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View Full Version : A very merry christmas to all of you undead-lovers!

23-Dec-2011, 06:36 PM


23-Dec-2011, 06:59 PM
Indeed - Merry Christmas/Xmas/whatever-you're-into to one and all of HPOTD. :cool:

Rancid Carcass
24-Dec-2011, 12:02 PM


24-Dec-2011, 12:06 PM
It seems that I've been coming round here less and less (more the pity ) this year, but Neil and the usual gang of HPOTD regulars ( as well as the assorted Newbies ) have been a major part of my life for more than a decade.

The Zombie crew has always made Dead important to the word Dedication(in an strangely cool way )so in keeping with the season I wish you all Good Times, Future Prosperity and Peace in the year(s) to come.

Wayne Z

“And this is the point where we revisit my past, show me the error of my ways? “ I half teased, sparing a glance toward my love, still in peaceful slumber. My doppelganger chortled with Christmas sarcasm as we went into the hallway.

“Wrong again, my adorable but thick headed twin. I just thought we could talk better out here. Our poor Prof needs his sleep after the grief you put him through. “ she scolded as we went downstairs and into the kitchen. I rustled about in the cupboards for some cocoa, amused by Karen’s soft refusal of a cup.

“In any case, the past is past, and besides all that, his life is no longer yours. “

Kolchak, The Nylon Stalker. Yule Tide Me Over; A Stalking Stuffer
(a very strange fanfic of mine, from 2009 )

24-Dec-2011, 07:15 PM
Yeh! Merry Christmas you bunch of freaks :)

25-Dec-2011, 03:22 PM
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that, guys!

My best wishes to you and yours this holiday season :)