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04-Feb-2012, 11:15 AM
They're starting building sets next week as well


04-Feb-2012, 05:06 PM
Wow, are we never going to get
The relatively early winter scenes from the comics? :(

Oh, well, will quite possibly work better timeline-wise, anyway.

04-Feb-2012, 05:35 PM
Wow, are we never going to get
The relatively early winter scenes from the comics? :(

Is that considered a spoiler? :confused:

Those parts of the comics never made much sense for Georgia, anyway. It's pretty rare here. Apparently Kirkman had never visited the state before he set the comic here. :lol:

04-Feb-2012, 05:56 PM
Is that considered a spoiler? :confused:

Those parts of the comics never made much sense for Georgia, anyway. It's pretty rare here. Apparently Kirkman had never visited the state before he set the comic here. :lol:

I always wondered if that indicated use of nuclear weapons in some parts of the world after the group was cutoff from telecommunications and resulting slight drop in temps during the winter due to crap in the atmosphere. Almost made a thread to ask about it a couple months ago, but figured nobody'd go for it as a possibility.

Never took it as a definite, but always wondered at the possibility.


05-Feb-2012, 06:04 AM
Nuclear winter-based effects being caused across the intervening Atlantic Ocean by a European/Asian nation launching/detonating nuclear weapons would be indicative of a MASSIVE armaments discharge. Pakistan and India (for example) exchanging 2-6 nukes each simply couldn't cause perceptibly different/more severe winters in say, North America. At least no IMHO, and for the following reasons:

A) Not enough particulate matter heaved into the upper atmosphere to reflect a significant % of the Sun's rays back into space. (DISCLAIMER: UNLESS humanity had the phenomenally bad (and incredibly improbable) bad luck for one of those 4-12 hypothetical nuclear missiles to be a ground or near-ground detonation (NOT standard) on a VERY SENSITIVE geologic fault or high-energy buildup of subterranean volcanic activity. In that (again, VERY unlikely) event, the energy released by the nukes might touch off an earthquake/series of earthquakes or weaken the rock above a pressurized magma pocket enough for what amounts to a new (or very old) volcano spewing enough sulfur dioxide and particulate matter skyward to trigger the cascade of events leading to "Nuclear winter." The most contemporary event of that kind would have been the Sumatran eruption responsible for killer tidal waves when a large portion of the volcano fell into the sea, and the eruption itself caused the famous "Year Without A Summer" a bit over half a century ago.

B) The individual yields of each of these hypothetical nukes, of which a small number (relatively and hypothetically speaking) that are being detonated are enormous. Lot of difference between a briefcase nuke made of the absolute minimum weight of weapons-grade enriched uranium required to achieve a fissile reaction/detonation, and the absurdly unthinkably powerful/destructive hydrogen bombs made by the U.S and U.S.S.R during the Cold War. Now a dozen of THOSE could easily cause Nuclear Winter. Probably not for the incredibly long period that a full-scale, height-of-the-Cold War nuclear exchange would, but certainly for 3-5 years, with perhaps another 3-5 years of lessening impact as the climate & local weather begin to normalize. Of course I really can't conceive of a circumstance related to a zombie apocalypse that results in "merely" 4-12 of these top-of-the-heap nukes being detonated.

After all, if this or that government were trying to incinerate one or more major cities to eliminate a massive infestation of zombies within the now-dead metropolitan area and its suburbs, there are conventional types of ordinance that could accomplish the same purpose. Maybe not with a single detonation like a nuke could, but 5-6 of the most powerful Thermobaric Devices (for example) could outright incinerate everything outdoors, and cause anything organic to combust unless its down in a bunker or something. All without that nasty Global Fallout Aftertaste. ;)