View Full Version : Cop goes above and beyond the call of F'd up

29-Oct-2011, 02:53 PM
Sick fuck took down a dog, like he would a criminal, but putting his knee into the dog's back and stretching its front legs behind it, as if cuffing a perpetrator. Apparently that didn't calm down the dog for some strange reason (:duh:) so he carried the dog over to a concrete flight of 12 stairs and threw the dog down it. Once again, that wasn't enough, so he drew his weapon and fired multiple shots into the dog, finally killing it.

Fire him. Send him to jail for a few months followed by a mental health facility for some time.

Article here:

29-Oct-2011, 03:53 PM
They never explicitly state whether the dog was on a leash or not before this all kicked off. Hard to believe someone fostering a dog having it off leash in public...but you never know. Point is, this should have been a controllable situation. People who take powerful dogs off.leash in a public setting are morons and putting their animals lives in danger, but without seeing the incident it's hard to judge. Dealing with powerful animals that can maim so quickly has got to be a nightmare for law enforcement and I wonder how they're usually trained up on doing so.

With regards to the cop, it sounds fubar, but I wish there were more details.

Mr. Clean
29-Oct-2011, 04:03 PM
pretty screwed up indeed...

29-Oct-2011, 07:01 PM
All one has to do is look at the many incidents of cops unecessarily killing family dogs and it is apparent that either this type of behavior is being trained by their departments or there is a very inadequate psychological screening process.

The recent Scott Olson incident in Oakland is an example at how out of control and how little SOME cops value the lives of others.