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View Full Version : Contains Spoilers! The Governor casting news

24-Feb-2012, 09:58 PM

24-Feb-2012, 11:05 PM
oh f*ck yes.... I've seen David Morrissey play a bad guy before and OMG, he can do it well....

still think Tom Savini should do it but, next best thing!

25-Feb-2012, 01:25 AM
I've got no problem with the actor, but this is a HUGE spoiler. Now everyone knows whats coming next season. And it's a plotline that's coming much too soon, imo.

Way to go AMC......

25-Feb-2012, 01:39 AM
too soon? Well, hasn't there already been a bigger spoiler released? (thanks io9 you jerks!)

Can't reveal here (because i have no idea how to do spoiler thing) but i'm sure it's well known by now...

25-Feb-2012, 07:12 AM
I've got no problem with the actor, but this is a HUGE spoiler. Now everyone knows whats coming next season. And it's a plotline that's coming much too soon, imo.

Way to go AMC......

Well, it's a kind of a spoiler to people who have read the comics. But since they are changing things around so much on this show who knows how, when and where we will meet this character? I mean, if you read the comics the fact that at one point the governor would feature in the series isn't that huge a spoiler. Well, not to me at least. People aren't as squeamish when Michone gets mentioned but drop the g******* name and....
Now, if you haven't read the comics: god knows who this governor is then. Again; not that much of a spoiler.

25-Feb-2012, 09:29 AM
Another Brit?
Cor blimey guvnor :-)

25-Feb-2012, 12:23 PM
People aren't as squeamish when Michone gets mentioned but drop the g******* name and....

It's not about his character's name or him being in the show. Along with other certain characters and locations, Kirkman has always said the Governor will appear at some point. My problem is that they've announced him long before those other certain events have taken place. I personally don't think they've changed the show too much from the comics. I'm often shocked when people say that. They've only expanded on certain plots and locations. Sure, there are 16 episodes next season to get around to the points i've hinted at, but the fact that they've officially announced him before we've even seen a hint at the other characters and scenarios that lead into the Woodbury storyline, really bothers me.

After the farm, there are certain things that need to happen before we meet the Governor.

Christopher Jon
25-Feb-2012, 01:00 PM
After the farm, there are certain things that need to happen before we meet the Governor.
Those things and the Governor are what caused me to stop reading the comic. I could nit-pick the show to death but I'm a bigger fan of the show. The comic I thought was just getting stupid. Did it ever recover?

25-Feb-2012, 04:45 PM
It's not about his character's name or him being in the show. Along with other certain characters and locations, Kirkman has always said the Governor will appear at some point. My problem is that they've announced him long before those other certain events have taken place. I personally don't think they've changed the show too much from the comics. I'm often shocked when people say that. They've only expanded on certain plots and locations. Sure, there are 16 episodes next season to get around to the points i've hinted at, but the fact that they've officially announced him before we've even seen a hint at the other characters and scenarios that lead into the Woodbury storyline, really bothers me.

After the farm, there are certain things that need to happen before we meet the Governor.

I see where you're coming from, but to the people who havent read the comics the simple fact that an actor was cast to play the governor spoils what exactly?
Those things that need to happen probably will. At least i hope so too. However, when i said the writers of the series were changing the comic book quite a bit I was mainly thinking of how they were changing the timeline: some characters live longer than in the comic and some die quite a bit faster ... Sophia's fate WAS quite a change no?
So perhaps we'll get introduced to G faster than in the comics? We'll just have to wait and see.

25-Feb-2012, 09:58 PM
here i thought this was news about Arnold joining the cast of the walking dead. then i remembered the comics. damn.

i'd rather it be Arnold all told...

29-Mar-2012, 09:49 AM

David Morrissey says he is 'very excited' to be joining the cast of zombie drama The Walking Dead, but admits there is little he is allowed to say about his character The Governor.

-- -------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 AM ----------

still think Tom Savini should do it but, next best thing!Do you not think Joseph Pilato would have been interesting? :)

29-Mar-2012, 10:29 AM
Savini and Pilato would have just hammed it up, imo. While I enjoy them in their other respective roles, I just don't see them having the ability to blend with the cailber of actors already established in TWD.

29-Mar-2012, 10:35 AM
The Governor is a sadistic, seething bastard though (at least after a while) but still have that crazy glint in his eye when normal, why I thought Savini would have been good.

I find Morrissey can be hit and miss sometimes

29-Mar-2012, 01:32 PM
Savini and Pilato would have just hammed it up, imo. While I enjoy them in their other respective roles, I just don't see them having the ability to blend with the cailber of actors already established in TWD.


Savini can't act and Pilato is capt Rhodes. Not to mention, he's been out of the game for a long time AFAIK.

29-Mar-2012, 07:17 PM
Apparently David Morrisey is a friend of Andy Lincolns and was introduced to AMC by him.

29-Mar-2012, 08:00 PM
I hope this stuff is all a red herring and they really have cast Steven Segal for the part.

29-Mar-2012, 09:48 PM
I hope this stuff is all a red herring and they really have cast Steven Segal for the part.

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTyXHZ5vLo6etHO2zU21FTXGIMIrch8e enY6j7HcjPzdUxDAhP0

19-Apr-2012, 11:05 AM
Jown Hawkes(From Dusk Till Dawn, American Gangster) revealed in a recent interview that he was offered the part but turned it down....

"They offered me the role, and I just felt there would be someone else who could do it better. I was flattered, and I took a look at the series. It held interest for me, but I just didn't feel like I was the guy for it. I have to be careful of what TV shows I choose, particularly ones that have commercials in them, because it's going to be a different kind of television show. There are going to be sponsors. No matter how good the show is, if there are commercials, it's going to be a different show, to me. That's just my personal feeling. Yeah, it was nice of them to ask, and it's a good show, but, again, I just didn't feel I was the guy. They came to me and sent me the graphic novel and the first two seasons. I took a look at them, and just didn't feel like it was for me."

19-Apr-2012, 07:05 PM
Jown Hawkes(From Dusk Till Dawn, American Gangster) revealed in a recent interview that he was offered the part but turned it down....

That's damned interesting, actually. I have liked this guy in couple things he's done and I can see him playing up the unassuming aspect of the character that we will probably get to see early on (for a hot second). Damn...