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View Full Version : Okay, this is bugging the crap out of me.

24-Jan-2012, 08:48 PM
Remember the last season of LOST?
They travel through time at the start and locke shoots someone in a boat thats following the boat he is in. just before they travel in time again.

Who was it?

I know its a plot hole, abrams said they couldnt make it work and would reveal it after the finale. but did they?

anyone know this? google aint giving me shit all.

24-Jan-2012, 09:03 PM
Remember the last season of LOST?



24-Jan-2012, 09:39 PM
well now we have our faux witticism from the resident tsundere commie out of the way we can check that off the 'stop liking what i dont like' list. never change ned. :lol:

25-Jan-2012, 09:51 AM
I'd have to go back and watch that whole part again as I've not watched the show since the finale - I'm waiting a while before I head back and do the whole series again.

So I can't personally be of help, but I don't recall that particular moment you speak of, but then again that's not surprising ... things have a habit of falling out of my brain. :p