end of the table during panel discussions like at Comic-Con while Kirkman and the producers give serious answers at the other end. :D

And of course when replying to Yorkshire nobodies via Twitter when he probably gets hounded by fans, definitely makes him a decent dude in my book! :D

20-Feb-2012, 09:30 PM
Another bit of banter with Norman, I think he's really happy with how the shows being received, and of course that it gets the HPOTD seal of approval :D

21-Feb-2012, 11:31 AM
All the cast are good at interacting with the fans especially Mr Lincoln

21-Feb-2012, 11:50 AM
On another forum I visit, someone tweeted Mazarra and asked how bad he wanted to punch out Navarro on Talking Dead. Of course he gave a professional reponse like "I was happy to share the stage with a talent like Navarro", but I thought it was kinda funny. Got the feeling he couldn't say what he really felt.

21-Feb-2012, 12:02 PM
I've not seen Talking Dead, was Navarro being a bit of a chump? Its good that they have time for the fans, I'll have to look up some of the other cast on there if they're interesting!

21-Feb-2012, 12:17 PM
I've not seen Talking Dead, was Navarro being a bit of a chump?

Yeah, he was a bad guest to have on the show. Basically he did nothing but complain, interupted Mazarra(the guy that actually works on the show and had real insight) every chance he had, and generally acted annoyed when the attention was focused on someone else. He claimed to be a fan, but all he did was bitch about a lack of zombie action and didn't even know the characters' names.

"Dale? He's the old guy with the RV, right?" :rolleyes:

As I believe I said in the Talking Dead thread, Navarro is exactly the kind of "fan" that doesn't understand what this show is going for and should be watching Resident Evil or Uwe Boll's latest masterpiece instead...

21-Feb-2012, 04:04 PM
Am i the only one who didnt mind what Navarro said? I thought some of his criticisms were valid. I also think Mazzara was being honest with his reply to the tweet - no subtext at all.

21-Feb-2012, 05:02 PM
Am i the only one who didnt mind what Navarro said? I thought some of his criticisms were valid. I also think Mazzara was being honest with his reply to the tweet - no subtext at all.

He really came across to me as someone who had no patience for a story and just wanted non-stop gag kills, tons of zombies and no real story. Undoubtedly there are people who agree with him, and he reminded me of a lot of the people who would write into the letter column for the comic saying there's too much dialogue and needs to be more zombies, killing and death, but I thought the comic balanced it perfectly, and--though TWD could use a higher body count and a grimmer approach--the second half of the season seems to have a solid balance of story, downtime/narrative reset and physical action with a good number of zombies.

So, to me, Dave Navarro came across as an impatient putz. YMMV

-- -------- Post added at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ----------

Just thought I'd add...to be fair, there were pacing issues with the previous story arcs, and I know Navarro touched on this, and that I would agree with somewhat.

21-Feb-2012, 06:13 PM
I've not seen Talking Dead, was Navarro being a bit of a chump? Its good that they have time for the fans, I'll have to look up some of the other cast on there if they're interesting!

Here's what I had to say about it:

As for the tweet to Mazzara - hehe, that made me chuckle. I would have loved to see him bitch slap Navarro, who didn't exactly come across all that well to put it politely.

12-Mar-2012, 05:16 AM
so, daryl actually missed with his crossbow for once? damn...guess he might be human after all.

12-Mar-2012, 04:00 PM
so, daryl actually missed with his crossbow for once? damn...guess he might be human after all.

I noticed that, but for got to comment. Good catch.

The other things I noticed from this last week:

Is he part Pawnee with that expert tracking he did this week? I also thought he and Glenn make a cool, offbeat team. They were pretty fun to watch.

12-Mar-2012, 06:39 PM
Am i the only one who didnt mind what Navarro said? I thought some of his criticisms were valid.

No, you're not. While some are calling Navarro a douchebag, I think he had some valid points.

Put it this way: aside from the first episode of season 2 (traffic jam), it wasn't until after season 2 part 2 picked up again (and a few episodes into it, too) that it felt like the story started to move again finally. Spending half a season running around in the woods looking for some stupid little girl during a zombie apocalypse makes ZERO SENSE, not to mention it was boring as all hell.

It's amazing - tons of debate as to what to do with Randall, right? "Keeping Randall alive puts the group in danger!" Well, guess what? So does wandering around in the woods for days/weeks/whatever looking for some little girl who stood zero chance to begin with, but we'll just let that slide. :rolleyes:

Regardless of what the show is/was "trying to get across" or whatever anyone thinks "the show is about" it doesn't change the fact that the majority of season 2 moved too slow in many aspects. While I don't agree with Dave, that the show needed tons more zombies and gore to make it appealing, it certainly needed a kick in the ass because it has been meandering a lot this season.

I've said it before, i'll say it again: the people in the show have pissed me off. Now I'm rooting for the walkers, screw the humans. :elol:

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program already in progress....


12-Mar-2012, 06:44 PM
While some are calling Navarro a douchebag, I think he had some valid points.

We already know about your pro nipple ring stance, Lou :p


Though I did amend my statement above weeks ago and agreed that there were some pacing issues, though none of note for me once the second half of season 2 kicked off.

12-Mar-2012, 06:52 PM
We already know about your pro nipple ring stance, Lou :p

Hey man, I thought we were going to keep that between just you and I?? :shifty:


13-Mar-2012, 01:09 PM
I really love that he is so responsive and interactive with fans, and his nod to Romero fans was awesome.

19-Mar-2012, 01:41 AM
"Shane ain't no tracker..."
Darryl, you one bad mutha... shut yo mouth!!!

darth los
19-Mar-2012, 04:38 AM
Put it this way: aside from the first episode of season 2 (traffic jam), it wasn't until after season 2 part 2 picked up again (and a few episodes into it, too) that it felt like the story started to move again finally. Spending half a season running around in the woods looking for some stupid little girl during a zombie apocalypse makes ZERO SENSE, not to mention it was boring as all hell.

It's amazing - tons of debate as to what to do with Randall, right? "Keeping Randall alive puts the group in danger!" Well, guess what? So does wandering around in the woods for days/weeks/whatever looking for some little girl who stood zero chance to begin with, but we'll just let that slide. :rolleyes:

Regardless of what the show is/was "trying to get across" or whatever anyone thinks "the show is about" it doesn't change the fact that the majority of season 2 moved too slow in many aspects. While I don't agree with Dave, that the show needed tons more zombies and gore to make it appealing, it certainly needed a kick in the ass because it has been meandering a lot this season.

Agreed . I've seen plenty of movies where it didn't feel as there was enough time to flesh out the story. This season felt like the exact opposite where they actually had too much time to kill and it ended up diluting the story. The story could have easily been told in 9 or ten episodes.

It felt like a term paper that ran a couple pages too long which your professor tells you to shorten so that the story can be tighter and more coherent. Sometimes less is more kirkman!

Oh and lori is a dirty ho. That is all.......


19-Mar-2012, 01:01 PM
"Shane ain't no tracker..."
Darryl, you one bad mutha... shut yo mouth!!!

He was certainly rocking it in 2x13 ... awesome. :cool:

19-Mar-2012, 02:09 PM
Riding a motorcycle in the zombie apocalypse seems like a mixed bag, you are more mobile and can get in and out of tight places (giggity) but you are so exposed to walkers, but he does it lie a boss with a chick on his ride.

19-Mar-2012, 07:32 PM
Riding a motorcycle in the zombie apocalypse seems like a mixed bag, you are more mobile and can get in and out of tight places (giggity) but you are so exposed to walkers, but he does it lie a boss with a chick on his ride.

There was a meme image elsewhere in this thread of just that - riding the bike like a boss, regardless of noise. :D

I loved that he went back for Carol, and that he really feels a part of the team now. I'd reckon he's holding on to the bike for sentimental reasons.

20-Mar-2012, 03:58 PM
I want one of these:



20-Mar-2012, 10:04 PM
me 2 that is the shiznits

I want one of these:



21-Mar-2012, 01:27 PM
there was a meme image elsewhere in this thread of just that - riding the bike like a boss, regardless of noise. :d


:D :D

21-Mar-2012, 02:10 PM



21-Mar-2012, 02:43 PM
Did anyone hear him make the racist joke about Asians driving? I know it was jokingly, but I was kind of surprised to hear it.

21-Mar-2012, 03:19 PM
Did anyone hear him make the racist joke about Asians driving? I know it was jokingly, but I was kind of surprised to hear it.

He's actually made several asian jokes. Driving, calling Glenn Japanese(or was it Chinese?) ans saying "does it matter?" after h'es corrected, and also calling him Shortround. The shortround joke is really funny, though. Mainly because they both have very similar baseball caps.

Moon Knight
21-Mar-2012, 03:55 PM
I'll be honest. Out of all the characters on this show, Daryl is the one I care for most and oils be really upset if he gets killed off. This is The Walking Dead, however, no one is safe.

Also, those pictures are great, lol

21-Mar-2012, 05:14 PM


21-Mar-2012, 06:05 PM
He's actually made several asian jokes. Driving, calling Glenn Japanese(or was it Chinese?) ans saying "does it matter?" after h'es corrected, and also calling him Shortround. The shortround joke is really funny, though. Mainly because they both have very similar baseball caps.

The Shortround one in particular was put in there because the costume department and Steven Yeun both looks at his get-up and remarked how much he looked like the character, and they figured they couldn't not call it out. :p

21-Mar-2012, 07:20 PM


***edited to add: did anyone else notice that if you type "daryl dixon meme" into google, this thread right here is the first listed? Goddammit I hope Norman Reedus is reading all this. :lol: :D

21-Mar-2012, 07:47 PM


***edited to add: did anyone else notice that if you type "daryl dixon meme" into google, this thread right here is the first listed? Goddammit I hope Norman Reedus is reading all this. :lol: :D

haha - hey, so it is - nifty. :)

To think that when introduced for the very first time Daryl's character was not much liked at all, but then very quickly - with the help of some awesome crossbow skills - he shot right into our hearts ... LIKE A BOSS. :)

21-Mar-2012, 07:56 PM


21-Mar-2012, 08:00 PM

:lol: :lol:



21-Mar-2012, 08:07 PM

Perfect! :lol:

21-Mar-2012, 08:16 PM



I can't believe i'm still finding these things. I've been looking through TWD memes all day at work today. :lol:

22-Mar-2012, 10:49 AM
Loving these memes! :D

22-Mar-2012, 12:36 PM



22-Mar-2012, 05:29 PM



haha, love the middle one!

22-Mar-2012, 06:26 PM
haha, love the middle one!



22-Mar-2012, 06:30 PM
Well, look at that bright white tee, Rick is wearing. I do like that a lot of the characters are getting suitably grimy now that running water & the time to launder is rare.

22-Mar-2012, 06:37 PM
Oh this is just classic....


22-Mar-2012, 06:58 PM


ROFL!! I love this gif!

23-Mar-2012, 12:25 PM


23-Mar-2012, 04:49 PM

I watched all the Talking Dead online videos yesterday, and seeing Navarro again made me cringe. If he were put in a room with Daryl, were he a real person, he'd probably try to buddy up with him and pretend to be as much of a badass. Then Daryl would stomp his dick into the dirt for being a douche.
Daryl would see him for the pansy assed poser he is, and take him down.

23-Mar-2012, 05:48 PM
I watched all the Talking Dead online videos yesterday, and seeing Navarro again made me cringe. If he were put in a room with Daryl, were he a real person, he'd probably try to buddy up with him and pretend to be as much of a badass. Then Daryl would stomp his dick into the dirt for being a douche.
Daryl would see him for the pansy assed poser he is, and take him down.

haha, that meme regarding Navarro is excellent, take that you leg-crossing knob'ed. :elol: I don't understand how any guy can cross their legs like that, it was disturbing. :eek:

Funnily enough I too have been watching all the bonus segments after I discovered AMC's excellent YouTube channel (watched every BTS video for TWD and CBM as well as all the aforementioned bonus Talking Dead stuff). Watching it through (having missed most of the first half of Talking Dead's season) I'm sooooooo glad the show improved a hell of a lot (namely in the guest department - having someone from the cast/crew every week is a must, surely, so glad they've finally realised that). I enjoy Chris Hardwick as a host, and the irreverent style, but yeah, Navarro was a massive twonk on the show ... sometimes I got the impression Mazzara wanted to slap the dude for his comments, which were indeed moronic half the time.

*chuckles* 14 hours viewing experience... :lol::lol::lol:

On the other hand, Paget Brewster rocked on the show with Yeun. She's fit-as and she's a big fan of the show who gets it too. *drools* :o So yeah, Talking Dead's last six episodes were rather good bringing on proper guests (except for Navarro :elol:).

23-Mar-2012, 06:49 PM
Can you imagine Talking Dead if Darabont was still around and was a guest? I don't know if you guys have ever listened to his commentaries or special features on TWD or any of his films, but the man is an absolute treat to listen to. I would've loved to have heard him discuss this show in the live format for years to come...

23-Mar-2012, 06:58 PM
:lol: :lol:

26-Mar-2012, 11:18 AM
:lol: :lol:

Very clever, that shocked me actually... and a lot of my friends love Dale. I am not sure he is the guy you want leading you anywhere, he has a place in my world as an adviser and someone to keep his ear to the ground and report back on everyone's business but leader? No f'n way.

29-Mar-2012, 06:29 PM

-- -------- Post added 29-Mar-2012 at 02:29 PM ---------- Previous post was 26-Mar-2012 at 08:28 AM ----------


29-Mar-2012, 10:33 PM






30-Mar-2012, 09:57 AM


That one's excellent! :D

Altair firenze
30-Mar-2012, 02:14 PM
what website do you go to to put words on your picture and not ruin background of it by painting it black?

30-Mar-2012, 06:00 PM
what website do you go to to put words on your picture and not ruin background of it by painting it black?

Photoshop will just add the text.

30-Mar-2012, 06:26 PM
what website do you go to to put words on your picture and not ruin background of it by painting it black?

Here is a good one - http://www.superlame.com/engine.php - you upload a picture to the engine, play around as you wish (it's pretty easy after a minute), then save the file to your own computer (as the files won't remain on superlame's servers for long), and you can then attach the captioned file to a post on the forum, for example. :)

30-Mar-2012, 07:08 PM

30-Mar-2012, 09:26 PM
That one's excellent! :D

This is just effin brilliant.