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28-Oct-2011, 02:28 PM
So im in my annual autumn documentary kick again, after 8 seasons of pen and teller: bullshit! this month i just watched super size me, catfish and this movie is not yet rated, all very entertaining flicks. However my stores are running low.

Anybody got any good ones they'd recommend?

Preferably some stuff made in the last ten years and not about ww2 or serial killers, but anything else- preferably about art is fair game for me.

My body is ready, whats the best you got?

Mr. Clean
28-Oct-2011, 02:57 PM
Running the Sahara - Three guys run the Sahara...run into quite a few problems.

Gashole - "Conspircy" about how oil companies are controling gas prices in their favor

microcosmos - it's bugs...but was interesting for a one time watch.

Beavers: IMAX - Beavers are really destructive!

Micheal Moore hates America - Micheal Moore is a pig bastard and this video shows his true nature.

The American Hobo - Illegal train riders in the US...appearantly, there is a club and a magazine for this!

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead - About some guy that goes on a juice diet and turns his health from bad to good. Pretty interesting.

28-Oct-2011, 02:57 PM
Not really about art so much, but these are a few i've watched recently and really enjoyed.

Conan Obrien Can't Stop - Filmed between his departure from the legendary Tonight Show up until the premiere of his new show on TBS. Conan goes on a cross-country tour of the US with comedy, music, and some surprisingly personal revelations. It's got lots of funny moments but is also a personal look at the guy who I consider one of the funniest men of the last 25 years. View depending on your opinion of Obrien, obviously.

Man on Wire - The story of a french man that scaled wires across various historical landmarks across the world, ending with his crossing of the two World Trade Center towers in New York. I was at first a bit put off by the subject matter in this one, but once I started it I was hooked.

Foo Fighters: Back and Forth - Of course this one depends on your taste of music and whether or not you like the Foo Fighters, but it's very entertaining. One of the best music docs I've ever seen.

Grass - A look at Marijuana and how it's been regulated over the past 100 or so years. I know this sounds crazy, but this is a great documentary whether you like pot or not. It's really interesting. Narrated by Woody Harellson, of course. :lol:

Restrepo - Following a platoon of soldiers during one year in one of the worst areas of Afghanistan.

28-Oct-2011, 03:30 PM
i'll chekc em out, sahara is one i think ive heard of before actually.

i just started 'how to die in oregon' thats a fascinating film about the stat that legalised suicide for the terminally ill in 1994, bloody touching, engaging stuff. after im watching the banksy flick 'enter through the gift shop' heard nothing but good things about it.

28-Oct-2011, 03:33 PM
If you enjoyed "The King of Kong", you should definitely check out "Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade". It features many of the personalities from the former documentary as they discuss the glory days of the early 80's arcade scene:


Unfortunately it was never released any physical format as it was a special on Showtime, so the only way is through places like Demonoid:


28-Oct-2011, 03:39 PM
i did in deed enjoy king of kong, got a copy signed by billy mitchell: americas douchebag :lol: i'll check that out.

as for some recommendations from me:

Super High Me: a guy does the super size me experiment, but with marijuana instead of mcdonalds whilst talking about americas stance on the drug, the stuff about san fran weed pharmacies was very interesting stuff.

Catfish: a young brooklyn artist starts a correspondence with a 8 year old painter who loves his work- this leads him into a long distance romantic relationship with her older sister but soon things appear to be not quite what they seem.

both very good flicks i really recommend. though super high me is more light hearted entertainment than a stark look at weed.

28-Oct-2011, 05:39 PM
I don't know if this qualifies as documentary, but Deep Sea Detectives was a series on the History Channel that detailed the investigations of John Chatterton and Richie Kohler as they dove various undersea mysteries and tried to piece together solutions.

The series follows the book Shadow Divers, which is an excellent non-fiction mystery detailing how the pair of divers attempted to identify a submarine found in an area where no sub had ever been reported lost.

28-Oct-2011, 08:46 PM
Atomic Café: A compilation documentary (yes, it's a sub-genre of Documentaries) featuring only pre-recorded footage of mostly western propaganda and safety shorts regarding the atomic bomb and the ensuing cold war. All of it re-edited to hilarious effect.

Trinity & Beyond: A documentary about the evolution of the atomic bomb from the 100 kiloton TNT tests i Trinity to the testing of the most powerful nuclear device ever designed; "The Tsar Bomba". Narrated by a laconic William Shatner.

The Thin Blue Line: One of several Errol Morris films you should see. This one investigates an old murder case where the accused and convicted man was, it turns out, probably innocent. He was sentenced to death and pardoned only after this film was released.

The Fog of War: Errol Morris sits down and interviews Robert McNamara, who gets to share his view on Kennedy, the Vietnam War and Ford. New light is shed on an oft vilified person.

Capturing the Friedmans: A father and son were convicted of pedophilia but the film puts forth that all of it might have been the result of a modern "witch hunt" and the police more-or-less pressuring victims into giving false testimonies. A very ambiguous story.

29-Oct-2011, 06:10 AM
Super High Me: a guy does the super size me experiment, but with marijuana instead of mcdonalds whilst talking about americas stance on the drug, the stuff about san fran weed pharmacies was very interesting stuff.

Doug Bensen is the mayon.
Why can't we all be like him?
I know, right?!?!?

10-Jan-2012, 06:54 PM
Catfish: a young brooklyn artist starts a correspondence with a 8 year old painter who loves his work- this leads him into a long distance romantic relationship with her older sister but soon things appear to be not quite what they seem.

I had seen this a while ago, but managed to sit down last weekend to watch this with the wife, without telling her I had seen it previously just to gauge her reaction without having her asking me all about the 'plot'. It really is well done.

10-Jan-2012, 09:00 PM
Restrepo is a good one to watch, definitely recommended!

10-Jan-2012, 11:21 PM
Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991 Documentary)

Crumb (1994) - Documentary about the 70's artist Robert Crumb

My Best Fiend (1999 Documentary) - Examines the career of Klaus Kinski

11-Jan-2012, 08:04 AM
I recommend "Lemmy - The Movie" as well, its a documentary following the Motorhead frontman around on tour a couple of years ago, its awesome!