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View Full Version : Doom 4 screenshots & concept art leaked?

29-Feb-2012, 10:22 AM


Many more pics via the link.

Take it with a pinch of salt, naturally, but could this be what the new Doom game is going to look like? There were rumours going around that Doom 4 was cancelled after Rage didn't set the world alight (although I do want to catch up on it sometime) - however Bethesda said that Doom 4 is definitely still on.

Anyway - what do you guys make of the screens? Real? Fake? Thoughts?



29-Feb-2012, 10:42 AM
Let me just say that Doom 1 and 2 are my absolute favourite games of all time, all categories. They're timeless fun. I've played through them countless of times, and the same with Final Doom and numerous megawads I've downloaded from the internet.

Now, I'd love for them to release a Doom 4. By the looks of it, it'll be a remake of Doom 2, much like Doom 3 was a remake of Doom 1. I don't mind it. Bring it on. ULTRA VIOLENCE!!!

29-Feb-2012, 11:55 AM
If it's true, I will definitely pick it up. I've loved them all. Including Doom 3, but at the time it seemed like a lot of people pretty much hated it...

One thing that makes me think these could be fake? McDonalds. I just don't see a children's restaurant wanting product placement in a graphic game like Doom?

29-Feb-2012, 03:50 PM
Hmm those screens could be any post apocalyptic game I've seen recently, its not Doom till I see the imps!! Lets hope this time the corpses stay on the ground rather than melting away like in Doom 3...

29-Feb-2012, 05:01 PM
hehe, yeah the melting corpses was a bit weird - but you can understand it from a practical sense with the engine and resources and blah blah blah...

Anyway - I too really dug Doom 3 (played it through 5 or 6 times, and got the expansion pack too). Looking forward to Doom 4.

01-Mar-2012, 09:45 AM
After actually opening the link and looking at all the pictures, I have to say that IF this is Doom 4, they seem to be excluding one thing that always me fancy the Doom franchise. That is: "Hell". This simply looks like any post-apocalyptic, burnt out city. But in the Doom games, the dimension of Hell gradually merges with our own reality, subsequently transforming our reality into theirs, or forcing their reality unto ours. Pillars covered in flesh and blood, windows with nothing but dead souls on the other side and things like that. I feel that's missing from these.

So either;

A) It's not Doom 4.
B) It's from the early levels of Doom 4, where the dimension of Hell has not set in yet.
C) It's Doom 4, but hell has been written out. Much like in the film, which was pretty shit.

01-Mar-2012, 10:47 AM
To be frank, when was the last time ID made a truly good game?

02-Mar-2012, 10:13 AM
id have responded to the rumoured leak and have said the shots are not from Doom 4 ... so EvilNed can rest his worries, for now at least.

To be frank, when was the last time ID made a truly good game?

I rather dug Doom 3 ... not played Rage yet, but I decidedly want to (for the right price :p) ... although I have heard that Rage doesn't have autosave (manual only), which if it's true, is as stupid as old iPhones not having Copy & Paste.

02-Mar-2012, 11:07 AM
I rather dug Doom 3 ... not played Rage yet, but I decidedly want to (for the right price :p) ... although I have heard that Rage doesn't have autosave (manual only), which if it's true, is as stupid as old iPhones not having Copy & Paste.

I've heard Rage is a nice engine, but the game is just unbalanced etc...

02-Mar-2012, 12:00 PM
I've heard Rage is a nice engine, but the game is just unbalanced etc...

Reading reviews, I've seen a lot say it's "too easy" (but as I'm sure Danny would chuckle and say that this wouldn't be a concern for me! :p), and that it's "too linear", with a weak story ... but I still would quite like to play it to be honest. Maybe it's not up to id's usual level, who knows ... when I eventually play it, I'll be sure to hit back on here and proffer my thoughts on it.

Very much up for a Doom 4 though!