View Full Version : The Labour gubment ladies and gentlemen...

30-Jun-2006, 09:53 PM
...truly, a bunch of really intelligent people...

Why Relaxing Drinking Hours Was A F*cking Retarded Idea (http://uk.news.yahoo.com/30062006/325/alcohol-induced-illnesses-soar.html)

:skull: :skull: :dead: :dead:

30-Jun-2006, 10:41 PM
relaxed from what to what? Didnt Pubs (in UK) used to close at 11 PM or something? Here they stay open to 4am.

01-Jul-2006, 10:56 AM
"Time gentlement, please" came at 11pm indeed, now a pub can be open 24 hours a day if they want, which is stupid considering the binge drinking culture here in the UK, it just makes it appear all the more acceptable to drink for ages - they said it'd make people drink the same amount over more time - bollocks will it - people will drink MORE during the greater length of time. Extending the hours to say midnight or 1am would have been good, I remember when I was at uni we'd always be annoyed it was 11pm already and we were in mid-flow and were forced to finish up - what with our days usually being skewed later at both ends.

01-Jul-2006, 03:02 PM
meh, it keeps them off the streets and hopefully gets em in a car wreck driving home, too bad we dont have cops like la then theyd go night stick on there asses.:D

01-Jul-2006, 05:01 PM
I worked the morning shift abrtending for a little while and it was depressing. Some of the patrons are graveyard shift workers getting off work, but theres the "I'm 70 and I drink every morning for the last 50 years". Yuck.
11pm last call to 24 hours is quite a change.

01-Jul-2006, 10:24 PM
not all the boozers applyed only a few where approved by the police and most of the nob heads that go out on benders get too ****ed to stand up straight never mind cause trouble:lol: