View Full Version : Marines urinating on Taliban corpses

12-Jan-2012, 09:15 PM

OK, so these Marines have been tracked down and will be severely dealt with no doubt...

It's confusing though isn't it. Here are individuals, trained to be killers. To follow orders and go out and shoot and blow up 'the enemy'. They have to demonise their foes and then kill them anyway they have to. But once achieved, they then need to somehow immediately flick a switch and turn back into lovely gentlemen to ensure they are fully PC?

I understand what they did was wrong. But to put it into context, these guys aren't working in an office, they going out killing people and risking their lives on a daily basis. Is it so hard to understand the lines between right and wrong can get fuzzy at times under such conditions and stress?

And seems a bit odd, us sitting here safetly eating a nice dinner while watching the Simpsons, get to judge them?!

Thoughts people?

12-Jan-2012, 09:25 PM
One can only imagine the "outrage" if the shoe was on the other foot, though.

I'm sure Marines have got up to MUCH worse than this.

Tricia Martin
12-Jan-2012, 10:48 PM
I live in a military town...primarily Navy, but we also have the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines. (Norfolk, VA)- I say it depends on the person. I know Marines who would say they'd never do such a thing under any circumstances, and also know Marines who have no problems doing things like this and much worse (torture). I don't judge anyone until I've been in their situation. I think it would be conceited to do so. Who am I to say I am better than another person or what is right or wrong for them to do? But yes- I seriously think it all depends on the mindset of the individual(s) involved. I don't think torture is cool at all- but as far as urinating on corpses? In my opinion...dead is dead. I know it is thought of as massively disrespectful. But of who? The only people it hurts are the living. The dead aren't really capable of caring anymore. I, personally, would not pee on anyone..dead or alive...hahaa! I prefer the toilet. BUT I may pee on someone who was trying to kill me...hahaa!

12-Jan-2012, 11:33 PM
Breaking news! War is terrible!

Tricia Martin
13-Jan-2012, 12:06 AM
Hahaa! HearHear, EvilNed!

11-Feb-2012, 02:05 PM
They cut our guys' heads off, drag them through the streets, cut off their genitals..hm..we..pee on their corpses..they're lucky we aren't pulling tricks like Pershing in the Phillippine War..

In other news, abortion tickles! Film at 11.

11-Feb-2012, 02:52 PM
Surprised the new post in this thread this morning wasn't about this (http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/02/10/10377899-defense-secretary-panetta-orders-new-look-into-marines-flag-bearing-nazi-ss-logo).


Oh, dear...

11-Feb-2012, 03:16 PM
To follow orders and go out and shoot and blow up 'the enemy'. They have to demonise their foes and then kill them anyway they have to. But once achieved, they then need to somehow immediately flick a switch and turn back into lovely gentlemen to ensure they are fully PC?

According to all the soldier interviews i've read the answer is no. you can't go 'oh well, wars over, by the way, the 'enemy' was guys with familys and children and they thought you were the bads guys who must be defeated as much as you thought they were to us. just fyi, have a nice life of PTSD'. It's war, not chivalrous combat. The soldiers need to distance themselves. not saying what they did was okay, but to someone in their mindset? with their experiences? its just so much just piss in the wind, no pun intended.

11-Feb-2012, 06:46 PM
As for the SS flag..dumb..it's not like it just happened either, it'd been their colors for a while..but you can't not know what it looks like.

However, maybe people need to accept the fact that sometimes people don't care. I was either fortunate or unfortunate to not be able to serve based on a prior knee injury. Did I want to kill people? Not really. But I felt it was a duty that neither my grandfather or father shirked.

Having said that, there were plenty of armed forces and special forces in Vietnam that would take pictures with the decapitated heads of NVA and VG irregulars. Shit happens in war. On both sides. Some people go crazy a while and come home fine. Some don't even see combat and come back changed and batshit insane. It's a fucked up prospect to willingly go to another country and kill people for your country and then be expected to be politically correct to everyone everywhere all the time.

Christopher Jon
11-Feb-2012, 07:15 PM
Can't we just go back to the days when war was fun? What ever happened to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women?

11-Feb-2012, 08:05 PM
Can't we just go back to the days when war was fun? What ever happened to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women?

Winter was coming.

11-Feb-2012, 08:07 PM
That's nothing compared to what gets done to our soldiers bodies at times. Sure, it's dumb to do that, but shit happens. I'd say let them rot in the sun, preferably not facing Mecca.
And I've heard the koran makes great toilet paper...

12-Feb-2012, 01:09 AM
Surprised the new post in this thread this morning wasn't about this (http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/02/10/10377899-defense-secretary-panetta-orders-new-look-into-marines-flag-bearing-nazi-ss-logo).


Oh, dear...

So funny.

Best of all was the excuse given out by the regiment...

"We thought is stood for Sinper Scouts"

Ha ha...for fuck sake.


-- -------- Post added at 02:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 AM ----------

Can't we just go back to the days when war was fun? What ever happened to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women?

Hmmmm...That's going back a LONG time.

12-Feb-2012, 02:08 AM
Hmmmm...That's going back a LONG time.

Had to be between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Aryas. Man, I hear those were days of high adventure.

12-Feb-2012, 02:42 AM
Just remember that many of these soldiers are coming back to the U.S. and not receiving ANY PTSD or mental health treatment (numerous become law enforcement) right into society where they still think they are on combat patrols against insurgents.

Here are only a very FEW recent examples of what happens when nothing is done to help them:

New murder charges filed against homeless killings suspect (http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-oc-homeless-murders,0,2880493.story)

SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) – A former Marine already accused of killing four homeless men was charged Monday with two new counts of murder in the stabbing deaths of his high school friend's mother and older brother.

Former Marine denies murdering five women, one from Palm Springs (http://www.mydesert.com/article/20120131/NEWS0802/201310306/Former-Marine-denies-murdering-five-women-one-from-Palm-Springs)

SANTA ANA — A former Marine convicted of killing three women in Illinois pleaded not guilty to murdering five more in California, including someone in Palm Springs.

Former Marine Convicted of Murder in Hollywood Crash (http://hollywood.patch.com/articles/former-marine-convicted-of-murder-other-charges-in-deadly-crash)

Defense attorney John Lee said his client suffered post-traumatic stress disorder stemming from his military service, including a stint in which he was commended by the Marine Corps for guarding Taliban and al-Qaida prisoners.

Bond set at $1M for ex-Marine charged in wife's death (http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20111201/ARTICLES/111209996)

William Waters, a combat veteran, has a history of bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol dependence, David said.

Lakewood officer says PTSD caused crash (http://mynorthwest.com/?nid=11&sid=517709)

He said he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and that he believes he was having a delusion the night he crashed his patrol car.

More veterans are using PTSD as defense in criminal cases (http://articles.latimes.com/2011/sep/14/nation/la-na-ptsd-20110915)

As awareness of post-traumatic stress disorder grows, veterans' lawyers are finding juries sympathetic. But the case of Joshua Stepp, who killed his infant stepdaughter, is testing how far that defense can go.

PTSD: How the U.S. Army Failed Veteran Courtney Lockhart (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2010/11/10/courtney-lockhart-murder-case-and-the-armys-terrible-ptsd-treatment-record.html)

When Courtney Lockhart returned from Iraq, he was a broken, changed man and then he murdered a college freshman. David Philipps says the U.S. Army failed to help him with his PTSD—and there are many more soldiers like him.

As for the people making excuses for the marines using the SS symbols, why don't they ask a veteran that fought against the Nazis or a Jew who lost family members in WW2 if they think it is funny and acceptible.