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26-Nov-2011, 02:25 PM
when i'm wrong or have not given something a fair shake. i've been watching the second season and i, uh, um, ahem, rather like what i'm seeing.

i'm not going to go into any details or bore you with my new revelation, but i think it is the 13 ep. season that has made the difference for me. the fact that the comics are just so dark and gritty is probably another main reason that it took me a bit to adjust to the look of the show itself.

i apologize to any and all that i've mocked for watching and liking this before.

sometimes things take a bit to grow on you.

26-Nov-2011, 02:48 PM

glad to see you've changed your mind. while the show isn't flawless, i feel they are doing an awesome job bringing the story to television. very excited for tomorrow night's mid-season finale, as i'm sure some major shake-ups are in store for us.

26-Nov-2011, 03:25 PM
Glad to see a new fan.

This show definitely has it's flaws. I enjoy the hell out of it, but I don't expect it to be the best thing since sliced bread. All I want from this series is something to entertain me for fourty five minutes every week. If I'm lucky, it will carry over to be as great as the holy trilogy. If it fails to do that I will be the first to admit it but I mainly hope for more entertainment.

I think the biggest flaw this show has is that the fans are out to nitpick every...single...small...detail. Yeah, there are inconsistencies. What television show doesn't have that? I also recognize that it's part of the fun of message boards, but come on.....at least shut your nerd brains off for 45 minutes(mine included) and enjoy it for what it is. This is what we all hoped for since 1985! Think back to the days before the resurgence of zombie films. We would have been foaming at the mouth for this kind of thing. Now we have it and what happens? The color of someone's shirt is off. :p

26-Nov-2011, 05:22 PM
when i'm wrong or have not given something a fair shake. i've been watching the second season and i, uh, um, ahem, rather like what i'm seeing.

i'm not going to go into any details or bore you with my new revelation, but i think it is the 13 ep. season that has made the difference for me. the fact that the comics are just so dark and gritty is probably another main reason that it took me a bit to adjust to the look of the show itself.

i apologize to any and all that i've mocked for watching and liking this before.

sometimes things take a bit to grow on you.

It takes a while sometimes for things to work themselves out in your own mind, it is an adjustment from the comics for sure. I still like what is being offered a great deal, and appreciate what is going into the series. Nice to see you on board, and think it is great when people make a point of admitting to a change of heart. We have all had them.

27-Nov-2011, 01:25 PM
That's awesome!! Glad you have the maturity to admit that...

27-Nov-2011, 07:39 PM
I think this shows biggest problem is that its never been done before. None of us knew what to expect or how it would look so it makes it very easy to criticize. Im glad Mikes said he had to adjust to it because i went through a similar process in the first season. Im finding myself going through this process again this season and i've found it helps if i watch each episode 2, sometimes 3, times because there is a lot going on that i don't pick up on with the first viewing. I had a mini marathon yesterday watching eps 1-4 of this season and it made a big difference rewatching the episodes knowing what happens later on.

27-Nov-2011, 08:02 PM
Glad you're on board now Mike. :)

Personally I was aware of The Walking Dead prior to the announcement of the TV show adaptation, but I hadn't actually read any of them - so I began getting the trade paperbacks a few months before the show started (I've now done the first 8 volumes), so there wasn't really an issue of adjustment for me personally - and I think that was because I was relatively new to the comics (in a more in-depth manner, as in, actually reading them anyway - although I was well aware of them for a long time beforehand) so the transition came quite easily for me, but I can perfectly understand why some who have been reading the comics for years (and possibly since issue one first debuted) might have had a bit of a time of it adjusting to the change in format.

However I think it's been a wonderful adaptation, and as Bassman says, I think it's been the best thing to happen to zombies since Day of the Dead. It ain't 100% perfect, but neither are we super fans - my only nitpicky point personally is a few inconsistent zombie extra performances in terms of speed - but you know what? It's as damn close to perfect as you're going to get - and what's more, the cast and crew love making it, and I think that really feeds through to the quality of the show. If they didn't have that, I think the odd problem that has troubled the show along the way would have had a bigger impact upon the final product than they actually did in reality (which is nice).

I've only seen season one twice - this might shock some folks on here - but after running Shaun of the Dead into the ground (I still love it, but I've watched it to death), I don't want to do the same thing with TWD. I want to keep it fresh in my mind, but also not to the extent of over familiarity. I want to keep it special. :)