View Full Version : Zombie Avatar's and Signatures

04-Nov-2011, 05:59 PM
First as many of you who know me know I do a lot of web art, and whiel I make no clai mto being the most amazing artist on the planet I try ;)

That said I recently redid my own avatar and signature file that date back to one of the older version of the forum software. I thought it was time.


Also if anyone wants an updated avatar or signature let me know I am happy to crank them out for fellow dead heads.

Just give me an idea of what you like 'I would like it to have the zombie kids from dawn in it, and for it to be mainly red" and I will do the rest. Please no requests for other sites, no non "dead" avatars though any zombie movie, show, or comic is fair game. Also please plan on using it for at least a few months to make it worth the time that goes into it...

Also in my gallery here on the site I uplaoded a few avatars that anyone is free to use, just high quality images from the Romero Films I punched up and put in avatar form.

Anyhow, cheers.

04-Nov-2011, 07:28 PM
Sweet offer, Thorn! I remember some of the kickass stuff you've done for a few others and they've all been fantastic jobs, iirc.

04-Nov-2011, 08:06 PM
Thanks Aces! I still have a lot of those old signatures, I like to keep my stuff around so I can look back on it and see my progression it is fun and some of the old members names that I have on record ... well go back a ways.

Always fun to pitch in and do a bit to help.

04-Nov-2011, 08:14 PM
Hey thorn, i might have some private work creating banners and buttons and such if you can, paid of course.

PM me if your interested

05-Nov-2011, 10:35 PM
Thorn, I gotta be honest, I prefered your old banner, it was pretty damn sweet.

I might throw some ideas at you later on for one for myself seeing as you are offering to knock these out (I remember the last time you offered, some folks took you up on it and got some tasty sig banners).

07-Nov-2011, 01:49 PM
Andy sounds great, if it is for this site it is free of charge ;) Least I could do.

Thanks Legion, I am missing my old one as well, and may go back to it ;)

I am open for anything just let me know what you need!

07-Nov-2011, 06:17 PM
Your old banner was the one with the Axe right? It was really cool. Your new one is very well made and looks cool but Stephens face is not good enough to be with the others. My favorite banner of yours is the one you made for me. Thanks again!

07-Nov-2011, 07:03 PM
Your old banner was the one with the Axe right? It was really cool. Your new one is very well made and looks cool but Stephens face is not good enough to be with the others. My favorite banner of yours is the one you made for me. Thanks again!

The old one was the one with the axe, yes. Yours is my favorite of all time Trench, and the funny thing is Stephen's face was one I re-purposed fro man old signature so it is nowhere near as well done (years of experience since then) so great eye ;)