View Full Version : Zombie Party (short film)

12-Mar-2012, 04:56 PM
I would love your feedback. The film is about a sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated, high school student pulling his third all-nighter for the next day’s S.A.T. While under the influence of pills and caffeinated drinks he drives to a party; Zombie chaos occurs—he slays zombies, he hears the siren of police cars, what is he to do; is it real or is it a drug induced hallucination?

Please do not hold back punches with your review/comments; be as critical and detailed as possible. Please DO NOT ASSUME that we are aware of something that needs to be fixed. We will add some sound fx during the party with some background screams/crying etc. I would like to have a finished product that is film festival worthy. All the music was produced/recorded by a friend for the film.

Do you think this is Film Festival worthy?

Link: z2Zvs9t9a5c


02-Apr-2012, 10:51 AM
I would love some feedback on this project. Thanks.

04-Apr-2012, 05:09 AM
I would not begin to say whether it is worthy of being in a film festival but it was worth a look. One criticism I woudl have is that while the idea is good ......and the acting was okay....the end comes as no surprise...it is I guess to cut and dry.
First there is the setup....then the main idea (the killing) and then the end...no real surprises.
I was also a little confused over the whole flushing of the pills scene...where did that come from????

05-Apr-2012, 10:32 AM
GRMonLI Thanks for taking the time to watch and give feedback. The idea was that I wanted people to believe he was only dreaming, but in reality the flushing scene was also part of the hallucination. When he comes too or back to reality is when he wakes up in the Psychiatric Hospital.