View Full Version : Ghost Hunters!

27-Jun-2006, 05:30 PM
Does anyone watch the new series on the Scifi channel called "Ghost Hunters? and if so what do you think? real or put on? I watch them every week and they seem to real!

27-Jun-2006, 05:52 PM
I don't question their legitimacy as much as I question the legitimacy of the cases they investigate. Like the one where they went on a cruise ship and capture a video of a blanket being pulled off a bed. It was clear there was easy access, the door was slightly opened, and it clearly was someone (not something) was pulling it off. Alot of the stuff they visit is questionable. I think they're more legitimate.

It is a great show though. I usually forget it its on, because I rarely watch T.V. anymore, but I do love the show.

27-Jun-2006, 06:03 PM
this isnt really a new show, if your on about the taps guys its even been out in england for over a year, and i think it rocks easily better than "most hunated" on living tv which is complete bollox.

27-Jun-2006, 06:28 PM
yes i know i watch "most haunted" too i think they are questionable...not sure if they are reliable but i still keep watching it..they are on the travel channel in the us....and, "ghost hunters" is starting its 3rd season this year. i like the way the "debunk" a place and try scientifically to create what the people at the place they are investigating say is happening. did u see the st. augustine lighthouse..woww that was a good one and the eastern state penitennary...was very scarey. if you havent seen "ghost hunters" or "most haunted" watch it ya just might get hooked on watching them.

27-Jun-2006, 08:35 PM
yes i know i watch "most haunted" too i think they are questionable...not sure if they are reliable but i still keep watching it..they are on the travel channel in the us....and, "ghost hunters" is starting its 3rd season this year. i like the way the "debunk" a place and try scientifically to create what the people at the place they are investigating say is happening. did u see the st. augustine lighthouse..woww that was a good one and the eastern state penitennary...was very scarey. if you havent seen "ghost hunters" or "most haunted" watch it ya just might get hooked on watching them.

I watch MOst Haunted for a laugh, though Yvette's constant flailing and screaming is getting a bit old. I also watch Ghost Hunters. I think they believe in what they do, and I think the Sci-Fi editors get a bit sensationalistic. I think the show (unlike Most Haunted) sends out a good message--that not every little thing you think you see or hear is a ghost. Maybe the more people who watch it, the more people will become a little more reasonable, logical, what-have-you. I personally don't believe in the things. There are obviously things science hasn't explained yet, but I haven't seen any evidence that these things are in any way proof of the survival of bodily death. I think it's a lot of attention needing and wishful thinking.

27-Jun-2006, 08:40 PM
i just think its amazing people still watch most hunated with all of derek acoras "whats that sam?" bollocks:lol:
i love ghost hunters though, but season one aired on sky one but ive been having to check up on the net via certain .... slightly scabby routes to get my season 2 fix.
its amazing how much people like it theres whole things on sites about how "they never should have let the dork in the cap rejoin he was pulling down the team dynamic":D .

its like a soap opera for nerds sometimes.

27-Jun-2006, 09:05 PM
his name is Brian..and i somewhat agree he shouldnt be able to rejoin TAPS but when he is doing his job he does do a good one...although he sees ghosts everywhere...even jay and grant say that on the show..lol. But, out of shows i have seen they are the most credible. those that havent seen "ghost hunters" is missing a good show!
my hope is that they dont do too any sensationalizing like ...ya get to see paranormal every week then i will be wondering how credible they really are. i also hope ' the powers that be' dont demand more ghost happenings. it will ruin the show.
there was one show where this guy and his girlfriend were seeing ghosts and seeing things..they debunked it..here the guy had chemicals he had stored that was making him see things so the guy would be able to address the problem and no more ghosts!:skull:

27-Jun-2006, 09:39 PM
my favourites were the light house with the moving chair, that was bogey, and the guy at the top of the other light house in season 2. again muy-bogeyoso :D .

oh and the lame ass ship one that was all fake and they all knew it and they even got a waitress to lead them on a pyschic vibration tour.:lol: