View Full Version : Jet Set Radio XBLA/PSN

23-Feb-2012, 11:33 PM

Just hearing that music brings back waves of nostalgia. Hopefully Shenmue is next!

10-Aug-2012, 11:04 PM
Release dates:

- PlayStation Plus: September 11
- PlayStation Network: September 18
- Xbox LIVE Arcade and PC: September 19
- PlayStation Vita: October 16

$10/£6.49 on XBLA/PSN

$10/£5.99 on Steam


Besides for "Sleeping Dogs", this should do a good job of finally giving me something to play this summer. Get hyped duders!

10-Aug-2012, 11:56 PM
I'll be grabbing some of this myself, to get over the complete piss turd that was Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD. If they follow this up with JSRF HD, I'll throw down the buckage on the spot.

11-Aug-2012, 07:24 AM
about damn time.

also come on cap, tonys games have been lame for years, thats like betting on duke :lol:

11-Aug-2012, 03:16 PM
also come on cap, tonys games have been lame for years, thats like betting on duke :lol:
Well, I loved every game from THPS1-THAW. The last two by Neversoft (THP8 and THPG) started to scrape the barrel a bit and I never even played the two by Robomodo that used the board peripheral. But when they announced THPS HD, it excited me because a. it was a no brainer and b. I figured there's no way in hell they could fuck it up. They did though and I have learned my lesson. The franchise is dead to me unless Neversoft return as developer.

But hey, Jet Set Radio is out next month. And in HD. Shenmue 1 and 2 are also in the bag and will be released once SEGA figure out the best way to put them out. I will be spanking my dick all over those sumbitches like George Michael in a public toilet!