View Full Version : I Am Alive (video game)

25-Jan-2012, 10:49 AM
The game takes place in the fictional American city of Haventon, one year after the Event, a worldwide cataclysmic event that wiped out most of the human civilization and left the world in ruins and barely inhabitable, with the ground now covered by a toxic cloud of dust and ash. I Am Alive focuses on facing the permanent insecurity of a now decaying and hazardous world, and humanity's darkest inclinations.

Release date is set as March...



No PC version available :(

25-Jan-2012, 01:43 PM
Looks cool, at fist glance. I'll be interested in seeing what some of the people around here more in the know when it comes to devs and gaming companies have to say.

25-Jan-2012, 05:21 PM
I lost all interest when it went from a retail realistic survival disaster game- a variant of survival horror thats popular in japan thats never truly broken out over here- and came close to going arse up so they hastily rejiggered it into a grimdark live arcade game.


One day the disaster series will come out in english, if cabellas starting trying to corner that market its gotta be time...

26-Jan-2012, 11:15 AM
Yeah, I was super interested in this game when it was announced years ago, but I'm a bit iffy about that trailer. I'll be waiting for reviews.

06-Mar-2012, 06:25 PM
First review i read. Sounds promising: 'it can be very bleak.' I'm there.


06-Mar-2012, 06:30 PM
First review i read. Sounds promising: 'it can be very bleak.' I'm there.


Saw a review on IGN - they gave it 4.5/10 - pretty much hated it. According to them, bad controls, bad story, dated graphics, dodgy gameplay. :|


06-Mar-2012, 06:49 PM
Yeah. Just saw that one as well. Hmmm. Reviews are all over the place. Kotaku seemed to like it as well though ...


12-Mar-2012, 06:01 PM
Kotaku seemed to like it as well though ...

People still trust kotaku? okay....

Seriously though i've tried it and its worse than AMY. nothing like the original build and barely part of the survival disaster genre. it reeks of a canned game hastily repackaged into an arcade title to try and recoup some losses, quality be damned. just like hydrophobia. pass this one.

12-Mar-2012, 08:05 PM
Damn. I need a classic horror fix ...
silent hill downpour, this, ........

Perhaps pick up Silent Hill HD (2 & 3) ...