View Full Version : Could this be the best Doctor Who episode ever?

29-Jun-2006, 08:23 AM
I'm not gonna say anything, just take a look.

29-Jun-2006, 09:45 AM
Awww yeah I'm looking forward to that episode, should be a good one. Overall I think this series has been good, the new doctor is my favourite of the two new ones, I wonder how Rose will leave the series (she said it was NOT a death ending...so hmmm). Anyway, more Cybermen! Should be a wicked episode...rock on.

29-Jun-2006, 12:10 PM
Haven't seen much of this season... but based on what I have, I'm not that impressed. I watched the last season religiously but have been busy these past few months and so haven't been watching it was much as I would have liked. Think I've seen about 3 full episodes - including the last one which was very poor.

I'm thinking Rose will either get turned in to a cyberman (cyberwomen doesn't really have the same ring) or get dragged into the Gef (not sure how it's spelt) dimension.

29-Jun-2006, 02:01 PM
I think the greatest face-off will happen: Daleks VS Cybermen

29-Jun-2006, 02:14 PM
woot. cybermen!!!!

29-Jun-2006, 02:23 PM
Woohoo!! Comfirmation!!!

"Earth celebrates as the ghost of deceased loved ones return. However the celebrations end when the Cybermen find a way to bridge the gap between each universe. And as if things weren't bad enough by now the Daleks have survived and intend to invade. Earth is plunged into war on three fronts, as all three sides fight for control of Earth"

29-Jun-2006, 05:32 PM
I still think Season 1 was better than Season 2 so far but I'm just happy to have the Doctor back on the air (and so are my kids). :D

29-Jun-2006, 06:48 PM
this looks great

thanks for the link

01-Jul-2006, 03:11 PM
damn gelf vs cybermen vs darlek, looks reet good:D . i heard she was doing something near the start fo season three and i doubt shed be turned nito a cyberman, mor elikey kidnapped by the darleks and this leads to a new story ark ect.:)

01-Jul-2006, 03:18 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the gelf won't be making an appearance...

01-Jul-2006, 03:24 PM
damn those lying bastards on bbc 1:lol:

...okay...who thinks NEXT weeks episode will be the best ever?:D

01-Jul-2006, 10:17 PM
damn im currently in spain on my hols in benidorm i set dvd to record and sky plus
not gonna see it till tuesday when i get back to uk
man daleks and cybermen in the same episode never been done before or has it ? i cant remember a episode with them both in it

any way bring back the doctors worst enemy


AND GIVE THE ROLE TO christopher ecclestone

01-Jul-2006, 10:22 PM
you havent missed mutch the finale' looks better this weeks was really more of a set up episode for next weeks.

as for the master i thought anthony heads character (giles) was gonna turn out to be the master, they gotta bring him back he was an evil time lord for christs sake!:elol:

02-Jul-2006, 07:19 AM
I've actually stopped watching Dr Who...

Eccleston, and the episodes of season one, were generally fantastic. But the first half-dozen episodes I saw of Tennant's all came across as rather average to me - with the exception of "The Girl In The Fireplace"...

03-Jul-2006, 03:10 AM
the master rules

god i wish roger delgado hadnt died
so that they could have done the final master story
that was written so long ago
where the master was destroyed
in an enormous cosmic explosion

it was supposed to be a real
powerful story

then poor roger died...