View Full Version : Have any of you seen this Film?

27-Jun-2006, 04:10 PM
I swear, it is the most disturbing film i've seen in a while.. It's called Zero Day (http://www.zerodaythemovie.com/) and is based on the Columbine High School Massacre. Here is what is different about it. It is filmed as a video diary of the events and looks so realistic that when they start to attack the school, I nearly threw up!

This is what I mean by the realism. This scene is from the film...

27-Jun-2006, 04:42 PM
WOW what can you say about t his film? disturbing YES! its hard to think of kids really doing such a thing! its sad to think that kids have to feel that bad about themselves and others that they feel this is the only way out! something in their minds snapped for sure...there are signs before something like this happened and people just didnt see it!

27-Jun-2006, 04:47 PM
Didn't they try to blame it on Pearl Jam?:rolleyes:

27-Jun-2006, 05:05 PM
It certainly does illicit a response.

28-Jun-2006, 05:47 PM
There was a kid in my town, Matt Lovett (maybe you remember it on the news), a couple of years ago that was planning on doing a more upscale killing spree. He had a list that not only included class-mates (supposedly, two of which were friends of mine) but also included cops and other adult citizens of the town. Luckily, they stopped him because he tried stealing a car from a woman using a ninja sword. She locked her door, drove away, and called the cops. They found tons of guns, explosives and various martial arts weapons in his house, along with the list of people. I remember something about half the bullets not even matching their guns or something... this kid really didnt have his **** together.