View Full Version : Alan Wake's American Nightmare (video game)

11-Dec-2011, 03:59 PM
So we finally get a bit of a looksee at the new Alan Wake title:

The following trailer is the best you can currently find on YouTube, but the sound goes properly out of synch towards the end. A better version was up earlier today but it's no longer there it seems.



22-Feb-2012, 10:07 AM
Alan Wake's American Nightmare is out for XBLA now, and it's been getting good reviews:



22-Feb-2012, 02:28 PM
I'll be downloading it today when I get home from work. Can't go wrong with more Alan Wake. :D

22-Feb-2012, 05:50 PM
I'll be downloading it today when I get home from work. Can't go wrong with more Alan Wake. :D

Let us know your thoughts on it once you've given it a play, dude. :)

22-Feb-2012, 06:23 PM
Let us know your thoughts on it once you've given it a play, dude. :)

Will do. Might take a few days before I can post a review, but it's already in my queue to download when I get home. Can't wait! Kinda wish it was Alan Wake 2 and not an add-on (even though it's being said that this is more of a stand-alone game than an add-on) but I'll take whatever I can get. :D

Either way, roll on Alan Wake at 5:30pm! :hyper:

***edited to add: Well, I didn't get a lot of time to play it last night, but I can tell you one thing: American Nightmare is more on the action and less on the story. There's a whole lot going on in this one, and I didn't even get that much time to play it.

more after I get some good sit-down time with the game. So far, though, I don't think you'll be disappointed at all if you liked the original AW. ;)

12-Apr-2012, 02:11 AM
So i got this today and played it going in to expect like a 60 minute long 'episode' like the dlc and jesus christ... i spent 9 hours beating it!
Granted i explored every nook and cranny for all the manuscripts and easter eggs, but still thats a long ass minigame.

I have yet to touch the arcade section but it is a far more action heavy game, but thats clearly what they are going for being inspired by movies this time and not novels. A lot more live action work too which i loved. My only real complaint is the score is bland and barely existent, even the latest cameo song from the poets of the fall was generic buttrock. On the whole a bit shit compared to the incredible score of the first game and the dlcs.
Design wise its far easier in some respects, you dont get those 'turn down an alley and suddenly get gang raped by 15 fast taken at once that one shot you' anymore. but you have 3 bars of health that dont refill completely unless you find a safe haven of light that now burn out when you reach it.
It lighting and shadows are far more effective and some of the new taken- like one that turns into a flock of birds when illuminated, or the ones that split into up to 6 turning 3 taken to 18 are a nice challenge at times. However finding manuscripts unlocks weapon cases so by the end i had an assault rifle, flare with ten shots, full flares and flashbangs and a sawn of shotgun with crazy range so the finale was a joke. The live action ending however was great.

On the whole its a little more shallow than the game, but better than the 2 dlc episodes and if you dug the game you need this sequel, because it is just that. a sequel, maybe a straight to dvd one for a movie in terms of vibe and quality. but a worthy continuation of the franchise.

12-Apr-2012, 09:58 AM
I'd certainly like to play it, that's for sure ... and while I can't comment on the score (having not played the game), I do dig "The Happy Song" by Poets of the Fall (although it was a different type of song to what I was expecting from them).

08-May-2012, 07:55 PM
out for pc on the 22nd. a must have for an alan wake or remedy fan.

09-May-2012, 10:09 AM
out for pc on the 22nd. a must have for an alan wake or remedy fan.

On disc, or purely via Steam?

I must give my new Win7 rig a go with a game sometime (I did put a graphics card in it afterall), as I just haven't got around to that yet, however I did try TWD Episode One on it and it just gave me an error saying some DLL was missing - yet I installed it on an XP machine and it worked perfectly. :confused:

Anyway, on disc - yes - but if it's purely as a download, then no. Our connection, while it is broadband, is like a grade D- or even E nationally, so I ain't hanging around for hours and hours on end. The broadband network just isn't up to snuff for many people (me included) for downloading games to be a real possibility.

I'd definitely like to play the game though.

10-May-2012, 12:05 PM
Finally bought "Alan Wake" (PC) as it was half price on Steam.

It's the first game I can't run on max settings!!??!!? I have to run one off max to keep my 60fps!

Anyway, only a couple of mins in and looking forward to it!

10-May-2012, 04:24 PM
Finally bought "Alan Wake" (PC) as it was half price on Steam.

It's the first game I can't run on max settings!!??!!? I have to run one off max to keep my 60fps!

Anyway, only a couple of mins in and looking forward to it!

I'm a big fan of the game (as is Danny) - excellent atmosphere in the game, classic Remedy feel ... love it.

Also read that American Nightmare will be getting released on physical media for PC by the same company who distributed Alan Wake PC on physical media - so that's good news too.

28-Oct-2012, 10:13 AM
this is currently on sale on the XBLA shocktober deal, and is only 600 ms points, or roughly $7.50. went ahead and purchased it, figured what the heck. should stay at this price for the remainder of october for those interested.