View Full Version : *sigh* Let's sort THIS out once and for all...

27-Jun-2006, 06:32 PM
Right, there's been more bleedin' and moaning and jibber jabber about whether Land of the Dead came before or after Day of the Dead, so you've all probably seen the post by Philly going on about "new tidbits" or whatever the title was, so here is a simple poll, fill it out and let's see...

...also Philly, there'll be no need for a sequel as the answer will be the same time and again. :D

27-Jun-2006, 06:33 PM
...also Philly, there'll be no need for a sequel as the answer will be the same time and again.Well, I am sure that the Jews in World War II were glad that the prevailing attitudes at the time were not considered settled for all time, but that further discussion merited them not being killed to extinction......

Point being, any poll, whether it be here on HPOTD about the Day vs. Land timeline, or a national poll about the illegal alien discussion, is only a snapshot for that particular moment in time. Attitudes change, new information comes to light, well crafted and truthful (sometimes poorly crafted and untruthful) arguments sway people's long held beliefs, etc. I will not start another poll, but just wanted to make a general statement about polls.

Hopefully people read this previous thread before voting in this poll. Maybe they have never considered the question before, and will vote instinctively based soley on release dates.

But you still Da Man in my book, Minion!

27-Jun-2006, 06:33 PM
What Poll?:confused:


27-Jun-2006, 06:33 PM
Jesus f*cking Christ give me a f*cking chance you bunch of f*cking f*ckers! :| :eek:

27-Jun-2006, 06:35 PM
Jesus f*cking Christ give me a f*cking chance you bunch of f*cking f*ckers! :| :eek:

"Look at this morose Mother F*cker. Who p*ssed in your Corn Flakes?"

Is "p*ss" really a word that should be censored?:rolleyes:

27-Jun-2006, 06:40 PM


I believe the line was "Look at this morose motherf*cker right here, looks like someone took a sh*t in his cereal"...


Yes, I am a total geek, but aren't I just so damn sexy ... now vote in my new Poll of Awesomeness! :cool:

27-Jun-2006, 06:48 PM


I believe the line was "Look at this morose motherf*cker right here, looks like someone took a sh*t in his cereal"...


Yes, I am a total geek, but aren't I just so damn sexy ... now vote in my new Poll of Awesomeness! :cool:

Yeah....leave your television, MZ.:p

Hey, It's always good to have some Smith quotes under your belt...

29-Jun-2006, 11:28 AM
*ducks behind sofa first*

Why does there have to be a distinct timeline? I always felt that the movies could have happened along side one another. (barring decade incongruities)

29-Jun-2006, 11:33 AM
Discussions like this promote healthy debate among the citizens of HPOTD. Basically HPOTD is the message board form of LOTD with Andy being Kaufmann.

I would say Neil, but Andy is on more... :D (Sorry Neil, we don't see much of you anymore.)

Minion, is the Cholo of the group.

I have yet to find Riley, Slack or Charlie.

29-Jun-2006, 01:36 PM
I dunno, I still think that Land is a totally different universe with a similar problem.


Night, Dawn and Day, are fairly "timeless" all 3 could all be taking place in 1980 lets say, but in Land the technology really stands out in your face, making you wonder stuff like "If Peter was playing crappy arcade games why does Dead Rekoning has GPS..."

in the first 3 money is obviously not important, but it is in Land, of course for a bit it seems important in Dawn when the bikers come in, a couple of them seem to think money is still worth something, but not much at they throw it in the air. In Land they spend it on real things "my 4 million dollar piece of equipment" and cash is worth killing people for as well "pay up or die" as well as stealing it and killing to conseal the theft

Philly in Dawn in the same old city we know today, in Land it has a huge tower that doesn't exist in real life, unless they bothered building such a massive structure whille zombies destroyed the rest of the world

the names are obviously different, the first 3 are times of the day, Land in geography

there isn't exactly a huge amount of evidence that the zombies "evolved" over time making it seem like a logical jump from Day, Bub seemed alot smarter then Big Daddy, his "friends" were just "monkey see monkey do" and the rest of his army were just the same bunch of mindless human eaters that we've always seen in zombie films

there is however a "Blade" zombie which seems to put it the same universe as Dawn, of couse that could be explaned that Blade also existed and died in this Land universe :cool:

Now of course unless GAR says so all that is just a bunch of garbage, but it does help to explain alot if we say that Land is a totally different trilogy/universe :D

29-Jun-2006, 02:57 PM
I think you're way off dude.

You're using hair styles and technology as your time guide and you can't because although the films have no real link to one another, they do through the zombies. With Land being the latest entry and being the most descriptive about the apocalypse. It is safe to assume the time line would be from their present day to 3 years prior. So if their present day is 2005, the epidemic started in 2002.

With Land being the biggest piece of evidence of a time period and with the description of the plague, it's effects etc etc. it would be safe to assume the dead rose sometime in the 21st century (2001-2002) Which make Night of the Living Dead start in 2001/2002.

Even though the films have been spread out over a 40 year time span, LAND describes the events the most accurately, especially with the radio reports at the beginning.

I know Romero has always said their is no specific time period to any of the films, it is just the same plague. However, LAND gives the most definitive time line @ 3 years so LAND could easily explain the plague as it happened in Night, DAWN, and Day.

29-Jun-2006, 04:38 PM
I think you're way off dude.

You're using hair styles and technology as your time guide and you can't because although the films have no real link to one another, they do through the zombies. With Land being the latest entry and being the most descriptive about the apocalypse. It is safe to assume the time line would be from their present day to 3 years prior. So if their present day is 2005, the epidemic started in 2002.

With Land being the biggest piece of evidence of a time period and with the description of the plague, it's effects etc etc. it would be safe to assume the dead rose sometime in the 21st century (2001-2002) Which make Night of the Living Dead start in 2001/2002.

Even though the films have been spread out over a 40 year time span, LAND describes the events the most accurately, especially with the radio reports at the beginning.

I know Romero has always said their is no specific time period to any of the films, it is just the same plague. However, LAND gives the most definitive time line @ 3 years so LAND could easily explain the plague as it happened in Night, DAWN, and Day.

Nicely said.

29-Jun-2006, 04:39 PM
I'm Cholo?! Bugger off! :D

I'm blates Riley! ... even Charlie would be much better than Cholo...

29-Jun-2006, 05:15 PM
I'm Cholo?! Bugger off! :D

I'm blates Riley! ... even Charlie would be much better than Cholo...

So you want to be the idiot Savant?

Ok, You are now Charlie.
The Forrest gump of zombie land! :D

Nicely said.

29-Jun-2006, 06:02 PM
see the thing is (for me) is that it's not just the technology (which IS jarring) or the hair (did I mention hair? :D ) theres other stuff thats hard to point to, like tone and feeling, this is probably because GAR is an older guy now, and has a different way of directing but Land is just "OFF" when you watch is after watching the other films.

Another interesting note on the "different universe" theory is that the next proposed movie will follow the adventures of Lands protagonists and be called "World", if true it would be hard to say that it isn't in fact a new trilogy/universe altogether.

another note on technology tho' if they made a 4th Mad Max film would it seem right if Max was suddenly driving around in a '06 Mustaine,when in the last film he was down to a cart pulled by cammels? :lol:

29-Jun-2006, 08:59 PM
I would say Neil, but Andy is on more... :D (Sorry Neil, we don't see much of you anymore.)

he's tied up in my basement and has already given me power of attourney :elol:

29-Jun-2006, 09:13 PM
Better being an idiot Savant that can blow your left nut off at 1000 yards single handed than the guy who pours champagne into a whisky glass... :lol:

29-Jun-2006, 09:41 PM
see the thing is (for me) is that it's not just the technology (which IS jarring) or the hair (did I mention hair? :D ) theres other stuff thats hard to point to, like tone and feeling, this is probably because GAR is an older guy now, and has a different way of directing but Land is just "OFF" when you watch is after watching the other films.
I believe this is due to the fact that the first three movies, GAR made them on his own without the Hollywood establishment being directly involved. With Land, the Hollywood establishment was directly involved, creating the different "feel" you are talking about. GAR had methods at this disposal that he did not have before.

Also, the difference in tone could be attributed to that in Day, there was such a dark, hopeless feeling to the movie, and in Land, it seemed more upbeat and hopeful. This could be because Land takes place before Day.

30-Jun-2006, 02:51 PM
Or it could be that Land is really sequel to DAWN 2004. :p

30-Jun-2006, 05:39 PM
This could be because Land takes place before Day.



30-Jun-2006, 05:43 PM
Or it could be that Land is really sequel to DAWN 2004. :p

actually in a strange twist Land is actually a pre-quel to Dawn04 :eek:

07-Jul-2006, 11:36 AM
actually in a strange twist Land is actually a pre-quel to Dawn04 :eek:

Actually LAND wants to be DAWN 04. :D

In all seriousness, since almost 20 people have spoken, and the masses have spoken, isn't time to close this poll? The majority has ruled that LAND comes after Day so I think that closes this discussion.

Although the majority has been wrong before... like saying LAND is a good film... in another poll by one of our mods here at HPOTD. :D

07-Jul-2006, 02:19 PM
how about split the difference and say Day and Land happen on the exact same day :D

07-Jul-2006, 03:49 PM
In all seriousness, since almost 20 people have spoken, and the masses have spoken, isn't time to close this poll? The majority has ruled that LAND comes after Day so I think that closes this discussion.
Good thing that Christopher Columbus didnt "close the discussion" in his mind when everyone in the world but him agreed that the earth was flat.

07-Jul-2006, 03:55 PM
Well in all honesty dude... We had a poll, people have spoken. You will accept what you want to accept, and the rest of us will accept what we want to accept.

I accept the fact that LAND comes after DAY. I accept the fact I am in the minority of people whom think the film LOTD sucks total ass, and I accept the fact if I don't speak up this discussion is never going to end! :D

07-Jul-2006, 06:29 PM
*bitch slaps Dj*

You were blates in the minority on the MZ Poll of Awesomness concerned whether or not Land was a wicked movie - the people spoke and even after a second poll (!) my camp still wins... :cool:

08-Jul-2006, 05:05 AM
Ducks bitch slap...

Ha Ha you missed me Mofo! :D

08-Jul-2006, 10:38 AM
*anticipates avoidance of the original bitch slap and counters with a fatal bitch slap from the other direction into your ducking mush, Dj recoils with a red cheek* :D

11-Jul-2006, 07:46 PM
Good thing that Christopher Columbus didnt "close the discussion" in his mind when everyone in the world but him agreed that the earth was flat.

A bit off topic but "Columbus setting out to prove the World was round" is just a stupid myth, no one in that time thought the Earth was flat, he was just setting out to find a different route to the Indis. Europeans of the day were just unsure of how big the Earth was :)

12-Jul-2006, 10:41 AM
A bit off topic but "Columbus setting out to prove the World was round" is just a stupid myth, no one in that time thought the Earth was flat, he was just setting out to find a different route to the Indis. Europeans of the day were just unsure of how big the Earth was :)
Where do you get this piece of information from?

12-Jul-2006, 10:44 AM
*anticipates avoidance of the original bitch slap and counters with a fatal bitch slap from the other direction into your ducking mush, Dj recoils with a red cheek* :D

As the fatal blow comes, I quickly throw my arm up in an upward/outward block, and then using my super powers I take my hand and freeze you in time where I then proceed to give your pink corn rows on your head and dress you in a tutu. :moon: :lol:

And on a side note, in regards to this topic.


I guess it just won't die! :cool:

12-Jul-2006, 10:46 AM
*ha! I mock your pathetic counter-attack, because I like, have you know, a totally invincible bullet and freeze proof vest, which like, is so awesome ... that it, like, transfers the attacker's blows back onto them - so know it is YOU with the frozen gay cornrows!* :elol:

12-Jul-2006, 11:00 AM
*ha! I mock your pathetic counter-attack, because I like, have you know, a totally invincible bullet and freeze proof vest, which like, is so awesome ... that it, like, transfers the attacker's blows back onto them - so know it is YOU with the frozen gay cornrows!* :elol:

Ahhh, but super counter death freeze shield protects me from my own powers. So I lay onto you the Black injection Molded plastic tomb of doom. :D No one has ever escaped, and even if they do there are 4,999 lasers capable of slicing the human body into tiny tidbits, and just for good measure I water proofed it, and during a black-out it can sustain it's laser field for 15 years.

While stuck in there it will shave your head into a mohawk and paint a porky pig Tat on your forehead.

12-Jul-2006, 12:37 PM
**sits on the edge of seat; munches popcorn**
This is getting good!!!:D :D :D

12-Jul-2006, 12:53 PM
Ahhhhh, but you're forgetting I know The A-Team personally ... and they've just rescued me with a contraption constructed from paperclips, twigs and a f*ck off big tank. :cool:

12-Jul-2006, 04:08 PM
Ahhhhh, but you're forgetting I know The A-Team personally ... and they've just rescued me with a contraption constructed from paperclips, twigs and a f*ck off big tank. :cool:

As the A-team ascends to resuce you, The HOFF and Kitt show up just intime to prevent you dastardly escape.

The HOFF runs and Karate Chops everyone on the team, and kitt turbo boosts through the A-Team van destorying it into a million pieces. Then uses he microwave jammer to stop Murdock from flying the team off in his stolen helicopter. :D

To be Continued...

12-Jul-2006, 04:46 PM
Where do you get this piece of information from?

Books and shows on Discovery of History :)

I think this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Earth) will explain it better then I can here tho'

The "Flat Earth/Columbus" thing is my most hated of myths for some reason, and I always try to debunk it to anyone that will listen. :)

12-Jul-2006, 05:43 PM
And now back to our regularly schedule program... Escape of the Minion Zombie :D

12-Jul-2006, 06:00 PM
As the A-team ascends to resuce you, The HOFF and Kitt show up just intime to prevent you dastardly escape.

The HOFF runs and Karate Chops everyone on the team, and kitt turbo boosts through the A-Team van destorying it into a million pieces. Then uses he microwave jammer to stop Murdock from flying the team off in his stolen helicopter.

To be Continued...

Not only is "The HOFF" arrested by the police chief after a subtly bribed Scooby Gang frames him for kiddy fiddling and marijuana smuggling, but Kitt is dismantled mid-flight by Mr. T and transformed into a make shift prison cell for "The HOFF". The A-Team and the Scooby Gang then join forces, calling up their mates - The Thunderbirds - to help in MinionZombie's rescue. They may be marionettes but they have not once failed to rescue someone from peril and just like their reputation preceeds them, MZ is whisked from the clutches as Howling Mad Murdock anally rapes Dj's fancy-ass new TV in the Scart socket with a foreign, full voltage lead.

Distracted by a power surge and a sudden explosion of dead pixels, Dj fails to notice MZ hopping aboard the miraculously invincible GMC truck, wheel spinning away as the Scooby Gang remain behind to cordon off the block surrounding Dj's apartment building. Meanwhile, The Thunderbirds return home and call up their old arch nemesis - The Hood - to lay a devious trap outside Dj's door - (a life-size "Ving-Rhames-In-Dawn-2004" plush action figure) - before cherry knocking his ass.

Dj saunters over, furious at the sudden influx of dead pixels across his previously high definition monster TV (Murdock leaps out the window and lands atop the GMC truck as MZ is whisked off to the safety of his underground lair). Dj answers his door and is promptly found aghast at the life-size-action-figureness of his very own, one-of-a-kind Ving Rhames doll.

Little does he know, but the Ving-a-ling-ding is merely a ticking time bomb. With the certainty that McDonalds will forever be staffed by single-digit-IQ'd toilet cretins, the ticking Ving-a-ling EXPLODES all over Dj in a shower of napalmy goodness.

As the GMC truck speeds off into the sunset, MZ glances out the back windows and chuckles...

Back at the burnt out husk that was previously known to the IRS as "Dj's Palace of Really Expensive Televisions", Dj grips the carked remains of his Ving-a-ling, sat on his kitchen floor looking decidedly charcoaled, he grits his smokey-black teeth and grunts...

"Next time Gadget, NEXT TIME!!!"

He slams his blackened fist, peppered with Ving-a-ling and HDTV shards, against his kitchenette floor.

The end.


12-Jul-2006, 06:10 PM
Part 2...

After extensive re-constructive surgery, DJ rounds up Optimus Prime and company and enlists the help of Wolverine and Blade to track down the vile criminal that is Minion "Abbott Hayes" Zombie. On his tail they come across his lair and beging to set the trap for his capture once again.

SUddenly Wabam, the window explodes and Minion Z and the A team and thrust backward in shower of concrete debris and candy glass(Gotta keep it safe for the stunt People). Suddenly as Minion and his band of criminal cretins begins to stand in walks the TERMINATOR. With Phase Plasma weapon he begins to target each member of the team taking them out with great precision leaving MZ standing alone.

When MZ goes to run, he suddenly off balance because a silver laced boomerang has just slived off the lower portion of his right leg and he watches the boomerang return to its rightful owner Blade whom is perched in the rafters of the hideout.

As MZ makes his next move Scooby and the gang arrive but appear to be on a munchy raid because DJ gave them a fat bag of jamican to keep them busy whilst he apprehends the criminal known as MZ. As Dj makes his move he is escorted by Dirty Harry who then raises his .44 magnum to MZ temple and dares him to "Make His Day". MZ quitely gives up and is handcuffed and pig tied by Wolverine. As they make their way out to the containment unit...(played by Optimus Prime) The Terminator turns to Dj and lets him know if he is ever needed... he will be back.

MZ is sent to the fortress of Solitude for all eternity, and all of the super power crystals are removed so he cannot become more powerful. MZ then weds and starts a family with a local polar bear and sends XMAS cards to Dj and company as reminder that indeed... he will return. :D

12-Jul-2006, 07:26 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

seriously.....you guys need to get out more often:p

12-Jul-2006, 09:01 PM
I just got a 50" TV... Now there is no reason to leave the house man. Well unless you count work, but I am trying to talk them into a work at home program. :D

Plus this is razzie worthy story telling man. I can smell the award.

12-Jul-2006, 09:45 PM
im not exactly sure of the timeline,but i felt like day must be after land because of the fact that it seem to be more of a waste land in day with almost no survivors left!

i think land was the last attempt for normal life for the survivors,and day was really like theres no one left!:rockbrow:

12-Jul-2006, 10:15 PM
Someone needs to contact McGyver he can do anything. Also he does have a stargate at his disposal :lol:

12-Jul-2006, 10:22 PM
After a decade in the FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MZ has grown strong, wise and all powerful again. After years re-training his mind and body he is now of such precise power he can EXPLODE someone's head with just a flick of his mind.

TWENTY years prior to this moment, MZ had created an ultra-ultra-mega-uber-really-f*cking-secret organisation called Mega Extreme Gruff And Proud Entity Nexus In Secret - otherwise known as - M.E.G.A.P.E.N.I.S.!

MEGAPENIS are also trained in the forgotten, yet insanely deadly art of SERIOUSLY-AWESOME-KWAN-DO-BOSH. With the merest touch of a trained man's fingers, their enemy will POOF into dust. How did they get these powers? S.A.K.D.B. can only be taught via telekinesis from the only surviving master of the art - that's right - MZ himself.

From beyond birth MZ was able to train a future army forever bound to his soul, an army whose allegience is never broken, it is put simply, unfailing.

With stormy skies, thunder and lightening crashing forth, unrelenting rain pelting the FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE without giving up for a mere moment, the tower suddenly BLOWS THE F*CK UP with a beautiful, yet deadly white light. Of course MZ SURVIVES with the mad skillz of SAKDB running through his veins.

Upon landing atop of the fallen rubble of the piffly FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MZ is met by the members of MEGAPENIS. They huddle for a moment and combine their powers, feeding off one another till they are ready to f*cking ROCK.

But first, they pay brief respects to their departed comrades in the GRAVEYARD OF FALLEN HEROES. Next door sits the GRAVEYARD OF TOTAL BASTARDS - this is where the underlings of Dj reside.

Dirty Harry DIED of Oscar-Winning-Itis, he was award-ceremonied to DEATH!

The Terminator gave up his LIFE OF DEATH in favour of flower arranging in San Francisco with his "partner and also lover" the T-1000, having divorced horribly from the TX two years before dying of RAIDS - yes, ROBOT AIDS.

Optimus Prime, having also led a secret life of robot bath-houses spent a fevered night of PASSION with The Terminator and was promptly infected with a mega jolt of RAIDS and carked it right there in bed with the skeletal one.

After urinating on the graves of their TOTAL BASTARD enemies, the MEGAPENIS brigade charge forth to battle ground ZERO and stand before the charred remains of Dj's apartment building, now a shrine to PLASMA SCREENS. Charging through a MAZE of plasma televisions standing fifty-loads feet high, the MEGAPENIS team assemble in Dj's LIVING ROOM OF DOOM.

After FARTING in his general direction, a swift battle ensues with lots of PIZOW type NOISES and bright lights FLASHING EVERYWHERE. Then the MEGAPENIS team step aside as MZ and the Dj himself face off. As Dj attempts to splash some plasma upon MZ's prison-weary face, he suddenly sees the terrible side effects of ten years worth of solitude in the FORTRESS OF ... SOLITUDE as MZ like ... COMPLETELY EXPLODES DJ'S HEAD INTO LIKE ... F*CKING LOADS OF BITS with one fatal-minded thought passing across MZ's brain pan.

MEGAPENIS then gather the HEAD MATTER of Dj and scarper like bandits, burying the various bits around the world and a few on the moon with like a couple chucked down on Venus somewhere, like, just to the left a bit.

The team then head off to their various homes, MZ returning to his SUPER AWESOME LAIR for a glass of fruit juice and a choccie biscuit.


12-Jul-2006, 10:29 PM
im not exactly sure of the timeline,but i felt like day must be after land because of the fact that it seem to be more of a waste land in day with almost no survivors left!

The world often looks like that to onlookers and survivors in the midst of, and just after some major tragedies. You can walk outside on the streets of a major metropolitan city after major blizzards if the weather is still bad enough and not see a soul--that doesn't mean that no one exists (NOTE: this is not a direct comparrison, so don't even go there). In major natural disasters and wars it could even seem more dire. It would only be natural that mankind would be scattered and on the brink just after civilization crumbled from something of this nature. The survivors are scattered, in all but a few instances. Of course Day would look worse than any time after it--it's quite possibly the nadir of modern human existence.

Eventually, mankind has a way of pulling itself together into some semblance of civilization again. This has happened over and over again during the course of man's tenure on this planet. I've said before that the theme of Day is the fall of the old order, the circling of the drain, as it were. It only makes sense that mankind would rally in one or more examples. The big question in Land is: are we going down for the count, or do things just have to get worse before they get better? The all too popular answer would be that mankind is going down for the count, but Romero shows a bit of development in his story telling, which probably parallels his maturity in life, and he gives us an ambivalent ending pregnant with possibility.

Edited for simple spelling errors...

12-Jul-2006, 11:03 PM
October 30th, a Full moon rises above the land, and the globe, suddenly the bits and piece of Dj's remains begin rising from the ground in liquid form and traveling across the globe until they meat his still buried but beating heart. MZ still chilling in his super cool lair, doesn't realized that a new improved DJ is about to be born...

October 31st 12:00am the ground all smokey and moist begins become blood red is each liquid particle comes to the central resting place of his heart. Suddenly a Hand rises above from the earth and lighting strikes the hand and the rest of Dj appears when the smoke clears... an evil grin fills his face.

MZ and his M.E.G.A.P.E.N.I.S. team sit in relaxed comfort unknown to them that Dj would rise once again.

November 1st 12am...

In a dimly underground cave Dj assembles a new team... drawing up plans waiting to strike the unknowing Minion"Abbott Hayes" Zombie.

To be continued...

13-Jul-2006, 11:13 AM
MEGAPENIS and their leader extraordinaire, The Almighty Super Modifying MZ, CHILLAX in his super-f*cking-cool lair as really hot lady dancers from splinter group "MEGABOOBS" girate on poles dotted around the lair with the sort of allegience that can only be gained through telekinesis - no secret spies here, chum! :D As they admire the LADY BOOBS they chuckle that Dj placed his post in the wrong part of the thread ... then they raise their eyebrows with confusion at the self-referentiality of it all ... they quickly go back to LADY BOOB staring.

Suddenly a BIG RED BUTTON THING starts flashing and whining alerting MZ to the prescence of "Dj Part 6: Dj Lives" lurking around outside, trampling MZ's glorious AZAILIAS OF TERROR ... a mistake only a lesser being could ever make, muahahaaaa!

The AZAILIAS OF HORROR suddenly burst into life, FANGS come forth and sink into the charred feet of Dj, ripping through his couch potato "I've Got A F*cking Massive TV" slippers with ease. Dj squeals in frustration - they cost him dearly.

Meanwhile back inside the super-duper-proper-funky lair of MZ, the MEGAPENIS brigade sit and laugh at Dj as he struggles from the clutches of the AZAILIAS OF DOOM ... Dj staggers back, shakes his fist at MZ's so-f*cking-awesome lair and retreats back to the charred and bloody remains of Battle Ground Zero to no doubt hatch his next dastardly plan...

13-Jul-2006, 11:18 AM
Dj squeals in frustration - they cost him dearly.

LOL....oh my.....there goes another keyboard ruined via coffee spew!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

13-Jul-2006, 11:35 AM
After a few days recovery Dj evaluates the situation. Suddenly a stranger comes calling, a beautiful woman from the MEGABOOBS team has showed and decided to join forces with the Master of Funks team of Doom. She has an envelope of Photos that tells the secrets of the MEGAPENIS team which is all truth there is nothing MEGA about it. It seems the team has come up SHORT in many areas and this proves that Minion "Abbott Hayes" Zombie has left his self wide open for invasion.

Dj's new team B.A.M. (Brethern against Minion) are set to strike his super cool layer. As the team assembles outside they bring the secret weapon into position. Dj casually stolls up to front entrance of MZ's lair and stands upon the welcome mat, then proceeds to ring the door bell. He suddenly jumps away from the mat as it has sprung to life and tried to eat his testicles. The mat eats testicles because it is how MEGAPENIS gets its power, since there is no real MEGAPENIS they have to rely on balls to gather the courage to fight again.

A creepy looking Minion bot answers the door, and Dj hands it a gift basket of Beer and Hoglumps which the bot gracefully accepts. Dj walks away and the bot takes the goody basket to its master. The master receives his basket and begins to dine on lumps and beer then suddenly realizes it is Urine and Animal crackers. Suddenly, Master Minion roots through the basket and he finds a smiling middle finger picture of Dj at the bottom with a note that says "Waiting for you, MWAH! Love Dj"

Minion "Abbott Hayes" Zombie suddenly becomes enraged. His words of anger fill his great lair and his team begins to cringe from his anger. Suddenly he instructs them to stand tall at the wall. As MZ and his PENIS team assemble he gives a speech to his troops.

"Men, I have given a name to my pain and it stands out there in that field awaiting our attack. We have fought long and HARD:lol: against this enemy, yet he keeps coming back... Why you ask? Because we have only been toying with him ... NOW WE WILL END IT... HERE... TONIGHT!

MZ's team cheers loudly and they stand tall across the wall when suddenly Minion yells out... SPERM BOMB! Each team member unzips themselves and begins to get the sperm bomb ready for deployment, MZ gives his countdown.

READY.... The Mini Bombs arm themselves.... AIM... they have pointed themselves in DJ's direction.... DJ stands there with the same smile and middle finger Minion seen in the picture, and just as he is about to yell fire... DJ yells to his TEAM... NOW! You scallywags. At that moment a Giant picture of ROSANNE BARR naked appears and just as MZ yells fire the team goes limp. His members run and scream in horror they exit the lair and go to Dj and begin to bow down promising their undying loyalty to the cause of thwarting the evil Minion.

MZ now alone, and without viagra... Cowers in his corner. Dj, and his team of BAM storm in and take Minion into custody.

Moments later (Sterilization Center) Dj addresses the doctor. "Sir this arch criminal is too dangerous... you must remove the testies and phallus." The Doctor looks for a moment... "Yes I agree, it seems his powers are generated from a small brain within the tip and if we remove both their is no chance of him gaining his powers back."

Weeks later...

The eunach known as Minion Zombie sits in his cell and the womans correctional facility is Ithaca Ny. DJ enters the long hallway and is escorted to Minions Cell. He Knocks on the door and a high pitched voice comes from the background.... "Who Is it?"

the response... "an old friend"

Minion looks through the small glass lookout and sees it is DJ, he begins to sob and his mascara beings to run... Dj waves a tissue at him through the glass and Minion glady accepts. Dj then turns and walks away... with a smile knowing his arch enemy has been destoryed... for good!

THE END! I promise :D

13-Jul-2006, 05:23 PM
"BOLLOCKS, WAS I FINISHED" screams the manly and gruff voice of the REAL MZ - yes, that's right, using his impressive powers of "know-it-all-ism" he forsaw Dj's 'master' plan before it ever took place.

In preparation he fled - in an incredibly manly, "all balls", manner - to his super-even-more-secret lair beneath the original Omega-Great-Lair of MZ. From here he assembled his real MEGAPENIS and MEGABOOBS team, with the promise of a FREAKING MASSIVE ORGY after it was all over.

Little did Dj know, but MZ had trained a doppleganger army of MEGAPENIS and MEGABOOB alike, trained to do what Dj wanted without resisting. While the battle rages upon the towering mass that is MZ's totally freakin' awesome lair, the real team sits below in the super-freakin' secret double-amazing-with-fudge-sundaes-on-the-side lair, where they sip cocoa and eat cakes as they watch TV.

After the battle is over and apparently won by Dj, MZ uses his mind to view his own doppleganger getting his wanger whisked off and thrown in a Jail For Women Who Are Surpsingly Still Allowed To Wear Make Up Even Though They Are In Jail ...

MZ and his team then rise once the ashes have settled, they grimace at the freakin' massive Roseanne Barr polaroid left behind by Dj, that litter-bugging bastard. But the real team have been trained to see the beauty within any woman and promptly have a FREAKIN' HUGE ORGY as MZ sits and watches.

MZ then rings up Dj at his pad - Dj is astonished - how?! why?! HUH?! - MZ briefly explains and then offers him the chance to see a f*cking EPIC LIVE ORGY GOING ON RIGHT NOW. Dj leaps at the chance, he's always after the chance to see some skin flopping about, and hops on over with a sixer.

Sat in vibrating deck chairs before the PULSATING SEX FEST, MZ offers peace with Dj - they are both too amazingly powerful to combat with each other, besides, it's almost bedtime and he's too lazy to continue fighting lest he miss the SLIGHTLY SMALLER BUT TWICE AS COOL SUPER SECRET ORGY in his BED OF GREATNESS.

Dj ponders for a moment, flicking beads of orgy sex funk off his cape as he tries to think. MZ raises a F*CKING MASSIVE YET SEE THROUGH PARASOL to shield them from the AIRBORNE ORGY WATER.

MZ offers that perhaps in time, we can join forces to become so friggin' incredible and like really funking cool that perhaps one day we can overcome their mutual enemy ... the dastardly, bastardly bastard simply known as - "THE MAN".

Dj raises an approving eyebrow at the idea and likewise realises the battle between the two of them has come - occasionally literally - to a climax and is unable to continue and indeed - THE MAN - is a mutual enemy that has indeed been CRUISIN' FOR A BRUISIN' for quite some time.

Clinking man-beverages together, MZ and Dj sit behind the see-through parasol and observe the mass of sweaty flesh going, like, totally at it...to the future and to taking out THE MAN.

The sun sets over the combined sweaty and bobbing arse cheeks of MEGAPENIS and MEGABOOB, the flesh glistening with glory as two defiant, yet incredibly powerful sides CHILLAX...

The end.


Now I guess Adrenocrhome needs a new hobby. :lol:

13-Jul-2006, 05:57 PM
"BOLLOCKS, WAS I FINISHED" screams the manly and gruff voice of the REAL MZ - yes, that's right, using his impressive powers of "know-it-all-ism" he forsaw Dj's 'master' plan before it ever took place.

In preparation he fled - in an incredibly manly, "all balls", manner - to his super-even-more-secret lair beneath the original Omega-Great-Lair of MZ. From here he assembled his real MEGAPENIS and MEGABOOBS team, with the promise of a FREAKING MASSIVE ORGY after it was all over.

Little did Dj know, but MZ had trained a doppleganger army of MEGAPENIS and MEGABOOB alike, trained to do what Dj wanted without resisting. While the battle rages upon the towering mass that is MZ's totally freakin' awesome lair, the real team sits below in the super-freakin' secret double-amazing-with-fudge-sundaes-on-the-side lair, where they sip cocoa and eat cakes as they watch TV.

After the battle is over and apparently won by Dj, MZ uses his mind to view his own doppleganger getting his wanger whisked off and thrown in a Jail For Women Who Are Surpsingly Still Allowed To Wear Make Up Even Though They Are In Jail ...

MZ and his team then rise once the ashes have settled, they grimace at the freakin' massive Roseanne Barr polaroid left behind by Dj, that litter-bugging bastard. But the real team have been trained to see the beauty within any woman and promptly have a FREAKIN' HUGE ORGY as MZ sits and watches.

MZ then rings up Dj at his pad - Dj is astonished - how?! why?! HUH?! - MZ briefly explains and then offers him the chance to see a f*cking EPIC LIVE ORGY GOING ON RIGHT NOW. Dj leaps at the chance, he's always after the chance to see some skin flopping about, and hops on over with a sixer.

Sat in vibrating deck chairs before the PULSATING SEX FEST, MZ offers peace with Dj - they are both too amazingly powerful to combat with each other, besides, it's almost bedtime and he's too lazy to continue fighting lest he miss the SLIGHTLY SMALLER BUT TWICE AS COOL SUPER SECRET ORGY in his BED OF GREATNESS.

Dj ponders for a moment, flicking beads of orgy sex funk off his cape as he tries to think. MZ raises a F*CKING MASSIVE YET SEE THROUGH PARASOL to shield them from the AIRBORNE ORGY WATER.

MZ offers that perhaps in time, we can join forces to become so friggin' incredible and like really funking cool that perhaps one day we can overcome their mutual enemy ... the dastardly, bastardly bastard simply known as - "THE MAN".

Dj raises an approving eyebrow at the idea and likewise realises the battle between the two of them has come - occasionally literally - to a climax and is unable to continue and indeed - THE MAN - is a mutual enemy that has indeed been CRUISIN' FOR A BRUISIN' for quite some time.

Clinking man-beverages together, MZ and Dj sit behind the see-through parasol and observe the mass of sweaty flesh going, like, totally at it...to the future and to taking out THE MAN.

The sun sets over the combined sweaty and bobbing arse cheeks of MEGAPENIS and MEGABOOB, the flesh glistening with glory as two defiant, yet incredibly powerful sides CHILLAX...

The end.


Now I guess Adrenocrhome needs a new hobby. :lol:

LOL, I almost like the new ending aka alternate ending, but no one died. Where ever sex takes place someone has to die for good measure.

13-Jul-2006, 10:06 PM
In which case, several members of MEGAPENIS and MEGABOOB died of heat exhaustion, one of muscle difficulties after performing a rather bizarre move and thirty who were at the bottom of the pile after someone shouted "PILE ON!" and were crushed when everyone did. And 8 orgasm'd so hard their heads like, totally exploded.

Super-duper-sex-orgy death toll: 47

13-Jul-2006, 10:33 PM
In which case, several members of MEGAPENIS and MEGABOOB died of heat exhaustion, one of muscle difficulties after performing a rather bizarre move and thirty who were at the bottom of the pile after someone shouted "PILE ON!" and were crushed when everyone did. And 8 orgasm'd so hard their heads like, totally exploded.

Super-duper-sex-orgy death toll: 47

You guys are too funny. :lol:

13-Jul-2006, 10:52 PM
Now I guess Adrenocrhome needs a new hobby. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

oh wait......

:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

now me sad. Me go make poopy patty cakes........me so sad.....

13-Jul-2006, 11:48 PM
Oh man, that's funny. Thanks!

Crow T R0bot
20-Jul-2006, 02:23 AM
"But you're only proving theories that were advanced MONTHS ago!"-Sarah, Day of the Dead.

"Blah, blah, blah, 3 years."-Land of the Dead.

Plus, the zombies in "Day" aren't as smart as the ones in "Land" so that's gotta mean something.

20-Jul-2006, 05:31 AM
"But you're only proving theories that were advanced MONTHS ago!"-Sarah, Day of the Dead.
This doesnt mean they were only down there for months. They could have been there for 10 years, and the theories he was proving were advanced months ago.
"Blah, blah, blah, 3 years."-Land of the Dead.
Never a direct reference to the three years comments being about the beginning of the outbreak. It they were, why not simpply have someone say it? Instead of saying "no car has driven out of here in three years" say "no car has been driven out of here since the beginning of the outbreak, about three years now. Simple, doesnt ruin the movie or plot, and makes the point.
Plus, the zombies in "Day" aren't as smart as the ones in "Land" so that's gotta mean something.We dont see enough of the zombies in Day to make that assumption. Bub was only the smartest of the zombies that were dumb enough to get caught and put in the pen to begin with. The ones outside could have been geniuses for all we know.

20-Jul-2006, 10:00 AM
Never a direct reference to the three years comments being about the beginning of the outbreak.

You know as well as we do that that's exactly what it was.

20-Jul-2006, 10:20 AM
And as the Land trailer clearly shows, there is a simple progression - first it was Night, then night became Dawn and then dawn became Day ... NOW Land!

The trailer quite plainly and simply and obviously shows there is a clear linear progression across the movies.

Also, Romero HIMSELF has said on numerous occasions that Land is about how people are now ignoring the problem - all a part of the 'human race is rising from the ashes to reclaim their land from the zombies' story.

Also, the people in Day had a sh*tty radio that didn't work and they were stuck down in a whole, big whoop they went 100 miles in each direction, America is 3,000 miles across for cryin' out loud. Other compounds probably didn't have helicopters and they're not exactly going to broadcast their existence to a bajillion zombies in the slight off chance that one day a human might fly overhead or drive by and spot them.

GAR doesn't explain the actual working cogs of getting groups of survivors together, but it's not exactly hard to think up how it might be done yourself.

As this poll clearly states also, with the collective mindspan of (currently) 36 dead-heads that Land came AFTER Day.

Accept it you five. :lol:

20-Jul-2006, 04:05 PM
People should be glad that Romero never truly gave a distinct and actual timeline for the four films. He leaves so much unexplained dead space between each four films that it fed the imaginations of his fans. It's those deadspaces that's helped fansites such as this place to prosper. Where would zombie fan-fiction be if everything were so readily explained from the get-go.

20-Jul-2006, 04:35 PM
People should be glad that Romero never truly gave a distinct and actual timeline for the four films. He leaves so much unexplained dead space between each four films that it fed the imaginations of his fans. It's those deadspaces that's helped fansites such as this place to prosper. Where would zombie fan-fiction be if everything were so readily explained from the get-go.

Excellent, excellent point Tull. May be in fact the best point I have heard on the board thus far. :D

20-Jul-2006, 04:50 PM
People should be glad that Romero never truly gave a distinct and actual timeline for the four films. He leaves so much unexplained dead space between each four films that it fed the imaginations of his fans. It's those deadspaces that's helped fansites such as this place to prosper. Where would zombie fan-fiction be if everything were so readily explained from the get-go.

That's basically the way I see it. I also believe that's one of the things that make some people hate "Land". They had twenty-something years to imagine what the next film would be like and when they saw it wasn't exactly what they had imagined, they automatically turned it down.

As for the whole timeline thing........With the exception of the dead walking and "of the dead" in the titles, the movies aren't meant to be connected at all. People are just wasting their time with this pointless debate.....

20-Jul-2006, 07:10 PM
But even to those of you who think of the movies in that way (I personally think of them as all connected), Land still comes after Day. Even if you think of them as separate timelines, the events of Day would still come earlier in any timeline than the events of Land.

Because Day is the dark time, crunch time, whether mankind survives or not. Land is humankind rising from the ashes like the Phoenix and reclaiming what was once theirs, getting back on their feet and dealing with the problem together ... albeit in a consumeristic, ignorance is bliss kinda way.

San Jose Shark
18-Aug-2006, 05:50 AM
You people think wayyyyyy to much into this, Land comes after Day! it's that simple.

darth los
18-Aug-2006, 06:09 AM
You people think wayyyyyy to much into this, Land comes after Day! it's that simple.

I happen to think that land comes after day also.But this is a discussion board. We're here because we love these films and personally i think it's cool that other people feel the same. For years i thought i was wierd because i love GAR'S dead flicks. Now i see i'm not alone ( the love for the flicks , not the being wierd part) Without debates like this these forums would barely exist. Listening to philly swat, he makes a good case for the belief that land comes before day and he might be right. Every shred of evidence has been looked over with a fine tooth comb and to tell you the truth it could go either way. but on to a deeper level. These debates are a testament to the power of these films. As i said numerous times before the themes of these films are not the zombie menace. It's about the nature of man at what lies in his heart. The inability of man to cooperate even when faced with a grave situation trancends the films. That selfishness and shortsitedness depicts man's eternal struggle with himself. These issues will be around long after these films are dusty and forgotten about. And that certainly is worth debating.

18-Aug-2006, 06:30 AM
I think you're way off dude.

You're using hair styles and technology as your time guide and you can't because although the films have no real link to one another, they do through the zombies. With Land being the latest entry and being the most descriptive about the apocalypse. It is safe to assume the time line would be from their present day to 3 years prior. So if their present day is 2005, the epidemic started in 2002.

With Land being the biggest piece of evidence of a time period and with the description of the plague, it's effects etc etc. it would be safe to assume the dead rose sometime in the 21st century (2001-2002) Which make Night of the Living Dead start in 2001/2002.

Even though the films have been spread out over a 40 year time span, LAND describes the events the most accurately, especially with the radio reports at the beginning.

I know Romero has always said their is no specific time period to any of the films, it is just the same plague. However, LAND gives the most definitive time line @ 3 years so LAND could easily explain the plague as it happened in Night, DAWN, and Day.
you raise some good points. as far as a time line gos you have to imagine that all the films took place within a 5 year span and forget the fact they are spread out over 40 years.

03-Sep-2006, 06:30 AM
Would it of made people more happy if when they made "Land" they went out and found the oldest and junkiest cars they could of found and used them for the movie? So instead of "dead reconing" they could of drove around in Herbie the love bug instead lol

03-Sep-2006, 07:25 AM
:D can we stop talking about it after this? :p haha, i voted after day because i just think that makes sense. thats all i'm saying here, ok thnk you. buh bye.:D