View Full Version : Pretty Cold Over There?

07-Dec-2011, 01:21 AM

Words..fail me.

07-Dec-2011, 01:58 AM
This whole anthropogenic global warming bs is getting way out of hand. Al "manbearpig" Gore created the whole carbon credit scheme with none other than Ken Lay of Enron. To those not familiar with Ken Lay, he was the crook that engineered the fraudulent "power shortages" to California that brought in millions of ill gotten dollars. He destroyed Enron and was subsquently convicted of 10 counts of fraud. Good old manbearpig stood to make billions of dollars in his Chicago Climate Exhange but fortunately it collapsed and AGW is following suit.

07-Dec-2011, 11:27 AM
yeesh, learning about england from the sun?, thats like thinking all americans are like the folks behind fox news content. 'spin: the paper' is not a good source of valid information dude.

07-Dec-2011, 11:35 AM
Heh, I just thought it was a pretty funny story, but if there is any truth to it, the guy has issues, no matter what side this story comes from.

07-Dec-2011, 12:55 PM
yeesh, learning about england from the sun?, thats like thinking all americans are like the folks behind fox news content. 'spin: the paper' is not a good source of valid information dude.

I prefer Fox News any day of the week over the Clinton News Network (CNN) or Most Socialist News Broadcasting Corporation (MSNBC). With that said, there ISN'T a reliable American newspaper/"news" outlet that isn't completely political from either the right or the left side as far as a slant (Fox News on the right and MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC on the left).

Also, it's all about entertainment as opposed to giving real news. The days of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite and Eric Severeid and investigative journalism for "just the facts, ma'am" are unfortunately over. It's a sad state of affairs and most other Americans I know agree that when you want "real" news you have to turn to the BBC.


07-Dec-2011, 01:01 PM
I prefer Fox News any day of the week over the Clinton News Network (CNN) or Most Socialist News Broadcasting Corporation (MSNBC). With that said, there ISN'T a reliable American newspaper/"news" outlet that isn't completely political from either the right or the left side as far as a slant. Also, it's all about entertainment as opposed to giving real news. The days of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite and Eric Severeid and investigative journalism for "just the facts, ma'am" are unfortunately over. It's a sad state of affairs and most other Americans I know agree that when you want "real" news you have to turn to the BBC.


its just as bad over here. I remember in high school media class when they laid out all the big papers across a table and said 'heres the right wing ones, heres the left wing ones'. The naive idea that they didnt all just tell the unbias truth was kind of jaw dropping as an early teen. Fox and the sun both have the problem of hiring uneducated bordeline simpleton people for jobs they dont think 'matter'. Like the woman who reviews films for fox news but seems to have a lower than grade school education. That woman is a literal joke over here, used for comedy shows in the 'look how stupid those americans are, they dont understand art!' way that really is fox doing the american people no justice by having this literal dullard be all 'this film seemed to be a bit too mature, and therefore it posed dangerous ideas that i shouldnt have to think about, why didnt the goverment screen this before i saw it try to turn me to satan?' :rolleyes:

Of course most folks know she isnt a voice of american critique compared to the likes of ebert, but we get fox news on sky over here too and seriously, news bias aside, that channel has hosts like the sun has writers: people who can be outsmarted by the average mcdonalds clerk.

07-Dec-2011, 01:03 PM
I think truth lies somewhere in the middle myself. Take what you hear, take into account where it's from and what kind of slant they're trying to get and you have your answer.

I don't think there is such a thing as simple facts anymore. Everything is one side trying to get one over on the other. A less cynical mind would be sad over it all, but I've just come to accept it and move on.

edit: in response to danny..roger ebert can be more than a little bit of an elitist asshole. just sayin'. :)

07-Dec-2011, 01:07 PM
I think truth lies somewhere in the middle myself. Take what you hear, take into account where it's from and what kind of slant they're trying to get and you have your answer.

I don't think there is such a thing as simple facts anymore. Everything is one side trying to get one over on the other. A less cynical mind would be sad over it all, but I've just come to accept it and move on.

The best place to get the news nowadays is blogs and social media sites nowadays. Still you gotta sift through it, but riots in egypt? occupy wall street? go onto twitter on any weekday to get more information and links to detailed blogger posts about the events.
I just dont read papers or watch news for my news anymore. Its all twisted by opinion, its all designed to get you angry and stupid and its an outdated form of information delivery we really dont need anymore in an age where someone can instantly collect proof of an event and unpload it online without bias from any media giant owned bias driven tv machine.

08-Dec-2011, 04:47 AM
Faux News (with the exception of Andrew Napolitano) has the same lack of credibility as MSNBC and CNN. I mean come on, Faux News has Sean "waterboard for charity liar" Hannity, Bill "screaming child" O'Rielly, some blond bimbo that thinks police pepper spray is the same as tabasco sauce, and a hearty good riddance to Glenn "rodeo clown crocodile tears" Beck.

It is precisely because of the corporate controlled media continually insulting the intelligence of viewers that people are resorting more and more to independent internet based news outlets.

10-Dec-2011, 04:57 AM
I think truth lies somewhere in the middle myself.

this, a thousand times this. outside of mathematics, i'm not sure "truth" even really exists. that aside, in any debate/argument/point of view neither side is ever solely in possession of the "truth." things are never as sunny as the folks who claim "oh, everything will work out/be ok." and it is never as bad as the cries of the doomsayers.

i will admit that i become instantly dubious of any position that i feel falls into the category of doomsaying. if the purpose of your position is to inspire fear in people, then you should probably be shut up by force if necessary because folks that try to inspire fear/terror in large groups of people almost always have some seriously sinister motives and fall under the category of demagogue. fear is the worst possible mindset to make decisions in.

i'm also very dubious of anyone dismissive of possible negative consequences (sort of like real life equivalents of the mayors in disaster movies who insist everything is under control).

in almost all things, rationality and reason will be found in the middle ground of the dispute not out on the fringes.

10-Dec-2011, 08:10 AM
JDFP - you cant rely on the BBC for unbiased news either, they are very biased towards the labour party, especially when reporting domestic politics. It's quite obvious in their reporting at the moment that they aren't happy about the conservatives being in power, they're supposed to be impartial, especially as they are fully funded by the taxpayer, but its very thinly veiled.