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View Full Version : Iron Sky (film) - The battle for Earth is gonna get Nazi!

27-Jan-2012, 11:23 AM

27-Jan-2012, 02:30 PM
I've been waiting for this film. I assume it's going to be overdone, a rip on previously trod territory and perhaps even a bit hipster doofus in its approach, but possibly enjoyable all the same.

16-Feb-2012, 11:27 AM

A Finnish sci-fi comedy about Nazis invading Earth has become the most talked-about movie at this year's Berlin Film Festival.

Iron Sky is a B-movie spoof that has been screening at the festival's sidebar event, called Panorama.

The plot revolves around a group of Nazis who escape to the moon at the end of World War II to plan a new assault.

Interest in the film has raised eyebrows at the Berlin film gala, which is more used to heavyweight fare.

20-Feb-2012, 04:06 AM
i know i say this a lot, in fact, in my last post but this:

The plot revolves around a group of Nazis who escape to the moon at the end of World War II to plan a new assault.

is now officially the craziest gor'am movie idea i've ever heard of. count me the f*ck in on this one.

28-May-2012, 03:13 PM
So, anyone seen this yet?

29-May-2012, 12:18 PM
So, anyone seen this yet?

Got this and Exit Humanity to watch later ;)


Just watched Iron Sky and for a movie that cost £6m to make, the production design and cgi are outstanding. Having said that, the movie itself is terrible. Great idea executed badly. Very badly imho. I can see what they were going for but it just doesn't come off. Lots of popular culture references and jokes but they fall flat. The director has clearly got the actors to ham it up but the script, dialogue and acting just don't come together very well. Its one big cheesy mess. Some may enjoy it but not for me I'm afraid.

Oh well. Onto Exit Humanity.