View Full Version : Undead or Alive...

31-Jan-2012, 07:06 AM
So, I thought I was pretty much over the whole zombie thing. Honestly. Gave up buying zombie movies after LAND...and really, couldn't even tell you the last time I had cracked open a zed flick and a beer and made a night of it.

And then, it happens. It always does. I'm hanging out at my girlfriend's place while she's at work. She lives out of town and going home and coming back is more of a pain in the ass than it's worth. So, I go wandering around. I hit a local gas station that happens to sell previewed movies and come across 9 for $4. Great deal, been trying to find a copy of that forever. But, then I see Undead or Alive...

You know what? It's been ages since I've seen a zombie movie. And hell, it's a cowboy zombie movie. I like cowboys. I like zombies. WTF? And, it's got Chris Kattan? (Fuck yes I wanna buy some cookies, you cheeky little prick) and Navi Rawat (Excuse me while I crank a quick one out just thinking about her)... Probably gonna be a dark comedy. Cool. I like dark comedies, too.

Yeah. Wrong.

What a piece of dogshit.

When you first join this site some of the questions they ask are: Favourite Z flick and Worst Z flick. In those days, I responded flippantly; "They make bad zombie movies?" Um, turns out... Yes, yes they fucking do.

And this is the movie that brings me back into the zombie fold?!?! Sigh.

Some Spoilers... Navi doesn't show her tits. Headshots don't kill the zombies. Chris Kattan was funnier in Night at the Roxbury and, if you waste the $7 on this piece of crap that I did, you should probably just buy a recoiless hammer and proceed to whack yourself in the balls instead. It has to be more entertaining.

Alas...if nothing else, it made me want to watch a good zombie movie again. ;)

Christopher Jon
31-Jan-2012, 12:17 PM
Navi doesn't show her tits
We're already off to a bad start.

Chris Kattan was funnier in Night at the Roxbury
That was a comedy?

if you waste the $7 on this piece of crap that I did, you should probably just buy a recoiless hammer and proceed to whack yourself in the balls instead
I'm kinda fond of my balls they way they are.

I'm gonna take one for the team and watch this little gem called Undead of Alive.

*45 minutes later...

Romero purists are going to hate it.

It's a comedy that's not funny.

If you can handle a bad movie without throwing a fit... nevermind. Find something else to watch.

31-Jan-2012, 01:37 PM
What a piece of dogshit.


I knew it wouldn't be a good film and probably horrible, but I hoped maybe my low expectations would help me appreciate it more...nope.

Time to look for some of the old standbys. Are you pro TWD, anti or not given it a look yet?

31-Jan-2012, 03:02 PM
Are you pro TWD, anti or not given it a look yet?

Haven't really given it a look. Tbh, I really don't have the time to dedicate to a television program. (Or to sit through an entire season on DVD)

31-Jan-2012, 09:07 PM
Hell I'm so jaded on new zed films that I refuse to blind watch any. Maybe we should develop a HPOTD seal of approval which is only awarded to quality films.

Christopher Jon
31-Jan-2012, 10:55 PM
The sad thing is it had a budget.

There are a lot no budget z films that could have put that money to better use.