View Full Version : I must share a funny story....

18-Mar-2012, 12:25 AM
it is st. patrick's day which means that the streets over here are full of damn fools wearing green, barhopping, and getting drunk.

i was having coffee this afternoon with my friend Lauren in Hyde Park at a coffee shop directly across the street from the district 1 police station. we watched as this totally smashed dude, dressed in green of course, came stumbling down the sidewalk. he proceed to stop in the middle of the police station's parking lot and chunder his guts out all over the ground. a cop came calmly walking out of the front door of the police station, waited for the dude to stop puking and then was pretty much, "Come on inside, dude. you're under arrest for public intoxication." :lol:

my friend and i (and everyone else sitting outside at the coffee shop) laughed our asses off. i don't think i've ever seen a person get arrested in a more ridiculous way.

the drunk tanks will be full all over america tonight.