View Full Version : Anti-Glare/Eye Strain glasses - any thoughts?

24-Nov-2011, 06:53 PM
I'm thinking of getting a pair of these, but wanted to know if anyone on here uses them or can recommend a pair?

I occasionally get eye strain (sore eyes, or mild headaches) when I've been on a computer for a long time (e.g. when editing, or writing, or very long stretches on the Xbox360). I do try to take breaks now and then, but sometimes that doesn't help as much as you'd think.

However, weirdly, I've noticed consistent eye strain from Saints Row The Third - not sure if it's to do with that one game, or the update to the Xbox360 that it applied prior to playing the first time, but I've been getting mild headaches from that particular game ... whereas any other game up to this point has only ever given me a spot of bother when I've been on for 2-3 hours (i.e. very rare occasions and more a sense of weariness, rather than headachey-ness). With SR3 I've noticed some head aching within 20 minutes ... very strange.

Anyway - thoughts on these sorts of glasses - do they work? Would they help with what I've described above?

24-Nov-2011, 07:19 PM
Get a larger monitor

Start taking fish oil (good for the skin and eyes)

Buy a monitor with a matte screen not a glossy finish

If you don't wear glasses now start wearing reading glasses. Should be able to get a cheap pair at Walgreens. If you already wear glasses then you might want to get a pair dedicated for computer uses.

24-Nov-2011, 07:21 PM
Is it like something you'll be picking up at your eye doctor or something you're getting from the local convenience store like Walgreens? And when was your last eye exam?

In some instances headaches will occur not from strain from looking st the screen for so long but rather from the eyes straining because they're deteriorating and require prescription glasses. Often times when you've got someone who spends a great deal of time in front of a screen whether tv or computer or both the eyes will begin to deteriorate at a more rapid pace than in someone who doesn't. If you've had an eye exam (and they're usually around $60 USD) and you're not needing prescription glasses I wouldn't waste the money on something for anti glare from the convenience store, I would go to a eyewear retailer and see what they offer. The problem when you're buying glasses from a convenience store is they're often poorly made and can increase eye deterioration because of the way they're made (ie they will strain your eyes in a different fashion and likely cause the same problem eventually). If you do need RX eyewear there's additional coatings and layerings within the lenses they can offer depending on what you choose that will provide anti-glare benefits to you and while they come at an additional cost (and that can vary from $15-$100+) they're worth it.

This happening while you're playing that game in paticular may actually be a combination of factors up to and including your eyes getting worse which is interesting...

This may sound strange but if you have a pair of amber lens sunglasses put those on when you're playing your game and see if it changes anything for you. Its a relatively cheap fix. If they're polarized that's all the better. It reduces the eye strain because they're created to fight glare and the color of the lens can help you actually see better.

24-Nov-2011, 10:13 PM
if you are getting eye strain and headaches you may need an eye exam and a new prescription.

i've had glasses since i was 5 and whenever i start experiencing those sorts of symptoms, it usually means that i need a new set of glasses.

just a thought...

Mr. Clean
24-Nov-2011, 11:39 PM
Interesting Thread! I have been wearing my glasses quite often here lately and didn't wear them today. I got a small headache this afternoon and wasn't sure what it was from...well now I guess I found my answer :)

To answer your question MZ...I haven't ever worn them...I plan on getting contacts next year. I had contacts years ago but stop wearing corrective lens all together for awhile and then started wearing glasses when I noticed exactly how bad my eye sight was. I never got eye strain from contacts.

25-Nov-2011, 09:58 AM
I do have glasses - but those are for far away stuff. The distance to the Xbox isn't that far (but likewise I don't have my nose pressed up against the screen either). Stuff in the near distance and close up is absolutely fine - e.g. here I am on HPOTD and it's totally fine.

Working on computers or watching TV in general is perfectly fine (unless for, as I say, very long periods of time - e.g. when writing or editing, and I've not had a break at all for like 3 hours) ... and indeed playing games was perfectly fine too (unless, again, I had a 3 hour session with no breaks - on the rare occasion that I did). However SR3 seems to be having this curious effect - but last night I did try wearing sunglasses whilst playing, and it did help actually ... it was a bit daft wearing shades indoors at night in a well lit room, but it did help.

What I'm going to do is leave SR3 for a couple of days, then go back and play Saints Row 2 (a recent game I played with no issues) and see if that causes any problems - to see if it's SR3 specifically, or if it's to do with the update to the Xbox360 that SR3 applied prior to playing. Indeed a couple of days ago I didn't play SR3 at all, and I was perfectly fine.

Very strange.

01-Dec-2011, 11:42 PM
If you use a monitor in a darkened room, you could also put a small light behind the monitor to reduce eyestrain. http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2011/11/bias-lighting.html

02-Dec-2011, 09:59 AM
If you use a monitor in a darkened room, you could also put a small light behind the monitor to reduce eyestrain. http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2011/11/bias-lighting.html

Good tip.

Fortunately the eye strain has worn off with SR3 - I've been taking breaks every half hour to (as I've read online) close my eyes for 20 seconds and/or look at a distant object for 20 seconds, and it's actually really helped an awful lot. :)

02-Dec-2011, 01:27 PM
It's a tumor. Or if you are Austrian, a tumah.