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View Full Version : I'm really starting to get annoyed - Please be careful of posting spoilers!

07-Nov-2011, 08:24 PM
Last weeks episode was ruined for me by someone posting on here without spoiler tags and I've edited a couple more posts today.

I'm not going to keep repeating this. The UK is 1 episode behind the US, so for example where you guys have seen episode 4 we have only just seen episode 3 and therefore have to wait a week for episode 4. Also, people may well just be an episode or two behind. So giving away major spoilers and plot developments from a recent episode without proper consideration for others, risks spoiling their enjoyment.

PLEASE by mindful of this when your posting spoilers or plot points regarding the newest episode.

A Spoiler tag hides whatever text it surrounds and is used like this:

Spoiler or plot point you wish to discuss

Spoiler or plot point you wish to discuss

If you are discussing the newest episode outside of its designated topic, in any other topic or the shoutbox for example, you are required to use spoiler tags.

In the relevant topic you can discuss away without as we can avoid the topic until our episode has aired.

If i have to to start telling the mods to issue infractions over this then I will, so consider this a friendly warning to all.

If this is somehow unclear, feel free to PM me.